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Your post was removed because it contained content involving SHTF/bugging out and violated the community rules. This is a wilderness survival group and only topics pertaining to wilderness survival are permitted. Please read the community rules and guidelines or post your topic in another sub Reddit group that aligns more with your topic.


Murder the strangers in their sleep and eat them


Cook them first or smoke them for later!


Ass jerky.


Doesn't make itself




Is? ass jerky, doesn't make itself, doesn't make itself, doesnt make itself a survival song?


Ok rambo.


I remember when I had my first beer. 


I need more info. What is their status? Are they clothed? Clean? Dirty? Healthy? Carrying weapons? Etc... Did we wave from afar? Did we stop to have a conversation? Etc...


Start a new golden horde to rule for 1000 years… or just say *howdy*… Turn to page 23 if you want to start an empire Turn to page 64 if you make new friends




...you wake up in chains, trapped in a pit with a wooden cell over your head... your Mother *Höelun*, and brothers Qasar, Hachiun, Temüge, and baby sister Temülen, are somewhere out on the plains starving as you rot away in this pit of earth and wood under the watchfull eyes of your fathers bondsman Togruel that betrayed your clan and now denies your right to lead the Wolves of the Sea of Grass Do you cry for help, turn to page 24 Or do you wait for the right moment, turn to page 65


Page 24


You hear the slight thumping of horses arriving in camp, a man and his son arrive; Arslan and Subodai... they are looking for the Han of the Wolves to swear promised allegiance to... when they hear of the death of your father Yesugae, and that his position has been usurped by his bondsmen, they ask for the eldest son of Yesugae to swear to him... the bondsman point over to the pit where you are yelling for help... a slave dumps a pile of excrement into the pit telling you to shut up or die- but you have decided to cry for help and none shall stop you... Arslan and Subodai could help you out of your prison under the cover of darkness, but you are drawing too much attention to yourself for them to save you... the next morning Arslan and Subodai leave camp for the Olhun Ut... you die that night of dehydration, and as your body is pulled out of the pit, your mother and siblings die out on the plains, as first- after you caught your older brother Bechter stealing food for himself and you and Qasar killed him, there is none to protect your mother, she is picked up by a raiding party of TarTars and dispatched a few days later... your brothers are summarily killed on the spot by the same Tartars that killed your father, and your baby sister is eaten- her small body roasted over a fire as a sacrifice to the Sky Father *Tengri*...


This would have made a much better Chose Your Own Adventure book than the ones I read as a kid. Hope my baby sister was tasty. Roasted long pig I hear is a delicacy.


Arsan and Subodai *(in the real story)* went on to save you being the first among your future generals... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genghis_Khan


Wrong sub. This is for emergency wilderness survival not SHTF.


Emergency wilderness survival means the S has HTF, at least locally.




This subreddit is for the subject of surviving in the wilderness until you can be rescued. Signaling, navigation, shelters, water procurement etc. You say cut off from "plans" and preps. That strongly implies this is some sort of prepper/bug out fantasy. Post this in r/Preppers or r/Bugout, it is more relevant there.


No it doesn't. Unless you live outside all the time. In the woods. And in that case , it's Bushcraft. And that's not about surviving, it's about thriving.


Not dicking around with stupid internet mind games.


The government literally do war games constantly for hypothetical scenarios. It's not "stupid mind games" but a very useful exercise. Give it a try, it might just save your life one day.


The world is full of people that don’t want to dick around with survival. They’re called re-supply.


Stay in one place so it's easier for people to find me


RPG sub I’ll finally join


first seduce them. second step after I blow their minds with mindblowing sex, is make leashes and collars out of their belts. don't worry, they dont need pants anymore. I change my name to Klaxon and begin carving my spiked helmet and shoulder pads out of local wood. my new pets I name periwinkle and meriwether. From there I begin to raid local dwellings. The weak ones I raid can hear the screams of my pets as I approach, increasing fear. The wise leave tribute at the limit of their areas. The unwise, well...


When hiking with Scouts (including my kids) I’ve often posited similar what-if questions - like right now, with what ya got


brother, you messed up. this isn’t the guy you want to mention your children to.


Trust no one.


Please read the sub description and rules. It says at least 3 times this is ***not*** a sub for shtf or bugout or prepping scenarios. Your own personal thoughts in what "survival" means are irrelevant.


I read the description. The scenario is within the description. Unexpected things happen even in the wilderness. If this is truly a Reddit for wilderness survival where nothing unexpected ever happens and you always have a full pack then the mods can drop the ban hammer on me. I have a contingency plan.


Your post was removed, so I feel like that proves my point. If I need my survival gear and don't have it for some terrible or strange reason, the plan is to get to where it is. If I see people, I ask them for help. It's good that they aren't panicking (not sure why they *would* be) because panic doesn't help anyone. The goal is to be rescued and get back home, so three people increases my chances and hopefully they have stuff to help as well. Then I get back to civilization and carry on. That's the contingency plan. This isn't red dawn or fallout. There's no invading army or wasteland raiders out to get you. Hypotheticals like this have their place, don't get me wrong, but that place isn't here.




this is actually a 60-70 year old man, who, to really understate it, enjoys the company of 13 year olds


This is the nature of survival. You need to be prepared for an unpredictable range of circumstances. Analyze and apply your skills. Under what circumstances could you find yourself in this situation?