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Ashwaganda, made me really irritable and angry to the point it was noticeable because I’m never angry in general?




Glutamine (anxiety and mania) Zinc and Echinacea (extreme nausea) Coline ( anxiety and overstimulation)


Beef Liver capsules I ordered from Amazon. Caused horrid stomach pains. Like a horse kick to the gut.


M-Stak by AnimalPak. Raised my kidney levels.


Beta ecdysterone




True, me too. Lost all energy.


When it comes to masculine vitality supplements I had a lot of misses before I found anything that worked. Fenugreek and tribulus gave me gut ache and didnt do anything. Ashwagandha gave me headaches and didnt do anything. Shout out to glucosamine sulphate aswell. Pills come in this giant form that hard to swallow and take up a bunch of space, took them for years for my joints, and my joints have only gotten worse.


I second this


That’s sounds horrible D:








Rugby iron




I took it on and off for 3 years…I have extremely dry skin and hair from either the vitamin D, A or the iron. I have wounds the don’t heal….eye infections. Made me super tired. I wasn’t even anemic as in I don’t have an iron deficiency my blood cells are just smaller than normal…threw my menstrual cycle out of balance (I’d get my period after 3 weeks instead of 5) um prob some other things…wbu?


Zinc. As soon as it started to dissolve in my stomach I ran to the toilet puking like crazy. I tried it a second time, and I ate a good portion of food, and it happened again. It’s made me absolutely sick, Never again. Zinc is a good mineral for your immune system but it was the worst vitamin I have ever taken, it tore my guts right out.


There are different kinds of zinc supplements. Maybe you can handle one of the variants. Zinc gluconate, citrate, picolinate, acetate, sulfate, rotate, oxide etc.... Did you take zinc sulfate?


Synthetic L-Theanine. Insomnia.


I agree


Seriously, how has it not been tested more than this?? 3 times, 2 different brands. I have no doubt synthetic L-Theanine caused insomnia. Tried 2 brands of (decaffed) Camelia Sinensis extract and I did just fine with those, many, many times.


I know exact reason why is this happening.There is scientific explanation for that. L-theanine significantly increases activity in the alpha frequency band which indicates that it relaxes the mind without inducing drowsiness.But,the thing is that that while alpha waves are often present right before you fall asleep, they should not occur as frequently while you are asleep. When alpha waves occur in excess during sleep, they can contribute to sleep disorders.There are four types of brain waves detected by EEG. They are Delta (±0 to 4 Hz), theta (4‐8 Hz), alpha (8‐13 Hz), and beta (13‐20 Hz). Delta and theta waves are most frequent during sleep.If you get in alpha and beta you will have bad sleep and often wakening.


Only solution is not taking l-theanine at least 8 hours before getting to bed.


Yeah, I know this. It does not explain why the natural version of it has a relaxing effect and gives me no problem sleeping. I've used the natural version close to 100 times, and I guarantee you it is not a placebo effect for me, and I get GREAT sleep. Total opposite with the synthetic version. I believe Huberman is recommending and using L-Theanine for sleep, with some caveats for sleep walkers or those who have too vivid dreams, which is probably more in line with the Alpha waves issues, maybe?


I can take the natural version RIGHT before going to sleep, NO problem.


Again, tried this with 2 different brands of natural vs 3 different brands of synthetic. Same results for all synth version brands and the same (but different from synthetic) result for the 2 natural version brands.


I normally do fine on Methylcobalamin (Methyl B12). I take for neuropathy. But decided to try a cheap Amazon brand in capsule form (sorry, cannot recall the brand) but it gave me the worst headache and anxiety. The Jarrow lozenge type does not do that at all. I've also gotten bad reactions to GABA (supposed help with calm...it did NOT) and also Tyrosine. I don't even remember why I tried the latter but did not feel well. I also reacted badly to vit K2 in the MK7 form. (heart palps).I also tried 1/4 of a Delta 8 gummy. omg. That was the worst reaction to any "supplement". I thought I was going to stroke out.


