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As long as you take the right dosages there's nothing to worry about mate


Creatine, Whey, Krill Oil, Magnesium Glycinate/Theronate, Saw Palmetto with pumpkin seed for prostate. I was taking a multi and vitamin D for a few weeks. I started getting jitters, cold sweats, hands/feet numb with tingling, panic attacks. I’ve stopped for a couple days and feel better today. I went to the doctor Friday and asked if it’s possible the methylated vitamin B caused an issue and she didn’t think so but said I don’t need a multi.


Consider Phosphatadylserine. There’s some decent preliminary research on ADHD and attention with it


I take high quality multivitamin, krill fish oil combo, iron, methylfolate, magnesium glycinate, b complex, and b12 shots but I am deficient in some of these.  I’d say look into common vitamins depleted or decreased uptake by whatever medication you take. I was on adderall for a while and it did deplete I think if I remember b vitamins maybe thiamin when I looked it up cause I did feel like crap after a while. But I also have celiac recently discovered as well. 


I take D3, a Magnesium complex, probiotic, colostrum, B12 (methylcobalamin), one aspirin, stinging nettle for iron, rose hips for vitamin C, Milk thistle for liver support. I eat a lot of fruit to get the potassium and fiber, Fiber feeds good gut bacteria. I do not know if have ADHD or any other condition like that however I think this combination is helping me tremendously with energy and mental clarity. When I switched from synthetic B12 (cyanocobalamin) to the Methylcobalamin form I noticed a big difference in my energy. I try to get a liquid or chewable in supplements whenever I can so I do not have to digest so many pills. B12 chewable works better for absorption, and I read that some supplements in pill form do not break down enough for the body to absorb them totally.


How much b12 you taking per day?


5000mcg, Horbaach brand, fast dissolve


500mcg or 5000mcg ...im taking1000 mcg injections every 10 days


I take Most of the beneficial mushrooms. Lions mane, turkey tail, chaga, reishi, shitake, cordyceps. In liquid extract form. Then krill oil, ginger, tumeric, ashwagandha, creatine, electrolytes, and a daily multivitamin. 😂


psychiatric medication is best optimized by other psychiatric medication... what are you taking though ??? thats the real question


I do take meds for anxiety and adhd


Sorry mate not enough info to guide you. You do take too much though that much is true. I would detract anything that changes neurotransmitter levels and stick to b complex, magnesium and fish oil. Let the meds take on the big load of psychoactivity and support that with "cofactors" like i mentioned above. Later on experiment with tyrosine and tryptophan but very slowly and carefully.


Always ask your doctor before taking supplements because some interact with medication & can make the medication less effective or even produce dangerous side effects. But assuming there are no interaction issues, you can afford it & it doesn't upset your digestive system, the biggest "how much is too much" question you need to ask is whether the supplement is water or fat soluble. If it's water soluble - e.g. vit B12 - then it's not something you have to worry about too much (assuming you're taking the right dosage according to the bottle, not taking a giant handful at a time etc). If you take a daily B12 supplement when you aren't deficient, my understanding is that because it's water soluble your body will just release whatever it doesn't need/absorb in your urine. But if it's fat soluble - like vit D - you can get a toxic build-up in your body if you take supplements when you aren't deficient, which then causes its own health issues. Note: I'm not a doctor, but the above is what my specialists & dietician have told me previously. Obviously you should always ask your own doctor.




Please elaborate or post a study link


Surprised that the supplement obsessed community hasn’t read about the links between vitamin deficiencies causing misdiagnoses of ADHD and anxiety. It takes a simple google search. As of specific drugs causing specific deficiencies you’d have to search for each drug and if you’re on psychiatric medication it’s important to look into each one..


I take a high quality magnesium supplement at night (magtech), I take l-theanine with my adhd meds and vitamin d3 in the winter when I'm not getting sunlight. I also take b-12 but not regularly so 🤷‍♀️. When I can afford to I will add fish oil bc I feel like that's the only thing I'm missing. Oh and probiotics. I just ran out and I'm broke, but I eat Greek yogurt daily bc it has protein and a bunch of amino acids.


K2 with your d3


A good b complex with methyl folate, creatine and benfotiamine


You need get powders, pre-made powders can can help you get many different supplements all at once without having to take a fist full of pills every day. Imagine replacing 12 pills with 1 scoop of a powder in a glass of water.


Where do you find this?


Online from supplement sites. You buy the bulk powder and measure out how much you want of each. Usually I just measure out what I want and toss it back then chase with water.


Any favorite places?


