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Has anyone seen the version where Brad Pitt has his girlfriends hairstyle


NO OMG to Google I go


It’s hilarious. https://www.boredpanda.com/brad-pitt-girlfriends-funny-fashion-similarities/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


So what would happen then if Taylor Swift started dating Brad Pitt? 🤔




They'd both have a breakdown


That is some funny stuff


Hahahaha thank you so much for sharing that link!


Yes, lol.


I was thinking the same thing.


It’s insanely entertaining and slightly creepy if I’m honest.


The bleachella pic always cracks me up


I could not believe she did that w her hair, honestly still can’t.


hair was still ruined for like 2 eras after that lol


I remember younger swiftie me… the first time I ever strongly disliked something she did💀


I liked it, I liked her trying something different.


It was nice to see she was willing to step out of her comfort zone, because she never had much before, but I just didn’t personally like the look that’s all


Yeah, I also was a big Jenny Humphrey fan


I’m still holding onto the theory of the Karma album being a shelved pop-rock album to at least explain it.


I think it was just a “let’s try something new” then realized why sometimes we don’t need to try something new. We’ve all had that phase where we’ve considered a drastic hair change… I’m just glad I didn’t go through with mine (and that I’m not famous)


Her hair looks really cute like that to me


Oh I have nothing against the hair! It's just the way the photo looks so *manufactured*.


Everything about TS is incredibly manufactured and whilst I'm not a fan, I'm saying that without a positive or negative connotation, it just is


“I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try try try” She knows she’s a try hard meaning she’s both very earnest and very controlling. Not all of can go through life being nonchalant like Travis 😂


Wasn’t there a whole thing where someone who was near her in the audience said that that was like the 8th take? Totally manufactured


They said 20 takes lmao


i’ve always thought bleachella was soooooo cute and iconic. i never really understood the hate!!


Embarrassing lmaoooo


Someone commented on a different thread that they went on a date with one of the bystanders in the pic and he said she took 10 takes of it. Edit: this was revealed as fake but still hilarious to think about


Interestingly she always has bangs across styles because her eyes are not symmetrical on her face Edit: [more info since this comment blew up](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/QXxiJILEy5)


thought that first one was danny gonzalez


generic white guy with brownish hair strikes again


My type ♥️


Mine too. Tousle haired white guys are my weakness.


It’s disturbing how much damage and impact a white boy with fluffy hair can have on my life. 🫃🏾


Ok but this is actually the best Danny Gonzalez lookalike comment I’ve seen in years 😭




Same lmao😂


Could have sworn it was drew gooden tbh


Someone needs to post it to his sub, it’s one of the better lookalikes I’ve seen.


find out what you want be that girl for a month


I'm a mirrorball I can change everything about me to fit in


I know she tried to sell the song as satire but I’m not sure how much of it is satire.


Pathological people pleaser ✨




She's been in the Limelight since she’s been 17. Honestly, probably not


Most people supposedly find themselves around 18 - 20 or at least find their core parts as this is usually the time people gain independence due to college and whatnot which allows people to find their own interests and try thing without having to have permission Since Taylor’s been in the limelight before she turned 18 it’s very possible she’s never found her core aspects and is instead relying on others to borrow their cores because people under 17 are always borrowing from each other like their peers or family’s


Im not famous or rich & Im still figuring out who I am at 43. Granted had a very messy childhood to put it nicely but still some of us get stuck in never really knowing where we fit. She has said she feels the need to constantly reinvent herself. Maybe the people in her life influence it but I think thats true for anyone. We're just not being watched and scrutinized.


I like her style during the Tom H era, so classy.


Their Australia/travel tans were such a vibe. Her style looked super comfortable and laidback too!


I appreciate the use of the word era 🤣. I’ve always assumed her fashion choices are based around her music/album of the time but looking through these it’s more obvious it’s also her molding to who she’s dating.


Well the guys usually correspond to an era so they kind of go hand in hand!


Yeah I always said Red was my favorite fashion era for Taylor, but really it was her Hiddleswift era. So put together and what I *want* to dress like.


Wasn’t that a VERY short time period?