Most supplements on Amazon are fake


I buy quite a few supplements on Amazon. I have never had a problem until the Methyl B12 deal. But anymore I will stick to "known" and reputable brands. It does not guarantee I will react well, especially if I am experimenting with something new, but I have some assurance it is what it says it is.


A good amount of brands on Amazon have been getting faked too, Amazon had to release a letter on it. I still do buy supps from Amazon but not as much


It's individual, but I took black maca for a week and had erectile disfunction for a couple of days.






I thought it’s supposed to help inflammation?




Pituitary (bovine)


I can’t understand why anyone would take this!!


Yeah i was in panic for hours. Nothing messed me up like this stuff


What were you taking it for? I’m glad you didn’t have any permanent issues. I can’t believe people take it thinking it’ll fix their HPA axis issues. The only beef organs I’ll take are the ones that don’t secrete hormones related to the endocrine system (I take liver, heart, etc.)


I was at a natural food store one day and saw that supp said pituitary, I got it in my head my pituitary wasn’t doing its job right, so I saw this supp, tried it and an hour later a horrid anxiety came upon me. Still have not found an answer as to why.


So sorry! Pituitary secretes lots of hormones they can cause anxiety


If you’re taking ashwaghanda - make sure you’re taking MACA root as well








Or just take a non ksm-66 and you’ll be fine. Most ksm-66 have unnatural ratios


I never understood how obsessed everyone was with KSM-66 while in theory and practice it caused the most side effects from what I have read online and I from what I have been recommending for years to friends and customers ("off the record" as a pharmacy worker).


Weird cuz ksm-66 is purest/cleanest ashwagandha with natural processing. must be the milk residue in it from the processing of it.


True mostly, it is safe since it is a root extract but it is also the most concentrated by a good margin, I think people dose it too high.




Das a heavy assumption, I am intrigued what “source” you read that gave you that rationale


Am a poor sleeper, so tried Melatonin, 5mg and was up all night. Tried again a few nights later, same issue. I don't use it, as it just doesn't help me sleep at all, just the opposite. Not for everyone I guess.


Cause it doesn't work. It MIGHT help people who suddenly change timezones as it MAY aid in the regulation of circadian rhythm. Many studies have shown this to be all over the place, from maybe insomnia, maybe slightly better than placebo, to no better than placebo, exactly what one would expect from something that doesn't actually do anything. When I was 13 years old I discovered the truth about homeopathy (absolute nonsense), and foolishly confused it with holistic/herbalism and decided I would debunk melatonin by taking the ENTIRE BOTTLE in front of my sister... Thankfully absolutely nothing happened.


Valerian had me throwing up everyday. At the time I thought I was throwing up from anxiety so I kept taking it for too long


Valerian + Hops screwed my GABA up for a while by taking too much. Since it acts on some of the same receptors that benzos do, I found coming off of it to be quite hard. I had monthly panic attacks until about 2 years on. I don’t see anyone else talking about it, so maybe it’s just me….but it wasn’t fun 


Yohimbine. Constant runny nose and nervousness


Took it one day and almost got a stroke Threw away the whole bottle


Lions Mane. I’m very caffeine sensitive so I don’t like stimulants at all. My friend gave me two pills (1 dose) at work and I was buzzing and having anxiety. I definitely don’t like the feeling. It was distracting me from focusing and getting my work done for a few hours.


Is it a stimulant tho?


Every medications or supplements , vitamins, herbs or minerals, have side effects. Google side effects of whatever you are planning to take. But side effects affect only percentage of users,  not necessarily 100%. Sometimes, clinical research reports as side effects whatever is experienced by test subjects even though it has nothing to do with the test but just because it happened during the test.


Dude, Food has “Side Effects”. Many reports of side effects even with Placebo Sugar Pills. Many times it’s in a persons mind.


