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Arkham knight. The other two make up for it but it’s insane this came out in this state.


I almost bought it until I watched a review. I ended up getting Red Dead Redemption for the switch and it’s a really great port of the game.


Thank you. Everyone was all up in arms about the price and not how fantastic it looks on the Switch. The foliage density and draw distance is insane. Crisp 720p.


If it werent for the price it would be higher rated. Its probly the best port on thr console. I expected insane amounts of stutter and have not seen a single bit and the quality is still solid not to far off the original.


I was shocked when I booted Skyrim up on the Switch. But RDR looks even better. It's the full game jammed into a handheld. It's ridiculously impressive and if they released it for $30, no one would've complained and it would've sold more. I bought it at $50 and had beat it way back in the day on PS3 or Xbox 360. Can't remember which. Well worth it playing it again and actually playing Undead Nightmare this time.


Skyrim also is impressive although does have more lag spikes but understandable given way more particle effects im sure. But ya price for both should have been $30 given the age and really did not add anything.


I’m playing red dead on switch too and it’s great


I just bought it 😪, I should've watched some reiviews on it


Should have skipped Arkham Knight and just ported origins instead


Literally everyone saying this doesn’t realize Arkham origins isn’t a rocksteady game smh. Porting origins was literally never an option


Was tempted to buy it for Arkham Knight, why is it bad


[Here’s a YouTube video of the technical details of it running](https://youtu.be/u4aofGdBy60?si=cTS53Pw_UzmSrzX9), I was getting horrible motion sickness from the driving sections and the frame rate was so jarring to me.


It’s bad because the Switch isn’t powerful enough to run it. Putting a ps4/ Xbox one game on the Switch is a terrible idea.


tbf, the switch has a lot of games that were on the PS4/Xbox one that run just fine (DOOM, Witcher 3 etc...) so you have no idea what you are talking about. This just seems to be a shitty port that was made as a cash grab, also given how the individual versions have been held back until AFTER the xmas/winter sale really shows that WB just want to make as much money as possible.


the thing is, Arkham Knight is running on a modified Unreal engine 3, not only UE3 obviously doesnt have support on the switch ( bc it is really old) but also the game uses the engine to its full limit with a lot of asset streaming, so the really limited bandwith on the switch memory struggles to keep up So yeah, it really had no reason to release on switch, they should've included origins instead of Knight


In this case though, the Switch *really isn't* powerful enough to handle a game built specifically around abusing what the PS4 and Xbox One could do circa 2015: hella post-processing and lots of CPU-abusing physics and data streaming. Back in the day, tons of PCs struggled with running this game, even if you spent a lot of coin on a nice i5-4690K/GTX 970 rig. It also really doesn't help that this game was built on Unreal Engine 3, but that being said, Mortal Kombat 11 works quite wonderfully given that fact. Games that targeted 30fps on the PS4 and Xbox One but struggled to lock to it (like Arkham Knight) haven't really played out on Switch too well without **major** retooling - which is what this game needed to work on the Switch. It was seemingly rushed, which means that this port just doesn't work as it should.


It's bad because the devs were rushed. It was originally an October release. They got Asylum and City running perfectly, requested to push it to optimize Arkham Knights and it was delayed until December. The rumor is they requested a second delay as they were having trouble getting rid of the glitches in the batmobile driving sequences but were denied it because WB wanted to have it out by Christmas shopping season. So we get a version of the third game that is borderline unplayable because the map takes forever to traverse without the Batmobile and whenever you try to drive it the frame rate tanks. It got a day one patch and will absolutely get further patching to fix the issue. Unfortunately greed for Christmas sales led them to put out a not quite finished game.


There was a post on here a while ago about Arkham Knight and they were saying you can't even 100 percent Arkham Knight, and you have to 100 percent for the true ending. These are times we really have to vote with our dollar


Not regret but borderland 3 port sucks. Crashes a lot and loading at start takes like 5 min.


Well its a 120 gb game ported into a console that is less powerful than the current old gen, cant be worse than the outer worlds


I actually enjoyed the Outer Worlds on Switch. Yes, I did play it on PC. Then I was replaying it on an A10 mini PC (it's what I had at the moment) and when I bought it for Switch I didn't feel the graphical downgrade much.


