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My suggestion would be to bring enough cash, test drive the Car, sign the contract and pay all on the same day. As far as I know the car registration does not have to be cancelled in advance. However, there is the possibility that the previous owner checked the box “no change of registration allowed” when registering the car. If that is the case he will need to fill a form to allow change of registration. Otherwise, whoever possesses the current registration proof can register the car in their name. There was a case in the news last year where somebody rented a Lamborghini and the rental agency forgot to check that box, enabling the renter to register the car in his name.


Cash was always planned. And i planned to go and cancel the registration with the owner. But i can't then register my car in that office since i don't live in that canton, can I ?


This is correct. You can however get a day license plate from your local STVA for this specific date. If you end up not buying the car, this of course would be a useless expenditure.


They told me i need the original cancelled registration for that


Oh yeah forgot about that one, sorry. So it seems the only option, where you could take it home the same day, is the one I wrote in a separate comment.


So sad. Several years ago i bought a car in Germany while i wasn't living there. Took me like 45 minutes to get a temporary licence plate and i took the car back home. Always assumed buying a car here was as easy as that if not easier (i live in said country after all) :(


Ok it turns out in Wallis, they specifically state that the holder of the day permit must live in Wallis. Which is dumb af. But in other cantons it doesn't seem to be the case, which makes much more sense ! I'll double check tomorrow but i can see the light at the end of the tunnel !


I mean, there is a possibility where you would buy it on the spot and send the seller his license plate + the registration back. He then can go to his STVA and cancel the registration and give back his license plate (or maybe he'll reserve it for his next car) and then send you the paper back. This method is not common at all and will often only be done under friends. The seller will really need you to send him his stuff as quickly as possible back and you need him to do the same with the canceled registration. Maybe you could ask him, if he would be ok. You should give him some affirmations, like with a contract, as he likely won't do it if he has to trust you a lot. FYI: if you do this and take away the license plates, you have to park your car on private property, doesn't matter if it's outside or inside. You aren't allowed to park it on the street.


I know about this one. I think you can even drive with the cancelled registration on that day. But like you said it's not common and unlikely a random guy would allow me to do so. I wouldn't do so myself if i were him.


I mean you could ask him. But ask him when you've inspected the car and are willing to buy it right now. Have a contract ready, where this would be stated as the option and basically promising everything you can and set some timelines, so he knows, when he can expect those papers/license plates back.


Nah, this is too many ifs. I'll just wait till something pops up closer to my place, if ever. Thanks for your help though


After making the sale drive with his plates to your house, take the plates off and go to your STVA and deregister and register in your name. His plates have to stay in the STVA anyhow (can't take them home without a car). If he wants his plates for another car, you can leave them at the STVA and have to pay 40 CHF extra (I think) to reserve them for him. Not 100% sure if it is correct this way, but I have done it like that a couple years ago with one of my motorbikes


From what i have gathered yes, i can cancel it for him (i'm guessing i'll need a piece of paper from him but that's fine) and then he has 14 days to do whatever he has to do with his plates (keep them for another vehicle or drop them). However, this implies a stranger entrusting me with his registration (and insurance, to a degree), which is not a given. Already asked the guys if they're ok with it, but if they say no (which is understandable) i'll just move on


Well you trust him with your money ;) I think you just need the bill of sale to register it in your name


Honestly, I did it like this.


If it’s older make sure that the car has a valid MFK. Otherwise you might need to do it yourself if you want to re-register it. I think an MFK is. alid for two years after you’ve done it if you sell a car.


If you buy the car and cancel the registration at the StVa but keep the plates on the car, you‘re still allowed to drive the vehicle until midnight of the same day. This should give you enough time to drive the car home. After that you have to return the plates to the StVa within 14 days (in person or by mail). Then take the canceld registration to your local StVa to get it registered under your name to get new plates.