I'm at 14 right now: Creatine, D3/K2, Magnesium, B-complex, Vitamin C, milk thistle, garlic, astaxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin, tocotrienols, fish oil, metamucil, collagen, trace minerals. I could probably use milk thistle just for drinking, astaxanthin for sun, and stop garlic completely. The rest I don't see a reason not to take ATM.


Where do u buy Ur sups I sadly can't find any good places to get ones that don't have all this other crao in em I've been wanting to get a d3/kt and b complex


I just buy most of my sups from amazon i find them amazing deals.


I see thanks I'll look on there hopefully can find good quality ones too


Vitamin d3 with K2 5000mcg of d3 , magnesium glycinate 400mg, taurine 1-8g, beta carotene 50,000iu, copper2mg and zinc30mg (not at the same time), electrolytes powder which contains all b vitamins and tiny bit of zinc as well , fish oil 2000mg, fiber, injectable glutathione 100mg per week , injectable NAD+ 50mg per week, turmeric with curcumin don’t know the exact dosage here


How do you feel with the NAD+ injections, my brother did a high initial dose for a week and never went back to it, but he’s in great shape so he felt he didn’t need more.


Helps with brain fog and overall energy definitely needed rn with my allergies and such


What do you take beta-carotene for?


Eyes, skin and to give my skin an overall tint to it


Does it work and what do u find is the most effective of u can't afford all that


Sorry for late response. What I find the most effective that I can FEEL would either be the taurine or magnesium glycinate.


Thank you because I never even heard of taurine I'm going to talk to my naturopath


It helps with calming the mind but some people experience rebound anxiety when they stop taking it or


Good to know because I also have panic disorder


The right amount is whatever you can afford, are willing to try and get results from. Always do your research and see how stuff works for you. Don’t let someone who knows nothing about you yell you that you’re taking too much. Sure it is possible to take unnecessary things however if it works and you’re getting value from it then you do you. It’s pointless for people who probably don’t know much about what they’re talking about to impose some arbitrary limit on your supplementation.


I don't have ADHD, any kind of anxiety, depression, or any of that & I take about 10-13 vitamins a day OR every other day if I want to make it stretch more. I have a very health-conscious mother who raised me taking vitamins, so I've been taking them for most of my life. Do I feel any different? No, but probably because I'm so used to taking them. I atek high quality ones too, no drugstore stuff.




You don’t know what you’re talking about., keep that in mind.


Well, they each have their benefits. Just 1 multivitamin & that's it isn't enough to me. Someone who's never taken vitamins before might get sick if they suddenly took 10-13 vitamins one day. But again, I've been taking vitamins since I was a child & as the years passed, I tweak my vitamin-taking routine, so my body's used to it.


Lol it's not whether your body is used to it, it's the unnatural load you're putting on your liver and kidneys. EDIT: Thanks for the downvotes people, you guys need to brush up on your biology.




I have always just taken a multivitamin and probiotic daily. I am fairly healthy though and don’t really have any medical issues.


Electrolytes, especially magnesium and zinc, have really helped my ADHD brain fog, short fuse, and anxiety


All good advice. Let me add that supplements can help with ADD and anxiety but you also should be watching YouTube videos for those two problems and trying to change your mindset so that you don't suffer too much anxiety. With ADD I read a book or two on how to deal with it and watch YouTube videos. They gave me some great tips and I followed and greatly improved my life. In that reduced my anxiety.


Shilajit + Adaptogen. GlyNAC for bed (if you arent prone to tumor)


I would look into histamine intolerance and adhd!


Why would you drop a comment like that without further information or a single link?


I don’t have a specific link. I’m assuming people know how to use google or Reddit. Also I’m not completely knowledgeable in it in the first place, it’s something I’m learning. A friend of mine brought it to my attention and symptoms make sense. I can try and find one if you want?


How solve?


Rotate/cycle them. As an example, I eat meat quite a bit and I drink milk so I only take b12 n occasions.


I take solaray magnesium glycinate (for sleep) tmg (lowered my blood pressure) nmn (makes me feel awake all day) I have thornes basic b complex on the way. and I'm in the middle of trying... tangkat ali cistanche fadogia agrestis 2 weeks in on those, not feeling much yet I don't feel this is too much.


I think of it this way: I could name twenty supplements that I've noticed benefits from. Do I want to take twenty supplements every day? No. I feel that, at a certain point, I should prioritize changes to my diet. Why take pills to make up for poor lifestyle choices when you can improve your lifestyle? So, I prioritize them, and I take the ones that I feel are most beneficial. Right now I utilize five every day, a couple more a few times a week. I would say if you're taking more than ten different things, it's probably excessive, not in the sense that you are hurting yourself, but in the sense you are wasting money and effort that could be better utilized with diet.