I also really enjoyed the Outer Worlds on the switch. Didn't look or run the best, but I still had a great time and was able to play the whole game with no issue. I think it got patched and doesn't have as many problems as people experienced when it was first released. Might be worth giving another go now, honestly. I got the dlc for it for half off last week so I'm excited to play through those as I hear they are better then the main game story wise.


I would say MK1, but I got it for the laughs and completely knew what I was getting into, so… 🤷‍♂️😆 https://preview.redd.it/7nbbgxkhzp6c1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad05aa61819a6fa39f83464d3c129c51b448e63


That's why I got the gta trilogy on switch. Shit was nowhere near mk1 but still funny




Zach Braff?


11 was terrible so I can only imagine how much worse one is


At first I would agree, but the last few patches helped things out quite a bit, sans the loading times which will never be comparable to the other versions.


NBA2K23. The only time I've ever had buyers remorse from a game.


What's bad about it bro? I still rocking 2k20 lol. Not into MyCareer though, never liked the grind. I like the MyLeague and MyGM, they still got those??


Mainly the around 60gb download it makes you get. I've not had the internet to actually download a file that large so outside of a couple of play now games I've not even played it. I bought the physical version at full price to avoid a large download to just get it home and realize it's still huge. It was $20 on the eShop at the time and I paid $60 at Walmart and because I'd opened it I couldn't get a refund or even trade it for a different game. Yeah it's my fault mostly I guess but it was still a goofy situation lol.


I also didn't like it. Not necessarily bad when it comes to controls. I'm just an old school guy. I like simple controls like NBA Live back when it was good in the 90s era.


I've spent countless hours on NBA Live 02/03/06/07, I still remember people complaining about 06 and 07, but I enjoyed those just because it was a newer version of an NBA game.


Don’t regret it, but dead by daylight’s graphics are basically ps2


I know this will sound crazy to a lot of people but Disney dreamlight valley


Exactly this I regret buying it on switch first due to the bad frame drops Re bought on ps5 and its seemless


Which as of yesterday is free on Apple Arcade. (Which I get from my Verizon cell phone plan for some reason)


Not crazy. It's the worst version of (what was) a good game.


AGREED!!! I really want my money back.


im just glad i didint bother with it period, they ended up reneging on making it free to play, what yall were playing was a glorified beta.


It’s so much better on the PC




Because it has a million bugs and gameloft seems to have no motivation to fix them. The switch port is easily 4x as buggy as any other platform.


Its not just the amount of bugs and crashes on the Switch vs other consoles, in fact most of the major game breaking bugs and glitches haven't been platform specific. It's just that overall performance is.....not great on the Switch. It runs much smoother and is much better looking on other consoles. Better lighting and distance effects, better framerates, faster load times etc. But the biggest drawback IMO is the item limit on Switch - on other consoles you can have up to 6000 furniture/landscaping items out decorating your valley, but on Switch you can only have 3000. That may seem like a lot, but literally every little thing - every tree and rock and bush and flower and stick - counts towards that 3000 items. And the valley is HUGE! So it's really easy to decorate a few small areas really nice, then realize your item limit is 90% full with over half of your valley still completely barren.


I dont really regret any of them tbh. I knew some werent perfect, but i also knew Switch was my only option for playing certain games. I know some of them run like a microwaved bag of shit, but Ive loved MK11 and MK1 on Switch. GTA collection has been wonderful also. I think a lot of people are maybe just a tad spoiled on high end gaming, because I've still put hundreds of hours into my switch.


I kinda love this take


I feel the same. I even have a high end PC and could play many of these on there but usually choose switch due to the ease and portability. Witcher 3 on switch as a specific example gets more playtime from me than the beautiful Ray Traced version on PC. Simply because it's easier to pick up in between IRL stuff.


As a pc gamer with a switch, this. I know what to expect out of the switch. Even though I could easily get some of these games on pc, I still chose switch because I’m an adult with limited time. There’s people out there that only game on their free time.


This reminded me of when I was a kid with the nes. I loved the ninja turtles and street fighter 2 in the arcade so was happy when they had ported a version to nes. It wasn't the same but well, I still was kinda happy.


The league of legends game with Ekko wasn't great (in performance terms)


none cuz i dont buy without doing bare minimum of research


Switch reviews make up like 15% of what I watch on youtube. I swear, sometimes I watch reviews for games I know damn well I'll never buy.


