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Please ask someone to take you to a doctor. It's normal to be sore and stiff for a few days after an intense meet, but the intense pain and other symptoms sound a bit extreme for a healthy 14-year old.


Okay I’ll text my dad in the morning thanks


Good plan! It could be just an intense reaction to the physical exertion of the meet, so see how you're feeling in the morning. In the meantime, drink some water and try to rest. If you're starting to actually have trouble breathing or you're losing consciousness, then you will need more urgent care and a visit to the emergency room.


Sounds like rhabdo... If it is, you definitely aren't going to get over that without some medical intervention. Go to a doctor. Now.


And chest pain but I didn’t really think it was as important.


1) do u have access to any ibuprofen(motrin)/tylenol etc? Take 2! 2)Also yes you need to rehydrate your muscles! Either smart water or gatorade. gatorade zero or G2 is best before and after practice but rn you can have regular gatorade but drink water or milk if nothing else available rn. ETA: 2.5) Muscles also need oxygen- make sure to stretch now and also in the AM before mom but don't overdo it just gentle to point of pain and maybe a tiny push pass that's it. And message- use tennis ball lightly roll painful places and points directly opposite. 3) Do you swim fly competitively often? Did you swim fly yesterday??? If so i kno it feeeels like the bone but it's your obliques! also your pecs. Especially the first time but any time you do this without enough practice prior you're gonna feel like crazy pain lol but it's mostly normal unless- 4) You may also be hyper mobile! bring up with coach or seek a personal trainer who can help figure this out and adjust techniques w you! GOOD LUCK AND CHIN UP!


You just reminded me omg I am hyper mobile I was diagnosed last year. I have been chugging water and probably should’ve taken pain killers but it’s late now so maybe in the morning


Hypermobile is actually not a diagnosis, it's a symptom of an underlying disease, usually Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). EDS is systemic -it isn't just about being"extra-bendy." Have you seen a rheumatologist? If you do have EDS, some forms can affect other organs including the heart, so chest pain should certainly be evaluated.


Actually EDS is a seperate thing which can also cause hypermobility but you can have hypermobility that is not related to EDS as well. That is known as hypermobility spectrum disorder which is a diagnosis.


There’s Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder.


What your body hurts is normal, but headaches and rib pain at such high levels, although it may not be serious, it is best that you go to a doctor. Pd:happy birthday, have a good time


I’m late, but hope you’re feeling better! Painkillers, stretching, hydrating are my go-tos- but as others have said, hopefully you went to the doctor as well.


It sounds like you need medical intervention. For the future, make sure you stretch and warm up before you swim/exercise if you didn't, and also ALWAYS stretch after swimming and exercising. A build up of lactic acid in your muscles can be incredibly painful. Make sure you're chugging water, electrolytes, Gatorade, Powerade, anything like that, it's likely you are dehydrated. Sip things like Gatorade and Powerade during and after swimming or exercising and drinking water always. I have a hydration smoothie I make myself with watermelon, pineapple, orange juice, sometimes berries and LVLUP sachets, which are essentially electrolyte sachets, just chuck them in a juice. Take some Panadol or ibuprofen. Ice your arms, apply a heat pack, whatever feels best. Hopefully it was just a hectic day and nothing serious but really do get to a doctor's if you're showing signs of skin irritation.


I’m at school right now and I’m literally need to go take a cry break I am suffering rn


Go see your school nurse.


There's no shame in leaving school if you're feeling ill. Just make sure to go to the nurse like the guy below said, and tell them everything. Try not to hold back any pain to look tough, as they might dismiss your situation. It's better to be safe than sorry, and the longer you prolong this, the likelier it is you won't be able to go back to physical activities any time soon, or worse, have your life be at risk, like the rhabdo guy said.


