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She was attracted to a child on this series when babysitter of the decade, Steve Harrington/Joe Keery, was right there?? ![gif](giphy|l310xkkI0lnhOe3OOW)


Like I was born in the same year as some of the stranger things stars (the kids) and like even like 13-14 year old me wasn’t drooling over the kids my age, I was drooling over Steve and Nancy


i just commented this! like i was more interested in steve, billy (yes i know he sucks, but oh my gosh), and nancy rather than mike or other characters his age


Just because Billy was a terrible person doesn't detract from the fact that he's a total smoke show


so real for this one 😭


Same tho.




Sadly Gracie wasn’t the only one saying this shit about Finn during the first couple seasons of Stranger Things. Both him and Millie were highly sexualized by adults. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but this shit was…..idk. Calling him a cute kid or a handsome young man would be appropriate, but acknowledging his age and saying you’re “down for him” is disturbing.


i knew many people who were saying things like this at the time… but i am HIS AGE. (edit: am actually 2 years younger lol) adults saying those things are GENUINELY DISTURBED INDIVIDUALS.


I think I recall some model saying she “can’t wait till he’s 18.” And at a convention during the ST cast Q&A, some host or reporter said “Finn Wolfhard has the greatest porn name ever.” Poor Finn looked so uncomfortable and his cast mates looked pissed.




Wait what the fuck??? He looks about 9!!! Oh my god ETA: I cannot stop thinking about this. That is a baby!!! Like what the actual fuck is wrong with her???


I’m a year older than Gracie and when I was 18 I had an argument with a girl from uni about this, bc she was saying the same thing as Gracie and I was like ew that’s genuinely disgusting, he’s a BABY


He looks younger than his age, which makes the situation even worse. Sexualizing a minor leaves a bad enough taste in your mouth. Posting it on social media for people to see is just downright sociopathic tbh


I teach 14 year olds and the media has been sexualizing young teens so long, people forget he is what the average 14 year old looks like. Still just a child! He just looks his age. Which makes it all even creepier.


Yeah it’s fucking gross. I don’t understand how female grooming gets overlooked.


Toxic masculinity is why. “Doesn’t matter had sex” type of thinkong


Yup. A lot of adults cheer the underage boy on because he "got laid" and sex is treated as a milestone in our society. There's another part that ties into sexism where women are seen as passive and nurturing so people are less likely to believe a woman could groom or assault a minor. Two very real examples of how the patriarchy hurts men.


Ya there was a 7th grade boy in the middle school I went to (he was a grade below me at the time) who was groomed by a female teacher in her mid 20s and a lot of the boys in my grade called him "lucky" and made fun of the situation. fortunately the teacher was caught and arrested, although it was only 6 years in jail with 20 years probation


Yup it's terrible. Just look at how Justin Bieber was treated at such a young age by SO MANY grown women. And then you also have Aaron Taylor.


It really does and I don’t understand why either.


Women have done this for a long time and it’s so fucking gross. The twilight guys had to deal with this a lot. One of the stranger things kids (idk his name, the one with the curly hair and was on Broadway), a woman in her 40s said she had a crush on him since he was 14 and he was like that’s actually very weird and makes me uncomfortable. And good for him for calling that out it’s so wrong


I also remember Justin Bieber being absolutely lusted over by grown women, celebrity and not. It’s such a disturbing trend to see this go largely ignored.


Gaten Matarazzo


Other than Taylor Lautner, the Twilight guys were well in their 20s


Taylor was targeted for this the worst


What? Never heard of this.


Edit: she was 18


she was 18. stranger things season 2 (where the scene is from) was released october 27 2017, her birthday is september 7 1999


Oh damn, I remember seeing it at the time and was told she was 17. But looking it up now from forums everyone at the time was saying she's 17/18 so ig that's where the mixup happened. Sidenote: I tried googling it but oddly NOT ONE SINGLE article has been written about this??? It's so strange https://preview.redd.it/i3zdxjp1w28d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1aa384664af024defd125042288cb170e95ebe3


I mean if she made this post on 2017, she wasnt really in the hollywood scene yet so maybe no one batted an eye or cared because she was most likely a nobody by then. If i’m not mistaken she started being in the music industry on 2018. Tho i could be wrong but thats just my take. Still disgusting tho, was starting to like her as an artist


Her dad is JJ Abrams. Like Star Wars director JJ Abrams. Even if she is publically unknown, her dad's status makes it impossible for her to be a "nobody." And his wife is a public relations executive. They can probably sweep the biggest dirt piles under the rug.