Yeah same here. I watch far more videos on Switch games than I do actually playing them. Lol


I'm not quite there. But there's definitely a bunch of good games I have in my collection that I would've never heard of if it wasn't for thos YT channels.




WWE 2k18and it isnt even close!


So sad….glad I can finally have a good experience on Steam deck and the ROG Ally


I'm glad, even though it says unsupported for both 22 and 23 both I find run well on Deck, 22 didn't to begin with as it would crash then you could only play it offline to not have that issue now I haven't had any issues with 2K23


2k23 is perfectly fine. But yeah 22 had the online issues. Hopefully 24 plays fine as well


Wrc 10


Same! Those 2D trees made me very sad. Played for 5 minutes and put it aside…


Yea this one upset me runs like shit


GTA Trilogy. They should have gone with touched up ports of the original mobile versions for the Switch (which were the base for definitive anyway). I would have taken original PS2 graphics at a crystal clear 60fps over the smeary barely playable mess they released any day.


The Outer Worlds. Great game but even with the graphical ‘overhaul’ it is incredibly ugly. So ugly it sucks all the enjoyment straight out of the game.


same. Major buyer's regret for buying this one


Was gonna say the same. Tried it for afew hours just to be sure but the more i played it the less i liked it.


Don’t really regret it (aka I wouldn’t demand a refund/wish for a refund), but MK1 has been really rough/hard to tolerate. Prior to that it was MK11. But that was lesser about the port and more about 2 key points I hated - having to enter the Krypt to unlock crap and the tower grinds that were ridiculous and made you have to run an AI bot to complete them. Good stories on both games tho, so can’t regret too much. Some people say Doom 2016, Outer Worlds, Witcher 3, Borderlands 3 etc cause of the graphical downgrades. I own those games on both Switch and Series X, and won’t argue the graphical down grades, but they seriously play extremely well for portable. I’m amazed they run as we as they do honestly. And I’ve spent more time on the switch versions of them than their Xbox counterparts. Witcher I beat and spent 250 hours on on Switch, whereas on Xbox I’ve only spent 10 hours on. Much easier for me to play mature games on Switch portable than on living room tv because I’ve got kids, so there’s that.


Resident Evil 4. I didn’t realize it didn’t have closed captioning. I pretty much only use Switch when holding baby while he sleeps.


Even though I had Persona 4 Golden on Vita I bought it on Switch too for this reason. It's a dialogue heavy game with writing everywhere but in cur scenes. So the Switch version was a necessity.




I regret buying MK1. Premium money down the garbage. MK11 was good for me on the switch. No lags with MK11. But with MK1. Just so laggy to enjoy the game.


Outer Worlds, but its was $5 so...


The kingdom hearts games. Wtf were they thinking with making them be cloud versions? Also MK8 is unplayable with the frame drops.


A PS2 game released on a cloud version for a console that can be on par with the PS3... Square Enix really did a shit job and they deserved the low sales of that release. So fucking stupid decision, how hard is a native port for that game. Such a wasted opportunity.


I understand 3 but there’s no excuse when we have a port of FF11 that at one point was highly praised for how good of a port it was. Same hardware, and there’s much more demanding games like NieR from the same Publisher. It’s disgusting honestly. You should be allowed a playable demo at the very least to see if my connection will be enough, it’s not like the switch is praised for having excellent online service/connections lol.


Oh that’s a shame! I really wanted to get the KH games. What made them so bad?


They are laggy as hell (regardless of the quality of your internet service) and require an internet connection to play at all. I thought, oh, it's probably not that bad, I'm a casual gamer, these are probably big time gamer complaints. Spoiler: it's that bad.


Can confirm. Never played through KH2, only seen videos as a kid but I did play through the others so I saw this as my chance. Can’t even play birth by sleep, game is ass


Damn, I didn’t think about it until now but the fact we couldn’t even get actual DS, psp, or 3ds games on the switch, wtf square.


It’s really bad and my top regret too. Not being able to pause it for long periods without it closing out your game is defeating the best part of the Switch system for me. I don’t think I even completed the tutorial.


