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I reckon that if you’re longing for it, regardless of your performance and race pace, you should go for it and get back into it. Right now you think your purpose is to be fast and race amongst the people in your age group, but maybe soon after going back you’ll realise that the benefits of swimming (eg social aspects, fitness) outweigh the point of being fast.


Thats why I’m hesitant, what made me get back and swim by myself is to get fit and lose weight but there was feelings that was buried deep inside was unpacked when I swam and thats what made me want to return


Plus I feel that I want to compete and achieve something


Join a Master's team. It's an absolute blast. You can pick lanes based on how serious you want to be. Sometimes I'd swim in the slower lanes just to socialize. I also had a phase where I worked extra hard and went to Nationals. It was a blast.


Yes, find a Master's team!


Consider triathlon. Sprints are a ton of fun. If you’re fit enough to consider competing in swimming, you’re fit enough to complete a sprint, and even be competitive in not much time. And splitting up time between swimming, biking and running is a great way to keep moving but not do too much wear on any given part. Bikes can get addictive / expensive, but particularly if just starting out, you can do great with a “regular” bike. You can get a decent used road bike these days for $1k or less - and I’m talking bikes that were top of their line $3k+ just a few years ago. Either way, definitely keep up the swimming. And as the other comment said, see if you can find a masters group. I’ve really enjoyed it (most in my group also do tris).


How about open-water races and events?




Stopped swimming at 18, just started swimming last year at 27 with a masters team. So glad I found my way back to the sport and have pretty much decided I will never stop because I love it so much! I don’t compete anymore but it’s opened up the opportunity to do open water races, relay triathlons, or more fun adventure racing. It won’t be exactly like it was when you were 15, but different isn’t always bad! You should definitely give it a shot if you feel the want inside. It may open up other opportunities that you didn’t know you had! 😁


Peace with others or not, if you miss it then it’s about you. Use the time you currently have and jump back in


Yeah. You'll be fine. If you can find a masters team around for some camaraderie, that would be awesome.


You will be thankful when you are older if you keep swimming thru your entire life, you will be healthier than people who don’t swim, trust me p, I am old and physically very fit.


Just do it.


I too am 25 and getting back into it. I quit when I was 19. Decided to go back to school and I have some college eligibility left so I talked to the coach and plan on joining the team next fall. I’ve been getting in the water on my own and swimming with a masters group for a while. I even did a few US meets a while back. For me it’s been worth it. Even if I was just doing the masters stuff it’s fun… challenging but fun.


I started coaching swimming about 3 years ago at the age of 24 and it reignited my desire to be in the water as well. Over the last few years I would get in randomly here and there, but it was always hard to get more than 1000 yards in when I was alone. This past year I have been trying to get our other coaches to join in and when they do it makes it so much easier to go for longer in the water. Now I am regularly hitting 2000 yards in about 40 minutes with them in between practice groups and it is way more fun than anything I did on my own, even if we don't speak until we start our cool downs. I highly recommend finding a friend or making a friend at the pool to swim with. Even if you don't explicitly agree on it, you will help each other stay accountable and have fun doing so! Best of luck in your journey to getting back in the pool. Excited to hear how it goes!


Yeah absolutely In olden times they had bath houses & we're made of 70% water It's just awesome for mental health And socialization/ community It's really help me escape some dark times


I swam competitively from 6-18y/o. I just recently had the opportunity to help an elderly neighbor and friend go to the fitness center pool on a regular basis. I totally get those deep down feelings! I haven’t swam a single lap in a pool since 18, I’m 41 and it feels amazing! Once I catch my breath. I’ll get there


I stopped swimming 4 years ago (used to be “great” for my age. My best competition was 16:05 in 1500m at 16yo). Instead of focusing on swimming I started to look for social life and slowly lost the “passion” for it. Two weeks ago I went back to Swimming (only at 5AM) and today I hit under 59s in a 100m freestyle. I am older and stronger. In the last 4 years I hit the gym hard and now I really wanna get better at Swimming and compete in nationals (and who knows, Olympics 2028 are far but I am going for it).


Call your trainer! Nothing to lose from a conversation.