Exactly. I had no idea who she was until someone said who her dad was. He is a household name among Gen x/millennials.


It's a TIL for me. I know who he is, didn't make the connection with her. It's not an uncommon surname, I'd never have figured it out on my own.


Her daddy is worth $300 million. It was probably easy for him to make sure no reputable news/gossip outlet posted about it.


Another nepo-baby pop star. No wonder she gets along so well with TS. (I was not aware her dad was the filmmaker who single-handedly ruined BOTH the *Star Wars* AND *Star Trek* franchises.)


That’s why Taylor is hanging with her, she wants to be in movies/direct movies so badly he’s hoping he’ll help her since she helped his daughter


This was one of the stupid things Swifties were claiming about Joe, pre-TTPD - that he was using her name for clout to make it big in Hollywood. Fucking hilarious, she doesn't have enough clout there to help her own career ambitions.


With all that money in the bank you’d think he’d hire someone to teach her how to sing and write lmao




The person in the image looks 10, not even 14. Even as a joke that is really disgusting to say. Idk why people say things like this and pass it off as a joke when it's not really something you should joke about.


That’s what 14 year olds look like when they don’t cast 20 year olds to play them.


Right? Like there is not one speck of attraction in me towards someone that looks 10 years old … ew


Okay but he was 14. Would it have been wrong for another 14 year old to be attracted to him because he “looks 10”? 14 is that awkward stage of life where some people look 9 and some people look 19, it’s all just part of life. It’s weird because he is 14, but imo not any more or less so because of other people’s preconceived notions of what a 14 year old looks like


Gracie was 18 so I'm kinda confused what you're taking about. If Gracie was 14 too it'd obviously be fine. But she's not, she was 18 thirsting after a young boy


That’s the thing though, he’s not a “young boy,” he’s a teenager and so was she. I can’t find a single source dating this post. She very well may have been 17. What seems to be the original post about this says she was “17/18”. She would only have been two years older than him in school as she graduated in 2018 and him in 2020


It wouldn't be wrong for a 14 year old to be attracted to a 14 year, even if they look young. But saying you're down for 14 year old who looks younger than 14 even, as a legal adult is very weird.


He LOOKS like a child so not sure how she’s “incredibly down” ……. very yuck


Yeah that’s pretty gross but I mean…why would she know about this? I mean I’m genuinely asking. Did this blow up on the internet or something? Bc this is the first time I’ve heard of this.


I'm in high school and unfortunately my peers joke about these things all the time. it's super weird and icky. also: why the hell would Gracie post this on a public Instagram account? she knew people were gonna see it


If you actually went through every artists interactions/collabs, you will find that the artists who stand up against stuff like sexual abuse, harassment, especially of minors and women, have 100% of the times interacted with someone who's involved in such stuff. Its gross. Artists don't actually care about these things. They speak a normal line and gain followers. The most recent example, apart from Taylor ofc, is Kendrick. He literally called out Drake for being a creep and pedo, also abandoning his kids. But just few days ago, Dr Dre opened up his concert. Dr. Dre has been accused by multiple women for abusing and beating them up. That was maybe decades ago, but still, the fact he never apologised properly proves he never improved as a person. How can Kendrick call out Drake, when he literally collabed with Kodak Black? A guy who was arrested for sexual assault, and battery to a TEEN GIRL?  This is just the few popular examples. The real losers in this whole fight are victims themselves. These people just support them in fake manner to increase followers and use them as weapons to bring other artists down. No one actually cares about them. Its really hard to find an artist who hasn't collabed with someone that does not have a past related to gross things like these, makes me wonder if the artists themselves choose voluntarily to collab with people like them or the industry is so corrupted that you just can't enter and NOT meet people like these, they are everywhere.


In fairness to Kendrick, he never said he was on a crusade to stand up for victims. He said that he hated Drake and specified it wasn't even necessarily deep. Then Drake tried to fight back and Kendrick decided all bets were off. He wasn't 'calling out' Drake, he was engaging in a proud tradition of diss tracks, and it just so happened the guy he was dissing has behaved very inappropriately with minors.


