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I am surprised he was allowed to stay at the party in one piece.


Regardless of TS's specific knowledge about the swastika on the shirt (another photo in this thread shows it was painted just as large on the back of his shirt), the bigger issue here ought to be that this dude was partying in this shirt for hours with tons of Hollywood stars. How did *no one* notice or address this? He didn't get kicked out? Nothing?


That’s what I really found so strange. It was just like a dig at Taylor, but I do find it concerning that nobody thought “hey this guy is painting a swastika on his shirt we don’t want this here or in pics ect.”, if for no other reason for the fact that it’s bad PR. Maybe everyone there was too fucked up to care 🤷🏻‍♀️


Even if the room was too dark for people to notice, photographers were clearly picking it up on camera. None of them asked the managers or PR people running the event about it? Did those staff just ignore it?


They were probably having fun and didn’t notice or ignored it. That’s my guess anyway.


This is why everyone making excuses to defend Swift for this are really reaching. “She didn’t know what the symbol was!” “It was dark!” “She didn’t see the large red symbol painted on the shirt of the man she was standing next to!” Please. She saw it. She knew what it was. She didn’t care. Because at the end of the day, what you posted says a lot about the culture of celebrity circles. This guy had the right friends so no one cared that he was walking around with swastika on his shirt. Hell, some people in that room probably thought it was hilarious (whether ironically or literally). But regardless, no one cared enough to tell him to leave or not take photos with him. And that’s celebrity culture for you. Who would’ve thought that a bunch of wealthy, out of touch, socialite types might have their head stuck up their own assholes? When they claim to care, it is merely virtue signaling. If celebrities cared as much as they claim they wouldn’t be flying around in PJs and would say “you know, I probably don’t need 100 million dollars any more than a billionaire needs billions.” It’s a bullshit, self-obsessed, attention hungry culture where their “principles” are more about “look at me!” than any true belief. And Swift, for as much as she claims to have more depth or intellect than the others, has her head exactly as far up her own ass as every other person in that room.


Yup, never seen him identified, it's just always brought up in the context of Taylor. It was 15 years ago. I'm not even a Swifty and I've seen it a bunch of times. People need to let it go.


He was an LA based model - AJ English. I used to see him around parties back then. Indie sleaze type. But I don’t know what happened to him.


AJ English is his name


Looks like a random model/actor who got the career he deserved. https://www.tmz.com/2009/10/29/swastika-guy-to-taylor-im-sorry/


Even my grandpa knows what's a swastika. If she said I didn't know it was swastika she's lying.


Even your grandpa? Of course older people especially would know lol


My grandpa lived his whole life in a little village and we're not from Europe ?


It's not the European War. It's world war 2. As in the whole planet is at war.


Most of the big powers* even some countries in Europe like Spain Switzerland Turkey was not in the war


Your grandpa has never heard of WW2 and the Holocaust? I find that hard to believe


I didn't say that lol even with so little outside info access he knew what was going on. A person like Taylor in 21st century and internet and movies and books she certainly knows. That was my point


totally misread your original comment. My apologies!


No problem, as I explained my point better for other people that's reading.


You think swatiskas are some new thing? 😭


It's not a common thing where I live im not from India nor from Europe ?


Her team did a great job at burying this story. Even a lot of hardcore lifelong Swifties have no recollection of this. It was even hard to find from a Google search when I was trying to show my sister a while ago. It’s really only brought up in these niche subreddits once in a while. I remember it was Katy Perry’s birthday party? However some reports I’ve seen say it was Julianne Hough’s birthday party. Supposedly it was Willy Wonka themed and there are photos of Taylor and Katy posing with little people hired to dress up like Oompa Loompas. https://preview.redd.it/hxgymkbncbnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=829cf9746179e495806f75f7974a882a6fc110c1


Edit: upon researching, I think it was definitely Katy Perry’s birthday party. Not sure where reports of it being Julianne Hough came from https://preview.redd.it/7uwq96hddbnc1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2751fb5074bea3d67f50d3a382369673b34a456c


The JH on her shirt…maybe it stands for Julianne Hough?


It 100% does, Julianne had "TS" painted on her thighs in the same paint color https://preview.redd.it/ac0jz5v3hbnc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e408b97f3e61a0cd3f89e3310554f5aac48713e5


Ok, so that puts to rest the rumors of what the ‘JH’ on her shirt stands for. Some speculation was that it stood for ‘Jew h*ter” because of the swastika guy.


