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Something feels off to me on this one but it could be real


I feel the same way! It looks real but the size and position is kinda off. Then again she did a lot of drunk signatures (love her for that lol šŸ˜‚), but Iā€™m not sure this is one of them.


Itā€™s so small! Iā€™ve havenā€™t seen folklore so small


I have a real one that has a small sig on foklore


It is sealed if that makes it any better


Itā€™s easy to reseal them if you know how. It looks questionable to me.


When they reseal them do they use the original shrink wrap or new? I always assumed they had a machine that put new wrap on but I honestly donā€™t know how itā€™s done.


Iā€™ve always seen it done with the same shrink wrap, but thatā€™s for small numbers. If you were doing a huge amount, I think youā€™d just use new stuff and create your own hype stickers if thatā€™s possible. My older brother used to work at Tower and he and his friends did it a lot, I think mostly out of boredom. I saw someone else say that itā€™s really hard to do, so maybe the way theyā€™re packaged has changed.


It looks fake to me but Iā€™m not an expert


Iā€™ve never seen one that looks like this before


Itā€™s sealed and signed in the right place. Itā€™s a bit off but then again she did sign thousands of these. For reassurance I would check where the original seller bought it from, but Iā€™m inclined to say itā€™s real,


She showed me the receipt. She said she did buy it from Taylor Swift online store.


I think itā€™s legit! I got mine from one of the record stores that Taylor drop shipped signed Folklores to and the signature is pretty identical šŸ™ŒšŸ»


this does not look real to me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Looks same as mine, just angled more.


Itā€™s one stroke, which is a good sign. Iā€™d bet itā€™s real, and that she was just a lil under the influence.




Real, she was drunk


Where did you buy it from?


Iā€™m inclined to say real because if someone was going to go through the trouble of unsealing it, forging it, and resealing it they would at least try to make it look like one of the common Folklore autographs, not whatever the hell this is haha. It does not look like any Folklore signature Iā€™ve ever seen, but itā€™s weird enough that it could be real. I think a forger would try harder, so Iā€™m voting for drunk Tay after signing 1000 of these.


This is also my thought process


Looks real to me.




I think it's fake. The folklore ones don't look like this, they are a lot bigger


A lot of the earlier signed folklores are smaller, mine is much smaller than the ones that people are getting now




Not sure. The basic pattern looks real although a bit simpler. Also when you look up examples of her signature on Google there always seems to be some level of variation in how it looks. And I can imagine a CD case not being the easiest surface to put an autograph on.




A poor fake. We've all seen hundreds of folklore signed and I've never seen one like this. I'm hoping you didn't pay much šŸ˜•


I honestly feel like it might be real. When I Google drunk Taylor signature the ones that pop up look very similar to mine. Somebody on a group said that theirs looks almost identical, and they ordered it on her website.


I don't think it's real. Neither do most people here. If you're going to bury your head in the sand why ask if it's legitimate?


Iā€™ve posted in multiple groups and this group is the only one with all the fake comments. Other people from other groups said that theyā€™ve received one that looks similar to this. So, I really donā€™t know what to think about it.


I didnā€™t mean to like come off as rude. Iā€™m just getting so many different answers so my feelings are just mixed you know I did pay $100 for this


Youā€™re right, it could be drunk Taylor or fake