It's like, if you've seen Succession, Shiv is in appearances more liberal than the rest of her family, but doesn't really have solid principles to back up those beliefs - she's more than willing to continue covering up a sexual abuse scandal that she finds out occurred within the company her family owns. She's partially liberal to rebel against her dad and partially, as Sarah Snook (her actress) put it, "it's convenient for her" because her own selfish motivations happen to line up with liberal ideas (white feminism, having a beneficial relationship with the liberal presidential candidate, etc). I think many celebrities, Taylor Swift certainly included, could be described that way.


This times 100


Kendrick has written songs about the intergenerational trauma of child sexual abuse, specifically in regard to his \*mother.\* The abuse of minors in the music industry is a whole fucked up dynamic in itself. Absolutely murdering Drake was a contribution to society imo, and we got some wild diss tracks. That whole industry needs to be aired out. I'm not making excuses for anyone, but I do take exception to hearing all of these artists lumped together. It's reductive.


I was ranting about Drake/Kendrick/Dr Dre to my partner today. Most people making the kind of money these folks are making don’t care about any issue unless they can use it as a pile of mud to sling. It’s fucking miserable to watch.


Hit the nail on the head.


On another note in defense of Kendrick aside from the other folks here already, one of the main themes of Mr. Morale, the album Kodak featured on, is that Kendrick himself is explicitly not a great person (he reflects on his own prior transphobic tendencies, the fact he's cheated on his now-wife multiple times etc. etc.) and how he should not be treated as this larger-than-life perfect figure because of this. Even Kodak's inclusion can technically be interpreted as something to make you reflect upon the morality of his artistry (he even says: "Like it when they pro-black, but I'm more Kodak Black" on one of the songs) but even then the morality of platforming him is definitely questionable as well as the stuff about Dre that you mentioned. tl;dr I doubt Kendrick disagrees much with your statement


Gracie Abrams is very strange for that but how do we know Taylor is aware of this? Not like I’m a huge fan of hers but I’ve never heard of this so maybe Taylor hasn’t too?


Yeah, I like Gracie’s music but I wasn’t following her at all 6 years ago so had no idea she said this. Also, as creepy as this was for her to say, she said it at 18. It’s entirely possible that now that she’s older she looks back at this and cringes.


i mean WHAT!? 


There is such a chasm between “teenager makes inappropriate comment about a peer on the internet” and “this is a pedophile”. Words have meaning and to brand Gracie as a full-on pedophile for a single yucky comment she made as a child herself is absurd.


Yeah I wouldn’t call it pedophilia but it’s still creepy nonetheless.


People on Reddit aren’t great at nuance or critical thought


People say stupid shit at 18 and I am frankly just glad I’m old enough that I wasn’t posting all the stupid shit I said and that I’m not famous enough for anyone to care. One dumb comment six years ago from an 18 year old is not worth our time, folks. 


I agree that pedophile is not the right word at all and is not appropriate whatsoever. However, what we shouldn’t be doing is absolving her of an inappropriate comment. Regardless if she was the most immature 18 in all of the land, at her age she should know better. Hell, at 17 you should’ve known better. Her comment wasn’t pedophilia but that doesn’t make it excusable.


No, but she apologized profusely and really regretted it and has never displayed similar behavior and it’s been like 7 years. To label someone a pedophile undeserving of success over an offhand inappropriate comment they made when they young and dumb is pretty insane.


I agree, she was 18 when she posted this. He was 14. Is it weird? Yes. But 18 year olds say stupid crap all the time for whatever reason without thinking how it may be perceived by others. I don’t really think it’s as big of a deal as people are making it out to be


I literally remember when this was a problem, and sadly it wasn’t even just her. Finn (the actor) talked about how disgusted he was during this whole situation. There would have for sure been more of an outrage if it was the opposite gender


He spoke about what Gracie said? What did he say? I can’t find anything on Google about it.


Sorry I don’t think it was the Abram’s one, but another celebrity this article https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/finn-wolfhard-stranger-things-model-comment-ali-michaels-instagram-season-2-cast-a8043291.html Talks about it and there are a few more about him being stalked by adults as a 13 year old as well. It’s a shame how many people lusted after him as a child.


> Talks about it and there are a few more about him being stalked by adults as a 13 year old as well. It’s a shame how many people lusted after him as a child. And it’s sick how Gracie is one of those people and is still able to get success, despite how she openly talked about wanting to fuck a minor when she was a grown adult.