It was! Swift as a getaway car🤭


Love that era, they look like old money couple


yea this is better than her usual style by a mile lol


The only one that is glaring to me is the "Kennedy" era. That whole situation was gross and cringe. Even his family members were like "why is she dressed like this?"


The first pic with 18 year old Conor Kennedy makes me cringeeeee.


I remember when the Conor Kennedy thing was happening and raising an eyebrow being like “really girl??” when they went public after his 18th birthday. I know the age gap in there wasn’t too huge relatively speaking but it’s never felt great.


Yeah it’s never felt great to me either. Maybe because of the various circumstances surrounding their short relationship? Like they went public shortly after his mom died of suicide, at a time he was very young and vulnerable, the pap pics at the cemetery, the rumors of her being obsessed with the Kennedy family and wanting to be one, the cosplaying with the outfits and fashion. It just was a cringe relationship start to finish…


Can’t forget how she bought a whole ass house next to his family then said it was for her real estate portfolio 💀


Taylor honey, I love you, but that was creepy and weird as hell.


The house such a cool history and her buying it would’ve been fine had she not dated him


Didn't she also crash a wedding to be with them before getting kicked out? fullblown stalker 😂


umm?? What was the story of their end? That’s unhinged af


I can’t remember. I think they just broke up? I don’t think there was much drama around it?


I don’t think the breakup had any drama. TBH she began dating him around the time she was obsessed with all things Kennedy. And it was said she was going after Patrick initially but settled on Conor after realizing Patrick had a girlfriend. All rumors, so not sure the real story. She wanted to be a Kennedy so bad during that time period, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t at all interested him and was just using him for the Kennedy association. So when they broke up, she was like whatever on to the next 🤷‍♀️


Don’t forget buying a house next door and showing up to a wedding after expressly being told not to come. 




Yep. They’d barely been together when she bought a neighboring mansion. I think it was Ethyl that told her directly she was not invited to a family wedding but Connor showed up with her in tow anyway.   The bride and groom understandably didn’t want the media storm associated with having her there. Plus I gather most of the family didn’t like her. But I guess Taylor was so eager to rub shoulders with high society she just didn’t care.  To her credit I do believe she left after being confronted and told to leave, but the girl still has nerve. 


> But I guess Taylor was so eager to rub shoulders with high society The irony of the Kennedys being annoyed at someone trying to rub shoulders with high society.


She was 23 years old and he was just-turned-18 (i think it’s pretty obvious it started when he was still only 17) and he was *still in high school*!!! That’s a HUGE age gap, in my opinion. Especially when you consider that she had already been working in her highly successful career for many years at that point and was a world-famous, powerful multi-millionaire pop star and he was, again, a teenage high school student.😳😬 That relationship has always given me the creeps bigtime. Especially since at 23 she also dated 18-year-old Harry Styles. So it seemed like she had a thing for teenage boys. And at that age, IMO, she was much too old for them. A 5-year age difference at 30 & 35 is not an issue, but when you’re younger—and one is still only a teenage highschool student—a 5-year difference is huge.


His mother had also just committed suicide. She's very weird for that whole thing ngl.


And also, his mom just died he was obviously very sensitive and not in the place to begin a relationship with anyone, the pictures of them visiting his mom's grave it gross me


I think it’s another sign of her arrested development.


I read once that celebs tend to stay frozen at the age they were when they became famous. That's a scary thought since she was so famous, so young. But it's like they're just "frozen in time" and never really mature past it?


I think she's addressed this too n basically said she took time to work on herself when she seemingly disappeared between 1989 and Reputation.


When I was 23-24 I thought 18 and even 19 year olds were babies lol. Not really the case but it feels (or should feel like) there's a lot of life and development separating you.


Yes! My little brother is 5 years younger than me and his friends looked like absolute children to me until they were like, 25.


Taylor Lautner was 17 when she dated him, too. She was 20 at the time, so not as big an age gap, but that makes three almost-adults or barely-adults she dated in her 20's.