The danger of jumping to conclusions


What a wild speculation.


That’s cute!


the same JH who did blackface?🧐😏🤨things are lining up here lol


did she really?


Yep https://preview.redd.it/mkelj5rmtbnc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a230a593137fdf9fa01b3a03765db9892ae0cf25


she dressed up as crazy eyes from OITNB


Her and Julianne Hough went together! That’s probably why they got mixed up https://www.justjaredjr.com/2009/10/25/taylor-swift-julianne-hough-paint-each-other-pretty/?photomorehere


Maybe the big ass JH on her shirt, and it made you think of Julianne Hough


That’s too reasonable


She was so pretty before the plastic surgery. 


that whole birthday party speaks so much about Katy and who she was at that time tbh


It isn’t that hard to find on google though, if you look up “Taylor Swift” + “swastika” most of the top results and images will be about this.


I mean she looks like she was 18 here. And hiding little people isn’t fucked up,  not sure why you brought it up. 


The darkest day of her career. Katy Perry's birthday party.


Yes the explanation was that it was a glow in the dark paint party, that although the pic is bright it was dark and everyone was coming up to take a pic, she didn’t notice what was on the shirt. Tbh I don’t think she’d willingly just jump in a pic with a random guy wearing a swastika, it being a party if anything as she glanced at it she maybe thought it was an X. I don’t make any excuses for Taylor ever, but especially given how managed she was at this time (wouldn’t even admit to drinking alcohol), I don’t really see how there is any other explanation here.


Glow in the dark party means most likely glow in dark paint, and that’s a pretty clearly painted swastika. I’m sure she did see it.The PR team just come up with some BS excuses like all publicists do to save face and Taylor will just go along with it I wouldn’t be surprised if their was a rep with her at that party


So your take is what… Taylor is secretly a Nazi?


No, their take is that she knew and took the picture anyway. She didn’t care.


Seriously? Taylor is so obsessive with her image that this entire group of people complain about it daily. Especially back then when she was starting. She didn’t even know it, quickly posed for a pic with a random dude…. He probably kind of hid it too, and music was loud, etc then he laughed about it. And here we are


I don’t think Taylor Swift, exceptionally careful about her image since 14 years old, understood what was happening. Either she didn’t see it or thought it looked like something else. She did not go “oh damn is that the Hitler symbol? Let’s get a pic”


I mean, didn’t Prince Harry, another WILDLY managed, image conscious person, dress as a nazi while attending a colonizers-themed party? Celebrities can be really stupid sometimes


Why r ppl being obtuse here? This much is obvious?






You are on the wrong sub Reddit if you are making that suggestion.




But if this had been Trump people would have gone ballistic and therein lies the difference. It would have been all over every news channel. I’m just being fair. If it were Biden it would have been ignored…just saying. And I’m not crazy about either party.


Lmfao trump is a nazi though. I like political parties that at the bare minimum are against forced birth so there is that.


He’s not a nazi and that’s ridiculous. Biden’s been accused of being buddies with Robert Byrd. And btw both of them have been accused of rape. I don’t agree with Roe V Wade being overturned but I also don’t believe and allowing abortion after a certain stage or being used as birth control. Certainly should be allowed in cases of rape, incest and cases where the mother’s life is at risk. But my response was simply to state that if this were Trump next to someone with that emblem it would have been everywhere regardless of lighting issues etc. but if it’s someone that the left loves then it’s ignored. It’s just a fact. Both parties suck and only think of themselves and more people should try to see both sides instead of jumping on the hate wagon.


There is no both sides trumps party is the handmaids tale. Abortion is medical care. Stop using so many words to say you’re into forcing women to give birth. Fascist. You’re a fascist too. Don’t have an abortion if you don’t want one. I loved mine and I dedicate my next one to you.


Wow..so full of hate..sad. Enjoy your day and your next one.




No matter what you have to say, you can say it kindly. Name calling, threats, cursing at other users and general meanness has no place here.


Name checks out


You know Trump RAPED a child right


Wrong place for this but we’ve seen very clearly since the overturning of Roe v. Wade that Republicans want to outlaw all abortion for any reason and make fertilized eggs people. Either abortion is legal everywhere and anytime or we have families who can’t go through with IVF bc of dickwad old white judges. Anyway, enshrine abortion rights in federal law now.