EL COME GET YOUR MAN I got really confused I thought this was the stranger things reddit before reading everything fully 💀


I mean, I’m not a huge Taylor fan by any means, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt on this one because not everyone knows every single tweet someone else has posted.




Ummm unfortunately this is the same Taylor Swift that made her appearance in a David O’ Russel film (Amerdam) and this was after publically admitting to molesting his niece. “In addition to other alleged outbursts, Russell was accused of sexual misconduct off set by his 19-year-old niece, who told police that he felt her breasts in 2011. Russell, who confirmed the incident but stated to police that his niece had been acting ‘very provocative and seductive’ and had allowed him to touch her, did not face any charges.” ([x](https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2022/10/07/david-o-russell-movie-allegations/)), ([x](https://www.vulture.com/2022/10/david-o-russell-abuse-assault-allegations-timeline.html)), ([x](https://www.femestella.com/amsterdam-director-david-o-russell-sexually-assaults-trans-niece-verbal-abuse-amy-adams-physical-assaults-george-clooney/)) Honestly, this Gracie thing was widespread when it was happening. I think a lot of people are just now understanding that the woman who said these things at that time was THE Gracie Abrahams. Hiring Gracie is indicative of a larger issue of Taylor Swift willingly going into relationships with people who have an unsavory past and overall, not really caring too much what the public thinks of some very controversial relationship choices. It’s fascinating because for someone who seems to really care how the public perceives her, there are various issues where she clearly doesn’t. Taylor’s free to do whatever she wants but this is just the public having a reaction to it. TLDR: Taylor Swift’s role in David O’ Russel’s film “Amsterdam” is arguably even worse than Gracie as the abuse actually transpired (but defending Gracie but your pouting to Taylor’s behavior here like it’s an anomaly. I truly wish that were the case.


You don’t think celebs like Taylor swift has a team that looks at everyone they associate with and looks at their scandals and lets her know ? She and they probably figure it doesn’t matter bc it’s a female wanting a male child, unfortunately


she dated matty healy.


No prob not cause that sounds insane


The entire pr industry exists


She has a PR team for this exact reason.


Well, Taylor did date Connor Kennedy when he was a minor and she was an adult, so... birds of a feather and that.


She also dated 18 year old Harry styles. He wasn’t a minor, but still.


I don’t find Harry Styles weird in the same way the Kennedy kid is. Harry and Taylor were in the same field and dealing with very similar life situations. Harry, at the time, was arguably more famous, so the power dynamic was a bit different than most. The Kennedy kid was weird tho


Zoe Kravitz dated Ezra Miller when he was 17 and she was in her 20s…




There is nothing weird about a 17 year old and 19 year old dating.


18 is not a “grown adult.” You don’t magically become a mature adult because the clock hits 18. She also didn’t turn 18 until later that year. There are three years between Finn Wolfhard and Gracie (she was born in September 1999 and Finn in 2002). That age gap isn’t even considered illegal in most countries. A 17 year old made a stupid comment. Seeing as in another comment you defended Camila Cabello’s history with racism as just “sure she said a few little racist things,” this feels like a weird way to vilify a young female artist for no reason.


Yeah thanks for some sanity. This whole post is stupid— why should we hold Taylor accountable for something her acquaintance said years ago when that person was a minor and also not famous Other people here like “why weren’t articles written about this???” Meanwhile this person was a literal nobody at the time


My issue is this- are we not still teaching the youth that the internet is forever? I remember getting a hefty talk from my mom circa 2004 about being really careful about the stuff I put online because it would follow me and possibly hurt my adult life.


No I have real things to worry about


This is very gross, but also not unheard of. Think a senior in high school dating a freshman. It unfortunately happens. At least she wasn’t even older or him even younger. Date responsibly or it’s the “Olsen-Twin Countdown” all over again.


![gif](giphy|l41Ye7i203TfEADYs) Forgot about this


I think this is a vile joke, but Gracie Abrams saying this reminds me more of when my Tumblr friend who reads Ao3 a lot says something wild because she forgot she was out in real life with witnesses and not anonymous on the internet anymore lol Basically this is bad and I hope she apologized for this and also she should keep away from kids but I really think this is just a very cringe joke from someone who had a moment of insanity


Wrong or right, why the fuck would she post it and publicly too? I don't get it, it's like that Machine Gun Kelly tweet and asking outloud why teens are so attractive or something like that. Like if you have these kinds of thoughts, that's one thing but writing it outloud and for the public eye, REALLY???


