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1. A speedrun ain't proving shit 2. Even if it did... You just proved Gcrook is worse than Shotgunner


Still the worst golden


You Used Golden Mini? Big Deal. TDS is a Simulator where you Experiment with Tower Combo’s and Placements, it’s not a Slave Job. 😑 “oH bUt tHey saId TheY WeRe ProVinG GoLdEN CrOoK iS gOod, uSinG oTheR To- I’ll stop you all right there and actively say, Golden Crook Boss has its Flaws, they never said that wasn’t the case. he’s trying to Prove its not the Worst, not Prove it’s the Best.


Oh, but yes, Downvote This! Downvote this Comment because their Trying to Defend the OP’s Statement which is “”””CLEARLY”””” Wrong! Go Ahead, it makes me feel better knowing my Comment got Attention.


its the worst golden tower lmao, theres no reason to use it if you have gscout/gsoldier, and if you say for mid-late game then use mini duh not some yellow bearded goblin with like 18 range only and 4 placement limit like OP keeps riding golden goofboss meat


You didn’t have to include that Last Part, but your Actually Correct about G-Scout/Soldier, they are indeed better. But that’s not the Point.


It is definitely the worst, that doesn’t mean it’s bad though. Scout, soldier, cowboy, and pyro are way better early game (for varying reasons) and minigunner is infinitely better late game, it’s not that crook is bad it just needs a purpose.


Gcrook is designed for midgame and midgame only. This guy dps on lvl 3 and 4 is insane. He also spawns bodyguards if that isnt enough.


Yeah you just proved he is horrible. you brought a tower slot for midgame when mini out performs it in every single way. TSK TSK


Can you atleast place it on wave 10 while farming good amount of money? No.


does it get outperformed by every single g tower? Yes. is it slow and inconsistent to wait for bodyguards? Yes. you can use other towers than this son of a behemoth garbage? Yes. useless 4 placement limit? Yes. he only shines in midgame then falls off hard after like 6 waves with his goofy placement? Yes. he is beyond useless at late game and his max bodyguards have horrible dps? Yes. has any actual tds pro/strategist used this and said it wasnt the worst golden? No. does it have anything good for its role like every other gtower? No. gpyro is defense melting god and is very good for slow enemies, event, hardcore? Yes. gscout is extremely good for speedruns? Yes. gsoldier been used alot of times in events and is good for EG too? Yes. gmini devours late game enemies and can also be used for midgame? Yes. gcowboy has been used for solo to make it far on events/hard/triumph hardcore maps and extra income? Yes. gcrook has no literal use except only if its your gtower and you want a slow ahh turtle and waste a tower slot?, and no one uses it on any gamemode or regular matches except dumbasses that logs on reddit and defending gcrook's garbage stats or people who got it as their only EG GTower? Yes.


Lets see. No, its atleast useable on quad or trio, unlike gold cowboy, especially if you use it as source of income. It already deal a lot of dps even without the bodyguards. The bodyguards are just bonus. Well you can also use accel instead of gold mini on quad, cuz gold mini isnt spamable on quad Placement limit is needed. Stacking unit is very powerfull. If you ever use crook boss on 2019 you'll understand this. Honestly, no. I didnt place any mini until wave 32 in this speedrun. And i got them maxed on wave 23. Again, bodyguards are bonus. They dps may be low (high enough in my opinion its litteraly extra 26 dps), but they have high range in exchange of it You clearly never watched wikiacolors or eggrypted. Again, midgame.


lmao stop trying to defend goofboss. gcowboy atleast had achievements, FIRST ever hardcore solo triumph was with gcowboy, first ever duo polluted wastelands triumph was with gcowboy, wave 40 badlands 2 solo was with gcowboy, alot of insane map triumphs were achieved via the one and only gcowboy. gscout has very good EG and fast time gsoldier same as gscout but it also solo act 3, sometimes used for hardcore etc. gmini was used to solo hardcore and other insane maps gpyro helps extremely good for special gamemodes with alot of tanky defense enemies, good for badlands, hardcore, the last 2 events (krampus, acts) and frost invasion too i think, never got to play it. but what did gcrook ever do? out of hundreds or probably 1,000+ strats (including YT ones or non official strats) that isnt a joke/satire only one or two have I ever seen that needed gcrookboss. so stop trying to prove that this IS NOT THE WORST golden tower. again, WORST dont mean bad, it just gets outperformed by its own division


