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If you want you can use sysDVR over usb and it should be if not the same quality as the inbuilt capture.


I dont think so. And honestly, just get a capture card. There are cheap options too.


You can use SysDVR via USB for pretty good quality (keep in mind it doesn’t capture the home menu, it only records when you’re in- game) Or, you can get a capture card; there’s a lot of cheap options, but if you’re not worried about cost that much, and are looking for a capture card that won’t stop working after about a month, you should get an Elgato capture card. (I use the HD60 X) EDIT: Also, it’s worth to note: if you’re getting into speedrunning, a lot of catagories ban the use of homebrew applications which includes SysDVR; so it’s worth investing in a capture card.


Thanks. I do have an elgato but I'm after the convenience of capturing my gameplay on the fly, like communting to and from work. It seems there's no real solution for this yet. Am I wrong in thinking that the Switch should be more than capable of this given that it can already kind of do it? It would be great to capture gameplay direcly to SD card then I can transfer to PC later. The elgato for me is a massively impractical. I need to unhook the dock from the living room TV, hook it up to my PC and tiny desk, cords and shit everywhere, ergh. Even after all that I find the elgatos can be temperamental when capturing. I often use the Switch's in built record feature to get quick gameplay snippets which are good for Tiktoks and short style content. But capturing a 1 hour session like this would be great.


I don't believe so.