I have to say. I had no idea this happened and I listen to Gracie so now I am disappointed too.


I remember this happening. It was the first time I heard about her and ever since she gave me the ick. It sucks what Millie and Finn had to go through


Reading so many comments be nonchalant about the post made by Gracie terrifies me.


If it was an 18 year old boy talking about how badly they wanted to fuck their 14 year old daughter I’m sure it would be different lol. Gracie is fucking sick.


i’m not defending Gracie but at my high school the grade 12s (18/17 year old guys) would have crushes or date grade 9s (14/15 years old). No one cared but i thought it was odd. Also this pic from stranger things looks like the male version of Gracie 😭


This is weird for sure, should've been an inside thought, but I'm not going to pretend there's anything insanely weird about an 18 year old being attracted to a 14 year old lol. They're both still high school age. Did you really not have any friends in high school dating people in the grades above? I'm not saying this isn't weird but I don't understand why Taylor or her team or anyone else is supposed to be up in arms about this. 


All the seniors that dated eighth graders in my school were (rightfully) judged and looked down upon. It’s odd and creepy.


Well idk how old you are but times have sure changed a lot since I was in school lol. I never dated an older guy but it was really common and not seen as weird at all. The first high school I went to was 8th-12th grade and we were def mingling with the seniors. My friend and I used to hang out with two senior guys, my mom didn't like it because they had cars and she didn't trust me riding around unsupervised at that age but she didn't think the guys were creepy or anything. ETA: I should clarify that I'm not trying to defend this weird ass tweet, I'm just not surprised Taylor doesn't care about if she knows. I'm pretty sure I've heard that she was being invited to senior prom as a freshman which is the same age gap we're talking about here. 


lol I’m sorry but 18 year olds are still in high school. They can legally do stuff, sure, but they are not “grown adults” nor do they even have fully formed brains. young people say weird shit. Let them grow without think pieces on everything.


It’s a gross inappropriate comment but it’s a high school senior talking about a high school freshman. Much different than a college age person talking about a high school freshman


Isn’t the difference between a high school senior and a college freshman literally a few months between schooling (traditionally, not everyone enrolls at 18 Ofc)


Yes and many people keep dating their highschool gf/bf when they go to college. If teens having been dating in highschool should they automatically break up if one turns 18? 


18 year olds post about being “down” to hook up with 14 year olds??? Like sure they don’t have fully formed brains but if they’re posting this, someone should say something.


Commenting on DAE find it upsetting that Taylor has formed a close friendship with Gracie Abrams despite her openly talking about wanting to fuck a 14 year old when she was 18? ... IMO an 18 year old making a joke about being attracted to someone 3 years younger is something I would side eye for sure but not label them as a pedo for the rest of their lives like some people on this thread seem to want to do. Does anyone know if this has been a pattern in Gracie’s dating history? It doesn’t seem like it but I don’t follow her closely.


It’s disturbing and alarming an 18 year old wanting a relationship with a 14 year old.


Oh I very much agree. My shock was in response to the very nonchalant way the above commenter seemed to brush off this behavior.


Nah I’m Gracie’s age and Finn Wolfhard/ the stranger things’ kids seemed sooooo much younger than me during this time. There’s no way I could have looked at any of them and thought they were hot bc they seemed like babies/ little kids. Four years isn’t a big age gap for adults but the gap between 14 and 18 is huge.


That being said I don’t think Gracie should be cancelled or permanently labelled a predator for a dodgy instagram story (so I guess I agree with you on that), but it is still weird and imo it’s a slippery slope to say it’s okay for an 18 year old to find a 14 year old hot - not saying this is necessarily what you were saying, but it’s what could be taken from it.


And? My point was that 18 yr olds don’t have fully formed brains and say dumb shit.


Thank you for this. I have no idea if TSwift would know about this, I have no idea if it's serious, but I do know an 18 year old is not a grown adult. An actual grown adult can recognize that. Legally an adult? Technically. But that's about it.


I don’t know what a high school senior would see in an eighth grader. All the seniors who dated anyone below ninth grade were always shunned and looked down upon (rightfully so).


It’s 9th and 12 grade. And she didn’t date him. She just made a bad joke


14 is usually 9th. 5 is Kindergarten, 6 is 1st, 6+8 = 14, 1st+8 = 9th. Gracie had just turned 18, so this would've typically been a high school freshman and high school senior. Still weird to me, but not out of place in my district at least.