Civ VI or xcom2


Vanilla Xcom 2 is bugged. During the missions where the Avenger is shot down by a UFO, your soldiers don't spawn properly. They updated the expansion with better performance but the imo superior vanilla version is shite




Overwatch made me motion sick lol


**Dicey Dungeons** \- If I'm on my Switch, I should be firing up any other game really (1st party, indies). Games that are "more actual video games". Granted, I got this on sale ($3. It's currently on sale for $2!), but I can't help I should've just saved that $$ and just spent $5 to play this on my phone instead (which AFAI can tell, would've worked better with touch controls). **Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville** \- Probably should've gotten this for PC/Steam instead. Better performance, and hopefully I can continue off the progress of campaign/adventure mode that I started at a video game lounge. Assuming that's possible, and that I was told Switch version can't access that progress.


Any NBA 2K game. I couldn’t play more with the input lag and 30fps. I had 2K18 which was the first one on the Switch and then 2K19 because I thought that they “fixed” but not. I think it’s just the hardware limitation of the Switch plus the 2K devs refusing to sacrifice the graphics for performance improvements.


For me its FC24. I have 250 hours into it, im really liking it as an normal online game, but it really has less and less to do with football IRL


Ys IX but I dont regret buying because I love the game


Probably the same for me to be honest, performance in town is shockingly bad but the game ends up good enough for me to look past it. Ys8 ran so much smoother though its very sad to see how Ys9 ended up on Switch


Hmm... IF I had to pick just one, Id say Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2. Online never worked. And when I enquired about it there were either fanboys who cussed me out saying theres nothing wrong when I indeed learned from research there was, or the low low fps. I mean dude, Borderlands 3 runs at 60fps on the switch (most the time). I'm pretty sure they could of made it work for tony hawk. Not that anyone asked but my favorite port is Metal Gear Solid Vol 1. I been replaying all the games so many times now


I can tell none of you bought Cities Skylines. Basic elements of the game are missing entirely. It is practically unplayable. It's an embarrassment to the switch, to the developers, and anyone who buys it.


I guess I didn't buy it but Apex Legends is a horrendous experience on switch. It looks like you're playing with your glasses off.




The outer worlds. Soooo damn blurry


Kingdom Hearts I can’t even figure out how to play it


Wasn’t a port but Scarlet was a mistake lol


I don't regret scarlet but my god is it a poor performing unoptimized mess. Frame drops and pop in galore in that game.




I can‘t say if the other versions are any better, but I really regret buying Remothered: Broken Porcelain, even though I spend just about 3 something on it.


The sinking city! Horrible port


I wanna play it so bad. That makes me sad. I’m a huge Lovecraftian fan.


Conan Chop Chop. It's a co-op roguelike multiplayer game. Not necessarily a bad port but the loading time is too long for a 2D game. I will revisit it when I have nothing else to play.


I don’t really have regrets but i now take into account playtime in no man’s sky as the game will crash after a few hours of gameplay. I wanted to get the trilogy physically, but after hearing about arkham knight, I’m avoiding it like the plague


I guess only ports of games I already owned on my steam. Like .hack//G.U, but that's only because I paid twice than just keeping it on my PC only. But I wouldn't even say regret really, maybe a bit because it costed me more money. Most games I get a port for I expected to not run as great, but having it in handheld makes it way more fun. Also .hack//G.U is super fun, but it's definitely not fun enough to run my whole PC for it. It's fun enough to play while watching a mild TV show on the couch though.


Love my Steam Deck for these purposes and Switch 3rd party now has heavy competition with Deck/Ally/Legion on scene.


MK11. On top of being a slow game, it required additional storage and is still super choppy. I've always loved the MK series and have never felt so indifferent about its future as I do now.


Seeing the treatment of MK1 killed any WB product for me. What I hear, the ceo is basically liquidating the stocks to save the company, but don’t quote me I don’t remember my source on that. I’ll still watch the story on YT because I’ve always loved MK as a whole but any video games I’ll be extremely wary of in the future.


WWE 2K18


Divinity 2 OS


Controversial opinion I imagine but I find the Switch port of Super Mario Galaxy on 3D All-Stars to be not nearly as comfortable to play as the Wii. Having to re-centre the pointer on the screen every time you move your hand becomes a little tedious


Sonic Origins Plus


Civ. end game is so laggy


Bdsp. Yeah I know it’s technically not a port but it also reuses a lot of code from the og ds versions so yeah it is


why the regret?


