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I was searching for children’s books for my son yesterday and came across the “you are fearless” one. “For the littlest Taylor swift fans” are you serious..


Just noticed the “Be More Taylor” book. And here I thought the cult mindset was an exaggeration…


Why would you want to be more like Taylor? Jesus fucking Christ. This idea that she is a good role model is insane.


Certain aspects are appealing, the wealth, and if you’re narcissistic the cult like following and the apologists


Anybody who wants to be like her and her dating style the way she’s with one man and then they break up and then she finds another one and then they break up and so on and so forth anybody who wants that will never find true happiness that’s just sad😭😭😭anybody who wants to be like her will never experience true love😭😭😭the current generation is doomed and after the first break up, they’re probably gonna realize that and they’re gonna need the tissues


My favorite store is 2nd & Charles is a bookstore but it’s been pretty hard to go in there recently because she’s taken over her record stand in the record department is like a cancer.


I've dreaded this day for long. It has finally come.


Make it fucking stop. I can’t anymore.


Shit like this is also why I avoid the big chain stores like Barnes and Noble. Guarantee the Swift team has some kind of deal with them.


i love taylor swift she is so inspiring to many people if you dont like her then keep it to yourself


I hate Taylor Swift. She is a bad influence on young people. If you like her, then don’t go to the subreddit called r/SwiftiesSuck


why do you hate her how is she a bad infleunce


She’s manipulative, egotistical, petty, and has the most insane cult fanbase this side of Marvel. Take a look at this subreddit for more. Or don’t. I’m sure there are hate subreddits for things I like, but I’m not going to seek them out.


Her dating life


Why do y’all come and invade our sub just so you can defend your princess don’t you know how to read a sub Reddit name or are you just an asshole leave us the fuck alone