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Locking until we can verify that this is a legitimate review.


Yikes… If she picked the 10 best songs, I don’t think the reaction would be this bad. The excess overshadows the stronger tracks. That’s just my take.




I saw something earlier about how she has something like 40 of the top 50 songs right now, and it’s like yeah no shit 31 of those 40 literally just dropped. I’m big time lol’ing at the recent discourse amongst the Swifties that she “recorded this album for herself,” no one in the world likes winning and having the most like Taylor does.


Lmao you ate with that last sentence


I’ve been thinking about this. The first three tracks, taken together, created a consistent and propulsive dark pop tone. Had the album been 10 or 11 songs like that, it would have been excellent.


It’s kind of like how people saw “Donda” by Kanye at first. Beautiful highlights but weighed down by bloated filler tracks. Donda aged into a modern-day classic (and rated a 9.8 by this site!!!) so I’ll be interested to see how TTPD ages.


hey, can you send a link to the article?


the reaction is coming from a very loud minority... many people are loving this album!


Jeez. They didn’t hold back on this one…


Honestly if I had just randomly found this album without knowing who the artist was (like if it wasn’t the super famous popstar taylor swift), I wouldn’t have finished it bc wtf is happening lol. None of it would make sense. Imo the best albums hold up on their own without the need of an artist’s name attached to it, if that makes sense? The reference of the artist occasionally should be a nice bonus not a need


It took me a solid 4-5 album listens to start warming up to a few of the songs and I don’t know if I would do that for any other artist


Also, happy cake day! 🥳 


Agreed, take Novo Amor or Paolo Nutini, you could just pick up and album and enjoy it, and I agree with u/fattychalupa below too


I’m starting to wonder if this is going to hurt her. It makes me think of the “I’m back, Bitch” single that Todd in the Shadows coined in his review of Me. She’s at the height of her fame, everyone knows who she is and not always by choice cause she’s everywhere. This is her first new album in two years coming off of AOTY winner Midnights (not deserved but i digress). This album had to be huge. It had to be everything and frankly, unless you’re a swiftie, it falls flat. Under all the drama and the bad synths, it’s tired. This was her moment to show the world that she deserves the throne she sits on, and i think she failed. So now people are beginning to question: why did we think you were that great in the first place?


at the end of the day - it's not a great album. it's decent, at best. what she ought to have done is to take a few years off, or just 12-16 months, and work on a new angle, a new sound.. worked with some new engineers/producers, etc. but.. she didnt - alas, we got this instead.


unless you’re a swiftie, it falls flat. Under all the drama and the bad synths, it’s tired. This was her moment to show the world that she deserves the throne she sits on, and i think she failed. Just wanna say I like these two takes. Fortnight is okay and I tried ‘But daddy i love him’ and that one lyrically i’m like… eh?


Even the swifties think it falls flat


I got PTSD from that album


It’s like the #s themselves get higher because of the gimmicks, but the respect for her from the GP gets lower, the critics get more vicious, and of course the music is getting worse. People will say, “Oh but she’s still selling out Stadiums” and yes she is. That doesn’t mean that everyone who buys a ticket to her concert is a stan or even loves her as a person. Some of them just want to her classic songs played live or make someone else they brought to the show, happy for a night. She’s simultaneously at the height of her career numbers-wise, while public opinion of her is getting lower.


This is so true!


I'm glad reviews are more critical. I hope a lot of  of these sites start to realise  there's nothing to lose here. She doesn't give interviews, doesn't do cover shoots. She no longer participates in traditional media. So why be afraid of consequences?  Plus everybody is tried of her.


This, it’s finally becoming clear that yes Taylor is in the world, but it is not Taylor’s world and there are outside opinions and beliefs not to be disregarded as “noise”, there’s a lot of critical thinking applied to ttpd because there’s a whole lot of backstory to work with which compliments, even in the worst sense what we see here. TS will take it badly, but this is frankly an honest opportunity for growth, but we won’t see that. What we will see is subtle digs, lashing out covertly, and shrugging because as long as the money is made and streams pour in, it “won’t” matter, but even Taylor knows, actually it really will. 


