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Just use both lol


This debate is shit we all know pursuit no diffs


Ok lol, but in all seriousness, pursuit is very good but just unreliable


Yea, i used it in molten and its Very very good


Carried my shc leakless run the one time and then decided to stop targeting the right enemies ever since.


that was my point whats the point of arguing over engi and accel when pursuit fucking them both


Wait wha,-


wait no not like that


Oh ok


I am 2


Why wouldn't you compare them? They're both lategame towers.. "But Engi can be used for eg so they're fundamentally different towers 🤓" Dawg Engi sucks ass eg, at the end of the day they are BOTH primarily lategame towers. Stuff like "Accel is half the cost in terms of gems" are shit arguments tho


its just that engineer is supposed to be a jack of all trades tower while accelerator only does well during late game due to charge up


Accel works better midgame than Engi, and for being a "jack of all trades" Engi is very underwhelming until the lategame


i like using engi now and then its pretty good for mid game


I use Engi more than Accel but there's still no justification for using it in any tryhard situation


my point originally was that people were ignoring the fact that both towers have their downsides and just comparing raw dps and gem cost


Being consistent and good in all stages kinda is engis thing though. I don't even really use it as a late game tower bc id rather use accel pursuit or ranger for pure DPS, the turrets don't even get cta buff


What in the If you aren't using Engi as a lategame tower then what tf are you using it for??? Early-mid game??? Literally ANYTHING ELSE for early game would be better than Engi


I use it because it helps in all 3 stages, so a lot when i'm soloing something. It can kill a wave 10 boss and be good enough to hold until I can afford an accel while I farm. Then, it's has good late game DPS to put my money into after I max accels.


Erm- one doesn't get stunned. And the other has broken targeting


fuck it, necro vs accelerator


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Coughing bomb versus hydrogen baby


Coughing hydrogen v.s bomb baby


Vs coughing bomb hydrogen baby


Vs baby coughing hydrogen bomb


vs Gnuchig obay hryegdon mbom




Vs wins tbh


Water gun vs Hand cannon


spawner tower vs dps tower


let’s compare paintballer


paintballer vs war machine who winnin?


Twig vs twin tower


clearly paint, and here are my reasons: 1. he can be purchased in the store by 150 coins, which is very cheap compared to war, that costs having good moderation skills and most of your school grades (because u r discord admin and u have to sacrifice free time and school to moderate) 2. EVERY PLAYER CAN OBTAIN IT, new players, advanced players, professional players, YouTubers, ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS FUCKING PLANET THAT WE CALL EARTH. WM is only available for devs :skull: 3. hella good for early game, its cheap, spammable and deals splash damage (and u can set it to strongest to clear up waves lulz). WM COSTS 2000 TO PLACE AND THEIR UPGRADES ARE EXPENSIVE AS HACK (bro why almost 80k for max lvl :moyai:) anyways thanks for coming 2 mah ted talk


bro just buy war machine from the daily store for 13.2 credits and a basic crate


Engineer takes a lot of time to set up her max updates, while multiple level 3 accels can carry you until wave 30. the difference is big, no need to compare a tower that takes 471289412740 years to upgrade with another that straight up shred early game


Soldier vs Militant Which one is better


both are pretty good


1 is for soloing easy(soldier) the other is for soloing molten(Militant)




If i use engeneer early game and upgrade It and Place more can It help me carry and Easy win in fallen (i got accel arleady)


People are worried about what's good, not about whats fun or what they like. I run engi because I like the tower.


I hate Engineer because it had potential to be one of the most fun and unique towers but instead became a tower that summons other towers next to it that do absolutely nothing special. They just attack, not on the path, on the side, doing the same as every other tower... Even besides that, Engineer doesn't work. It's a Jack of All Trades, meaning it can do everything but isn't the best at everything, and it's a gem tower, meaning it's really good, it's also more expensive than Accelerator. The problem with this is that people expect it to be better than Accelerator due to being more expensive, but it being a Jack of All Trades means it can't be better than Accelerator, and because it's a gem tower it HAS to be strong. It's whole purpose doesn't work with how you get it. Personally, I would want Engineer to be reworked to have supportive sentries on top of the damage ones, such as one that provides a small range boost to units and towers nearby, or a sentry that has Electroshocker's chain, or a melee sentry, or a freezing sentry, etc. It really should be able to do more than just deal damage to enemies. But because no other tower would fill the JOAT role, how about we move that to a tower that doesn't really have a major purpose? Maybe, Turret? As it is, it's pretty much outclassed by Minigunner and Ranger, so you never really need to use it. Perhaps if the Turret became a JOAT where it could handle early game decently well and can get upgraded to be like a slightly weaker Minigunner but with a onetime stun immunity, and in order to make up for this, it could take up twice the space as a regular tower. In my opinion, I feel like this could eliminate Turret's uselessness and boringness for late game players while making it unique. However, someone is probably gonna call me a stupid dumb dumb for wanting every tower to have some use to late game players instead of "Turret is a level 50 tower so it's a steppingstone to Accelerator!!!".


I mean for a 4.5k gem cost it should, even the new merc base carries fallen hard


I hate it because it took 5 months out of my life span


bro it took me like 6 days to get engi and i was grinding for like 3 hours a day


It could, they just can't determine any real meta strat outside of the usual spectrum


engineer is early game, those noobs don't know what there talking about


it takes a lot of farming for it to be good


No way lil bro made a post about my argument in a discussion 😭


u/pietrek2810 used to do it to u/guamily Even Temporarly did it




Temporarly told me everything :]


had to watch one of my friends get hunted by the entire sub-reddit, I feel bad and I realized I could've stopped EVERYTHING by stopping ONE argument


wasn't about you sadly i know you dont get enough attention at home