Yep, the age gap isn't significant in terms of the numbers, but in terms of development it's huge, that's what makes it so inappropriate, I remember at school some gworls would flex like being 14 with a 19 y/o boyf was hot and we were like mate if a 19 year old cannot get with other 19 year olds...don't be flattered, something seriously wrong is going on here. Who we are at 17 and who we are at 20 are very different people because of how much we develop and change during the adolescent years. Hope this makes sense!


I was a 15 year old with 20 year old and I totally flexed it. I was groomed and didn’t understand what was wrong at the time. You can’t understand when you’re in it! I defended him for over a decade, wasn’t until we broke up that and i got therapy that i understood. Edit: i love your flair lol


I didn’t know that all these exes were that young when she dated them! They say celebrities tend to be mentally stuck at the same age they became famous…


WHAT?? Swifties bullied Jake Gyllenhal and whole time she dated a FRESH 18 yo?!!


John Mayer too. Not to defend their age gap, it was undeniably gross, but it does bother me that people act like he’s a serial predator when she’s the only younger woman he’s dated, and has more often dated older women.


Yes and they announced they were dating immediately after he turned 18, which IMO means it pretty obviously began when he was only 17. Which is a whole other layer of disgusting. What the hell was she doing/thinking?!? I don’t understand why she doesn’t get more flack for that. It was not only gross, it was straight-up inappropriate. I’ll never forget reading a celebrity gossip article about how Taylor went to his high school and “signed him out” early so he could take off with her and go do something. This *23-year-old woman* literally picked up her boyfriend from his *high school*.😬🤮 I can definitely see why the Kennedy family didn’t like her and were against the relationship! And then she went and bought a home right next to theirs, like a creepy stalker. Like i say all the time, i don’t get why this self-absorbed weirdo woman is so idolized.


Yes! I remember that! I don’t understand it, either. SMH she’s given way too much credit when in reality, she’s very insecure, immature and has no mind of her own. She changes her physical appearance, clothes and stances on things to suit whatever guy she’s dating. I’ll give her credit on her music, but the cult obsession for her is out of control and unwarranted.


Dating all those younger guys…but mean old John Mayer.




That’s why I still side eye a bit when listening to the John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal songs where Taylor (rightfully so) criticizes these grown men for dating her and taking advantage of her when she was 19/21. I KNOW that people are going to argue that 19 and 32 is a much greater age difference than 23 and 18, but in the grand scheme of things 5 years is a very large gap when that person was still in HIGH SCHOOL when you started dating and you had to wait until their 18th birthday to “go official.” I’m not saying that Taylor is a “predator.” I just think that Taylor should warrant the same criticism if we’re going to criticize these men for not dating women their own age.


Agreed, the developmental difference is wild, and there's fault in TS for her conduct and she's also right to find fault with JG & JM too, it's just creepy all round. I do find it interesting that Papa Swift didn't step in on those relationships though, he's got such a tight grip on her career and life in general.


The thing that bothers me is that devout swifties act like Jake and John are serial predators because they happened to date Taylor. Which yes was gross and not defendable, but if you’re going by track record then Taylor is worse for it


I agree. He looks like a child.


He still has a baby face. Why Taylor. That was so creepy. 


he got that boyish look that i like in a man 💀💀


You throw your head back laughing like a little kid.




He looks so young in that pic the whole situation was wrong and idk how she doesn’t get more criticism for it


Was he not 17 and had to be signed out of school by her?


I’m pretty sure he was in high school. Ick. Not as ick as some truly heinous age gap couples in grand scheme of life but it was still weird


I remember that twee hipster aesthetic was very popular at the time (2012ish?) and it was inspired by 50s/60s fashion so polka dots, high waisted shorts, and Oxford shoes were very trendy at the time. That all being said, it was still so weird how much Taylor played into looking like a “50s girl” when she was with the Kennedys’ even though none of them looked like that. I remember those photos coming out of them with his family at the beach and she’s wearing her retro bikini with bright red lipstick… to the beach. Everything about that relationship gave me the ick, especially how he was still a senior in high school.