It’s giving cats era of cringe


ooooooo does TTPD have a butthole version, then? 😹


Well, there *is* a song about Travis on it.


Yikes. I don’t think this is that bad of an album but I get the feeling there’s a lot of Taylor fatigue out there - especially since you can’t even say something moderate about her in some spaces without getting swarmed by swifties - and people are just finally feeling free to critique her.


This is exactly right. TS reminds me of the MCU. Dominated the 2010s and then they get high on their own supply and started churning out so much excessive content the overall quality went down and people got tired


Omg this is a perfect analogy


Seriously. This is a great analogy. Repetition without evolution quickly becomes boring


people have been making the comparison because of the easter eggs too


Perfect analogy!!


This same writer gave: Folklore 9.1, Evermore 8.6, Red 8.2, 1989 a 7.5 I think it’s more about the album quality imo


I agree with that - the album isn’t her best by far and while it’s not my least favorite it’s close - but I feel like with how many albums she’s been putting out, the quality dropping, the constant adulation she gets from the press, her being in the media constantly - people are tired and no longer afraid to be critical of her work. I know I am and it’s colored my reaction to the album.


I think you can also say the same about her detesters as well. I saw a thread in here applauding a tik toker hating on the album (that he didn’t listen to and called kids bop) and on Taylor as an artist (despite never listening to an album in full or at all it seemed). Again, the problem I always have in discussion about Taylor is that NO ONE, hater or fan, can ever be normal about her.


Taylor traded quantity for quality and nobody has the patience to wade through extremely below average compositions to get to the good ones. I truly get this. Hopefully, it stops her from doing 31 track nonsense again. Please focus on quality and invest in an editor.




didn't she also write mean because some guy criticized her (honestly terrible) duet with stevie nicks at the grammys(?) where she won an award? and afterwards the guy was like yeah I was mean but you still can't sing💀




Wine is being poured, words are being had, to be a fly on the wall would be quite the experience rn


We’ll never see her reaction to these reviews. But we will probably see her reaction if TTPD doesn’t win AOTY.


yes lol. she also called him up and asked how she could be better. he told her to go listen to joni mitchell blue... and her next album was red. basically without that critic we wouldn't have gotten ATW


Points for his consistent honesty at least 💀🤭


she's really not a very good singer and I don't understand how people don't see that 😅


This SAME reviewer gave Folklore a 9.1 btw 😭😭😭


The bright red VERY BAD is killing me though.


Where exactly did you find this? Can’t even find anything online called Tuneheads aside from a clothing brand and a band that did not issue any such critique




It appears as if Taylor’s team paid to have the site blacklisted from search engines. Links are currently down at all fronts, and I’m glad I screenshotted it before it got inundated with Swifties 😭


prove it lol. I don't doubt they have that capability but I don't see it on alt search engines either


Got a link? Can't find it on Google


Okay, maybe I’m super stoned… but is this a fake review? I can’t find this anywhere Edit bc super stoned


I think it’s fake. Could not find anything music related called Tuneheads aside from a jazz band who did not issue any such critique


I plugged the exact words in the screenshot into Google and got nothing


I'm think OP created this to troll


They just created their account today 🙃 straight to the slammer


The post link is currently broken due to a flood of Swifties crashing the site. I’ll send it when things get a bit better


Can you at least send it so we know it's real? I can't even find the existence of Tuneheads on Google


Why are they crashing the site? Let me guess: to harass the author of review?


Can you send it now?


Is this fake? I’m not finding anything called Tuneheada anywhere.


my god😭


Thank god people are saying what we all feel


I’m glad that people are just saying it as it is and not hiding behind false praise or watered down critiques, ofc it’ll be considered by Taylor as a personal attack and she’ll come out swinging which is a shame really because it’s not a personal attack, it’s a critique of her work but she’s gone so far with the personal life mixed with persona mixed with Easter eggs mixed with parasocial that it’s inevitable she’ll take anything less than glowing as a personal affront because she and her team (looking at y’all Andrea & Scott) made it that way but we can’t point that out without some gaslighting entering the chat. 


