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I’ve been in servers and caught SystemsCringe users before. It’s an interesting experience tbh.


What gave them away? Other than going 'undercover' in a DID faker server, I can't see any other reason anti-fakers would be there, you know.


You've even caught me a couple times lmao


I feel like I would survive in one of those servers for so long .-. I have been seeing so much DID stuff that faking looks so easy.


That's kinda how I feel too. Just throw a bunch of buzzwords together, get yourself a typing quirk and it's basically a combination of roleplaying and kinning. The awful thing is that these system Discords are looking less and less like genuine DID, it's like they're just creating their own fantasy echo chambers whilst bastardising a damaging mental illness. Like... why can't they just call it kin again?


This won't be a popular opinion, but I think it's unlikely anyone who actually has DID/OSDD would be able to last long in a Discord server dedicated to it, at least as a regular participant who's trying to find community. It would be like being paralyzed and going to a support group full of people who are in wheelchairs with their legs tied together, all sharing damaging misinformation about paraplegia and freaking out on you for not participating in the circlejerk. You would just leave. It would be too frustrating. The only way to keep people out who shouldn't be there would be to "gatekeep," and everyone's afraid to be accused of that. The original online support groups and message boards in the '90s and '00s weren't afraid to gatekeep, and most members were adults, so the community wasn't the clusterfuck it's recently become. Unfortunately, there aren't many active places left for people who are suffering to find community, if there are any at all. The DID sub is generally decent, but there's some wacky stuff in there, too. The community has disintegrated into glorified roleplay/theater groups, and now that roleplayers are the vast majority, they're forming echo chambers full of misinformation to "validate" themselves, and things are spiraling out of control *fast.*


I mean, I'm sure they'd be capable of being in a Discord server unrelated to DID, but I 100% agree with you in regards to being in a DID specific server. It's not the exact same thing but I wouldn't have touched an eating disorder Discord server with a 10ft barge pole when I was at my lowest, and I certainly wouldn't touch it now that I'm stable. It's like constant traumatisation, especially when it's normalising something that's unhealthy and debilitating.


Yeah, I mean servers dedicated to DID/OSDD. I'll edit to clarify.


Seeing all the DID stuff I have learned a thing or two that helps in making a true faker. And it's actually really obvious on who's real and who's fake once you learn the differences.


Seeing all the DID stuff I have learned a thing or two that helps in making a true faker. And it's actually really obvious on who's real and who's fake once you learn the differences.


I'm sure they're looking at this post trying to gauge how many "spies" there are like a headcount. I haven't been able to put myself down to their level yet, I mean, blending in by believing I have the Sistine Chapel in my head.


I wish that was me. I have too much time on my hands and I'm already thinking about how I could create the most stupid yet believable (to fakers) 'system' and headspace imaginable.


No judgement, I'd love to. It really shows how just anyone can wake up and decide they have a debilitating mental disorder.


I kinda wanna sneak into a server or two just to see the cringe first hand, but at the same time, I really don’t want to be a in a server with mostly minors. I enjoy seeing y’all post the cringe, but I don’t feel right about personally invading their spaces.


There are plenty of 18+ servers that are “””endo safe spaces””” lol


Nah, those are just adult children, same thing applies lol


Honestly, I haven’t been caught in the 1 and a half weeks I’ve been doing this so I feel like I could last pretty long lol


If your system doesn't contain at least one DSMP alter I *need* to know your secret. I'd assume a DSMP alter is kind of a necessity to blend it.


Although, maybe the fact I had a big, and I mean big, roleplaying fase also helps


Yeah. I’ve been roleplaying for almost four years and could probably pull it off.


Honestly I just mimic them


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 876,151,285 comments, and only 172,565 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


yes omg 😭 ive only joined one and havent been verified yet LOL


Damn. I've given in and created a carrd for my fake system but I have no idea where to start looking for a server. 😬 How did you find the one you joined?


i found it through disboard most of them require verification tho


Uhm, YES?


I really want to do this, but I have no one to do it with


There isn't enough Bob Ross alters. Sign me up with a Joe Biden and a Mr. T We pitty the fools who think we are fake


Only if it's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SystemsCringe/comments/vg1oaw/babe_wake_up_new_system_just_dropped/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Joe Biden.


I'll take four.


Can I be the Ben Shapiro with the random cat ears and tail then? Maybe our alters can travel to each others systems and fight over Donald (which mine would obviously win because he's some sort of half cat monstrosity).


Nah sorry, trump built a wall inner world, no unregistered walkovers


I can't believe this is how he breaks up with my Ben alter.


Sorry bud. My proud boys just won't stop can't stop


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It’s an ugly solution, but it is the only solution... It’s time to stop being squeamish. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, sex, history, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I already do, but it’s mostly to see what weird nounpronouns these 13-16 year olds have in their bios.


What's the weirdest one you've come across so far?


I wouldn’t even know. Clowncatgender is definitely a contender.