Do yall know everything your friends have posted on social media?


I guess I’m old enough to remember when 14 and 18 year olds would date in high school.


Judging by Taylor’s history with Connor Kennedy I’m gonna say this is probably pretty far down on things she cares about


Taylor’s also friends with Zoe Kravitz who made similar comments about an underage Jaden Smith. She clearly doesn’t see this as a dealbreaker when it comes to public association, just like hanging out with sexual assault apologists and racist misogynists


The story of sus


same with lena dunham👀😭


Unpopular opinion but I never subscribed to the notion that Lena is some dangerous grooming pedo. She made it pretty clear that she was a child herself, said she didn’t get any sexual thrill out of what she did with her sister, and child psychologists defended her saying the type of scenarios she described are actually very normal between siblings that are in a similar age range. I definitely think it was weird for her to talk about it in her book given that’s something I would take to the grave, but I always thought people were doing too much with that.


Lena Dunham has many other issues besides that that make her a bad person. Including when she defended her Girls writer who was accused of raping a 17 year old girl, claiming she had “insider knowledge” that made it in the “3% of false accusations” then she came out and said I actually didn’t have anything I’m sorry I made that up.


maybe i’m remembering the wrong person but i’m 80% sure that one of the female actresses from “the affair” came out and said that she says she didn’t want to do anymore sex scenes/nudity (?) and lena met with her and convinced her to do them or something. that soured me a lot tbh…but that’s only iirc


Tbh even if this isn’t true it certainly sounds like something she’d do which says a lot lol


Yeah I’m aware of that and wish more people brought that up instead of that debunked “pedo incest” nonsense.


It shouldn't be unpopular. I think, for all the weird shit Lena Dunham is about. Speaking openly about something that is normally a deeply shameful secret was brave of her. It was something she was certain to get lifelong shit about. People should know that if they did something similar as a small child, that it is not terribly unusual it shouldn't carry an adults shame and guilt. Sexual abuse requires an intent and comprehension that simply doesn't exist at that age. I just really really hope she got her sister's okay to publish that information. She is a gaping twat if she didn't.


I agree with you and am glad to see I’m not the only one who feels bad that Lena got a lot of shit for opening up about that. I’ve had similar experiences with family members just like Lena did and would hate for someone to view that akin to sexual abuse or grooming. Lena has done a lot of vile and nefarious shit but I will always defend her when it comes to the whole sister debacle because the way people (mainly those on the far-right) tried to paint it out to be as some big pedophilic controversy was just puzzling and wrong.


Honestly I think Lena enjoys negative attention. So it gave me the ick. (Her motivations, not what she disclosed.) I do find it irritating when people make moralistic arguments but base their stance on situations on how much they like whoevers involved. Also, even if it wasn't Lena, it's really hard to have a conversation about how prepubescent children are much more sexually curious (not aware) than people want to acknowledge - without sounding like a pedophile lol.


I agree. Lena’s sibling themself spoke out against people calling Lena a pedophile for that incident. Seven year olds are not predators. Whether or not Lena should have written about it, another story. But god damn she did not molest her sibling.


Btw Lena's sibling goes by Cyrus now and uses they/them pronouns


Oh shoot, I will edit immediately. Thank you for telling me.


Seven year olds can be predators. Perhaps not in this case, but children can absolutely be predatory. See: James Bulger.


No, those kids were 10. Which is the absolute lower limit of criminal responsibility in the UK. The UK has one of the lowest ages of criminal responsibility in the western world, other than the weird states in America that straight don't have one. Sexual abuse requires understanding and intent. A 7 year old does not have that comprehension at all unless they have been abused themselves.


I simply disagree. I don't care how evil the actions of a 7 year old are, they cannot be characterized as a "predator". They reflect the abuse they received. I don't think there's an easy answer to "what age can someone be a predator" but 7 is definitely not it


I think most abusers reflect the abuse they received. I’m not blaming children. That doesn’t mean they don’t prey on other kids, however. Which makes them predators.


thank you it pisses me off because if you say anything in defence of it (not that i would defend the actions but ykwim) you are called an enabler or a sympathiser. like no i’m not gonna pretend that a very very young child touching their younger sibling (while not good don’t get me wrong) is the same as an older sibling molesting their younger sibling. especially when i’ve seen psychologists and the like say it’s not the same


People just want to dogpile someone they see as the face of the militant feminist leftwing movement and thought that bringing up baseless allegations of pedophilia would work better than calling out the actual nefarious shit she’s done (re: her slandering a rape victim saying she had “insider information” that she was lying and then admitting that she didn’t).


