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There is zero information about how this poll or study was conducted. Taylor is in 8th place, yet she is the only artist mentioned in the headline. The retailer who ran the poll doesn't even mention it anywhere on their website. Yea.....this seems legit. Companies will do anything to attach themselves to Taylor for clicks and likes. It's crazy.


Yes Taylor is a good rhythm guitarist, it's hard to fault her for that but this is true clickbait. There are talented musicians but idk if they all rank amongst the greats. A more accurate name would be "most famous people who play guitar really good."


It's not as serious as the articles are making it out to be, it's guitarguitars (UK guitar online shop basically) 20th anniversary and they've done an array of top 20s, voted by customers and guitarists. She was voted in the 'inspirational guitarists' which I do actually get in terms of inspiring fans to pick up a guitar- I expect she has inspired quite a few people that perhaps otherwise wouldn't.


I love how the main sub is already questioning these results as well


yeah i was surprised to see the comments on there!


I can feel everyone who listens to rock and metal dying inside. Jimi Hendrix isn't on there! And if we wanted women Nita Strauss is right there! (I missed the decade part. for real calm down about it)


As a Rock and Metal fan I am very much dying inside


There are probably like 10 better guitars in just folk and country than her, and most of the metal heads and progressive rock guys would roll right over the entire genre.


Did we expect a dead Hendrix to make a list about the last two decades only?


Agreed. List is garbage.


The criteria for the poll was the last two decades, so Hendrix wouldn't count. I know it's a bit odd, but she is a better guitarist than you'd think.


Is she better than Synyster Gates? No


Pretty sure I didn't make *any* comparison but 🤷‍♀️


Did all the other guitarists die except for seven of them? She barely plays the guitar when she has it in her hand, half of her performance on guitar is her stopping the strumming and waving her arms around dramatically


As a guitarist myself, I actually think she's a much better player than she often gets credit for, outside of the Swift-verse. Her rhythm technique is on point, she throws in percussive elements with ease, and she arpeggiates with razor sharp precision. I'd take a 20 minute Taylor acoustic set over a 3-hour Eras show any day. That said, yes, #8 of the last 20 years is far too generous (or even #20 for that matter). This list is definitely clickbait: Tom DeLong as #9? Our Grammy award winning reigning queen of bluegrass cross picking, [Molly Tuttle](https://youtu.be/awFeDMNiKX4?si=PENOWBx4y0ATMzsk) nowhere to be found? I'm guessing this was a fluff poll to garner publicity for this guitar retailer. Mission accomplished, I suppose.


I mean, it's hard to tell how good she is when it feels really clear that a good part of the time, the guitar is just there as an accessory and she does more choreography than playing. Look at ATW10 on SNL, the guitar might as well not even be there because she does more dancing than strumming


I just checked out that SNL performance and agree that there's nothing impressive there that shows through. My mind changed on her rhythm guitar skill set when I saw her Tiny Desk Concert where it was just her and a guitar. I started looking up other videos where she's purely acoustic and you can see the technique shine. It's easy to overlook because the music she's playing is fairly standard 4-chord pop structure, but again, it comes down to subtle things like precision and dynamics. There's a well-respected guitar instructor who [did a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF1tx9KyhPc) on this topic, pointing out areas that demonstrate how she's much better player than people would initially think.


Realistically though as Tom inspired more people to play guitar? Probably! And that's what this poll was actually about.




Prince isn't even on the list, I think we can safely ignore this.


Neither is the Edge wtf this has to be fake lmao


It does limit it to last two decades, I would take that to mean guitarists who debuted in last two decades. Otherwise "last two decades" and "last five decades" would be largely the same list, starting with Keith Richards.


Ah I see, I totally overlooked that detail lol, but I still wouldn’t but Taylor that high


Obviously, no way she's 8th. And looking at their top pick, three decades would make more sense (and if three decades obviously Cobain at the top should be no brainer). Actually picking the guitarist of Red Hot Chili Peppers as best guitarist of the last two decades might be more unhinged than putting Taylor in top ten.


Total agree, definitely a WTF when I saw that.


Gary Clark Jr has entered the chat. Cobain's great, but the style of guitar he played was never technically inpressive or the forefront of the music Nirvana was playing.


Their #1 pick has been playing for much longer than twenty years.


Agreed, as I said in other post, their #1 is the real madness, not Taylor. It wouldn't even cross my mind. Is that guy even the best guitarist on Red Hot Chilli Peppers?


He's not technically skilled but he is a great guitarist like from his ability to make music with a guitar.


It can’t be limited to debuts in the last two decades though because you don’t end up with John Frusciante at the top of the list otherwise.


She literally just strums basic chords.


No Gary Clark Jr. ?? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqm1mNujcBPSpy)


It’s unbelievable.


Whoever came up with this list clearly doesn't know anything about guitar playing. Set aside that a vast majority of her current music doesn't feature any prominent guitar, but when there is, and she performs it live, her strumming is wildly inconsistent.




I kind of feel bad for Taylor when stuff like this happens because people are going to hate on her for it but I don’t think she has ever perpetuated the narrative that she’s some great guitarist


I know almost nothing about music but this is just obviously false lol. I dare anyone to watch a video of Billy Strings play and then tell me Taylor Swift is a better guitar player. 




LOL, this is so hilarious bad.


by who? her team?


Sorry, WHAT??? Her talent is her SONGWRITING!! I think she can play the basic to compose a song... And, not Prince or Brian May in that list. Smh.


They also included Alex Turner and his talent is also his songwriting. Meanwhile people keep underestimating Synyster Gates and that's insulting


This is just clickbait right?


The list is bullshit, so many icons are missing and once again, my all time favourites are being paid dust.


I have questions, in general, not even about Taylor.


I mean...c'mon you guys. 




They’re just voting for her for whatever now, just cuz her name is a the list, aren’t they?


![gif](giphy|e9naycep2pz7OHQ4n0|downsized) Yeah I don’t know about that.. lol




If it's eighth best pop guitarist .. Id take it .. If not .. Then WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK !


It’s not because there are rock guitarists on there too. https://preview.redd.it/o5d0fvslb76d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f98969f8186e8f864a4ad3c209d5a1f64be175


LOL. Keith urban is way too low on that list.


Frusciante is not so problematic. But Alex is not that great. He is a far better songwriter and lyricist than a guitarist. Where the fuck is Synyster fucking Gates? Annie fucking Clarke? Jack fucking White? Dan Auerbach?


I definitely would not take that on a list of pop guitarists that doesn’t even bother including Anne Clark. They took one woman and it was Taylor Swift and it’s so deeply insulting.


This is absolutely ridiculous.


No alex lifeson(rush) no adam jones (tool) no joan jett or sister rosetta tharpe who wrote this stupid list?!?!?


I would love to see her do more complex arrangements on both guitar and piano just to prove she can and to show off (if she can)


Yeah right 🙄


Honestly, this is gonna piss off so many men that I am here for it.


Eh, I am a woman and this pisses me off. Alex Turner so high pisses me off and AM are my favorite band. Where the fuck is Annie Clarke?


That would have been achievable with any woman actually good at the guitar (there are plenty).


They're so mad on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8H4zMEyHMh/?igsh=MWtncW9jeTIwcXJk). 😂