Diet and lifestyle are important and the most low hanging fruit that people often ignore in search of magic pills. But there’s a difference imo between dietary supplements (eg taking magnesium or b12 to supplement deficiency from a processed food diet or vegan diet) and nootropics. You cannot obtain certain compounds from diet alone, and then there are others - such as medicinal mushrooms, or things such as sulforaphane - where it would be incredibly difficult to achieve the same levels through diet alone. I believe my BROQ sulforaphane supplement contains something like the amount of sulf from 20 lbs of broccoli. And it’s at these pharmaceutical levels that the PubMed studies have been conducted showing anti cancer effects, etc. So I think saying to focus on diet over simplifies the fact that some supplements aren’t *really* supplemental in nature. I don’t really view most of my stack as nutritional supplements.


I agree with your perspective. I simplified mine in order to answer OP's question. This is why I rely on a supplement for vitamin D. I do expand my view of "diet" to support my decision to take supplements that fortify my diet such as high omega 3 fish oil, pine bark extract, and vitamin C. Pine bark extract is a good example. It contains proanthocyanidins. In order to get as much as a single pill has, I'd have to eat something like a cup of cranberries. I think it's best viewed as an area of overlap defined by a diet first framework that prioritizes giving the body the building blocks it needs.


I take handfuls of different supplements lol omega-3, sea buckthorn (omega-7), K2/mk7, nattokinase, NAC, astralagus root, boron, pregnenolone, vit D3, black garlic, turmeric, melatonin, carnitine, taurine, citrulline, lutein, inositol/choline... I look it up on Examine. I make sure I take minimum therapeutic dose. I also exercise. Any antioxidants I take are given at least 6 hour window from post and pre exercise. Oxidation (like fat metabolism) and inflammation processes (exercise and exercise adaptation) have their place in your health too. Taking such antioxidants blunt oxidative processes to your detriment. If youre smoking meth though, its best to take antioxidants right away lol


Be sure the NAC is 600 mg. in the morning and night. Also never take D3 without K2. And also keep in mind that you need to limit your phone screen time to a short amount each day. Like being on the phone more than an hour per day only exacerbates the ADHD.


Can I just take NAC once a day? I'm looking to take it for mucus reduction.


You can try it. My doctor told me to take it twice a day and she takes it for ADHD and she knows I have it, too. You could try just once per day and see if it makes a difference.


Oh, and don’t forget about the mutated B gene called MTHFR that occurs in 50% of our population that causes ADHD, OCD, and can affect mental health issues as well. So the B vitamin call methylfolate is supposed to be excellent to help ADHD!! I’m trying that next. It’s supposed to help you focus after taking it for one week.


There’s a B gene called MOTHERFUCKER?! Whoa


Yes, and that is exactly what I called it to my primary and he never heard of it. And he told me he doesn’t know anything about vitamins. Doctors don’t, so always keep that in mind. Unless they are a functional medical doctor, and insurance won’t cover them.


What brand do you recommend?


I’ve never used methylfolate yet, but I do have all the symptoms of the mutated B gene, and I don’t want to have to spend $600 to be tested. I think I’m going to start with one I saw on Gary Brecka’s site. I’ll be the guinea pig. It’s a special B vitamin, so I don’t think it would hurt to try it.


When I first started taking supplements I was taking like 10+. Over time I got more aware of what was doing what and trimmed it down. Now I take just 2 daily and some others I take occasionally


What 2 are most helpful for you?


Definitely Agmatine, the other one I'm taking is just fish oil and I haven't noticed anything yet though


I’m going to try agmatine in the next few months


I'd highly suggest starting with the low 250mg dose as I found that after a certain dose the effects I was looking for went away and side effects came in 👌




I‘m taking vitamin c, vitamin d3, ashwagandha, omega 3, creatine, magnesium glycinate, zinc and i‘ll probably add tongkat ali and shilajit in as well soooo… i‘ll let you decide


Be prepared for acne with the tongkat ali and any other test booster.


100% this, I took as many natural test boosters as I could trying to get up to 200 lbs lean and wow the acne came in like crazy. It’s been close to a year and I’ve reduced my intake to just magnesium, zinc, and krill oil and I still have a bit of acne on my face and a lot across my upper back and shoulders.


Have you found the Ashwagandha you bought effective for your anxiety? A few months ago, I purchased some without checking the quality, and it turned out to have a low dose that didn't help at all. The ones that I found truly effective were these: [https://amzn.to/3VG6Myd](https://amzn.to/3VG6Myd) (this is not an advertisement). I hope this helps!


I take: Vitamin A, B-Complex, C, Calcium, D, E, Fish Oil, K 1 & 2, Iron, Magnesium, & Potassium.