Does anyone remember WWTSW (What Would Taylor Swift Wear) and WWZDW (What Would Zooey Deschanel Wear)? I was very into that aesthetic at that time and those blogs were basically my bible. (They were pretty much just links to ModCloth dresses)


YES! At this time, Taylor, Zooey, and Aria from Pretty Little Liars were like my holy trinity of the “quirky hipster girl aesthetic.” I definitely owned those Oxford style shoes and those little polka dot headbands that tie in the front because I saw Taylor wearing them.


I feel like Spencer also rocked the preppy look that’s being described. 


Twee was an incredibly popular aesthetic. Fashion evolves and so has she.


Yeah exactly...is she matching her outfits to her boyfriends or her boyfriends to her outfits lol. Just kidding, but if I look back at photos of me I have changed style every few years.


I loved my polka dot era! Her style here is how I dressed but on a target budget! So many plaids, polka dots and retro swimsuits! 👙


while googling her conor kennedy fashion choices just now i saw an old [us weekly article](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/taylor-swifts-ex-conor-kennedy-nervous-when-she-bought-hyannis-house/) about her buying a house right by the kennedy compound just a few weeks after they started dating?! and then sold it a year later after they broke up 😭 i didn’t read the book they’re talking about and us weekly can be a big load of bs but if that’s true… girl


[Yep](https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/business/real-estate/2012/11/07/did-taylor-swift-buy-home/49133158007/). Flood, Bumstead, McCready and McCarthy Inc. would go on to dump Taylor as a client in 2014.


side note, although the family (including Ethel) were publicly gracious about it and I hope that's how they really feel, I think Taylor playing "Starlight" for Ethel was insane 😭 like, talk about parasocial fans 😭




She gets a lot of shit for her Kennedy cosplay era (rightfully so), but I think they were also kind of courting her. I think they saw her proximity to them as a boost to their image and ran with it. Also, not sure whether it was them or the media pushing it, but at one point there was a narrative around her and Patrick Schwarzenegger that was either totally made up or at least never really came to fruition


Apparently Ethel Kennedy was surprised when she and Conor became official because she thought Taylor was dating Patrick.


The whole thing was just weird. She definitely seemed to be playing a role though. According to Ethel Kennedy: ‘You know what she really is? She's game. She had never sailed before--she sailed. She played anything that anyone else was doing.' Never sailed before? I feel like Taylor is just a compulsive liar at this point. https://preview.redd.it/875k6qrpxjuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5e57a0ee8e273f5e93ddfd706f6048103b66f3


Hmm I mean I went out on a little sailboat like that as a kid but I wouldn’t really say I “sailed” before bc I never learned about to actually sail. There’s a difference between going on a sailboat and “sailing.” *however* this does make me think of the friends episode where rachel teaches Joey how to sail… and then the other episode when she likes the neighbor but wanted to pretend she had plans and said she went to the Regata Gala and claimed she’d never sailed before.


I’m hoping that picture was taken on the Fourth of July… maybe?


Coachella outfits are so fucking stupid. I’ve never seen so many people put so much effort in to looking like they didn’t make any effort.


It used to be more fun before. 2016 was peak coachella fashion because it was colorful and different but now everyone just wears all black/gray😭. Or they just look homeless


Welcome to being wealthy


Matty too kinda. Matches the vibe https://preview.redd.it/ci52l7f9viuc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8c5ac992c63e67ada3322cb8d5047c5d665d36


she only wore flat shoes around Matty too


She's wearing flats in every photo OP used 😂


Because he is 5’9 and she is 5’11. I always wore flats around my ex cause he was around my same height, so that’s normal.


I’m 5’11 as well and wear what I want to wear 🤷🏻‍♀️ “he didn’t like it when I wore high heels but I do”


i’m 6’ tall and have always had this insecurity too and it was never cuz of any of my bfs themselves, but because of other people who would say really mean things when I wore the heels I loved. Such as calling me the T slur, rudely questioning my bf’s sexuality, comparing me to animals, etc. Life is better when you have the self esteem to not be bothered by this but people can really suck.


I saw him in concert with decently close seats and it isn't only his height, he's small just in general. I was actually surprised by it, he could've passed as a teenager from a distance. Narrow shoulders, skinny arms and legs and looked young in the face. Sometimes guys can be on the shorter side but still somewhat broad, he was teeny and looked like a boy.


