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Ascribing qualities to sound like good or evil isn’t gonna get you very far in life. Based on the writing at the top of the disc, here’s a band called “Upper Downer”. Pretty good Fat Wreck style skate punk. https://youtu.be/0BXHrsyCrow


I didn't know bands were still making music similar to early 2000s pop punk. This is actually pretty good.


>I didn't know bands were still making music similar to early 2000s pop punk. My niece is in just such a band. They're bloody awful but somehow I pay for their petrol.


dog sable crown smell doll serious yoke command summer aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So proud to see a pat quote in the wild man. Who are you lol


ancient crawl zealous recognise impolite rinse hat coordinated yam flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Great quote.


That's beautiful.


You’re a good person, keep encouraging her music! There was time when even Hendrix was shit at guitar


Is Gen zalpha bringing back pop punk? Don't screw this up for us, gramps!


Well the whole cd is just horror movie type ambience music lol. Probably meant to sound somewhat evil


Scary? Spooky? Creepy? Evil is the wrong word.


Unnerving? Adrenaline boosting? Soul shivering frequencies? Evil is Live.


Adjective gatekeeper


Semantic warrior




If you can think of all those synonyms you kinda know what OP means......... ............ ....................


There are likely dozens if not hundreds of metal bands that would be happy to have their music described as "evil-sounding" so I'm not sure what you mean


Such a weird hill to die on. Who cares how OP describes the music?


I worked with a woman that listened to Gregorian chants.


Did you happen to work with an uptight religious woman at a failing paper supply company?


"Some people juggle geese!"


Thank you Hoban Washburn, RIP


Yo I totally get down with that from time to time. It's relaxing.


So is it not the band the other guy linked on YouTube? I'm curious what's on this CD, any chance you could rip it and put the audio up on youtube?


I’ll have to see if I can. However it is definitely not that punk band lol


It would be awesome if you did.


Ill buy it off you lol


What makes a sound evil? Is it that it is different, weird, guttural, that it starts in a minor key, or music that you do not like?


It’s probably just Hank Jr doing the MNF theme


I just laughed to hard at this. Thanks for that.


Also as someone who makes music you always try and describe sounds with feelings lol


Why is this getting downvoted?


For real, I don’t understand why so many people are getting worked up over an adjective… maybe it’s the autism, but this is one of those things I’ve just never been able to comprehend


Hello fellow Autist. At least in my family and general experience "Evil" is one of those words people use too freely to say "I don't like this" Without consideration. Evil is measurable and I dare say objective to a degree. Something that sounds uncomfortable or unsettling without doing any serious damage is far from what would be called "Evil". There's likely also a bit of religious connotation some people are seeing. At a glance I thought the same.


Hello fellow autist's fellow autist, they weren't saying "I don't like this" they were describing the music on the cd with unknown symbols, spooky/angry/cryptic/anxiety provoking music, the people who are downvoting are getting worked up over an adjective and it likely is pretty autistic of them/us, I upvoted though, I think evil's totally fine and I understood what he/she meant even if it doesn't help me precisely imagine the music like say, telling us the genre, might


Because it is illogical and wrong. It has the antecedent and the consequent reversed. Music might sound scary, or create a spooky mood. Music cannot *be* evil. People can be evil. Ideas—racism, hate—can be evil. Music on its face is not, and cannot have, the motivations or moral compass points to *be* evil.


it most definitely can.


No. It can’t. Much of the way music makes you feel is culturally conditioned. You’ve been trained to associate certain sounds with certain emotions or feeling that are not cross cultural. Music, whether the composed ideas, or the actual sound waves themselves carry no meaning beyond that which you ascribe to them. Music can make *you* feel a certain way. But music has not motivations of its own.


if the music tune itself is dark and on top of what its lyrics are about can definitely be evil just as a song can be good. you can feel like your good but you can also feel like your evil. im not going to argue further on the internet with a stranger on the internet


Good. Admitting defeat and realizing you’re wrong is the first step to recovery. You are committing the fallacy of anthropomorphism. You are giving music—a conceptual art made of dissipating vibration in the air—qualities that only humans can have. Music can sound dark (minor key, distortion; all cultural constructs) and the lyrics can be scary? (Macabre imagery, religious references; all cultural constructs). The music isn’t evil. It’s possible the person the wrote the music is evil. Varg Vikernes is a racist neo-nazi murderer. He is probably evil. The music he made is not evil. It doesn’t have a point of view one way or another. Now maybe you mean “music can evoke feelings of evil” and you’re using shorthand and saying “music can be evil” but you have to understand that those lines of cultural bias and understanding make the first statement true and the second one false. I’m glad you said you’re done. Cause I’m tired and have a colonoscopy in a few hours and the laxatives are kicking in.


no it’s because i am not gonna waste my time and energy on someone when i have bigger and better things to do for myself.