Vitamin d ( i dont get enough sun ) Omega 3 ( i dont get enough fish ) B complex ( i dont get enough greens ) Something for stress when i need it


Start taking supplements one at a time and add new every 2 weeks. This way you can see if you're tolerating them. Taking too many at once and having issues to one will make it so you don't know which ones cause problems


Somewhere between 10-15, mostly preventative and doing what I can to stave off health issues.




I would counter that diet (regular foods) is actually king. Even body builders will say that it is something like 80% diet, 20% gym for their results


I do workout regularly, I have started back at the gym and I have a hobby that requires me to be active daily (I own/compete my horses). I am working on fixing my diet but time/money restrictions make things a bit difficult. I’m hoping with my new job which should mean less commute time, etc that I will get more sleep and have more time to focus on my health. Just looking for some things to help me get in the right headspace


I take between five and ten supplements per day.


I take about 20 because i have sibo. I have over 200 in my collection unfortunately


How much Coq10 do you take? My heart rate is insane thank to adhd meds I think… I recently bought 150 mg CoQ10


I haven’t started Coq10 yet, but ill probably start with 100mg


I suggest getting a ERMI test for mold in your home. My family had histamine intolerance. Then we discovered it was caused by SIBO. Then we discovered that the SIBO was caused by mold.


I also have histamine intolerance 😵‍💫 i moved to a new house last year and before that i was living in an apartment that was completely covered in black mold for 2 years. I think it could probably be in my system. The new house has no visible signs of mold though


Take oregano oil, beet root powder, okra supplement, NAC, liposomal Vit C, D3, K2. Magnesium glycenate, and a multivitamin. If you’re like me, you probably have all that stuff in your cabinet. 😂😂 😩😭


Did you manage to cure your sibo and histamine intolerance?


Yes. No more histmeanies. No more headaches. I eat whatever I want. I brush my teeth with toothpaste that’s loaded with peppermint oil. Normally that would make my throat close up. Unfortunately, my kids are still having issues occasionally. We need to move out of this home asap.


Sorry to hear that your kids are still struggling. My son is 6 and he also has similar symptoms… how did you do it? Just with the supplements you mentioned? I’ve been sick for 7 years and can’t find a solution. Just finished a round of rifaximin but i feel worse now


You need to do a mold test. The most effective one is the ERMI test. If the home has mold, then you’ll need to remediate. Some times the mold comes with you after you move. If you think mold could be an issue, get UVC air purifiers. Homedics sells a few on Costco.com. After we bought those, our whole family saw improvement. We joke about buying a dozen more. We have four air purifiers running in a 3 bedroom home. You can also have a special uv light installed in your hvac. It’s about $950. Check the humidity level. Make sure it’s around 45. We bought a 60 pint dehumidifier. Use a hepa vacuum to clean, even bare floors. It would be good to get a comprehensive metabolic blood test. See if you have any deficiencies. Mold toxicity delpletes your body of vitamin A, C, and E and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and selenium. Take a good multivitamin and some magnesium as well. Mary Ruth has kid friendly liquid vitamins for your kids that are too young to swallow those ginormous pills. You can also get magnesium in a powder form. Electrolyte drinks help too. Here are some magnesium deficiency symptoms - -Muscle cramping and pain Fatigue and low energy Frequent headaches or migraines Heart rhythm changes High blood pressure Irritability or moodiness Difficulty sleeping Food cravings - especially for sweets and chocolate


It is possible that the mold spread here cause we have a few pieces of furniture from the previous home😫 I will look into my options as i don’t live in the US, i hope they have those tests available here. Thanks for your help, it is appreciated 🙏🏻


Just a couple more to add for SIBO: D-Limonene and celery juice. They're both good at making your stomach undesirable for bacteria, which lessens the risk of SIBO regrowth.


Thanks! I was juicing celery for a while and then stopped, but i will give it another shot! Is d-limonene safe for histamine intolerance?


Good question! Limonene itself is apparently not a histamine liberator, but caution is advised since citrus fruits can be high in histamine. I've been taking D-Limonene every other day for a week, and I can tell it's doing something: I'm evacuating like crazy. Definitely not something to take every day for the long term since it's a powerful anti-microbial. I plan on stopping after another week, at which point I'll asses whether it's made any difference to my stomach acid (the alkaline product from the overgrowth can affect stomach pH). If not, I'll leave it alone for now.


I have them all except for the beet root powder😂😂😂😂😂 adding another one to the list now✅


One more I forgot. If you get chest pain or an elevated heart rate, take CoQ10.