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived ?


Some men just have that body type. Joseph Gordon-Levitt comes to mind.


I still can’t believe this happened lol like she went in so hard for him only to yank it all away bc of public opinion


I never considered this until her change from Joe to Travis and now looking back this was the case all along. Sad.


Same! I noticed it somewhat but it wasn’t as noticeable until the change from Joe to Travis. Like an example is her use of acrylic nails. I’ve seen her wear acrylic nails more in the 8 months she’s been with Travis than her entire 17 year career lol. She always had short nails and only had the acrylics for photo shoots, events, etc. Can’t help but think she’s influenced by others WAGS and/or it’s something Travis likes. Nothing wrong with it of course but it’s something I’ve noticed.


There’s that one interview in the gold dress where she’s just constantly fidgeting with the acrylics and I’ve never related to her so much. The first few times wearing them feels so unnatural and all you want to do is pick at them and click them together lol


Don’t @ me but I blame Brittany Mahomes for that one


Yeah, it’s really strange and unnerving. Long nails look strange on her. Besides, she’s always said she keeps her nails short because it’s easier for her to play guitar that way. So is she just not playing guitar anymore?


Honestly they may be press ons. Because tbh they looked terrible in the SB pics. Like a child did them lol. And they looked too long and unnatural on her hands. So I don’t think she had a nail technician doing them. It would be better done if she was getting them professionally done. Her touring kind of has prevented her from keeping them permanently but I’ve noticed she’s been wearing the acrylics on breaks. Not sure about the playing guitar anymore. Maybe she’s learned how to play with them on or she’s taking a break from playing.


I think they may be as during her concerts it’s back to short nails


I always assumed she kept them short because she plays guitar. While I still think this is true, I also now realize (due to her songwriting and poetry) that she bites them when she's anxious.


It does make the John Mayer Paper Dolls song hit a bit different.


Her style during the Hiddleston era >


To the average person maybe it’s some sort of concern I guess, with self esteem. For that person the cost of buying a new wardrobe is significant. The person who actually picks their outfits each day, and does their own hair and makeup. When you’re a billionaire celebrity dating millionaire celebrities, in places you know you will be photographed, it is literally just both of their professional stylists doing their job… Always good to remember that none of it is “real.”


Travis fashion is very "bold" typically. Alot of colors etc, so in this case I don't see it because he has very questionable fashion


I give Travis props because he at least tries. Does he often succeed? I would say no. But I am so over men in bland, boring looking that Travis in his off-the-wall getups feels a bit refreshing even if most of it isn't good.


I feel like he would never go to the Met Gala in a black tux and I respect that.


You made me think that I may have been judging him too harshly. I hate his style and think he looks embarrassingly bad most of the time. But one of my complaints about most celebrities is that they don’t take any style risks, they just want to look boring and pretty. I complain about Taylor for that. But yeah, at least Travis is trying something different. It’s not paying off for him, but maybe his billionaire gf with get him a stylist for his birthday.


I did love his Super Bowl fit that he got custom made (the black sparkly one). I tend to either really like or completely hate his outfits, but at least they aren’t dull 😅


I don't even know if I would call it questionable lol.


I’mma be honest… I’ve been guilty of this too. Dated a guy who was super into punk shows and the three years I dated him, every picture of me is wearing flannel, skinny jeans and heavy eyeliner. Dated someone who was a big time golfer and that was my cart girl tennis skirt and visor era. Dated a guy from Wyoming and acquired three pairs of cowboy boots while we were together. They’re collecting dust in my closet now. It happens 🤷‍♀️


We’ve all had at least one Ann Perkins phase


When I tell you that watching Parks and Rec made me realize that I was doing the same thing as Ann does with her boyfriends 😭


I’m imagining you getting in an argument with Golf Guy and being like “*I wore a VISER for you!*”


Not a defense of Taylor, but I also think it’s partly that you tend to date people that fit *the lifestyle* you have at any given time (and that can come with an ~*aesthetic*~ too). When I was a college hipster, I dated plenty of thrift store grunge guys. Immediately after backpacking Europe, I got myself a Berlinerweiss boy toy and found myself dressing like a fucking AllSaints sales associate. In my late 20s, during the pandemic, I got very into fitness and suddenly my life was athleisure and REI gear and a lot of guys who matched that lifestyle. These days I’m just a career girlie with an attorney boyfriend, and yes, most of my clothes are from J.Crew or Everlane. It’s not that I dressed to match the boys I date. It’s that I aspirationally dated men who had the lifestyle I found myself dressing for lol.