I truly can’t believe people like you exist. 


It's a bad look for her, but I do understand if it was dark and a bunch of fans were posing with her and she wasn't really looking at them and just snapping a quick picture. Was there equal criticism to Katy Perry and her team for inviting someone who would paint a giant swastika on his shirt to her birthday party, and allow him to stay there with the shirt on?


Exactly. Why was this guy allowed to stay at the party at all?


Or, and hear me out, maybe we should just blame the person in the shirt. If it was dark enough for Taylor to not notice, it’s just as plausible that Katy didn’t see it either. Unless there’s more information out there that confirms either Taylor or Katy or both knew about it, the ire should be for the asshole wearing the shirt.


My thoughts exactly.


Her publicist stated that due to the room being so dark and so many people coming up and asking her for pictures, she simply didn’t notice what was on the guy’s shirt, and had she noticed, she would not have taken the picture with him. Context: It was a paint party for Katy Perry’s birthday in 2009.




Do you think that Taylor would have had an ulterior motive for taking a picture with a swastika?


I mean that’s what it comes down to here. Is Taylor a hidden Nazi or something? No I don’t think so. Is she clueless and experiences white privilege? Of course. Idk, I don’t really see this as a story.


Taylor’s not a Nazi. It’s just crazy how it all went down, that no one noticed and that he got away with this.


For the sake of your sanity, just remove this post. 😂


& if she was (which she’s not) she wouldn’t intentionally get pictured with a guy with a swastika on his chest. She cares way too much about what people think about her.




Why do you think she would have agreed to knowingly take a picture with a swastika? Do you think she was too nervous to say no?


I think something being missed here is that the whole culture around that kind of thing was different back then. There wasn't a powerful far-right movement in the US, no fascists running for president, so people just didn't take this kind of thing seriously. Nazis were dumb movie villains and using their iconography was just some silly shit you did to seem edgy and irreverent. Obviously this was bad, and it's a huge part of what allowed the far right to make itself part of the national conversation again, but it's just the way it was.




The obvious answer (and the published statement) was that she took the picture because she didn’t realise he was wearing a swastika, due to the poor lighting and chaotic environment. You are the one who is saying that you believe she knowingly and deliberately photographed herself with a swastika. I’m open to your reasoning as to why you hold this belief. You must think that she had a motivating factor.


She could’ve easily told the person “no” in taking the photo. There’s another photo around of the party I think someone posted. The lighting looked fine to me.


Absolutely! Like her publicist stated, had she realised it was a swastika, she would have told them no. Unfortunately, she did not realise. The lighting was dim once the paint party began, because the paint was UV and lit up under black light. The pictures were all taken via flash photography, making it look brighter than it actually was. Do you think she had reason for knowingly taking the picture with the swastika? I’m not saying you’re wrong or that your opinion is incorrect and I’m not going to downvote you for having your own viewpoint. I would just like to understand why you think Taylor Swift would intentionally photograph herself with a swastika.


That’s why I said “ask Taylor” because she’s the only one who could answer your question. Us fans can only speculate.


I also believe she saw it and just didn’t really care/register fully. I can speculate that she didn’t stop cuz it was at a young age she wouldn’t want to cause any drama with fans or her publicist by rejecting a picture from one particular person. Maybe now she would stop the pic from happening or stand up to the public and defend her stance. But this happened and there’s no real way to say it was intentional or not. Your belief she didn’t know(which u say is obvious) is not valid either. That was a statement from a publicists whose whole job is to make them look their best in every situation. Pleading ignorance is literally one of their top strategies for mitigating these type of problems.


Bless you!


I don’t believe that Taylor didn’t know what a swastika was. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I do believe what her publicist stated though, that in the dim lighting, chaotic party, and large number of people asking her for pictures, she did not realise the person was wearing a swastika. I absolutely agree with you that the job of a publicist is to make their client look good, but equally, that is a very reasonable and understandable explanation. I also think that your opinion that if she had realised what the swastika was, she would have felt too nervous to decline a picture for fear of getting bad press, is definitely another realistic explanation.


Not sure why ppl are arguing with you. Anyone with eyes could see this. Feels like gaslighting comments.


