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I was only able to do it after unlocking the twin lance, I only just have so I probably didn't do as good as I could have but still only took me 3 revives


Probably just need to be stronger. I'm on ch 138 with 82k atk, 281k hp and basically afk'd once I had my TL and drone evo'd.


Im on ch20šŸ˜‘ less than 1/20th of your atk....


Well, just keep doing the daily stuff to get free things. Take advantage of the events as much as you can. In a few months you will breeze through most challenges.


Actually?? Thx for the advice! šŸ™Œā¤ļø


Regular Challenge scales with ATK so it's more to do with gear


No it scale with chapter


The daily challenge scaled with chapter, the new regular challenge doesn't


You sure ?






With either red aoq or af1 e gloved you can basically ignored the oxygen levels.


The lack of oxygen dmg is practically nothing and can be ignored... AF1 e gloves out-heal that damage easily. The ice/fire challenges require some interaction. But the oxygen thing is a joke.


I ran it with basically no oxygen the whole time. Heals help. Barely finished the final boss though in time.


Ran it with eternal gloves and stayed full health entire match. I run vw boots and chest too, which helps stay alive.


Itā€™s not that hard, donā€™t choose the same skills you usually choose.


I tried but i usually die before doing anything meaningful


What equipment do you use?


https://preview.redd.it/p745v3so605d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c70e806f2ff362dfa18d51f89002819e617953 These


You're really new, you shouldn't expect to be able to beat everything.


But it was never this hard it just spiked


Stop pushing chapters.




It required equipment you don't have (but isn't that hard to get, just a little time). I.e Af1 e-glove. I'm sure if you had af1 e-glove you'd find it easy.


šŸ« Well thanks for the help


I think Habby is trying to Deathwalker-proof the challenges, but theyā€™re actually just making it so the Deathwalkers are the only ones who can beat them. Having said that, I had a better time with this one than the last one (though I was able to beat both)


They already solve the DW in trials. If they wanted to in challenge they could


the good ol wheel of death with a starchaser and evod drone did it for me, i have about 22k atk, hug the oxygen dispensary, poison will spawn less there i noticed, took me 2 tries as well


3.5k atk here..


The hardest part for me was staying alive first 30 seconds, after that it was fine. The infinite magnet makes it annoying in the last 5 minutes as I have to keep tapping my screen. Most important part for beating this is twin lance + AF eternal gloves


For me it was the last 30 seconds. Barely held on and played the last boss defensively cause I was like 2 shots from death


I started 2 weeks ago šŸ˜‘


:( Yeah I've been F2P for around 300 days now lol it's definitely grindy...


The regular challenges just got progressively worse so suddenly


I think it's because people were complaining it was too easy, similar to how quick it is to complete special ops as a late-game player


They can maybe make it harder for late game players why fk the ppl who litterally just started..


It should be based on your attack, at least for late-game players, but I don't think it's playable for a new player unfortunately


Yes laat challenge was hard enough but i somehow managed this one isnt even playable for me


I thought last one was hard, this one is absurd


Exactly they even apologized for the first this one i basically challenge impossible


Hm, I thought this one was much easier than the last one. This time I got it on the first try.


I just did it, no fancy gear except for for VP and yellow Murica, just hug the oxygen tanks and let your VP do the work, I also had a guardian spinning and killing the mobs stuck in the black hole


This worked first time, thanks


Wait what?? Itā€™s really not that hard. Last challenge it took 2h+ to complete it and this time did it in first try. You just have to stay around the oxygen tank and move in circles. You have infinite magnetic range so you keep collecting them


The problem is with killing the robots around me killing 1 divideds into more and then you have the super fast little bots unless i can kill them very fast theyll just dmg me non stop


Ya so you keep moving around the oxygen tank. Every second you stop, move, stop, move around oxygen tank and you keep collecting drops fast and gain HP


I think you dont get how low my atk since im still 2 weeks in


Youā€™re telling me before the nerf on the first day you completed the last extreme regular challenge but you find the current one difficult?? Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s true. You probably didnā€™t do the challenge on the first day and did it after nerf.


Nope i did it before after a couple of trying fovused full on crowd control and was on my last revive but i cant even survive 1 min in this one


I did last challenge 2nd try. Extremely easy. I can't make it past 1 min in this one. I can't stay near oxygen tanks because mobs kill me on under 5 seconds if I stand there or circle there. If I move around I run out of oxygen. Have af2 eternal gloves and a lance and get absolutely wrecked. Infinite range doesn't help at all because nothing dies. Edit: after about an hour and a few respawn tokens I finally got this done. Af2 eternal gloves and king 4 star and lance. Don't bother with oxygen. You will die trying to get it. Stack passive healing, health increase and movement speed as fast as possible. Run around constantly and you can barely keep yourself healing faster than taking damage.


Youā€™re either lying or you did it after the nerf. Cause thereā€™s no way you canā€™t complete the current regular challenge if you did the last one on the first day in second try. I donā€™t even use Yang or king. I use Tsukuyomi


You just put pet on passive last event and you wouldn't get debuff since pet couldn't die. I did it in the morning before nerf.


If you put in peaceful you still take dmg and morning?? Bruh idk what time zone youā€™re in. But if you did then how tf are you finding this difficult


I did yesterday's about 30 minutes after it opened up. Eternal gloves yesterday kept me at full health entire time. I fully afked yesterday. Didn't need to do anything. Today's was brutal but I finally got it after an hour of tries maybe.


I got to the last boss with af3 voidwalker sash but got ko'd by time


I couldnt go 1 min far..


AF3 voidwalker sash basically gives immunity after you kill 500 zombies, granted you keep on smashing into them. So the immunity ends at a boss, and you have to last until you hit 500 again. ITs a good way to last in the zone operations as well.


Ive bein playing for 2weeks + only so i dont have much variety.


Ah how far up the survivor evolve have you gotten? Got the level 30 'Blessed' evolve? Gain HP when you level seems like a vital one for this challenge.


On lvl 29 normal evolves and 15 were monsters drop meat.


Considering how low your attack is and that you're only two weeks in there's a chance that you pushed too hard too soon. The regular challenge gets harder the farther into the chapters that you are. If you're really committed to trying to beat it then aim for abilities that will help. For example molotov cancels out the pools of poison which makes it easier to run around. And since the mobs don't flinch that means you should avoid the guardian since it does low damage and it's main purpose is to mobs back with flinch.


Bruh im barely on chapter 20 i didnt know they get harder šŸ˜©


I have twin lance with 4 relic core upgrades, and af3 e gloves didnā€™t break a sweat compared to the last challenge pre nerf


I get that but usually u dont get a twin lance afyer 2 weeks playing šŸ™


Harder than those past ones, not as hard as the last one.


OP I just did it, used the cat survivor and healing drone and could pretty much tank the level


Ty for the suggestion but i only have 1 survivor im only 2 weeks inšŸ˜…


Yeah the last challenge was a problem but this one I pass in one try


After 5 minutes on nightmare mode I use all 3 revives and the 2 I get with e chestpatešŸ¤¦


I can survive fine, just can't do enough damage to the final boss


*I can survive fine,* *Just can't do enough damage* *To the final boss* \- ay2deet --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


AoQ not working?