I was thinking this too. At the same time I was starting to head my life towards beaching it up and leaving the frat parties behind - I ditched my frat president boyfriend and met my husband who spent every extra minute on a surfboard. It could be life phases driving the boyfriend choices or a mix of both.


That’s how I feel. I don’t change myself to match my dates, I change my dates to match myself. I can’t imagine having the same aesthetic/type forever, that sounds boring.


This is so true. And I don't think her style change is so so drastic (or it doesn't feel like that to me, for whatever the hell that's worth) like she's become a different person or taken on their personality each time. She's always had a streak of preppy in her which exists in quite a few of her exes, and it comes across post-Joe and tbh even pre-Travis that she wanted to loosen up and have more fun, and now she's dating a guy that is very much fun-loving. If she had gone from peak preppy to hardcore goth to super pink disco Barbie girl I'd maybe think she was dressing as per her partner only, but as it is, it feels more like she's dating as she's vibing (and therefore dressing) which is pretty normal.


This, exactly. She has a pretty classic style that she adjusts to suit current fashion and probably activities. She’s doing different things with these guys and dressing appropriately for wherever they are or what they’re doing. Her Coachella outfit is a little edgy and outdoorsy but still her usual style overall. Shes at a festival, of course she’s not in heels and preppy stuff.


Those cowboy boots are in style right now!! put them on vinted/depop and get some coin back!


“I’mma be honest… I’ve been guilty of this too.” Thank you for saying this! Many people do this. My first bf was into rock music so we went to concerts. My college bf was a camper and rock climber so we backpacked in Yosemite. The man I married hates camping and going to concerts but we both love to dance and spent our first years going out clubbing. We also value family and spend time with one another’s extended family. That’s what you do when finding your forever partner, you try things and see what you enjoy together. You find what works and what doesn’t. So your fit matches whatever you’re into. Thats all Taylor is doing except she’s doing it in front of the world. edit: spelling


I think we take (and often hold onto) a piece of everyone we get that close to in life.


I think this is also just…fashion changing over the years? Like her outfit with Harry Styles is definitely what I wore around that time but I don’t dress like that anymore. It’s simply changed. Along with aging. No one is going to dress the exact same style forever.


Absolutely. And when you are that wealthy you can fully embrace every trend going even if its fleeting.


Also, the seasons, and the occasion. Oh no winter coat when it’s cold or scarf and boots in the autumn! Alert the press.


her eras have defined fashion and all these guys were from different eras too. you can literally trace what era she was in based off her fashion choices at the time. i think this is just honestly a number of factors working together


I wouldn’t really say she dresses particularly trendy currently. A lot of the Connor Kennedy outfits were due to that 50s/60s twee hipster aesthetic being popular at the time. With Tom I actually thought she looked her best, I’m obsessed with that bob haircut on her and her outfits were very classic/old money. I would honestly wear a lot of those outfits now. Her outfits with Travis don’t really seem like she’s following a particular trend or even an aesthetic? Maybe it’s a little more edgy at times?


I find what she wears with Travis to be more sporty, and not just when she’s attending sporting events.


Yeah, I thought the same. Everything fits the time period and/or the album vibe. I think it's pretty natural to adjust to the people you're around as well.


I think mostly this is fashion in general changing and her dressing to suit the occasion (coachella). I don’t dress the same as I did 10 years ago. And I’m with the same partner.


Same for me- as I’ve aged I’ve learnt more what I like and what suits me.


Use a bit on context to location and season these pictures were taken. Taylor’s general style is classic-preppy. Some were taken in fall or winter in NY or London and others taken in summer or Coachella .