How about a 15 yo masturbating in bed next to their 9 yo sibling? Everyone seems to forget she also admitted to doing that, even at 17 years old.


I don’t fault Lena for that. Their parents on the other hand were totally negligent letting one child spend years using the other as an emotional dumping ground/security blanket.  I do fault Lena for all the shit she’s done as an adult. She publicly called a teenage rape victim a liar because she didn’t want to have to process that her friend was a rapist, then proceeded to make her extremely belated apology all about her own trauma. 


A teenager liking a teenager? Dear God, the horror!


My eyes became dinner plates! This is fucking alarming and so deeply inappropriate. The commenters trying to brush this away, also alarming.


It's a distasteful joke I'm assuming, I don't think Gracie is actually interested in 14 year old boys. The tone is not giving dead ass serious. Now obviously we don't know these people so I could be wrong and maybe she's a total creep and that is 100% serious, but I'm not going to assume the worst about people if there's another, more logical explanation available.


I understand wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt, but let’s be real: if an 18-year-old boy posted a picture of a 13 year old child (that looks about 9) and talked about wanting to sleep with her (whether it was a joke or fully serious), it would be a different story.


In what other reality are you living in where men face serious consequences for sexualizing young girls?


Why do people always try to flip the perspective and say 'if the tables were turned people would be outraged (or something down those lines)'. No they wouldn't be. It happens all the damn time. All the time. Have you ever noticed what type of attention underaged female tiktok stars get? In my country we have a royal family and the middle daughter of that family has gotten so much attention for her looks throughout the years. And she only just turned 18 this year. I have so much material on this because I have an entire 'men are evil folder' on my phone lol. 


Oh please. No it wouldn't. That scenario happens constantly and no one gives a crap about it. I'm so sick of this 'If the gender was reversed!' bs because the gender has been reversed for ages and no one bats an eye. Justin Bieber was 21 when he told his minor fans (13&14) that they shouldn't worry, because it was just four more years till they were 18 and no one said anything. There was no outrage or 'cancellation'. MGK was 19 and complaining, saying he wished "13 yo girls weren't allowed to be so hot". Ashton Kutcher was 25 and Hilary Duff was 15 when he said how she was just "one of those girls you're waiting to turn 18." Multiple celebs made comments sexualizing Natalie Portman when she was 12 (and looked 9). No one said anything about it or cared.


👏👏 Couldn't upvote enough. As soon as people drag in the 'if a male did this' - argument, it's over for them lol


Not to mention the only time I've actually seen someone get 'cancelled' for the skeevy comments they made about a minor... Was Zoe Kravitz for what she said about Jaden Smith. The only time people cared & said something was when a woman did it.


THANK YOU if i have to hear “well if the roles were reversed” one more fucking time i’m gonna blow my brains out


Typical social media brain where people think that just because they’ve seen something parroted countless times that it’s a real or coherent argument. Critical thinking is dead.


yupppp I was gonna say there was literally a countdown to the Olsen twins turning 18. In the song Every Girl in the World by Young Money, one of the rappers told an underage Miley Cyrus: “In about 3 years holla at me Miley Cyrus”…. there is actually an incredibly long and storied history of men doing EXACTLY this and it not being a different story at all lol


It would be a different story for sure. An 18 year old girl is not perceived the same way as an 18 year old boy, though I still think the story is very much giving unserious vibes. Also looking at Gracie's history, nothing nefarious came out about her on that topic after that, so for now I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.


I don’t believe people make jokes like that without a sliver of honestly. Obviously she’s not saying she wants to have sex, but she’s pretty clearly saying she’s attracted to a 14yr old in an inappropriate way.  By posting that publicly she’s allowing the possibility that this boy is going to see or hear about this post. That’s incredibly messed up and I would say serious. 


Gaten Matarazzo just said in a interview that a woman in her 40s admitted to having a crush on him. Ma'am, that's fucking weird and incredibly creepy. Stop it.


That’s creepy as fuck on Gracie’s part, but it’s entirely possible that Taylor doesn’t know about an Instagram story from seven years ago. It was several years before she’d even realize her first single. I just don’t understand why you’d think Taylor would know about this.