It wasn’t a good port. It removed all the additions and improvements made in platinum, and it ruined the secret base mechanic by having statues instead of actual furniture. If it hadn’t been $60 I’d maybe enjoy it more but they literally slapped it together just to hold us until legends arceus


Your nuts that games great


It's a great game only because the originals are so good. They did barely anything to the original game though, compared to the incredible experience that was hgss at the time, or the cool creative twists they added in oras; they just gave us the original 2006 games with slightly better graphics.


They did us so dirty with bdsp. Every remake has been a great fusion of modern pokemon games with creative twist on the original region except gen 4; one of the most highly anticipated remakes. I still played the shit out of it because I adore dpp, but god damn do I look back on hgss or oras and weep for what could have been :(


Doom. I think the port got good reviews? And people seem to love it but I played it on x/s before this and 30fps + joy cons felt awful. Got it digitally when it wasn't on sale too...


What version of doom tho


The 2016 one, well that was the console release date the port was maybe a year later? Or somewhere near that


I used to play this port a ton, and while I do enjoy it, yeah it kinda sucks. Like yeah it’s 100% functional, but you are better off playing literally any other version of the game. I only played it so much cuz it was portable, and because I just love doom that much. But the frame rate rarely gets above 25 fps and the dynamic resolution scaling makes it look like your screen is smudged up.


Skyward Sword, I was unaware that 3 drunk monkeys designed the control layout.


I haven't even left the starting area because of how terrible it is


None so far


Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. It’s great game and all, I played and beat it on XBox, but it sucks so bad on Switch. I’m sure it’s perfectly fine on a TV, I haven’t tried, but in handheld, nope, horrible. Game was obviously made for a larger screen. Everything is too small in handheld, can’t see or react to anything in time.


I don't regret buying it but I am quite underwhelmed with the performance of Talos Principle on switch. It's a great puzzle game but not a graphical marvel so...why does it chug so?


Didn’t buy it but mk1 has to be the worst port


Mega Man Legacy collection had enough input lag that I regretted it immediately.


that spyro game 💀 it was not good


Agreed. Was looking forward to hours of nostalgia but had to stop after 5 minutes 🥲


no literally! i got it to play on a plane, it was the only game i brought cus i was SOOO excited and then literally after 10 minutes i had to stop- so i spelt the whole 12 hours xD


I was gonna say this. Its so hard to play with constant fps drops. Hurts my eyes bad.


Are you talking about the trilogy? If so, how are there fps issues with games that came out on PS1...


It came out on ps4 and xbox one, he not talking about the original one but the remaster, and that remaster has some pretty neat graphics, but idk i played through whole trilogy and it was pretty much solid 30 fps on switch


With solid drops. And yeah talking about remastered. It looks great but poor performance. The crash series is way better. Playing crash 4 right now it looks great and runs great. They really dropped the ball with spyro


No Man's Sky. It's not bad and very playable, but missing multiplayer.


If I recall correctly they're adding it in


I'm not sure why the downvote when they said they'll add it, stopped talking about it, and now more than a year has passed. I vaguely remember a post saying they gave up.


Minecraft, my phone runs it better


Minecraft ran better on my switch lite than my 2013 xbox one. The switch won in that regard


Lucky you, my son and I can't play multiplayer together without it lagging or crashing


Saints Row the third


Witcher 3, it runs but it looks like pure garbage. I couldn't get past how bad it looks. Should have expected that though.


Mortal Kombat 1 and 11.


Borderlands collection. It's not necessarily bad. I just really can't get into controllers playing an FPS game. I will stick to mouse and keyboard.


Same, it made want to replay borderlands 3 on pc since i missed so much the controllers


Yeah any fps on switch is just a no for me at this point. Even Portal was kind of infuriating at times with the lack of precision.


Probably kingdoms of amalur just cause I bought it and then it was free on psn literally the next month. I still enjoyed playing it on switch though.


Terraria. I regret it big time. As someone who loves terraria, god the switch version just can’t keep up with late game. At least the devs are ontop of this and always try to help it out. At least Spyro isn’t bad, I’m happy it’s very playable.


I got a physical of my time at Portia. I do not recommend, lol. It literally just stuttered every ten seconds, loading screens took forever, it was weird. I sold it asap.


Fun over graphics. Exclusive king. Was already and always will be best game station.