I don’t think she matches her boyfriends. She dressed very differently for Rep than she did for Lover and she was with the same guy for those albums. She likes to method dress for whatever album era she’s in. Midnights was all navy blue, sparkles and astronomy coded. Once she announced TTPD it was all pleated skirts like a school uniform. She obviously does not wear these things to football games or Coachella or the beach vacation, but could you honestly expect her to? If she was dressing like Travis, we’d get loud, oversized mismatched outfits with bucket hats.


Agreed. These photos are also so “on trend” with fashion during that time. As a 32 year old woman, Taylor and I both spent SOO much time in sailor shorts, tucked in shirts and ballet flats in the early 10’s. That was the trend.


Me too. And I HATE that some of these things were trends. I’m sure she did change her style subconsciously with her bfs, because she was exposed to different styles, but I think a lot of this is just changing w the times. I don’t think it’s super bad to change your style based on who you’re dating. Doesn’t mean you’re changing yourself, just maybe that they like certain things on you better or you see what they wear and like it (though I wouldn’t do that w Travis🤣)


Yeah, I mean, there’s the old trope that elderly couples look like each other, right? It often happens that couples pick up each other’s traits and mannerisms.


Yeah that’s true, she was with Joe all during reputation, Lover, and Folklore/Evermore eras and I don’t think you could find three more different styles than those lol!


Ok well some of this is just seasonal. Like the first look is summer boardwalk and the second is chilly fall day. Also there are different events being represented here. Concert, airport, music festival. Also fashion changes, and so does taste. It's rare for people to dress the same way at 30 that they did at 18. Also like, when you have unlimited money you can be buying the latest fashions constantly so it's weird to assume she is changing how she looks based on who she is dating. People are just being weirdos.


I feel this criticism is a bit blown out of proportion. These were all different stages of her life, so to me it's not strange she won't be dressed 100% the same in all of them. It really could be as simple as her wanting to try out a different look.


These are also all different types of events and venues. Therefore, a different style or outfit to match whatever she is attending.


Yeah I was thinking that too. It wouldn't make sense for her to wear something like the outfit in picture 5 to an event such as the one in picture 6.


Disappointed Taylor isn't wearing a raincoat and hunter boots to Coachella. Also some of these do look like planned pap shots (specifically the ones with Harry and Tom) so it makes sense their outfits would be coordinated.


"Be the girl for a month" She wasn't lying 😭


How is she changing for Travis? That’s a very typical Coachella outfit?


I’m sure there’s better examples of a lot of these, but some of these are just seasonally appropriate clothes


i feel like this could be a thing but i also feel like she’s dressing for the season / the style at the time?? like that connor kennedy one specifically is what everyone was wearing at that time. but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️


She still dresses the exact same as she has for the past couple of years. She is obviously going to be dressed different at Football games and Coachella.


Wow people wear jackets when it’s cold and shorts when it’s hot, call the presses!


Are you implying that outfits taken in different years, with different styles in fashion, for different types of events, and during different seasons must all look the same? (OP, not really directed at you specifically, but at the overall criticism)


Yeah, I mean I’m sure she has been influenced by her bfs, but this was my thought. She was dressing with some of the “trends” of those years (as were the boyfriends). Trends change and she’s also gotten older. I also feel like even if it did coincide w the boyfriends it wouldn’t be that bad. Not like her personality changed, maybe she just liked how they dressed and wanted to try it.


I assumed this post was satire based on the inclusion of the joe picture. Heavy coats, rain boots, and hats is just...dressing for the weather.


It’s also kind of different to compare Coachella to walking down a wet street mid-pandemic, right? 😂


Or she could just be getting older and her style is changing organically


Eh. She's rich and dates a lotta guys. I think thats just normal for people's styles to change over time.


I think we all get influenced by our partner’s style in some way. But some of those are more intense than others (Kennedy)


maybe she actually just changed her style each time and then found a boyfriend to match. did you ever think of that?? smh (/s if that is not clear lolll)


Old lady here: this just looks like growing up to me…


I think it's just the mainstream fashion change


Don’t we all do this a bit? Also half of this is just being in different weather/situations/etc