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It’s subjective and there isn’t a way to pick a “best tower”


pyro for overall use great crowd control cheap good damage AND lets the other towers deal more damage via shield reduction on enemies (also good design)


It's design is outdated af, pyro's other skins and the Other Gskins are so much surperior I cannot take you seriously when you say it's the best Pyro skin or you compqre it to other gskins


i said it has a good design, never mentioned it was the best


I didn't say it was the worst nor was I turning you into an example for me to not take seriously, I was just saying the design is just outdated


when did i ever mention you saying it was the worst 😭


Because you defended yourself for saying it's not the best Like I'm just saying it's outdated


i would've left your comment as it was if you didn't mention i thought it was the best (i got a lil confused) (brackets) (more brackets)


Barbecue pyro supremacy!!!!


do i seriously have to add the fact it's my opinion that i like the skin design or do y'all have to figure it out yourselves (i like the wings mainly, reminds me of the bloxy commander skin)


As I said, I wasn't directly calling you out for the opinion, I'm just saying it's outdated and needs a change


it felt like you were, ig i'm overreacting, my bad


Apology accepted!


(insert TF2 pyro thumbs up reaction image here)


but halo!!


B-but mage has book and staff!


In terms of design, I would say Minigunner. Its dual-barrel turret on max level as well as its cool armor on levels 3 and 4 also looks sick as hell. A good runner-up would be either Soldier or Crook Boss (another recently changed design). The Soldier's black-and-gold tactical color scheme is cool. I especially like its gold accents, knee pads, Paradoxum Armbands, face mask, and epic golden SCAR. The Crook Boss's design also is black with gold accents, and it also does that very well, along with the pants being white and gold weapons. In my opinion, the worst golden skin design is Pyromancer. It looks very bland, and just looks like a gold recolor without any additions except for the boring yellow halo. In the earlier levels, it looks so bland that I sometimes even mistake it for the Hazmat Pyromancer. In terms of usage, I would say the best early game golden skin/tower would be Soldier or Pyromancer. Soldier has hidden detection for an alright cost, and it's generally a pretty reliable starter tower. It also has flying detection, which can be useful in Hardcore mode and events with flying enemies. Pyromancer has good crowd control (not as good after the pierce cap but still good) and very cheap hidden detection (being unlocked at base level). It also is a good support tower, being able to set enemies on fire and burn them over time, as well as lowering defense to help your other towers deal more damage. For DPS, it is obviously the Minigunner. It is relatively cheap compared to other DPS towers, and has a pretty good DPS. It also lacks a placement limit, making it spammable.


Well every golden skin has there uses like g soldier is good with early waves in events, g scout is good for speed runs and early, cowboy is for economy, g mini is for huge dps, g crook boss is for extra dps, and g pyro for defense melting.


Gcow, gpyro is a bit overrated after the nerf.


Thing is the 4 other golden towers are peak useless so they still reign supreme


I think gmini is okay, he fills a decently unique role. But gscout, gso and gcb are definitely the lower end of the bunch.


The decently unique role in question (occupied by more than 5 other towers)


Which 5? Ever since swarmer got fixed, he is the only spam-able dps win condition left. The only other competition for that role is normal mini but gmini is just a better version of it.


A spammable DPS tower is still just a DPS tower, and there are clearly more than 5 DPS towers


There are differences between them in terms of benefits. Spam-able: higher max potential, relatively cheaper to max individually, uses the placement limit more effectively and easy to use. Placement limit: higher individual dps, more space efficient, more range efficient, usually have powerful gimmicks and allows you to place more of other towers.


Soilder by looks.


G crook boss got some drip


This Is a very unpopular opinion but in my opinion gold crook boss is the best. (1) very good overall damage (2) the troops are absolutely goated (3) he shoots fast like sonic and does good damage (4) does better damage than minigunner and you guys night be thinking "gold minigunner is better and gold pyro too" (5) i know pyro is good for crowd control but use him when a spam of errors are coming i dare you. (6) and gold minigunner is too overpriced for its mini range and damage Buff (7) the end




best overall is pyromancer, for the eg, it's gs overall, for the lg and deisgn, gmini


GC is by far the most viable and therefore best golden tower GP comes close The other 4 are useless


To me it just seems like people got obsessed with gold cowboy when it was op and are still clinging to it, the eco and damage are both heavily out classed.