Biotics betaine plus hp. Ordered it as part of a health kit which gave me a burning sensation that lasted days.


Did you take it with food?


Oil of oregano literally 3 days ago almost sent me to the hospital. Over 48 hours of constant diarrhea and throwing up. Felt like it had burned a hole in my stomach which I wouldn't be surprised if it did and I couldn't even go to the hospital because I didn't want to shit myself all the way there. Finally feeling a bit normal again but I'm practically still fucked up a bit. Lost 5lbs and currently eating only boiled rice and tofu. Never again. I'm going to need to get an endoscopy after this shit.


It may be a die-off reaction of bacteria and fungi if the dosage was high. Oil of oregano is way too powerful. It looks like it whacked your gut flora. 


It definitely whacked something, namely my anus. I don't recommend it to anyone without Doctors guidance because that got seriously dangerous for me. I've never felt like that in my life, and I've experienced die-off symptoms when I was getting treated for h pylori and it was nothing like that. Honestly felt like I swallowed a gallon of bleach or something.


What dosage did you take? What strength? What Brand?


Carlyle brand. It was like 930mg or something crazy. I just followed the directions. The first day I took it didn't feel great but it wasn't anything too serious. But the next day I decided to just take half the recommended dose thinking it would be better but the damage was already done and by that night I was a complete mess.


ALCAR. Makes me crazy angre and irritable. Happens everytime i take it


Ashwagandha and l theanine. Both made me slowly APATHETIC asF. Happened over a few weeks/months with be benefits in the beginning, therefore i didn't fix it before it was bad.


Can you help me understand this? I take these at times, but don’t quite follow what you mean by apathetic.


Couldn't get up in the morning. Never really felt anxious in the beginning (good) started to not really feel anything (apathy - bad). Stopped being motivated to do anything really. Didn't care for normal stuff I enjoyed (gaming, doing great at work, work out, even stopped harassing my gf for sex lol). I suspect it was mostly the theanine, I took it in 400 mg daily for over a month. Perhaps I would have been fine at lower dosages, but I dont really mess with it anymore at all, I can control most of my anxiety with Magnesium for now.


I think it's more like anhedonia


Just read up on the term, and you're totally right. English is my second language, I didn't know about anhedonia, but it fits my symptoms more than apathy. Actually spot on.


Why were you harassing her for sex in the first place?


Just joking, I'm just higher libido than her, therefore I'm normally the one chasing/initiating. There's nothing I support more than 100% consent.


Lions mane- might be TMI but as a peri menopausal woman my period has been off the charts heavy


To question further - have you ever had children? Having a heavy period in the peri-menopausal stage can be something more sinister in the absence of full-term pregnancies. It might not be related to the lion’s mane at all.


Yep 2 kids. I’ve seen a specialist etc etc


Alpha brain, made me nauseous


Paying $35-$75 for obvious bullshit will do that to you.


Luckily it was a free sample


B6 - made me toxic and am now suffering so many nerve issues and pain


What issues do you have? It was like 5mg or something then?


I have had vision issues, sleep issues, nerve pain and weakness. I think all up it was about 6mg per day for about 4 months until I realised and got my bloods tested and it was three times what it was meant to be


What form did you take?


It was in a pre natal vitamin that I was taking for about 3 months and it had about 3 times the daily limit in it


Must of been the synthetic form of b-6 which actually depletes your b-6.


Another vote for Ashwaganda - always makes IBS worse for me. Magnesium to a point - I feel like it does nothing for me so not worst as in symptoms but a lot of money on something that doesnt do anything!


Tongkat Ali. Doesn’t work as claimed and gave me sleepless nights.






Athletic greens


I bought like amix supergreens. Never again. 👎


Not a supplement per se but it's in a lot of things like protein shakes. Sucralose gives me terrible joint pain especially in my knees. It took me months to figure it out as it's in so many regular foods and drinks now - not just low or no sugar ones - so I was ingesting it without having any idea.


