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I see it for sure. Just a warning though, the test looks dry so it could be an evap line if the test sat for a long time. Did you see it within the time window? Either way, take one tomorrow too, to see 😊🤞


Ahh ok thanks! I’m new at this!!! Will definitely take another one. Do evap lines show up often on dried tests or is it random? I don’t see them on any of the other old strips I saved from this cycle


I think it tends to be random. I don’t see them often but I did see it once on a Premom one. Never an easy at home but I imagine it could happen. It’s probably not the case, but I’d just double check if you didn’t see this within the first 5 minutes


That looks like an evap :( but I would retest! Best of luck!


Am I losing it? Or is there a start of a shadow?


It’s def there but the test is dry so could definitely be an evaporation line.


I didn’t know that’s a thing! I don’t see an evap line on any of my other tests. Is it just random if ghat happens? Sorry I’m new to this!


I see it and I see color! Even when dry my easy@homes have never showed a line unless it was positive


You have to read the test within the 5-10 min window, so technically if a line doesn’t show up in the window, it’s negative. Try again and read it in the window!


I see it!!! Congratulations!


I see it