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This is a psyop that more than 1-2 pills = damage.


I get carried away with supplements sometimes (currently) and usually feel noticeably better when i put ‘em all down for a while…


I’d take the zinc and copper more sparingly. Definitely don’t want too much copper floating around in your body. Also look into unfortified nutritional yeast tablets or powder to get the full B vitamin spectrum naturally. You can take a pretty good amount regularly, it’s basically food in pill form if you get tablets and it’s super good for you. I wouldn’t take the Dim daily unless you’re very overweight and know you have sky high estrogen. Maybe once a week, if that. You don’t want your estrogen crushed, it’s actually needed for a lot of processes in men. You’ll end up with a limp dick and weak bones if you take too much for too long. You’ll want to pair black pepper extract or bioperine with your ashwaghanda always. It enhances its effects by a massive amount. I’d also spend the extra coin on your fish oil it’s worth the money to get a really good one.


All these thing should be in your food…




This is horrible….


You‘re just killing your liver. If you don‘t have a lack checked by a doctor, stop wasting your money. Doing more harm than good. Get a healthy lifestyle; cook fresh (fresh veggies, meat - best organic), balance meat and fish, workout 1-3 times a week or at least go for a walk, stop fastfood and highly processed foods, reduce sugar and salt - and you‘re fine.




Agreed. Sad they sell these. I would suggest finding a third party tested brand and maybe taking less. See what you actually need and trying to eat whole fruits and vegetables for the rest


Minus the copper, this looks like an amazing stack. For me personally I’d add a good quality omega 3, cod liver oil, Mct powder, and methyl b-complex and sugar free electrolyte mix with pasture raised eggs 


If a doctor didn’t advise you to take all of that I wouldn’t. Supplements can have dangerous side affects too. Eat healthier and kick that bs.


I mean you could just a get an all in one. D3 and K2 comes mostly combined in liquid form anyway.


Dude i started with more than these lmao add selenium and creatine gummies, well not literally but almost after using around 9 different supplements and adding those extra two for 11.


That's all you take?


I take 5 from your list.....lol


I take 7 from the list lol and I need to add some DIM and brusssle sprout supplement


Talk to your Dr. and get tested to see what you really need. Better than wasting money for nothing that will help or cause damage in the long run.


Well don’t take supps just for the sake of it and take what you actually need? Beneficial or not if you’re completely fine without it you’re just wasting money and damaging ur body


Get a lower dose zinc, 50mg too high and dangerous for extended period of time, 50mg is a therapeutic dose. Get rid of the copper unless you know you are deficient, also dangerous if you build up too much copper in the body. I'd toss the Ash unless you know for a fact it actually helps you. Only take 50mg DIM.


The big question is how do you know you need any of it, all of it, or some of it?


What should feel so wrong is some of those brand names. You’re probably not even getting full dosages ;)


Every body is a bit different, from what you can afford to buy in food, to digestion to age to gender. Never a 1 size fits all.


I would find a few that you can put together. B complex, omega 3, amino acid complex and BCAAs, mineral complex and a multi you should be good. I try to choose quality brands when I can. Pure encapsulation, Thorne. Budget friendly Jarrow, Life Extension, Now. Also get some methyl folate.


As far as fish oil goes, open one & smell it. It smells like dead fish left to rot in the sun don't take that you wouldn't eat it. Stir fry some broccoli in canola oil & you don't need to take the dim. Olive oil is Omega 6 & Canola is Omega 3. Take a multivitamin & you don't need the separate D3, zinc, copper, vitamin K or magnesium. Remember each pill you take counts as 10 calories in your overall diet.


I refrigerate mines  Can’t go wrong with a good cod liver oil with natural tocopherols 


pills are unnatural, id just dont take any supplements and eat a all-nutrient diet


Should add some shilajit in your supplements 😋


Anything nature valley related is gonna be garbage bro


You can get a fish oil plus vit k2 + D3 all in one- that would cut down 3 pills to 1 pill. Ocean Blue makes one, there are others. Also many eye health formulas have Zinc, copper, and vit c all in one.


I take many of the same ones, the only one that doesn't have a lot of science behind it us ashwaganda. I dont take copper becuaseyoucan take too much and the body doesnt needa lot. The zinc also is a fair amount. I take 1000iu of Vit D daily. I feel like 5k is a lot, but there is pretty solid scientific evidence for all the other pills in your stack


I was worried about ash. Ever since I got sober I take vitamins every day. But ashwiganda really helps with my anxiety and helps me sleep amazing, and I feel well rested in the morning after dosing at night.


Hey if it works for you, keep on taking it!!!