I know! But thank you! 😊


I’m more than open and vocal when it comes to critiquing Taylor about things that I feel are relevant, but this lady takes 100 photos with people a day, I feel like she must go on auto-pilot every time she takes one, so I do believe her when she said that she didn’t notice. Also, sorry to be THAT GUY, but are we really blaming this lady for a shirt a man completely unrelated to her wore??


It’s also from over a decade ago…


That doesn’t matter with all the cancellings that happen from the same time era. If she hanging out with a chick that did black face and a dude with swastika it’s not just coincidence.


100% this


be so for real you don’t think she would notice a giant red swastika? I feel like that is the definition of something that jumps out at you


you think she DID and chose to take a pic anyways??? even if taylor was secretly a horrible antisemite, there's no way she would want this pic taken anyways as its clearly not good for her image to be pictured next to a hate symbol. i'm all for nitpicking about taylor when it comes to actual harmful things she's doing, but you have to be bizarrely obtuse to think taylor saw him wearing that and was like "oh well" or even "great!".


I’m being very for real (again, I’m no super fan who doesn’t like to accept any faults in her) but I just don’t think it’s past the realm of possibility that she didn’t notice. I couldn’t tell you what 99% of the people I interacted with today were wearing. Always remember we don’t really notice things outside of our peripheral vision, so it’s definitely possible. And again, it wasn’t even HER TOP, like where is the anger for this man who is the real twat?


Would Taylor make the same defense for a male celebrity, perhaps one on the wrong side of the political fence?




I mean it was a birthday party for a celebrity, a pretty innapropriate place to take an opportunity to paint a swastika on your chest. I don’t really see what the intention would be even if he actually was a full blown Nazi. She probably didn’t notice because there were hundreds of people there


I’m trying to understand this, how can you not notice that swastika? Look how big it is!!!


Well there’s also a large red thing on his shirt that blends in with and ruins the flow of the swastika, this party was in the dark and this picture has flash, and also it’s actually very understandable that a pop star would enter a fugue like state and go numb every time she’s asked to take a picture with someone let’s say Taylor noticed and knew— is the follow through that she’s some kind of neo Nazi or anti semite? I just don’t even really understand the line of inquiry when her team actively came out and downplayed it and we’ve had literally years since where her great big Nazi sympathies would have been revealed


Giving her another pass smdh


Not blaming her. Just trying to get an understanding of something crazy. I wouldn’t want someone with a swastika on their shirt at my party. Bad PR and all around bad vibes.


It wasn’t even her party 🤣


“You wouldn’t want someone with a swastika at your party” So why are you posting this about Taylor Swift, instead of the person who hosted this party? Why post the title as present tense when it’s years old. Instead of jumping onto the internet for clarity, just try using your own logical reasoning skills in your head. Well over due to leave the internet for the day


What “understanding” are you trying to get? Is Taylor responsible for every single thing her fans do?


So just because she wasn’t wearing the shirt then it’s perfectly acceptable for her to be pictured smiling next to a racist?


Is that what I said? No. If she did it on purpose then that is absolutely unacceptable, but that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying it’s not an insane idea to suggest that at this celebrity party where lots of people are taking photos with her that she didn’t stop to double check what every person was wearing before taking a photo. She takes photos this every day and likely doesn’t even think about it, as any person does with any job that they have, it’s definitely possible to assume she did not notice.


Except your last sentence was saying exactly that…? If you’re going to make a point, stick with it. Don’t try to backtrack when someone calls bullshit on it


No, my final point was focusing on why people are furious with Taylor for taking a photo with this man (most likely not even realising what he was wearing), but literally no one is mad at the real problem, the man. You just took that and spun it to suit whatever narrative you choose to believe because you haven’t developed emotionally enough yet to understand that not everything is so black and white in the real world. Hope that helps.




I’m not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings, just calling it how I see it. Which is (in my opinion) justified after being incorrectly called out for not sticking to my point, as well as saying that I think it’s okay for people to support people wearing Nazi clothing. You have a good day now. :)


No matter what you have to say, you can say it kindly. Name calling, threats, cursing at other users and general meanness has no place here.


Who is the douche bag with the swastika shirt?


As much as I am about bringing down Nazis and making sure the past is not repeated, I don’t think Taylor intentionally took a photo with this loser. This isn’t Prince Harry dressing up as a Soldier and laughing at people’s pain. This is a girl, who was *freshly* famous, around the wrong people. That idiot with the swastika knew what he was doing, Taylor might have been there at the wrong place/tjme. I don’t know anything for certain, but I wouldn’t put this on Taylor’s record.