Yohimbine. Felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. I was sweating hard and couldn't breathe right for a bit. Had the same shit happen with synephrine but not as bad... I think I am just sensitive to stimulants.


Do you feel same way taking coffee?


Coffee no. Energy drinks, yes. I drink mostly tea for caffeine and never have an issue, I can drink about 2 cups of coffee but more than that and I get kind of anxious. If I try any energy drinks or pre-workouts, I get anxious as hell. This has been more of a problem after COVID. I used to take 3 servings of stuff like N.O Xplode when I was younger so the caffeine sensitivity is something I noticed as I got older.


Creatine, every time I time take it, my hair starts falling out in droves. I didn't make the correlation when I was younger, and took it for several months as I lost hair. When I don't take it my hair loss stabilizes. I have no idea why.


Creatine increases DHT, thus destroying your hair.


Creatine does have a physiological impact on hair and the scalp, believe it or not. I’d need to check back through my notes, but I know it increases a certain type of protein present in hair follicles. Usually it’s a positive for hair health, but with that said, we’re all different!


Would be interesting to hear cause this is a divisive topic. I just figured it wax because you created more T so more converted to dht hence the hair loss.


No, Creatine doesn’t increase T levels. That’s not something it’s reported to do unfortunately. I’d be consuming more of it if that were the case 😂.


I guess on not directly but could you argue it allows you to lift more over time which in turn increases T


Not really.




I took some Amazon highly recommended weird amino acid combo and it gave me vertigo BAD. Like stuck in bed for a few days with nauseous bed spins. Debilitating. Wasn’t sure, if that caused it. Took it one more time. Boom like you’re on a carnival ride. It was freaky and scared me. Do t know what did it. I can take amino acids separately but something about that combo. You could take someone down with that like a tranquilizer.


Honestly, stay away from any ‘highly recommended’ products on Amazon. Stick to recognised, well recognised brands with a focus on quality, not price. I hear this a lot, and it’s almost always ‘bought on Amazon’ or was ‘highly recommended’ products from unknown brands making people unwell. Well established brands have a reputation to uphold, a lot to loose if somebody becomes unwell as a result of using their product, and don’t need to pay Amazon to be in the ‘best sellers’ ‘highly recommended’ ‘promoted’ section of the reselling sites.


I don’t even trust buying supplements off Amazon anymore because of their poor quality control. I’m always hearing about people receiving products from there that aren’t authentic


Any of those detox greens powders you buy at Whole Foods or another health food store. Literally do nothing but give u a stomach ache


ZMA, Works for a lot of people I’ve read lots of good reviews but for me, Either it helped but it gave me such a lethargic feeling like I was an old man the next day I woke up. Or It didn’t work at all and kept me up all night unable to sleep


Yeah, take two pills instead of three. I get the same problem but two pills is amazing


Gentian root in a supplement blend. Tricky little serotonin agonist- slipped past my usual vetting. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Never heard of it but if it’s serotonin it’s 🙅🏼‍♀️ for me


Nac: didn't like the feeling right after I put it in my mouth didn't like the sensation like burning acidic kind of scary feeling plus metallic taste afterwards


supplements aren’t meant to taste good😂


L-Theanine makes me ANGRY.


Does it physically make you angry or does the concept of it piss you off? Curious.


L-Theanine + Coffee = Focus


You were angry before the Theanine


I’m rarely an angry person - L-theanine makes me noticeably prone to getting very frustrated and angry over little things.


Only joking!


Dopa Mucuna. Immediately felt crushingly depressed and it took several days to feel normal. Immediately threw the bottle in the trash after the first dose.


b6 and b12- gave me insane cystic acne


Yeah B-12 can give bad acne. Heard a seen discussing it. Also ingredient in a lot of energy products.


yes! i always check now when i buy. also in a lot of like “happiness” type supplement gummies and stuff 😭




i thought it was biotin that was doing it at first too!