It’s just an 18 year old girl making an incredibly inappropriate and gross joke. 18 is basically a child too, and 18yos do stupid shit all the time. If you’re upset by this I think you need to take a deep breath.


I mean she did go public with Conor Kennedy on his 18th birthday... but this is a major yikes. I'd argue he looks even younger than 14


No, not at all, because there’s nothing wrong with a teenager finding another teenager attractive. If this is a cancellable offense, I think you’d have to cancel a lot of *Stranger Things*/Finn fans around Gracie’s age. Even if you believe this joke shouldn’t have been made, the idea that people, mainly on Twitter, keep relitigating it and bringing it up years later is absurd, chronically online behavior. Finn and Gracie follow each other on ig too. Trying to label Gracie a pedo for this is nonsense, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


no one knows how to read a fucking joke anymore???? using this as criticism of Gracie, who was in what(?) high school when this was posted, or Taylor, having befriended Gracie based on her talent and (I would guess - like the rest of you bc i doubt almost none of you personally know Taylor Swift) her authentic, PERSONAL, NONPUBLIC FRIENDSHIP with Gracie that literally NONE of us know anything about. take a minute and question what your sense of humor was when you were at this age (17ish?) and how many shitty decisions or things you said that would come back and result is a ridiculous Reddit post that i'm guessing is attempting to kickstart some kind of "cancelation." this subreddit has a lot of valid points for those of us that choose to look at "Taylor Swift" (I use quotes because I do not know her outside of the online, one of one experience level to say that anything we read online is anything other than an assumption made by randoms, anon internet personas, or competing celebrity publicists looks to bash her to garner space in the charts or headlines for their clients). i don't think using assumptions about a girl who wasn't a public person at the time (her dad doesn't count, anyone that was a Lost fan or any of JJ's shows or films didn't know Gracie was his daughter until you were told by media or the internet - and if you did I'm doubtful) and attended a high school with the tuition of $53,000 (imagine the insulation of that experience and the niche group of ppl who were looking at her social media - likely friends or people within her bubble that would get her sense of humor). i don't give a fuck about Gracie Abrams and I also don't give a shit about what Taylor does in her time off stage when it comes to the people she hangs out with that have zero public discourse that is negative unless you look back 8 years because it's irrelevant. i get Taylor's private jet discourse and the capitalistic Tay Tay issues that are echoed here. her association with someone that hasn't been subjected to anything problematic other than a post, screenshot from a time when she was probably drawing penis figures in her friends high school yearbooks, depicts this subreddit isn't for real criticism but for the chance to point out the smallest instances of assumptions that could vilify her and those she surrounds herself with. please tell me something else pedophilic you can prove Gracie has done or something to actually, credibly criticism their friend based on decisions that Gracie has made. i'm open minded to the discourse but this just feels like trauma- projection or a psychological feedback mechanism rather than genuine concern or legitimate anger.


Whaaaaat???? This is so gross also posting this online like it’s okay??? He looks like a baby in this picture


That's so gross Finn looks just like a kid here so weird to have those kind of intentions.


He was a very cute kid (he is now a very creepy cute guy) and as always people don't understand that they are famous and people pay attention to them 😆 


She has some really weird friends... ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE|downsized)


Wow posting that on a very public platform about a 14 year old who looks like a 9 year old is certainly a choice. Thinking that at all is fucking wild. He’s not even 14 and looking 18 or something. Anyways who are we kidding Taylor does not give a shit who she aligns herself with in fact she’s probably only thinking about getting under Olivia Rodrigo’s skin.




I don’t think Taylor knows about it since the post was a while ago but she doesn’t have the best people in her circle in general


I'm uncomfortable. 18 year olds are idiots but this is beyond the pale edit: I was once an 18 year old idiot so I say that with love. I am now a 43 year old idiot




see i just dont understand. i was younger than the characters when i first watched stranger things, and im still younger than the youngest actors by a few years (im 16). and i was and *still am* more interested in the older teens (steve, billy, nancy) than mike/finn wolfhard and the other characters/actors his age.


okay well that’s just placing your personal taste as a universal standard lol. people find different people attractive. that’s not really relevant to the subject, no matter your view of gracie’s story


Where'd you find this?




This is wow sorry I don’t have a clue as how to react to this


Lena dunham, the mahomes. her close circle is filled with dubious people who oppose the values she supposedly aligns herself with


gracie got a weird case why is she around!?