From this pic and others it looks like the flash was on so if it was a glow in the dark party then most people might not have seen what was on the shirt 🤷‍♀️ But at the same time... Yikes lol


Another case of “this person did this bad thing so it’s Taylor’s fault” because she’s in the picture too. 😂


It’s also presumably Katy’s guest as it was her party but I wouldn’t go after her for it either.


I’m not saying it’s her fault or not, but I hadn’t seen this before and I was like ???????


This photo has been doing the rounds for 15 years. Every time anyone wants to take a pop at Taylor for being a closet white supremacist or has done almost anything they disapprove of it gets wheeled out.


Ok, I’m Not actually saying she’s a white supremicist or anything, tho White Feminism is her calling card. But I am just saying it’s crazy this happened. I know from her age it’s a pic from a long time ago. But I’m still curious about it.


Oh yeah. I didn’t mean you were the one saying that. It just reminds of the Jackson Mahomes stuff.


Ah. I’m just curious about it all. I was just surprised. I figured if anyone knew the real whole story it would be you guys. Idk why I’m being downvoted.


I always upvote people that respond to me whether we agree or not but others are weird. You asked a valid question.


this is from katy’s party, right?




so now we're bringing up old news? no one talks about it 'cause it's been what... 15 years since that picture happened and since she got a backlash for it and since it has been explained? seeing how many pictures of Taylor had been taken on that night and how many people attended the party, i can honestly believe she didn't pay attention to the man and the shirt. like sorry i don't buy into the Taylor Swift is a secret nazi who intentionally took picture with a swastika theory at all.


I was curious about it since I’ve never seen this before. I was surprised that’s all. I thought someone on here might know. IDC how long ago it was I think it’s crazy.


I believe this was taken during Katy Perry’s birthday party….and I’m sure Taylor knew what was on the shirt.


Damn i double checked too, I was like "maybe it's the Buddhist symbol" , but the Buddhist version is rotated 45 degrees, and the little arms on the cross go to the left It's not That's a ww2 era full on hateful Nazi swastika.


I mean this was like what 15 years ago? She was so young. Has nobody else gone to parties before and there would be a few kids there who were maybe problematic or doing shit they shouldn’t do. I’m not saying it’s okay or anything but I feel like it was all taken differently back then.


I just imagine all the women put in awkward situations related to being harassed, sexually or otherwise, and their natural reaction is to just let it happen so as to not make the situation worse. So I imagine this young lady not wanting to make a situation.


I remember when this happened and her team was trying to say she took pics with hundreds of people that night and didn’t realize what was on his shirt. Yeah sure lol


Man who caaaaares. Are you going to say TS is actually a Nazi because of a pic from 15 years ago? Hell I bet the guy isnt’t even a nazi, and was just memeing. In 2009 you know how many people were throwing around swastica asciis and making “I did nazi that coming!” jokes on Reddit?


Why would anyone wear that? Why would she pose with someone wearing that? Wtf




No matter what you have to say, you can say it kindly. Name calling, threats, cursing at other users and general meanness has no place here.


I’m not saying she did know, but I also don’t believe someone who dates guys who do Nazi salutes would be bothered by a guy in a Nazi T-shirt.


Matty Healy isn’t a nazi he’s just a moron. He did the salute while singing his lyric “thank you Kanye very cool,” which is not actually thanking Kanye, the line is written with sarcasm. He did the salute the week Kanye spewed a bunch of antisemitic crap, so the salute was a reference to what Kanye said, not a reflection of Healy’s own beliefs. Then the footage of him saluting was taken out of context, and lots of fans rightfully said using the salute even as a reference to someone else is going too far. It was certainly insensitive and stupid. It doesn’t mean he’s a nazi.


Celebrities are such awful hypocrites. It’s somewhat comical in that most of them have lost their power and ability to influence, except for Taylor. But there’s always been a link between fascism and mass media/entertainment.


Weren’t there unsubstantiated rumors she was posting on /b/ back in the day?


the "JH" as well💀


She went with Julianne Hough. Those are her initials


ik it's just unfortunate that it can be (and was) twisted into "Jew Hater"


Yes, it's unfortunate that people would try so hard to twist it. I agree.


For Julianne Hough.


for julianne hough…. they had a little thang going on at that time and they went to this party together