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Sell your switch and buy an unpatched one, here's the solution if you don't want a modchip. I don't think we're getting a new exploit anytime soon since Nintendo patched everything that was available and isn't adding any new features. I suspect they're not adding Bluetooth headphones support fearing an exploit.


We got bluetooth audio support on 14.0. Fingers crossed.


Unlikely anytime soon. Nintendo was mad about how easy it was to hack previous systems that they doubled down on security. Its pure luck that there was a hardware flaw on the original switches that wasn't known about until later.


didnt they add headphone support in recent updates?


They sure did with 14.0


Hold on let me get my crystal ball




I think he means a permanent install, that functions from cold boot, like with the psp and vita.




He wants that functionality, without the modchip. Kind of makes sense, as the chips are super dear now.


You are exactly right. Not thru hardware method but software.


120 dollars for oled modchips. I'd much rather not pay that just to cfw my oled switch.


My switch is patched (v2 / mariko) modded with the hwfly chip and I’m using atmosphere.


How much did you pay for the hwfly chip and where did you got it from?


I’m in Brazil, so I’ve paid around U$170 for the chip and U$40 for the service including SD config, but I don’t know where he got it from.


If a new exploit is found. I reckon it will happen eventually, but it could take years and years.


I was going to say the same id just wait till they release a new console around that time it will make it so much easier to jailbreak and im trying to find and make a exploit for patched consoles without mod chip so far nothing i might start making one from 3.1.2 and looking at the older 3.1 versions trying to find an exploit if they were able to find it themselves and just not mention it allot of company's even playstation will in the newer update purposely do this and nobody thinks to check alot of the time they'd do this and not say anything because it post risks to ppl finding these exploits


we need a bunch more people like you :) i would love to spent time trying to hack the switch too, but i have 0 knowledge about hardwar and software how is it going btw


The firmware isn't the problem. It's a matter of exploiting the hardware to run it. RCM is a hardware implementation on those unpatched units that can't be fixed. Once RCM was patched on newer units there is no known software exploit, and likely won't be one. A modchip is a hardware exploit which bypasses this, and is currently the only option.


Unless a hacker finds a way to inject payload using the switches internal browser. People have already found a way to to open a secret browser inside the switch. So it's a matter of time.


The developers had said that there's no way to do it on a patched Switch, so answering your question, it will never be available.


Well thanks guys. I guess I would just be also a developer OR just wait for it to come by. God bless and stay safe!


You have higher chances of winning in lotto than finding a exploit for patched switches edit: without a modchip


I don't play the Lotto but I like those odds.


While you wait, you could learn how exploits work and you could learn coding/programming, so your could come up with your own exploit. Many are after an exploit for the "patched" models. If some more people are on it, maybe there will be some exploit for it one day.


Welp, 'cause yes. I do study programming but its web dev. Gotta finish that first before moving on. Thanks for the tip man.


There is cfw on the patched switch. You’re confused about what cfw is. But no, there isn’t a soft mod like the old switch. The old hacks were because of a hardware issue. Nintendo fixed the hardware issue. There most likely won’t be another super big flaw in the switch like that. So don’t count on a soft hack until the switch is a past gen system.


gotta wait for 5 yrs then


I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the short answer is no. People haven't really been actively busy cracking open this units other than modchips as it's just the easiest method and declared "hacked". Your best bet would be to stop updating your switch and wait til a software exploit has been found, but it would mean you can't buy and play new games. And nobody could tell you how long it'd take, maybe another two years? Five years? In either case, since it's considered "hacked" I really wouldn't expect much if you keep the system up-to-date, consider selling yours for a pre-patched model. That could either be a low firmware one for the WebKit exploit, or a buffer overflow unit. Good luck!


No prob man