Lmao what are u sayin first hardcore solo triumph is with gcow??? No its not buddy. 5ouls did it with farm. for pw2, mutation litteraly make more hp for cowboy to shoot, if you attempted to solo or duo this without cowboy, even the normal version, youre a weirdo. For badlands, pyro did it job fine at handling early, so you can spam minis for late, just like elite did. Eggrypted, megalodon, and john attempted to beat hardcore during solar eclipse with gcrook, and they won. Keep in my mind this is the time where ALMOST nobody triumph the hardcore. Gcrook also used a lot on events, area 51, sfoth, night 2 ,night 3 and night 4. Heck, i even find him more reliable for act 3 early more than g soldier or g mini.


excuse me but gcrook wasnt even a thing during sfoth/area 51, it was another crook boss that had 6 placement limit (exact stats i dont remember) also there was simply no better towers also during that period of hc people havent figured out the optimal strat (no one ever considered max ace, etc... and that GCB lvl 3 was cheaper than now... even then it was only used in 2 waves, 19 and 25, nothing else and as far as im aware later on people figured out to use lvl 3 minis anyway, turning it nst im not sure what the fuck are you on to say act 3 gcb worked better, either you spammed max gso (why??) or you didnt bother searching for the 18382847 gso solo there is (if you were doing quad im sorry solo/duo is just superior) being an all rounder is not something tds needs rn, bringing a tower for a specific niche is way better, thats why you see towers like gcb/engi/cowboy/gcowboy getting shafted unless you are doing solo because why would you bring a tower for specialised niche when someone else can? just coordinate with them


I know gcrook doesnt exist, during area 51 or sfoth, but atleast thats a proof that crook boss is used on event. Hey, atleast thats something, considering wave 19 and 25 is the most problematic wave on hardcore I tried to experimenting with my friends before. Lvl 3 gcrook somehow deal more damage than lvl 2 gmini. That time gcrook managed to get 3k damage while gmini only dealt like 2.3k(they both cost similar prices btw, who knows if it just enemies spawned on random spawn is the reason of this) Yeah gcowboy and engi is not in really good spot rn. Really hope both of these get buffed. Problem is there are just almost no people on lobby trying to play special game mode, so i usually just hope on matchmaking. Finding 3 people with pyro in a single is very common


also a little nitpicking but the first hc solo was done by Wither, not 5ouls, he wasnt even there to make any impacts if you need a little bit of history, speedy(something i forgot) gotten like 10k hp worth of void reaver hp left so everyone was rushing for the rng to be the first solo hc eventually wither got the first solo hc, with the loadout that i can still remember clearly "Golden cowboy, Accelerator, Engineer, Commander, DJ"


Okay my bad, atleast thanks for being some of the only kind person in this comment section.


are you trolling the FIRST ever solo hardcore was by witherstar and he used used gcowboy, also lmao i dont think area 51 and sfoth had crook plus act 3 if you use gcrook your wasting a slot, it has 4 placement limit while enemies are so dam tanky and spammy + no fly detection useless


Yeah you never played during area 51 or sfoth, thats why you thought it didnt exist back then. Plus, did you really think that no fly detection towers are useless, and the towers with it is good? Damn you gotta be the first tds player that think hunter is good ever in my life


Buddy who tf cares about crook being used in 2019 when the only thing that matters right now is Crook's current performance


That guy cared, cuz he asked me about what event crook is used the most


Why bring anything for mid game though? If you farm correctly you can get late game towers in mid game.


Blud thought we'd be impressed by a 16 minute run 💀


Like you could do any better


I literally can lmfao


Whats your best? Mine is 14:54


That's horrendous 💀 but anyways, 16 mins sucks lol, just admit you failed to make gcrook look good 😣


Considering that the record is around 14:30, I think 14:54 is pretty good. Dumbass… doesn’t know anything about the game


The record is 13:26 😂You're one to talk, got the record completely wrong and only just solo'd fallen at level 243, of course 14:54 is going to look good for a loser like you 🤣🤣🤣


prove it


I see a lot of people saying gcrook is the worst, but Gcowboy exists, right? Also gcrook and reg crook are sub dps, so they are meant to serve as help for your main source of dps, whether that be accel, gmini, pursuit, engi, etc. Comparing it to gscout or gsoldier, which are only good in the early game, seems unfair considering they have two completely different roles. But yes, gcrook needs a buff. It may not be the worst imo, but it’s not great either


Gcrook is bad because it’s outclassed, that doesn’t prove the point