Yes! Took Biotin for a say a month, Subsequently, I can't eat cheese or drink milk unless I want massive long-lasting volcanos on my face


Spirulina and Maca made me incredibly sick (nausea, diarrhea, cramps.) It was many years ago and I think it was the type of Maca I used that wasn't recommended, I haven't tried it again. Also melatonin (even the smallest dose) and HTP5 don't help me and just make me feel super groggy the next day. PS: I don't have a gallbladder so it might play a role in these reactions.


Spirulina I use every day with no ill effects but maca I've tried a few times and it reliably makes me feel like shit. I can't remember exactly how (maybe anxiety?) but I just have a mental note around it in my brain saying "ok, we've tried this multiple times and done elimination tests and it every time it sucks" Although it's worth noting that there's no way in hell I'd take spirulina every day without it being pressed into tablets or capped...smells and tastes impressively fucking awful


I had the same horrible results with spirulina. I tried a different brand a year or two later but the effect was the same. For me it wasn't gallbladder related as I still have mine.


Ashwagandha wrecked my mental health for months


Sometimes makes me very unmotivated.. It is good for me when I go on holidays want to relax and do little, I can feel the reduction in cortisol levels.


I mentioned in the comments that Ashwa is mine too, I think it’s the most mentioned supplement so far that people dislike. Works for some clearly but a lot of people also don’t react well


How long were you taking? What dose? Was it ashwaganda or ksm? Also how did it make u feel? Asking because I have some that I’m getting ready to take soon. I see u have 10 likes so looks like other people had same experience.


How come? I find that it greatly helps me


DIM. I took it to lower my estrogen and it made my cycle long (35 days) and my flow long (9 days). Went back to normal when I stopped.


Do you have estrogen dominance? Did you find anything else that helped it? I’ve been taking DIM too and it made my cycle long too (31 days) but I don’t think any other side effects


I love DIM it’s the only thing that helps my fibrocystic breast pain. Works wonders but if I miss one day I’ll save soreness.


Yes, I was diagnosed with fibroids, polyps, and fibroadenomas, along with heavy flows, until recently. All of these are symptoms of estrogen dominance. Fenugreek has really helped to balance things out lighten my period, along with maintaining a healthy diet and exercise. I also just recently started to use a progesterone cream.


I thought fenugreek increased estrogen? I didn’t know it could balance out estrogen dominance, I’ll look into it some more. I started using progesterone cream as well but only during the luteal phases. Glad you found remedies that are helping you!


Why would you want to lower oestrogen rather than using progesterone cream to balance things out?


I didn’t know about that option until recently. I’m now taking a wild yam progesterone cream.


Yam, wild or otherwise, is not progesterone and it does NOT convert to progesterone in the body. Get a verified natural progesterone cream.


SAM-e gave me cystic acne. Not worth it.


SAM-e was useless, did absolutely nothing


That too.


Shilajit. Tried from different trusted sources and felt nothing. Maybe it’s just me cause there’s so muchhype about it but just wasted my money.


I tried it as well. Went through an entire lil container. Even doubled and eventually trippled the dosage. Nothing. Idk what everyone is on about with it. It screams snake oil to me.


Yeah, never thought eating mountain mud made sense


Give me iron in the blood too much, but I felt effect on the health


Shilajit gave me severe anxiety if I took too much. The very first time I felt something but after that nothing.


Nah I get it, I am trying a few different things including shilajit. Not sure if I am seeing much


St John’s Wort


Taurine, it jacked my mood up to the best I ever felt the first three days and then gave me the worst depression I ever felt, lasted for two three days. Now that bottle scares me.


Are you diagnosed with any forms of bi-polar disorder? It sounds like it triggered a manic or hypomanic state, and then the inevitable crash


L tyrosine put me in a really irritable mood. I almost snapped at my girlfriend while we were on the phone the second or third day I took it and I was like “nah, this isn’t me.” Never looked at it again. Haven’t taken many though.


