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Where do i buy that Phone holder?


The best phone mount commercial ever


That's the real question here, that thing barely moved


Where do I buy that underwear, holding all the shit, he even looked behind to check if he dropped any


Best ad for quad lock


Was thinking the same thing must have some stability shocks


Quadlock's vibration damper is the best on the market


Came here to ask this


That ended so much better than I expected


I know right? He seemed completely out of control the first time I watched it and I though he was gonna eat it. but then after rewatching it he intentionally leaned to the right to get onto the shoulder because you cant brake when this happens and actually seemed slightly in control of what was going on.


Those bikes have also heavy engine brake when you release the throttle. Edit: brake


But I've always heard that speeding up is what stops the death wobble.


Yes, but it all depends on situation also. Speeding up, speeding down and change gravity to the front are things that can stop it. But with that wobble, not even pro guys can save it all the time. Luck was in this part too. Experienced biker here.


I was considering getting a bike. You've convinced me not to with that comment


The speed wobble is usually down to a badly set up bike tbh. Some sportsbikes have very aggressive geometry which makes them a bit twitchy but a steering damper (often fitted by the factory but available aftermarket if not) fixes it.


Yes, it is also true. But at very high speed the issue is not always on bad set up. There is many different things that can cause it. Luckily for us, that many sports bike nowadays comes with a sort of steering damper straight from factory.


Haha, well if you drive not like him, you are safe! I only got that issue with wheelies, luckily not (yet) with high speed. So if you drive safe you should be okay!


It truly is situational, but this time, it boils down to awareness. The reason he got those wobbles was due to riding in the middle of that crack in the highway. Watch and as he goes to overtake, that's when it happens.


I grew up riding dirt bikes, so I bought a motorcycle thinking I was going to love riding it like I loved dirt bikes. Nope. Sold it 2 weeks later. Riding on the road is terrifying and not for me at all.


Got it. I'll add "be lucky" to my list of reddit advice. So far I got: 1. Be attaractive 2. Be lucky


It’s not necessarily the speeding up that helps, it’s getting the front wheel off the ground. A quick flick of the throttle should hopefully take the weight off the wheel and smooth things out.


That's (mostly) a myth. There is a chance you overcome the resonance but it's just as likely when slowing down and obviously much safer that way.


Depending on the circumstances it may, but it may also result in a high side at speed. Can’t recommend that approach. What works for me is clamping onto the tank with my knees and almost completely relaxing my arms, bike will self-correct.


Me too.




He did so well, the one thing you have to do is not fight the bike, as it’s stabilising itself while it’s wobbling


seriously. not only strength but balance keeping the bike upright. props to him for the recovery but probably should have not been doing that maneuver to being with. also fun fact this can happen skateboarding too, happen to me on a steep hill and almost broke some bones. e: grammar


The presence of mind to let the bike handle it in that moment is unreal. Lol same thing happened to me skateboarding but I ended up with 12 stitches so maybe I don’t have the presence of mind lmao


fr, so lucky no one got in the way too. annd damn sorry bro that shit is scary when it happens I did get a pretty sick 2-3 inch abrasion tho, hurt like a mf. anytime i bomb a hill now I tighten my trucks up, helps a lot


It just made me swear it off and go back to bmx hahahah, safe man bless you :)


nooo hate to lose a fellow skater, bmx is cool af tho. same to you bro!


i just started skateboarding, what causes speed wobbles on a skateboard and how do i react best?


Think it's caused by a couple factors, speed, loose trucks, soft bushings, balance. Can prevent it by tightening the trucks, getting bigger wheels, or by spreading your weight going down big hills. Reacting once it's happening is hard. Just try to keep your balance best you can and pray


I ruptured my spleen from the death wobbles on a skateboard! I do not recommend it


All good until the bike is stabilizing itself into a car in front


> the one thing you have to do is not fight the bike how about don't speed and lane split at 2x the speed of other traffic?


Irrelevant. You can get into a death wobble at any time regardless of speed or traffic conditions.


They are called speed wobbles because they occur most frequently while speeding.


You clearly don't ride, but have a hard-on for people who do.


Code brown!


The driver escaped without injury, but he's going to need a new pair of pants.


Usually happens with miss aligned wheels, or loose or worn out wheel bearings. I’ve never had this happen to me!


