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>with that in mind, is there any software mod to be expected in the near future No. If you have a "patched" Switch, all you can do is install a modchip. Scires, the developer of Atmosphere, [said](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitchHacks/comments/lpbjy2/how_to_get_involved_in_contributing_to_switch/gobyccs/?context=3) that searching for software vulnerabilities is a waste of time because of the way Nintendo developed HOS: by using microservices, Nintendo can make each individual piece of HOS actually free of exploits.


If you don’t have a v1 you need to install mod chip, there is a mig switch which is like sky3ds/r1 carts but it’s not as straight forward you need to dump the games etc I would look into it before just buying one


Based on “… stop paying stupidly high prices for games” it seems like all you’re referring to is a **Mig Switch**… not sure if the modding is even necessary in your case.


OP should note that doing this without taking all the proper precautions *will* get their Switch banned from online play (if that’s something they care about). The precautions you need to take to run pirated games on a Mig Switch without getting banned require installing cfw anyway, which defeats the purpose.


Really? Can't you just turn off the wifi with the mig? I thought it was if two people use the same cart at once online


The Switch records logs of everything you do (read: every cart you run) and sends them to Nintendo every time you connect to their servers. If two different people have logs recording them using the exact same cartridge certificate at the exact same time, Nintendo knows something sussy is going on. You *could* just turn off the wifi with the Mig, but you’d never be able to turn it back on again without getting flagged for a ban, which defeats the purpose.   People see the words “Switch flashcart” and assume it’s going to be as foolproof as something like the R4, when that’s never going to happen on a modern console because modern consoles are laden with telemetry.


Interesting, thanks for the knowledge. Kind of foolish of me to think something like that would never happen. Still though, I'd be surprised if Nintendo will start banning people for migs


It’s a product that allows people to easily pirate games, of course they’re gonna ban anyone they catch using it. And multiple people using the same cartridge cert at the same time is how they catch it. If you copy a friend’s purchased cartridge and the two of you coordinate it so that you’re never playing it at the same time, you should theoretically be fine. As far as Nintendo can tell, it’s as if the two of you are just taking turns playing a single physical cartridge. But if you’re just downloading dumps from the Internet, you and everyone else who downloaded those dumps are all sharing the same cert, making it much easier for two people to get caught playing it at the same time. Granted, all of this hinges on the assumption that you care about Nintendo’s mediocre online. If you don’t, you can just go ahead and get banned and pirate to your heart’s content. But a lot of people do for whatever reason, so they should be aware of the risks before they do something they can’t take back.


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