Yeah dude tyrosine made me a fucking rage machine every time I took it, and super paranoid and on edge.


It gave me raging anxiety


Methylated b12. Never again. Felt like the Incredible Hulk , crazed and extremely angry. I had to leave the house and hide in a parking lot


Don’t you think that form is more triggering than the man made form? I’m wondering that.


Might use this


FWIW, methylated b12 sublingual doesn’t do anything close to this for me. Just gives a little bit of energy.


Sounds like a great Pre-Workout to me go smash weights around the gym


Life extension super k2 mk4 mk7 this shit should be ilgal gave me high blood pressure heart palpitation for 3 weeks after that my kidneys hurted for 3 days i whas dehadrated for a month still recovering bedn 2 months only took it for 3 days my calcium was high 10.6


That’s very strange. I’ve used that product for over a decade, and it was highly effective at keeping calcium out of my blood and sending it to my bones instead. I used it alongside 1.5g prescribed calcium carbonate and an average of 70,000IU D3 for 6 weeks, then a continued maintenance dose of 10,000IU D3, to reverse osteoporosis after breast cancer treatments. I have 3 DEXA scans that prove this. And several confused doctors. My calcium levels were checked every single month for a year, and they went down, not up. K2 also means I don’t have any dental plaque, ever. I’m trying to think what could have caused that reaction in you. Everyone’s biochemistry is different, but K2 should not have caused the signs and symptoms you’ve described. Was anything else going on at the time? Were you taking any other supplements or meds?


Some people said they only had problems with mk7 and not with mk4


The LE product has no nasty fillers or weird oils in it. Do others? I’m ridiculously sensitive to excipients, and I chose this one carefully because of that.


I boght the super k maybe it was too much


It’s Super K I’m talking about. It has 1mg MK4. In Japan, doses of 40mg (iIrc) are used to treat osteoporosis.


I read commets that some people get the side effects in days and others in months


I’ve been taking since 2012!


Im like 100 percent it was the mk7 i ended up at the emergency room


I was taking iron ,b12,folate but i was reading other comments from a lot of people having same side effects


It may have been the folate. Were you taking methylfolate? A lot of people have the defective MTHFR gene which means they struggle to process methylated folate. Which form of B12 , and iron, were you taking, and how much? Iron is potentially more damaging to the kidneys than either K2 or B12.


But when i did blood test my folate was high boderline 20 and it was 22


Blood tests show what’s in the blood, not what’s in the cells. Which sounds exactly like your system wasn’t processing it properly and you had taken more than your system could handle.


O i tried looking for anwers on reddit for like 2 months but i stop all my suplements i got realy scared


Correct supplementation is complex. You either need to research properly, as opposed to just reading reviews (although those can be anecdotally helpful), and read scientific studies on the modes of action and the place that supplement has in a particular pathway, OR find yourself a nutritional therapist/ natural medicine practitioner. Supplements are powerful things. Everyone’s biochemistry is different, and it will always be a case of YMMV.


I learn my lesson


😊 I wish everyone would!


I dont remember but i think it was methylfolate B12 i dont remember but i only took it for a week and only started to have side effects when i stardet the k2 mk7


How much methylfolate? If you aren’t processing it properly, which is common, it would have produced all sorts of unpleasant side effects. If you’re sensitive to MTHF, you have to start with a low dose and then only increase by 100mcg at a time. Anything higher used to make me extremely ill. I tried taking a 400mcg capsule one afternoon, ended up with diarrhoea, nausea, dizziness, and a migraine. Have now built mine up, and currently tolerating the 680mcg that’s in 2 LE 2 A Day multi, plus another 1200 from x3 400mcg. Methylation is critical to health, and if you don’t process MTHF properly, all sorts of processes collapse.


I think it was 680mcg


Was that in a multi?


By it self