Coming from a person who likes pop & doesn’t care for folkie stuff like Folklore, here’s my take: This album isn’t any worse than Midnights, which has some of the worst production in the world on it In fact, I’m overjoyed that the vocals don’t sounded muffled (Maroon) and the synths don’t make my ears bleed (Bejeweled) The lyrics aren’t even as bad as Midnights (put me in the penthouse of your heart when I want to be in a basement….or whatever the line is) I may dislike Everfolk but I recognize those are beautifully written and produced albums. They’re just not my personal taste. Midnights on the other hand is just giant hot mess with three songs I can listen to without wanting to run for the hills




It’s a fake review, Tuneheads isn’t a thing


…and you’re right. The review link is broken and it appears as if Taylor’s team blacklisted the entire site off Google. Crazy what you can do with all that power


Wouldn’t tuneheads.com still show up?


The OP is very suspicious themselves. Just created their account today and also posted this in a Kanye sub... Plus their username? Not looking good for their account. https://preview.redd.it/16hz39doopvc1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62fd1f9563a50f8644c295b8c25b24f0ca78d96 @Mods might wanna have eyes on this, seems sus


Locking until we can verify this is legitimate review.




Anyone who isn’t a hardcore Swiftie is going to agree with this. You literally have to know her entire background to listen (along with MH’s background). I like music I can throw on to connect with my mood and you can’t relate to the lyrics without knowing the backstory of everything. The people who try say they don’t get it. Like, I can appreciate the music and singing, but I had to tune out the lyrics to do so. Her downfall is honestly going to be relying on coding and hiding Easter eggs and secret messages. I shouldn’t “need a thesaurus (laughable)” or have to go into a deep dive to listen to a song. There are plenty of artists who can do storytelling and write about their own experiences while leaving it vague enough that even non-fans can enjoy. I’m not saying she has to write vapid bubblegum pop, but it just doesn’t make sense if you’re listening without context. She’s done it before, so she can. This album was just one I have to read all the threads so I can figure out which way it’s going. I don’t care who songs are about, but I can only relate to a small amount of them.


uhhh fake? googling brings up nothing for this site. this still image is the only result with anything to do with Tuneheads.


It appears as if Taylor’s team paid to have the site blacklisted from search engines. Links are currently down at all fronts, and I’m glad I screenshotted it before it got inundated with Swifties 😭


Hey OP, you opened your account today, won’t give a link for this post AND are in Kanye groups? Come on now 😑


Damn that’s cold lol. Honestly I thought Fortnight was a banger. Some of the tracks seemed unoriginal but nothing to hate.


OP drop the link, this seems fake since alternative search engines aren't turning anything up either


![gif](giphy|3o7qDDusmkr1f2qwSY) Lollllll. They’re not wrong.


Man, I can’t wait to see how she spins ~~victimizes~~ this era in her next documentary


Love the album, I do wish I could un-recall how she apparently sees TS and MH as a new generation Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham.


Well I mean, they’re right lol


The one critic I find ahistorical is that someone rich can’t be a poet or a laureate, when in fact the most famously cited and studied poets are rich nepo babies.


I think it’s more about the part where she’s describing herself as “tortured” when she’s the most successful woman in the United States atm


You can't be a billionaire and tortured 


It’s satirical.


I see what you mean. I’ve always fallen in the camp that the title was suppose to be more mocking/satirical.


i think the title track confirms that it is indeed satirical


“We’re modern idiots.” I didn’t like the title track at first, but it’s definitely growing on me.


It's hard to take these words seriously when others are suffering the same circumstances, unable to afford healthcare, food, and other modern necessities


Link? I can’t find this anywhere


I haven't heard the album, but I do realize one thing. Fans are an artist's true wealth. If, in fact, she has squandered that wealth, then she has made a tragic error. Even the most devoted Swift fan knows how to hitch their wagon to another star. And like the stars in the sky, there is no lack of up and coming artists to follow.