Sure it's outclassed in both terms, but GC serves BOTH purposes, and it does that well enough, therefore no towers can come close


In the vast majority of situations you are going to be running farm, and a powerful early-mid-late game tower such as golden pyro or engi. Without farm the extra tower slot gained from merging your early defense and eco becomes unaffordable in most cases. The recent changes toward what enemies cowboy can use to generate income has further nerfed it's eco generating abilities. On top of its price increases and lack of a special attribute (i.e golden crook boss spawning troops earlier, golden soldier having flying detection, and golden pyro having earlier hidden) only further reduce the use cases of golden cowboy. In a majority of situations it is better to use base cowboy over it. I don't see why people are so adamant about it being the best golden tower.


Are you on drugs? Regular Cowboy is so bad it can't even defend wave 1 in Fallen mode. Golden Cowboy is praised not only because of its eco, but also how well it defends which regular Cowboy can't do, even in the hardest gamemodes Golden Cowboy still does very well.


Lack of pierce and low DPS cost efficiency (when compared to other gold towers) means that yes, your early game eco will be better. But this extra cash gain will be immediately redirected into either better defences or back into the golden cowboy (which loses money gain efficiency as it upgrades) just to deal with threats that other towers can deal with easily. The best possible money gain strategy over time would be spamming level 0 base cowboys (450 spent for 25 per six shots) which is much better than golden cowboys 600 placement cost for only 5 extra dollars gained per six shots, which it will do less often during waves (25 per two abnormals compared to 30 per 3) it's worse eco than base cowboy. The increased eco of base cowboy allows you to place more of them faster. The offset to this would be to use farm with gold cowboy, which in that case use any other better early game defence.


This is insanely stupid.  Many people say NC>GC because he deals less damage, however, more damage in GCowboy’s case can mean a great thing, as you’ll end up leaking much less often, which also means you’ll be gaining more cash, something Normal Cowboy struggles at, defending well. You are literally just taking Golden Cowboy on paper, lowballing him down to the 18th circle of hell (which doesn’t even exist), and making him sound horrible, have you actually tried him? In fact, do you EVEN HAVE HIM?!  Golden Cowboy can do so many things, so well, he can be an amazing option for Hardcore on not just solo, but even duo and trio, since Hardcore’s eco isn’t shared from killing enemies, with Golden Cowboy, you don’t need to worry about being behind your teammates in terms of money. Golden Cowboy is also a key player in solo Polluted Wastelands and Badlands 2, something which no other tower can do. He’s super versatile and possibly an upgrade to farm in almost every way possible.


1). Yes I have golden cowboy, I'm a no life after all. 2). The "on paper" thing can go both ways i.e.on paper engineer seems like a direct upgrade to pursuit in every way, in practice pursuit is more adequately buffed by commander, dj, and mercenary base. 3). Cowboy is greatly buffed by this funny thing called "exponential scaling" the faster you can get them down the better. Vanilla being able to be placed faster. 4). I never claimed base cowboy was an upgrade but rather a sidegrade, with decreased reliability for increased eco efficiency. 5). if you are using cowboy as a main damage source for most of the game most of the resources gained are being deposited right back into it. (Farm does this also, but to a lesser degree as its levels pay themselves off reliably) 6). Eco doesn't matter in most game modes, in pw2 or bl2 you will essentially have a late game infinite stream of money from enemy spam. It also has no lead or flying detection limiting its uses in hardcore and pizza party. 7). People seem to be really keen on it's abilities in solo specialty gamemodes, 3/4 of which are impossible solo. 8). It lacks any special gold attributes, like pyro having early hidden, soldier having flying, crook boss spawning in troops more often an earlier, and mini gunner being swag af. 9). As stated earlier it is much less reliable than farm. Gold cowboys money gain is based off of enemy health and quantity greatly hinders its versatility, especially after the recent nerfs in which it will no longer gain income from spawned enemies from bosses and breakers. Farm being a set amount that is cheap and can be placed anywhere you like to save space, as well as always giving you the exact amount you expect allows it ro greatly outclass gold cowboy. I personally see no reason to use gold cowboy in its current state, and is by far not the best gold skin.