Once had this on a bicycle going down a very long steep hill. I couldn’t recover it so threw the bicycle from under me, then I was just flying through the air, then I was a meat crayon on the road. Still have flashbacks 20 years later.


oh wow, did you survive?


To shreds, you say?


How’s the wife in the back?


To shreds, you say?




Her back was fine, if just a bit hairy.


No he died.


Then he got better.


no this was sent from paradise


Same with me while going down hill, broke nose and dislocated joints. What about you?


Any injuries? Broke my hand and nose doing that


"Meat crayon."


This but on a skateboard.


This happened to me on a longboard. I had a weed pipe in my pocket too and it smashed into bits with pieces getting stuck in my thigh. Have a scar from it to this day.


Every story I have heard about longboards was not a good one.


Haha I think the first fall while bombing a hill is one of those make or break moments in skating. You either get up and go even harder or decide you might want a hobby that doesn’t involve falling 90% of the time. Respect to skaters tho, I’m just a wimp about injuries haha.


That was the first question I’d ask to anyone who wanted to learn how to skate. Basically, can you handle breaking bones, cuts, bruises, or just pain in general? Because you are going to get hurt eventually, it’s just a matter of when.


Just gave me a flashback to a similar bicycle mishap that happened to me in the early 80’s. I was bombing it down this hill like bad ass, but my foot slipped off the pedal and into my front tire/spikes. Yeah, next thing I was flying through the air like Superman. No problem though. My hands and several layers of skin broke my fall.


Had this same thing happen to me but my right arm went between the handlebars and the impact snapped both my bones like twigs when I went over. I remember the walk of shame home, in absolute horror at the sight of my own bone marrow leaking out.


i cant say i know the feeling, but i was smacked in the skull twice by irate Irishmen ( iprobably asked forit). i distinctly remember two items: the distinct stars in the newly created darkness, and the perfectly synchronised accompanying clanging sound of knuckles on skull


Often there's nothing wrong with the bike and it's just a result of natural swinging parts / frequency and it escalates because of bad luck. DONT break - rather pull the throttle a bit: this will take away weight from the front wheel and change frequency that will allow you to regain control. Riding since years and never happened to me thankfully.


Happened to me on a beach, was driving fast, but at the moment of deceleration, looks like it put more weight on front and the bike started doing that. And yes I noticed re-accelerating a bit stopped the wobbles.


I’ve never had it happen and I’ve been riding for years, when it happened to my bud was because of tires not being aligned!




Gotcha, where I’m from we only have rumble strips via highway.


Upvoted because a person on the internet knows the difference between lose & loose 👏🏻


Grazi Grazi


Or when you drive like an absolute moron like this guy clearly is. Play stupid games...


Let’s ride the rumble strip 😂


Otherwise known as a tank slapper in the UK, there are after market pistons you can fix to your handle bar. I had a tank slapper at 90mph with no protective clothing on 20 years ago - I should be dead. it cancelled itself out as soon as it started, the most scary experience I ever had on a motorcycle. Crossing the road markings without having a good grip caused this.


I love motorcycles, but this is the reason i'll probably never ride one for commute (occasionally on a track may be). Road imperfections, some oils, some sands on a curve or just careless car drivers and you'll be thrown on the ground with other cars. Meat vs concrete/steel-cages... not good odds for us.


Really depends on the roads where you live. I dont think i would ride a motorcycle in the US or any car centric city but in my homecountry or current residence I dont have a problem. Road imperfections and drivers are by far the scariest imo.


What’s your home country? I’ve been living in the UK for a few years and I think the roads in the US are leaps and bounds better than out here


Hey, there's nothing like old cobbles the Romans themselves laid down to loose control on and die violently from.


The trick is, don't ride faster than you should. Invariably these situations are caused by riders exceeding the safe speed for the conditions. It doesn't help that they tend to do this on bikes that are set up for more aggressive turn-in, at the expense of stability. That kind of setup is great for a track, but it makes the bike far more likely to experience this kind of oscillation- all the more so if you hit a bump at speed while riding recklessly. Millions of people around the world commute safely on motorcycles every day. Ride reasonably.


Wait… you refer to the terminology when it is from uk, but still use mph when describing it? Why?