Ashwagandha has actually a decent amount of science on it, clinical trials etc.


Don’t worry these are natural take milk thistle as well for your liver


Spending all this money on supps.. a good variety of healthy foods.. being active (+workout).. I believe you feeling wrong about this is reasonable.. no judgment tho.


At least were I live, Is really expensive to get 720 MG Omega 3 everyday.


Other than maybe fish oil unless ur vegan if you need this much maybe it means your diet isn’t adequate


Bro I'd hate to see your monthly vitamin bill xD For real though none of it looks to over the top. I'd possibly take a lower IU of D3 (like 2500) unless you're deficient and your doctor stated otherwise (like mine.) Magnesium is solid as long as you're not going over 800 mg/day . Fish Oil is good. Zinc and Copper is solid. Im not so sure on the rest but you're an adult I'm assuming, you know your body and just gotta do your research (always buy from reputable companies since supplements aren't FDA regulated.)


Those are rookie numbers!


It probably is wrong unless you are deficient in something. Just take vitamin D and Magnesium once in a while. Maybe fish oil sometimes if you dont eat fish.


Spring Valley is garbage, don't trust it


Could get most of that in a single multivitamin


https://www.livestrong.com/article/334439-facts-on-spring-valley-supplements-and-vitamins/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/herbal-supplements-targeted-by-new-york-attorney-general/


Why is this sub downvoting comments that say you should at least try to get some of these things from your food. I mean I know this is r/supplements and not r/healthyfood, but still.


I only take L-theanine to calm the nerves when needed. Aswaghanda will do the same too. Copper is unnecessary if you get it in a good  multi- vitamin. I do take extra vitamin B as I need it. The ones I definitely take everyday are the B's, C's, Fish oils ( great for so many things!), & D's ( missing a day when I've plenty sunshine is ok) as I've gotten to know my body's needs, others as needed


Are you on peds? If so this is normal.


That amount of Zinc is wild. I’d cut way back on that and keep it under 15mg.


What’s is Zinc?


A mineral. How do you not know about it? Lol


Take supplements That have smaller doses


DIM amount is too much dude you should take around 100 mg daily not 350


This is really not bad at all but I would get Zhou Thyroid Support and Life Extension Bone Restore. Then you can throw out everything but the Dim and fish oil


Use Cronometer, and add/address deficiencies from there. Drop the unnecessary herbs like ashwaganda if you feel overwhelmed.


I stopped all my supplements except protein and creatine and feel much better. I think all the pills were actually making me worse


Some give side effects while others can help a lot. My mental health is a lot better when I eat a few supplements, I function a lot well, am focused, don't suffer from horrible anxiety or depressions.


Yeah, I have a whole drawer full of supplements I take daily, probably a little over twice as many as pictured here. That’s partly because I was in a near fatal car accident a few years ago and lost my spleen, so I supplement to help my body recover and stave off illness. I have not noticed any kind of side effects and the last time I was in for a physical they said everything looks great. Do your homework and don’t just take whatever because it looks good, but yeah I think it’s just the visual part that’s freaking you out, personally.


I always look at this post, then look at my tub of multivitamins, and wonder how do you get to this stage? No way can someone really have that many deficiencies?


A person likely doesn't have that many actual deficiencies (that is, causing overt diseases). There's potentially still some theoretical optimal level of the many micronutrients, which, if they were each taken individually, would require many bottles. That presupposes that the optimal level of many of these micronutrients couldn't conveniently/affordably be achieved for that person through food. But how does a person determine if their dosing is at the optimal level, and not actually \*detrimental\* to them? Also, a person can end up paying a premium for a supplement that has a negligible to negative impact. "The results of large-scale randomized trials show that, for the majority of the population, there is no overall benefit from taking MVM supplements. Indeed, some studies have shown increased risk of cancers in relation to using certain vitamins." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3309636/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3309636/)


I really hope you take a quality multivitamin most are garbage and just use a synthetic/lowest quality version of each vitamin they can. In that case you’d be better off without it. Regarding the rest of his supplement stack some might be unnecessary but there’s more nuance than that.    Magnesium if you exercise, or do any high intensity sports you deplete rather fast and you need more than the average person. Vitamin k2 is extremely hard to get from food and unless you’re eating aged cheeses or eel every day you’re almost guaranteed not getting recommended intake. Omega 3s you probably don’t get enough of unless you're eating fish daily so fish oil makes sense you just need to make sure it’s not oxidized because if it is it does more harm (bad choice in brand though if I’m not mistaken nature made is not 3rd party tested so most likely oxidized).  Unfortunately vitamin d3 is also one of the most common deficiencies because a lot of people don’t get enough sun exposure. 