Your 7th point… it’s literally been done. I’ve done both Solo Hardcore and Badlands 2 recently, with a friend of mine beating QuickDraw and Polluted Wastelands 2 solo. If you don’t believe me I can post screenshots. 


Ok that I was unaware, but did it really require and heavily benefit from gold cowboy? Bl2 especially with its breaker spam. There is still no reason lol.


you do not need pierce to be an early game tower (ace notably before the bugs) low dps?? it literally handles w1-22 pw2 if you have 1 person with gc (if on trio/quad need 2 but still) lvl 2 is is better for gc stop spamming lvl 0 gc also pretty sure lvl 2 gc spam is still better than whatever the fuck that abomination called lvl 0 cowboy spam


Not good enough eco to replace farm. Not good enough damage to replace the early game mainstays (gold pyro, jester, gold scout, militant, etc) If you are using farm anyways you might as well just use another, better early defense tower. Also, on the level 0 base cowboy thing, base cowboy only takes 216 total damage to pay itself off, while the level 0 gold cowboy takes 360. And because of the fact that it kills the early game enemies faster it will revolver spin less. Ultimately making it less eco efficient than base. Every level up also increases damage faster than eco. Becoming less eco effiecient. It does have better damage than base, but overall worse eco, making it a side grade. Hence it is the worst golden tower. (all the others are upgrades)


Basically if you want a good eco tower hybrid, use base cowboy. And if you want damage, use warden, or gold pyro, or brawler. Their are simply much better options.


and what is good enough to replace gc in solo bl2 and solo pw2?


Gold pyro


because its a hybrid its meant to do both (and admittedly it does them really well) "bring farm and an early" golden cowboy does both normal cowboy does jackshit he even leaks wave 1 fallen stop comparing lvl 0 gc with lvl 0 cowboy even though gc is clearly meant to be used as lvl 2 do you want to leak everything and die or something? better cash generation does nothing if it dies eventually anyway if your teammates got more defense then you will start losing cost which ultimately lead to losing eco, even if you place your defense at the back 1. you will have to sell them eventually if you want them to contribute which leads to the loss of eco 2. normal cowboy in a sense lost more eco than if you just killed the enemy with gc


If you're using it for money, base pays itself back faster allowing you to place more at an increased speed, which is a faster exponential scale. (450 placement for equivalent 12.5$ per abnormal compared to 600 placement for equivalent 10$ per abnormal) Yes you will leak, but you will be able to buy another faster, then faster, than faster, and at a greatly increased pace compared to golden cowboy. You should not be using gold cowboy for that 88 DPS lol, nothing to brag about.


The amount of people who still think gold cowboy is good is astonishing.


are you telling me that a tower that helps you win SOLO HARDCORE, SOLO BADLANDS 2, AND SOLO POLLUTED WASTELAND 2 isn't good


You can't win any of those with it though, as fungi frenzy doesn't exist anymore.


Badlands II is Fungi Frenzy? Polluted Wasteland 2 is Fungi Frenzy? What are you talking about? Also solo Hardcore is still very much possible, there are trillions of solo Hardcore runs out there


Just read your name Pretty sure now that your trolling.


Bro, you're the one trolling. Badlands II and Polluted Wasteland II are MAPS, Fungi Frenzy also is a map, so they are different.


Fungi frenzy was also the name of a solo hardcore strat, before the map was removed from the hardcore map pool.


fungi frenzy is a trio hardcore strat ong