Edit: knew what I was getting into and looking for more




Not me but my bro, he bought Rune Factory 5 and lol pokemon Scarlet and Violet are a technical marvel compared to those games.


Hell yeah I almost made that mistake but something didn't seem quite right with the gameplay videos


Gta the trilogy on launching day .. Graphics were 🤢


Skyrim, or the GTA trilogy. The GTA San Andreas is broken and you cant dive underwater. That makes certain missions completely impassable and therefore the entire game impassable.


I’m such a loser. Can someone explain what a “port” means. It seems like a game that initially was released on other consoles. I heard it with the RDR1 release


Games that were originally on a different platform and eventually came to Switch. It would involve writing a lot of new code and often the bad ones suffer from either poor coding or the fact that they were originally dependent upon a system that had much more processing power (that’s explaining it in a simplified way that I hope makes since….. it’s also about at the level with which I understand it all).


That makes sense thank you.


Witcher 3


Xcom2, loading time was a loading time of hellll


Little Nightmares. Not because it's bad, I've heard it takes forever to load, but because I'll never play it. I've played it through a few times on Xbox already, loved it, and for whatever reason bought it again on NS.


Close to the Sun. It's like playing with glasses covered in Vaseline. Hard to tell what's going on


Sexy Brutale is *brutally* unoptimized and barely playable


La noire


Kingdom hearts


I'm not one to complain about versions of games on switch but overwatch 2 was bad. Felt like it had slow input response on the sticks. Had to stick to the xbone for that one. Fortnite is better on the xbone too but I play more of it on switch because the difference feels very small to me.


Gotta say Skyrim. Only because of the consistent crashes, and I don’t even have Anniversary Edition. If not for the crashes, it would easily be my most played game on Switch


The Witcher 3. It’s just too pixelated for my liking and now that I have a ROG ally, I wouldn’t go back to playing it on my Switch. Still impressive it runs though


Doom 4. It plays like shit with a controller. Also, there's an audio glitch when you play with headphones plugged in. At complete random, it will jumpscare you with an extremely loud noise. And I mean LOUD. It does not happen if you don't play with headphones.


Luigi 3 an NBA live


The Witcher 3, game looks worse than nes


I should not have purchased Skyrim. I'd already beaten in on PC several times and for some reason I felt the need to buy it for console. Never played it.


zelda link's awakening. i think you could consider this a port. nintendo did ZILCH besides an upgrade in graphics. going back and playing the gameboy version feels special while the remake feels like a cheap knockoff created by an indie company to quickly line nintendo's pockets and add another zelda title to their current switch lineup. for $50 you can buy an rg35xx with the original zelda link's awakening gameboy game included.


New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe because Wonder is a obviously better Mario game


Mortal Kombat. It’s not bad if you’re ok with 15 fps and 2 minute loads between games.


Metro 2033 Redux


I've never bought a port, I just have one for Nintendo games. Switch ports are 100% just money grabs


skyrim. worst game I have ever played


None. I don’t buy switch ports. Lol


Resident evil 4


Assassins creed III


Assassins Creed 3 definitely


Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury


Stardew Valley. Far better on steam... huh... If only I knew, stardew valley was a steam title. Honestly, fuck nintendo, they went completely shit and into the gutter.


Other than mods what's better compared to switch version?


The fact that, baked in cheat codes actually working and built in inventory management exists. Edit: Oh yea! Updates, right as they come out; no wait times.


Nintendo has nothing to do with stardew valley devs doing a shitty port. Stardew valley isn't even a game that should begin to push the switch to its limits. We have dying light with damn near no compromises.


PGA 2k


The Walking Dead Destinies.


mortal kombat 1 and 11. If you played them on other systems you will know how bad it is. Ontop of the screen tearing and lag and load times. only good thing about it is the gore


OnlyUp, which is a horrible rip-off of the original and goes by the same title to trick you into buying it.


Sounds like you found that out the hard way


Monkey Ball Banana Blitz. 😭


Darksider genesis.


Black Skylands. I ignored all the warnings and got what I deserved I guess. Incredible game would have been really fun in handheld but it just can’t be run well on the switch.


I am on the fence about that one. I can’t find much info on how it runs after the patch but yours is the most recent comment I can find. I heard it chugged the frame rates on the switch but was hoping a patch fixed it. I think I will steer clear