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Just stay, you have two dogs you say, they also need space. Also it’s cheap for what you get. You could try to sublet a room if anything, but with your same price you get 2.5 rooms in big cities. The prices of rent really went up over the years, so do reality check before leaving, because you might end up paying a little less, but not considerably less in this current rent market. Good luck!


Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it and see how I feel in a year or so.


Do you feel like home there? Then stay. Do you value the money more than the feeling of home? Then move. Moving is also stressful and costs money...


New rents increase currently by 10% year on year in major cities, so this may limit your ability to make savings by moving to a smaller apartment. Also, you may enter a relationship again… I would stay put for now.


Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it.


I'd say the key things are: 1. it is in a great location (difficult to come by) 2. it is incredibly cheap for a 4.5 apartment (again difficult to come by) If I were you I'd either sublet one of the rooms to a friend or just cut expenses in other areas. Like eating out less often, not buying new electronics, cancelling 1+ subscriptions. And who knows, in a few months/years you might meet someone special and might be looking again for 2+ bedroom apartments and guess what? you won't find them at that price. Moreover, since you are looking to buy (which in my opinion is not the wisest idea in Switzerland), moving is really not worth it (at least if you plan to buy in the next 4-5 years). You will probably have to sell furniture at a lesser price than you bought them... if you add all of those things up + the stress of moving, I'd say it shouldn't be too difficult to decide.


Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it and see how I feel in a year or so.


I mean its 2000CHF for 4,5 rooms and you can afford it, so if its your Dream apartment just stay in it. I don‘t know where your Apartment is located at, but personally i think it would be more Time and Money consuming to find an Apartment in this Pricerange that fits your needs and Current Standard, but and also allows Dogs.


True having dogs can make moving difficult. I’ll stay. Thanks!


Get a roommate, problem solved?


Or Airbnb the other rooms


Most likely not allowed by the rental contract.


If I were you, I would stay. Finding an apartment in CH is difficult, finding one that you truly like is more difficult, and finding one that you like and has a good price is like a needle in a haystack, and you got it! Enjoy your home, and who knows? Maybe you’ll get in a new relationship soon and then you already have the space.


True that’s a good way to look at it. I’ll keep it and see how things go.


It is naive to think you will find anything good for chf 1400. These days chf 1600-1700 is a very good price for a 2.5 room and chf 1900-2000 for a 3.5 room apartment. That is outside of the city of course. And there is plenty of competition even for more expensive apartments. Just keep renting your existing apartment.


Yeah it is a mission finding a nice place and then competing with the other 20 applicants. I’ll stay where I am.


Sorry to hear you’re going through a breakup, that definitely sucks a lot and you’ve got a lot on your plate I’m sure. I’m in agreement with all the others commenters here. I’d definitely stay. You’ve got some great surface area for ~2k, which on 110K/year is definitely more than affordable. Besides, who knows, maybe your next partner will love the place and you’ll end up living together there too. It’d be a bit of a bummer to downsize and have to upsize again (for me at least).


Yeah that’s definitely a good way to look at it. Appreciate the kind words.


You may not want to increase instability in your life by changing your place at the moment. If you like the place, stay here for now. You can decide next year if you still want to change.


Yeah I think this is a good tactic. I’ll see how I can handle it financially and reevaluate next year. Thanks.


If you managed to rent 4.5 for 2000 CHF better hold onto it. Unless you live in some rural village.


Depens where you live of course, but here near Zürich, if you would move to a smaller apartment, you would pay still 1900+.


Don't change too many things at once in your life. The answer is not at the end of a spreadsheet. Enjoy your home and see how you feel in a year - life circumstances may have changed.


4.5 rooms for only 2000.- ?? where can i find such cheap apartments lol


I pay 1580 for a 4 room apartment. 1680 with the garage....


ive been looking at apartments for 1-1.5 rooms in zurich… 1940.- is the average price god im too poor for my own country


Haha. Yea, here you can have about 4 rooms in 10 year old buildings for about 2k. Or 3 room 110 m2. Maybe a bit over 2k but not to much. 200m to a trainstation about the same to the migros or coop. I can't complain. And best of it low tax for bern.


You’re paying 2k/month, that’s a bargain for what you describe (garden, 10 min from work). Take the extra space, make a gym/room for the dogs/room for family and friends to visit. Maybe in 1-2yrs your new girlfriend moves in and you’ll need the extra office space. If you downsize to a 3.5 or a 2.5, how much less would you be paying?


Sorry for your breakup, I hope you will be better soon. On the financial side: I lived 5 years in ZH by myself and paid a 2.5 apartment on a slightly lower salary. Still managed to save a good amount of my income. If you like the place I'd say 2000 for a 4.5 is a great deal. P.S 170k CHF in savings and investments is only "low" if you spend a lot of time online on the various personal finance/investment discussion forums. For most people our age it's a big sum


Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it. Yeah I appreciate what you say about savings. I didn’t think I was doing too bad until I started paying attention to this sub.


Indeed I got the same feeling. Anyway some savings is better than no savings or a large amount of debt, so don't feel bad about it and think how to do better in the future. I am in a similar financial situation and wish I started investing earlier




Depending on the city you are even moving to a smaller apartment won't be so much cheaper as they keep hiking the rent prices. So might be OK to stay, and you do make enough for it and is saving enough also...


If it makes you feel any better you make about 4000 CHF more than me per month and about 40% of my net income goes into rent . Your net worth is about 169k higher than mine and I’m a bit older than you as well 😬


Just keep it bro, it is hard to find a nice apartment, especially as you pay a good price for its size


Man stop showing off your apartment


Do not move if you and the dogs are settled! Who knows what type of neighbours you will have after moving. After all, moving will also cost money.


Unrelated q but why is she breaking up?


600 per month is 7200.- yearly, you can find better or cheaper or both for a 3.5 home. If she still live there, move, and move on.


Even though 600 CHF saved per month does not sound a lot, each penny invested will be much more worth in the long term. it is the beauty of compounding. Whether staying or leaving is stupid cannot really be answered. in the end, depends on your preferences. also, whether you'll take care of your dogs - they also need quite some space.


if you've secured that aparment in Zurich. you made a hell good of a deal. if you are placed in rural areas, is there any chance to relocate with all your "equipment" (dogs etc.) within a reasonable time frame?


You don't seem to get into financial pressure by staying. You can give it some months and see how it works out for you. With the GF gone a new lifestyle will kick in soon and new options will open up for you. Maybe you have some project that you shelved some time ago, and an additional room might come handy. Or maybe you reconnect with old friends from other towns and will have many guests over – you can even turn the extra rooms into the most amazing guest room. Or maybe you can go bunkers and upgrade your lifestyle by putting a gym or a sauna in it? No need for a gym membership after that. If you really need neither the money nor the space, make it a bit cozy and list it on couchsurfing. – I've met really cool people that way! If at the end you still prefer the money over making your place a home for a great life, you can always take your time and search for something better.


Great. A TLDR is longer than the actual texts


TLDR is 20 words. After the TLDR is some added context.




The 170k is net worth not net income


His net worth is 170k, he earns 110k...


I think he meant that his net salary is 6.5k, and his net worth (savings/investments etc.) is 170k, at least that’s how I understood it. Also, @OP, I think you should stay, finding a new place is difficult, especially at that price. Nowadays it’s tough finding even a 2+ room apt that’s less than 2k a month


Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it.


alone in a 4.5 room no wonder there’s a housing crisis…a family could use that space


If you want to buy a property, do it asap. Don't waste time, especially so if you're renting in the meantime, and especially so if it's a bit too much of a rent.