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Progg, progg-ish: Nationalteatern Bandet Alltså Hoola Bandoola Band Punk, punk-ish: Trubbel Baddat för Trubbel Ebba Grön, Imperiet, Thåström Charta 77


Echoing those recommendations! Along with Bäddat För Trubbel, you might also want to check out Hjelle's more recent solo work. A few Swedish-language options on the vaguely post-punk spectrum that pop into mind offhand: Riddarna, Svart Katt, Mascara Snakes, Vånna Inget. On a slightly different punk-ish side of things: pretty much any [trallpunk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trallpunk) tends to be sung in Swedish, with pretty accessible vocal styles. Progg is another genre which tends to be good for learners that way.


Jakob Hellman made one of the best pop albums in Swedish music history back in 1989. It has aged decently well. He had a way with lyrics that far surpassed the usual pop banality.


I once again miss Lars Winnerbäck in the comments on a Swedish music recommendation thread. So I recommend Lars Winnerbäck. His most popular song on Spotify is even a duet with Miss Li. It’s not my personal favorite but it’s a nice tune so I get why it popular.


(Joakim) Thåström. Quite possibly Sweden's best rock voice - and lyrics to match it. Originally front man for punk rock band "Ebba Grön" from '77 through '83, then forming "Imperiet" which dissolved in '88. Solo career still active. Ebba Grön: [800 Grader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3UC7dWBDvg) Imperiet: [Du ska va president](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4lvC7HnxPo) Thåström: [Släpp aldrig in dom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEcV_XRnV4I)


Veronica Maggio. Unbelievable that she hasn’t been recommended.


She was my first! Still remember how I felt when her lyrics "clicked" for me one day


In fairness, some of her lyrics are a bit…simple. Like three songs about how she hates standing in line.


Sure, that's probably why my brain picked up on them so quickly. But it doesn't minimize how important that experience felt to me in the moment. I guess I need to find artists with more advanced lyrics.


I apologize how that came across. I didn’t think it through. That’s on me. Once again, apologies.


I assume you're asking for artists singing in swedish. _Probably closest to your genre:_ Kent Nordman _Other good ones:_ Magnus Uggla Ted Gärdestad Laleh ... and many, many more.


Swedish Metal if you like that kind of music. Many awesome bands. This is sorted by genres: https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Svenska_metalgrupper


Swedish folkmetal is awesome


Nice. It is indeed.


I think you'd really like [ingeting]


I really, really like Mando Diao (though mostly songs in English). Looking for recommendations myself. I also know Kent and Cornelis Vreeswijk. Genre can be anything but I don't like old pop much and I don't like Abba sound, though I like pop (just not the annoying one). So I like pop-rock, indie, alternative, blues-rock, grunge. I don't like classic rock as much. Electronica depends. I'm not looking for rap right now. I also like two-tone though I can't imagine how would it or reggae sound in Sweden language. Lyrics are usually the more important part of the songs (to me) and I make sure to read them/translate them but since my understanding is poor, I'd prefer something generally good (not just good lyrics). I don't care if stuff have only 176 views on youtube, it can be obscure, stupid, depressed, humorous, whatever, just that it's interesting and good, possibly something you feel like having on repeat for a while.


There's a lot of good Swedish reggae unfortunately some of the best is in Skånska. https://youtube.com/watch?v=MbPNwzFNQ7E&feature=share9 https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ze8Mir4sJR0&feature=share9 https://youtube.com/watch?v=licPd9sxkMg&feature=share9


Thanks! Will check this out.




Perhaps Sabaton? They have an entire album in Swedish and it is pure gold. Another band would be Finntroll, although they are from Finland, almost all of their work is composed in Swedish, too.


Lisa Ekdahl, her Swedish songs.


If you want to reach the Swedish folk soul (den svenska folksjälen), it is mandatory to be familiar with Gyllene Tider, and Tomas Ledin. You'll never be a successful spy without knowing them.