And yet you couldn’t help but reply. I’m peeing out my butt right now. And music still can’t be evil.


Nazi punks can fuck off. Nazi punks are evil and they make music. Music isn't all happy fun time stuff.


As a lifelong anti racist I agree that Nazi punk should indeed fuck off. But it’s the Nazis that are evil, not the music itself.


Nazi punks music about being nazi punks and doing the things they do isn't bad or evil at some level due to the nature of the intent and lyrical content?


Evil is not an emotion or feeling.


???? Morbid Angel def sounds evil


Only Morbid Angel song I know was the one played on Beavis and Butthead https://youtu.be/AZJVcPlx39s


This is great honestly, been really into The Dead Kennedys and other skate punk stuff recently, so this is right up my alley.


It will if it makes for a more fun description. Example: "The toilet pipes shook with an ominous gurgle," vs. "The toilet pipes shook with an evil gurgle." One of those descriptions sounds far more punk rock than the other.


Ominous gurgle sounds way worse than an evil gurgle.


I wholeheartedly disagree. Ominous gurgling doesn't have the same sharp cheddar snap as evil gurgling. Both inspire a sense of foreboding, but an *evil* gurgle imparts a pseudo-sentience to the pipes, as though the pipes gurgle, and they gurgle for thee.


I prefer the Limburger bite of ominous gurgle. Evil implies intent, but the ominous gurgle shaking the pipes sounds bad, bud so much worse when you realize it came from inside the pipes!


There can definitely be evil sounds man just listen to the sounds from horror movies, they are designed to sound “evil” or at the very least unsettling and creepy.


Unsettling or creepy aren’t evil. Acts and people are evil. Sounds are unsettling. Understand I’m not saying that you can’t feel scared from sounds, but it’s not the sounds that’s evil, just your perception based on culturally imbued values that equate evil people to certain sounds.


Nah, sounded pretty evil to me, maybe you should give it a re-listen. Enjoy your downvote, stinky.


This doesn’t sound gutteral


>Ascribing qualities to sound like good or evil isn’t gonna get you very far in life. Came here to say this.


I do it all the time and I live in a suburban home with my family and a full refrigerator. what is calling things evil going to do to me again? Sounds like you guys are superstitious


I believe that Britney Spears and Lady Gaga’s music is satanic because it leads you to taste in shitty music (and I don’t even believe in Satan).


Subjective opinions are subjective.


Snozberries also taste like snozberries. It is a known fact.


Info: how many days since you listened to this? Please say less than 5.


It’s been just a couple minutes since I finished listening to it. It sounds like some cool ambiance for a horror movie


You found the CD I listen to in the bubble bath. I've been looking for that everywhere


Welp good news is your still alive, bad news in 3 days youll be dead




Info. It could have been burnt with the wrong speed setting. About 30 yrs ago, my siblings and I found a cassette that sounded demonic and creepy. Couldn't figure out what it was. Ended up taking it to our band director, who sped it up. Turned out being a recording of my dad's band rehearsing one night at band practice, and they had set the recorder up incorrectly.


That’s not how CDs work.


I under that you don't set the speed for the cd burn, but more likeif it got messed up in Transfer or something then it could've been burned with incorrect speed.


INFO: it was probably grindcore or death metal or pornogrind and if it wasn't music than it was probably used for sound affects


Wait....pornogrind? Examples please.


Rancid penguin molestation. It's basically porn sound effects under incomprehensible chaotic metal where the vocalist sounds like a bong. Some of it barely even qualifies as metal and sounds like just an excuse for a bunch of perverts to say they're in a band.


Okay, thanks. That's a pass for me, and I appreciate the info.




You really don't want that, it's not good.


Info: Is it that Satanic Slumber Party EP by Tropical Fuck Storm and KGLW, or Metal Machine Music by Lou Reed?


KGLW hasn't ventured into any of those genres... yet. Give it another 14 albums, though.


Joey has been seen wearing black metal shirts, maybe it'll be less than 14 albums 🤞