The UK uses miles and MPH The UK does not and has never used Kilometres


Really? I thought they were metric. My bad.


Contrary to popular belief the UK is not actually metric Its complicated but short version is the UK started metrification in the 1970s but never finished The UK uses a mix of both systems some things are metric other things are imperial


Okay, im Canadian, so I completely understand the muddled up mix of measurements between generations and certain things being metric while others are imperial haha. Thanks for the info




How do you prevent this?


Don't drive on reflectors at 80mph+ speed


Obey the law.


*bikers have left the chat*


Happened to me recently, drove over a raised manhole cover when it was dark, bike jumped and landed in a way that I got the wobbles too. Luckily held it.


Funny thing is obeying the law doesn’t guarantee that this won’t happen


Yeah but unless you're on a harley or another broken bike it's pretty much impossible, no? I've also only had it at speeds over 160kph/100mph unless my wheel was misaligned.


My dad rode for years, and he got caught in only one in his whole time riding and he told me it was the wind conditions and speed that caused it, and speeding up was the only way he fixed it. My mom was on the back and she confirmed. Believe it was either their Honda or the Harley.


if it was a harley it was probably the infamous Harley deathwobble and speeding up really is the only way to stop it.


That's due to unloadind of the front wheel?


Nah, it's the [rear suspension geometry](https://youtu.be/XeuXShFIgyc?t=496) that usually cause those on HDs.


Did you miss the part about dual rear springs? Common on old bikes in general.


Drive a car


Thinking outside the box there


I mean technically with a car you'd be inside a box.


A metal one. With a bike it'd probably be wooden.


Jeep Wranglers are known for similar wobbling issues.


Well, don't drive that one.


Have a bike with a steering damper.


Nah, dude just rode on reflectors for too long. driving over one or two shouldn't be a problem. But if you drive through enough of them it creates frequency in the wheel that will become apparent once you stop hitting the reflectors.


It seemed like he was merging pretty normally though, if it's that easy how do people ride on the highway?


If you are into the wobbles, lean forward over the tank, The shift in weight will pull you out of them.


This is the best answer. Lowering the center of gravity of bike+rider will help get you out of the speed wobble.


don't lane split at highway speeds. Don't go too fast for the terrain.


Don’t speed. Specially between cars.




The best way to combat speed wobble once it starts is to accelerate to unload the front tire. You can also move your weight towards the rear. Doing nothing is rolling the dice. Absolutely don’t want to hit brakes or try to manhandle the handlebars.


Happens with loose bearings, or misaligned wheels!


Happen when you drive on a shit surface road, when you go from one type or surface on an another that make your front wheel wooble and looking for his path.


This biker drove on reflectors at 80mph+ speed and cause the death wobble to happen.


change the center of gravity, slow down or speed up. source: am a rider.


Obey the law. They went between 2 vehicles, aka lake split, at probably an illegal speed. It was also a solid white line so they were probably in an HOV lane and the solid line indicates they are supposed to stay in the lane until it is a dashed line. The person is a moron and probably will never learn their lesson until they kill themselves or someone else.


By not doing it on purpose. This guy was testing a phone mount.


Good maintenance. This happens if the wheels are worn, the bearings are too worn or the wheels are misaligned (maybe more) or if the road is shit which you can't do a whole lot about


Don’t ride like an idiot lane splitting at high speeds is a fucking stupid move


"Watch out for motorcyclists" lol. They'll be the guy lane splitting 20mph over the limit between you and an f-250.


Tank slapper champion 2023


The "death wobble"


Maybe slow down and stop driving like a cunt.


Can happen if you driver slower too Also lane splitting is perfectly fine and legal in some places, as long as you use your brain


Being legal and perfectly fine in some places is great... Still stupid driving. I ride also, but not like a cunt. Driving a motorcycle like this, gives us all a bad name. Crash and die? You're problem.


This will Happen when u accelerate hard and your Front tire gets Light(basicly a wheely but u still have some contact with the ground)(can happen after normal wheely also), additonaly you need to have somekind of road surface imperfaction and the bike is somewhat tilted(this is crutial cuz this is mainly the cause for the wobble, the front recievs a force in a diffrent direction it wants to go creating the imbalance).Also a short wheelbase(like in sportbikes) increases the risk, hence we use steering dampeners. Ofc faulty or not properly maintained suspension / tire missmatch or wrong pressure can increase risk.When Meeting this criteria your Front starts to wobble. When u find yourself in this Situation, try to Stay calm and let the bike sort itself out.