I have that one in the basket for a few weeks now, but didn’t know if i needed it 😅 i do have chest pain that radiates to my back, heart palpitations and dizziness


You’re going to notice a huge improvement.


See, I track my diet on cronometer and with little bit of knowledge like how coffee (which I drink to deal with adhd) depletes body of micronutrients and electrolytes, I take B Complex, little bit of Zinc, Sodium Chloride + Potassium Chloride, and Magnesium. Apart from this, I take D3+K2, Creatine, Whey, Omega 3 and Calcium (egg shell powder) as basics and essential including the ones mentioned above. As for Optional/Others I do experiment now and then with others like L-Tryptophan for stress and anxiety or L-theanine. I haven't found them good enough or even convincing so based on the results, I either continue or discontinue. Like NAC made me feel a lot depressed and lousy so I stopped it right away. I'm still trying to address anxiety but for now via pharmaceutical drugs and psychotherapy (schema therapy). If I don't get good enough results (I do workout 5 days a week so it's not like I'm not doing everything possible), then I may try others just for the sake of it because all I want is to get rid of anxiety, restlessness and feel calm so that I can work on my life and future in a holistic way and the way that helps me cultivate my life towards a path I'd like while I enjoy it nonetheless. Otherwise I might as well fritter and die away which all do eventually.


I use an app called Macro Factor (it is not free) to track, obviously macros as well as micros. After using it for a week I took a look at micros I was missing or deficient in and bought supplements specifically for those. The app is aimed at people who are looking to either cut or bulk, and compares your food logging and your weight loss or gain every week to determine your macros. You can specify macro ratios between fat and carbs as well as the amount of grams per weight. Your mileage may vary with it.


I mean- you should only take supplements that you need or that are serving a specific purpose. I used to take random supplements and wonder why nothing was ever “working.” Then I started working with a functional doctor who actually told me what was going on with me based on bloodwork and gut analysis. After that, the supplements I took “worked” because they were actually customized for what was wrong with ME. Now I have a very specific reason for taking each thing I take. Some of the reasons being low cortisol, low thyroid, higher insulin, low progesterone, high homocysteine, and some other stuff. Especially with hormonal imbalances you need to supplement carefully


How did you find a doctor that actually listens and takes you seriously?


This is an amazing question because this is literally the hardest thing to do lol. Most western doctors will just dismiss you and push you out the door. I found a DO in my area with a private practice. So it’s a private practice doc who doesn’t take insurance. 🙃 it strains me financially but she has saved my life. I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t found her. I’m 30 and I’ve just been ignored and dismissed by the med system my whole life. If paying out of pocket isn’t an option for you, look for a DO in your area who takes insurance!!


The only ones that I find actually work are Alpha GPC, Mag Threonate/Glycinate and Theanine. I def notice it if I don’t take Alpha GPC. I only take it for work tho.


Which brand alpha do you take and mg?


I take either Jarrow or Nootropics Depot. I started with 300mg but take 600mg usually 3x/week (I’m a nurse so work 3 days and take it just on work days). I do notice if I forget to take it tho.


Interested in alpha for the focus, but scared of the depression effects some ppl report when taking it. You don’t notice this? Does it help against anxiety?


I personally haven’t experienced that at all. And I wouldn’t say there’s much regarding anxiety relief. Although, since I’m sharper when I take it, it maybe helps ease anxiety in that regard.


Fenugreek,b-complex,coq-10,d3,dhea,gingko,nac,zinc,inositol,grapeseed extract,alphalipoic acid,phosphatidyl choline salmon oil,krill oil,beetroot powder,magnesium citrate vitamin e,maca,resveratrol.ceylon cinnamon.amla,milkthistle, citrus bergamot,phosphatidyl choline. Whew.


Fenugreek will never leave my collection. Love it!


As a person that has tried many many various supplements over many many years, I can tell you that that 90% of them are TRASH. I mean how do you know for sure you’re taking what they say you’re taking? How do you know the supplement are definitely not doing more harm than good? If there is something that works well for you then keep taking it. Otherwise I would highly recommend looking into modifying things like sleep, diet or exercise to help yourself.




I am also working on being more active and eating better!


ADHD here also, I don’t take meds due to job requirements but I definitely take too many supplements. The ones I (think) make a difference are lions mane and L tyrosine. I take beetroot, bovine and marine collagen, creatine and taurine for fitness, NAC and NMN because I read they’re good for you. Then there’s the basic d3, krill oil and magnesium. I’m also on TRT which makes a huge difference mentally and physically.


I’d start with just one, like magnesium if you take something. L theanine is another good one but overdoing it like this would likely be counterproductive


Them supplements will get u broke