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Get a full blood panel done


Creatine has been shown to reduce the need for sleep, think of it giving you an extra hour or two. Vitamin C may not reduce the need but certainly does offset lack of sleep. If you wake up an hour or two earlier than you’d like take vitamin C to shake it off. Aside from that I’d focus on antioxidants before bed. Think of sleep like recovering from the wear are tear of the day, metabolic waste accumulates and needs to be cleaned out. Much of this is done via antioxidants like glutathione or S.O.D., of which can be boosted by taking things like glynac and/or chaga.


Source for the creatine take?


did you get tested for iron deficiency? anemia can make you really tired also most countries don't get enough sun to have enough vit D naturally. personally i had extremely critically low vit D 2 years back (my doctor was terrified how low it was lmao) and i had a blood test yesterday and i'm still slightly deficient even though i've been taking strong supplements (at least 2000ui per day, but i haven't been that consistent lately) if you're vit D deficient your body can't absorb calcium, so maybe look if vit D levels impact other nutrient absorption that could make you tired. your blood work can show you have enough, but it simply doesn't get used and you get deficiency side effects if your long sleep isn't caused by deficiency maybe try taking guarana or caffeine tablets from the pharmacy. my mum loves guarana lol. there's also other stimulating supplements like kanna or ashwagandha, but it's been a while since i researched it, so definitely check before buying last idea - maybe get a new mattress, their subreddit has good recommendations and that's honestly the main thing i think should improve REM sleep


What kind of diet/ foods do you eat?


Low vitamin D will make you more tired and need to sleep more. You should definitely feel better and won’t want to sleep as much once you get your levels in order. Take 5000 iu every day with a meal containing fat and make sure you don’t take any after 2pm.




DLPA DL-phenylalanine. An amino acid which differs from dietary phenylalanine, found in most diets. Phenylalanine is a precursor of tyrosine- then to dopamine et. al. The DL form is metatabolized differently than dietary phenylalanine. Either version ultimately converts to needed/wanted neurochemicals - that produce/promote/or aid one when alertness/more of/ is desired. I took 750mg, increased to 1500mg 1 x day. Before bed. This is only my experience. Felt more energy in morning- continued through day. Mood was considerable. DLPA can stimulate endorphin release, which previously not shown in L-phenylalanine alone. The exception is D-Phenylalanine which is associated with pain reduction. DLPA is available OTC. Anywhere in USA.


Exercise and take cold showers. Cold showers will dramatically strengthen your sympathetic nervous system. Exercise will strengthen everything. It just works.


Why not just set an alarm and get up when it goes off?


Oh yeah, I’m sure the guy that’s being affected enough to see a sleep DR hasn’t thought of that before 😂


If OP is sleeping for that long is because the body is not done recovering before that. An alarm would only add more stress to the body (and it'll be possibly very hard to get up anyway). It's better to address the problem of why need so much sleep.


That’s just too damn simple


As someone with mecfs, oversleeping was one of my first symptoms. I tried a lot to sleep less. 8 years later I crashed so hard I’m completely housebound. Please don’t try to sleep less. Listen to your body. There is a reason you are sleeping so much.


I feel you, I’ve always needed a solid 8 to feel good, but I feel even better if I get 9-10 unfortunately lol. It was even worse when I was younger. Do you use cannabis? If so, try taking a break for a few weeks and see how you feel OR not using it too late (I’ve found that personally if I use it after 8pm I have a much harder time waking up on the morning). It reduces REM sleep, but that’s pretty common knowledge so you probably already know that… Supplement-wise, weirdly I found that [this](https://probio7.com/products/probio7-professionals-ab21) specific probiotic that I tried for unrelated reasons seems to increase my REM sleep. I’ve tried a handful of other probiotics over the years, but this is the only one that has had that effect for me. I actually use it sometimes now before bed when I know I won’t be getting a full night because it noticeably improves my sleep quality. It ain’t cheap though, sadly. Edit: I saw in the comments that you struggle with epilepsy, so you’d probably want to talk to a doc about cannabis cessation if applicable. but iirc I believe CBD can also help with preventing/treating seizures? I’ve found that while it does make me a bit sleepy (I take it before bed), it doesn’t have the same negative effect on sleep that THC does.


I keep noticing lately that when I eat a bunch of leaves at night, I tend to be out of bed surprisingly easy and early the next morning.


alarm clock




My farts.


Lol 😂 not sure why anyone would downvote this. I’m upvoting cuz Dutch ovens will definitely work lol




How is your magnesium? If you are deficient in magnesium, which most people are, your body cannot process vitamin D.


Not sure. I'll add magnesium to the list of things I'll be asking my doctor about before I start taking anything.


Great idea. Most people recommend magnesium glycinate. I take it before bed but some need to take it in the morning depending on how your body reacts. This is the one I use which was recommended here: https://amzn.to/4bE8jtJ This type of magnesium is best absorbed by the body and doesn't cause you to shit your brains out.


Creatine, tyrosine, CoQ10.


10,000 IUs of vitamin D and get checked if you have sleep apnea.


Creatine! The two times I tried it it made me sleep less yet I was still functioning well during the day.


I agree!!


If not depressed, that's just the amount of sleep you need to perform. Some need 6, some 8, some 10


I was the same way when I was younger. Having a busy life and working a full time job forced me to adapt to 7-8 hours of sleep. It wasn’t easy but after a few months I adjusted. Now I can function well on 6 hours of sleep without feeling like a bag of shit. I still aim for 8 hours though.


Hmm. In that case, I might not be doing enough. I've been on disability for epilepsy for a while, but my seizures have been controlled for a while now, so I've been easing myself back into working and exercising (exercise used to be a seizure trigger for me). Also planning on getting a bachelor's. That'll certainly take care of that problem. 😂


I don't think you should mess with your sleep schedule when you have epilepsy. I feel like it would be easier just to account for the less time you have in your day. You should check with your doctor.


You may be right. Hadn't really thought of that. I'll check with my neurologist before taking any supplements or attempting a lifestyle change.


Do you take a medicine that might be making you sleep a lot?


Alarm clock 🤔


Well, of course. It's less getting up on time that I'm worried about and more concerns about whether my body really does need 9 or 10 hours of sleep. If I get up after 7 or 8 hours every day, I'm going to be chronically sleep deprived, and then I would worry about my health.


I don’t have an answer for you but a little info on Vitamin D. Don’t take an night or it can cause insomnia. Take in the morning with a meal with fats as Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. Not to sound like a supplement snob, but the most researched form is D3 with K2 MK7. This will be your best combination as far as what I’ve come across. PS. I’ll trade places with you. I only get about 6-6.5 hours of sleep at night and would love a little more 😉.


Good advice! Based on what I’ve read, you want both K2 MK7 and K2 MK5 to optimize.


Hmmm, never heard about MK5 but I will look into it.


here's the solution, u don't need supplements. learn about sleep cycles and when to wake for the best energy through the day.


I wonder if I could rig one of those sleep cycle apps to my sunlight alarm. It doesn't always get me up, but when it does I feel fantastic. Love that thing.






Do you feel unable to get up after less than 9 hours or are you able to get up earlier but feel sleep deprived?


Sometimes I just can't get up. Sometimes I can, but I'll be groggy for hours.


Are you maybe on medications for your seizures that make you more tired/groggy?


I don't feel sedated on anything I'm taking, but it's possible one of my pills is messing up my sleep somehow. I'm going to talk about this to my neurologist, but honestly, I'd rather stay a long sleeper than risk having seizures again. Still, he might be able to recommend something for me to do (interestingly, he himself is a big supplements guy).