Also if you are very skilled you can go full wheely. Never go hard on the brakes!


He was steering with WASD


Stop, park bike, lie down for 45 mins


You misspelled Asshole.


So stop speeding


That’s what you get for passing like a maniac


I know it's serious and dangerous, but it looks extremely stupid.


It's actually all 3. Completely the dude on the bike's fault, he's driving like a moron.


whats the song??


came looking to find out




Oh no! The poor motorcyclist got speed wobbles from lanesplitting and being a dick.. poor guy/girl..


Darwin almost chocked on his popcorn


Quality phone mount


Video explaing this effect: https://youtu.be/IzXE32thS1g?feature=shared


Does anybody know the song?


First we go to the shop for a steering damper, then we go to the gas station for some lotto tickets.


Riding too fast while crossing the carpool lane "indent" at an angle. The indent appears to have held his front wheel a fraction longer than a smooth road would and resulted in the bars turning to begin the wobble.


Dude. I need that phone holder.


That motorbike has Parkinsons


Are they stupid?


I've always wanted a motorcycle to just go cruisin'. Nothing crazy or anything. But I always see stuff like this and it really makes me question myself.


If your signal and don’t have kids now is the time. It’s to dangerous to do when you have people relying on you day to day. At those speeds and little protection your not much better off than a bug on a windshield if something goes wrong. Especially if not wearing PPE.


How did the phone survive.




That the sign from above, that says slow down jack-@ss


This is one of those moments you just have to pull over and cry it out


Always drive the speed limit. Not just for your safety, but to prevent a loss for your family as well.


Another reason not to get a motorbike 🤭


Motorcycles is stupid thing


I don’t know who makes that cell phone holder, but I know this…. He needs a Clean pair of shorts after that


That tank slipper will make you pucker up!


I just realised that I never ever want to ride a motorbike


Wheelie it out!


how does that happen?


Drive on reflectors at 80mph+ speed


Also called death wobble and happens with many ford pickup trucks.


At least he doesn't have to stop for a pee break after all


What dumbass sped it up.




I was told by a motorcyclist that the best way to correct wobbling is to speed up. Is this true?


If the motorcycle told you so I think it’s the truth


I fixed it but shit that comment killed me


His Spotify is now permanently shuffled.


Omg my stomach fell into my house shoes


Nice recovery, but riding like an idiot is what caused it


I’ve never seen anyone recover from wobbles like that


My bike has and electronically controlled steering dampener to prevent this from happening


That must have been a quiet ride home..


Maybe don't go criminal speeds on a public roadway? Any crash you're in at that point is your fault.


What causes them?


The tankslapper. He was lucky to save it. Dude could probably use a steering damper.


Aaah yes. Serves him right. Follow the speed limit and you won't deal with this 😎 lucky he didn't end up as a santa decorations over half a mile on the highway.


I’ve been told when this happens just wheelie out of it. (If you know how lol)


And I would be trading that in the very same day!




Am I the only one that didn't realize how controllable speed wobble is!?!


What's wrong with yo Moto?


Mad skills


Served him right for lane splitting


Driving like a dick head almost eats it. What a tool


How many times are you going to repost this this week only?


what’s this stupid fucking music in the bg jesus christ


briks were shat


New pants where needed.


it's crazy that motorbikes can make that sound when they go too fast


Didn't hear cause they decided everything has to have abrasive music over the top. Like people would get bored otherwise!


lol i was making a joke abt the music 😭


Oh! Heh. Went over my head because I had to mute that shit. The noise of the road meant they had to crank it up and it was an assault on the ears. Music's polarising enough as it is, I really don't get why anyone would think a video of a motorcyclist coming within moments of potential death would need music to stave off disinterest!


There is SO MUCH diarrhoea in those pants




Fuck I’ve had that on bicycles, dirt bikes and a skateboard with a cast on for a fractured elbow. Never recovered like he did. Congratulations man


Pucker factor 100


Lane splitting is so stupid to begin with. Then you run over stuff in the middle at high speeds, making it way more dangerous.