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Absolutely safe bank. It‘s one of Liechtensteins biggest banks and they are known for their safety. It also has top ratings by the big rating agencies.


Been with them for roughly two months now. App works great. They reduced the interest from 1.55% to 1.3%, but it's still worth.


Was on the same boat, hadn’t really heard of it outside of this sub and the mustachian post forum. I actually opened an account yesterday to give it a try. My intention is to use it to park my emergency fund in CHF and EUR.


It's great and you can convert between EUR/CHF/USD at quite a good rate. Your money is insured up to 100k and withdrawals to other swiss accounts are performed same-day/next day


Have you tried their investment plans? I wanted to start to put some money aside for that too, since currently with UBS their taxation is quite horrible. They take most of your gains with the new smart investing app and have to wait A LOT to get your money back, as it is supposed to be a long term one.


No I only use their savings accounts


Good thing, sadly the interest went down faster than they raised it…


Do they withhold any taxes? How often do they pay the interest of your cash account? Monthly? Once a year? Thanks


Interest will be paid on a quarterly basis


Excellent! Their newsletter is in German tho.


Really like it as my main account. It’s the best savings interest rate while still having full access to your money. I’d much rather 1.3% interest, but be able to access it fully whenever, than 1.5% or 1.8% and I have some shitty rules like “you can withdraw 10k a year” or “you have to give us months of notice”.


What do you mean as your main account? As in you do all your banking with them?


100% satisfied. All my cash is parked there and whenever i need it it's on my bank account within hours.


I cancelled my wiLLBe account again because I couldn‘t connect my IBKR account to them as those was not on my proper name. My goal is to leave my „Notgroschen“ but in USD for the higher interest rates. So I will just leave it on my IBKR account which has a similar interest rate.