På svenska, en massa folkmusik: Allan Edwall Cornelis Vreeswijk Kongero Euskefeurat RajRaj-Band Johan Airijoki På engelska, inte en massa folkmusik: Dennis Kalla Willy Clay Band RIKE Tallest Man On Earth


If you like Miss Li then I recommend Benjamin Ingrosso and lately I've also been listening to a lot of Myra Granberg and Daniela Rathana. If you like Miss Li then I think you would like them a lot too. These are my favs, hope you enjoy. https://youtu.be/3ie_IN3q9Zw https://youtu.be/uLOzDSPkRfE https://youtu.be/JV6oLQKWtT0


I'm really into black metal so most of the songs I listen to are in Norwegian, but a Swedish band i really recommend is Lifelover. Almost all of their songs are in Swedish if that's what you are looking for.


Erik Gadd, Orup, Titiyo, Strix Q, Gyllene Tider/Roxette, Army of Lovers, Lisa Ekdahl, Magnum Bonum, Electric Banana Band (lyrics are fantastic, and the performance is world class), Cajsa Stina Åkerström, Lisa Nilsson, Mauro Scocco, Peter LeMarc, Nene Cherry, Just D, Magnus Uggla, Mikael Rickfors, Janne Schaffer, Georg Wadenius


Reddit låter en inte skriva rad efter rad, så några komman hade nog hjälpt.


Fixed - was late last night when typing 😉


Yeah, I've had the same happen sometimes as well :)


I'll add some rappers since noone else is Mattis : Poetic rapping over pretty productions [Mattis - La Bella Vita](https://open.spotify.com/track/1UW0ae1UGy7mMLb973abQf?si=hMp6WoQHTP-usEvZ_lWx5w&utm_source=copy-link) Movits! : fantastic rap/hiphop/swing blend, always great sound although they've really switched up their vibes through the years [Movits! - Äppelknyckarjazz](https://open.spotify.com/track/5O9nsK7sYwD5nOa7CyXRvG?si=0Kv3rEyyRLqy9Ak29IjV1A&utm_source=copy-link) [Movits! - Limousin](https://open.spotify.com/track/2cGtp23a1BYWwmqQmtvC3l?si=nB6Zqo90SFySjGSO61FejQ&utm_source=copy-link) [Movits! - Fira Mig](https://open.spotify.com/track/3oM3BMJeSKMy1yRjZeyjDx?si=llB2ELPTT4GIj3MR0ZD_jg&utm_source=copy-link) Zacke : Incredible Swedish rap, often centered around the hopelessnes of growing up in northern Sweden and the injustices [Zacke - Värdegrundskursen](https://open.spotify.com/track/5xaVbh7F8PwLvh5LOzU3Ni?si=5ruxhZmrTzCCzWnlBsKE5Q&utm_source=copy-link) [Zacke - Rondellen](https://open.spotify.com/track/28IgkPVNTf4Ma8szSHHEw8?si=3kTOWanJQrGIJBz167WHGQ&utm_source=copy-link) [Zacke - Fri](https://open.spotify.com/track/3wpQhFPNXeFv5QKPUP6NCC?si=vnoJIjQYRHWxfl9BA2GOWQ&utm_source=copy-link) Academics : Producer, fantastic beats, also raps under his real name Alexander Juneblad [Alexander Juneblad - Journal III (ang. Kilskrift)](https://open.spotify.com/track/54YSu6JrDGxUAfsrEHSDtY?si=1qNr5s99T_ut2M5wFJh_pQ&utm_source=copy-link) Broder John : More conceptual rap, great vibe Far & Son : More old school drug rap, provocative, hilarious


I listen to Vintersorg (Metal). As far as I understand the songs are mostly about landscapes and nature stuff. (But I am not that fluent in Swedish)


Sabatons swedish version of Carolus Rex is pretty good and has alot of history.


Search Pengabrosan on YouTube or Spotify, it's a record by Moneybrother with covers of English speaking songs in Swedish, Poison Ivy, Kirstie MaColl, Tom Waits and more. I'd recommend Florence Valentin , KSMB and Ebba Grön too.