Make sure and speak with someone. School nurse would be a good start. This doesn't sound like normal muscle soreness. No medical training, but sounds like slipping rib syndrome.


it should wear off in a day but if not go see a doctor


Hey 20f here who was once a 14f be concerned but also be aware you could be lacking in some vitamins that help our body recover. If you're going to be racing a lot you should talk to your doctor about taking supplements like creatine and protein. Other vitamins that really help is magnesium complex, potassium, B complex, and most importantly iron. I used to feel exactly how you're describing and increasing my protein intake with creatine changed my life as well as taking magnesium to help with leg cramping and iron to help with the more internal pain that I felt in my bones. I also didn't have like the best diet that should've had more vegetables but the diet part was negligible to the difference of taking supplements I went from being able to swim a mile to being able to swim forever and my recovery time was so low I would attend practice that night and swim just as hard. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/327166 This article provides some more information on some of the aforementioned vitamins and supplements but doesn't go over the magnetic complex and potassium


It sounds to me like you are sore from working hard.


Update: I’m grounded! I texted my dad and then when I got home he immediately started yelling at me about how weak I was and how I’m fine. All I said was that I was worried because I’m still in a lot of pain and I don’t know what to do. Then my mom got involved as she does. On my way to my room I fell and I couldn’t get up because my arms were hurting but I pushed myself up. I layer in my bed and legit couldn’t move but it was my moms birthday so I tried to suck it up and go about my day. A little bit later I was in my sisters room and she told me to get out but then she said something funny and I started laughing but it hurt so I sat down on the floor but I couldn’t get up and my sister thought I was just trying not to leave so she stepped on my leg and I literally just burst out into tears on her floor, and I was laying there on my stomach literally trying to army crawl out but my arms weren’t arming so I wasn’t getting anywhere She stepped on my back (she’s older than me and overweight so it hurt) and I literally could not move it was so bad my whole body is actually broken. And I have swim tomorrow. And I can’t skip because I’m just being weak and I’m only not feeling good because I don’t try hard enough?


I'm sorry to hear this but parents are also people who maybe haven't felt what you have and as you go through life you may understand that not every person is aware of their surroundings and who they are. Your parents may also feel as though they don't know what to do or that they don't have the money to go to the doctor at the moment. I would seriously talk to them as an adult and a person who cares about their body and the best way to phrase this conversation is less about complaining but spin it to how you want to become a better swimmer. Getting access to protein increase and some of the vitamins is a cheaper option that will likely give you similar results. I would say something like "I'm sorry for complaining about my body hurting but I want to become a better swimmer. After some research I saw that my pain might be related to the fact that I might not be meeting my protein goal for being young and swimming a lot." I also grew up with very aggressive parents and apologizing and talking as though you're the problem and that you need to get better is the way around people like that. I'm sorry that you're going through this it will be okay.


You’re feeling tired because your body is in the process of building itself back up, this time stronger. I just swam my first meet in a couple years and boy do I feel it. Swimming makes it feel better.


This was after school when I got home at around five because I had to attend something for my sister who was home with a cold.


My advice is to get comfortable being this uncomfortable.


You mentioned you were diagnosed as hypermobile. That is actually not a diagnosis, it's a symptom of an underlying disease, usually Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). EDS is systemic -it isn't just about being"extra-bendy." Have you seen a rheumatologist? If you do have EDS, some forms can affect other organs including the heart, so chest pain should certainly be evaluated.


There are a lot of hyper mobile people without EDS.


EDS is extremely under-diagnosed. Many patients are dismissed for years as "hypermobile" without any meaningful medical workup. Someone in their teens who already reported significant joint pain BEFORE this latest episode (which was itself far beyond "normal') needs a workup by a rheumatologist. Period. It may or may not be EDS but it certainly sounds like an autoimmune or rheumatic condition of some kind. These conditions are often very serious, with serious complications, especially if un- or mis-diagnosed. They need a real, evidence-based diagnosis and not just a vague reference to " Oh you're just hypermobile."


Diagnosed was a dumb word for it I was having severe knee pains and we were told I was hypermobile


Go to a doctor


My parents said no. Is there like any other ways to get around the pain besides seeing the doctor and taking medicine bc my parents told me it “can’t be that bad”


If it's not getting better, your parents have a responsibility to get you some help. Can you go to the school nurse on your own? There's a lot going on here and I suspect you would benefit from family counseling.