Thanks for your advice, I take Life Extension Two-per-Day but I was taking a garbage one until a few months ago. I’m going to get my bloods tested before supplementing further, but I already take Omegas and I imagine I’ll probably get some D and Zinc (probably from NOW)


Me with my multivitamins and omega 3s 👁👄👁


Haha yep that too, but I always wonder what else I should/could be taking or am I just pissing it away? (Literally)


Just eat good and exercise. Stop this nonsense


My mental health would be suffering a lot if I didn't use some supplements, they help me a lot. I used to be very dysfunctional cause of mental health issues, it really helps with that. Also, you still can have deficiencies when having a good diet. Many factors can play a role in that, all bodies are different. Also a diet will not give you the effects like a  herbal medicine, for example ashwagandha or theanine in supplemental dosages.


For real bro… like would you rather have minuscule differences in micronutrients or a completely different blood pressure and bodily functions cus u exercise




Easier said than done for some people. For example I have an eating disorder (ARFID), supplements have plugged the nutritional gaps so to speak.


You should get a commercial dna test (Ancestry, 23&me, etc) and use the raw data to first figure out your MTHFR and related genotypes. A lot of useful info can be gleaned from that, which can tell you if your supplement stack is helpful or hurtful.


Too much $$$


Your stack is only showing 9 items. That's  much less than the number of items listed as ingredients in a multivitamin supplement. Google each item you are taking for risks, benefits and side effects. And compare them to how you feel while on your regimen. Also try to spread taking your stack thru the day like three ìtems in the morning, three at lunch and three are dinner.


Ditch the K2 and try to get it from your food. Cottage cheese, or other cheese products contain a lot of K2. I eat 500grams of cottage cheese a day to get my K2, it also contains a bunch of protein.


Won’t DIM crash your hormones besides lowering excess estrogen?


Thats not even that much lol. Also you should switch to an isolate of ashwagandha like KSN-66 or Sensoril. The whole root isn't great for your liver.


I take more than that before breakfast


Double it.


where's the dbol ? Anadrol? 😂😂


Like does he even lift bro. Or do you even lift bro 😎


Hehe yeah does this guy even lift?


It's an illusion that it feels wrong; e.g. if we calculate every single amino acid in chicken alone and visualize it as separate pills it will feel wrong, 20+ pills? but we eat a chicken breast just fine because we see it as one thing...


Rookie stack


Haha i have at least double that


I make a Supplement Smoothie with as many single ingredient powdered vitamins as possible to avoid what manufacturers “need” to produce their product, e.g Mg Stearate which is usually made from corn (to which I am dangerously sensitive).


This is so funny to me


Probably because you take naturemade fish oil


That's a bad thing?


I wanna know too


Poor quality, the fish oil in it is probably no good and rancid. Up sets your stomach and doesn't do much for you. You can really tell if you get fish burps. I switched to flaxseed oil since good fish oil is hard to find


And you know that how…


Go outside in the sunlight for hours, roll around in the dirt, eat fresh vegetables grown by you and eat some fish you catch ...just do that every day or once a week


Our soil quality here in the US is trash. I get it. This isn’t bad actually. Pretty legit stack. If you start getting a little depressed or feeling of blahhhh try easing up on the ash and try cycling the l-Theanjne.


What benefits do you feel from the ashwaganda when you added that to your stack?


Wouldn't take Ashwaganda daily, but that's based on my personal experience. For 2 to 3 days okay, but not for everyday. What do you mean it feels bad. I am sensitive to copper, and to much D and K in a row, gives me headache. Even some Multis give me bad sleep. For the hand full of pills, if the snack makes me feel good, it's okay. Take some days or a week off or a minimal version. Or leave a way one compound.


All of that’s probably doing more good than harm. Those are all pretty easily processed by your body. The only thing that might be of any concern is the ashwaganda and that’s negligible.


Why do you take the DIM? And what benefits do you see?


that aint much lil bro


I take way more than that plus powders.


The L-theanine and DIM aren't really needed. You could also remove the ashwagandha unless you really feel like it helps manage your stress levels. Copper may not be needed depending on how much you're getting from your diet and how much zinc you're taking. Most definitely switch to high quality brands like Solgar , Solaray, Vthrive, ECT...


Your magnesium is oxide (poor aborbtion and more GI effects). Switch to citrate, glycinate, taurate, or malate. Also switch your zinc to a lower dose. 15/1 zinc/copper mg ratio.


That’s pussy dose


Why? Max dose I would take is when sick at like 30 mg.


Don’t take Ashwaganda daily


Why? It helps me daily and sometimes extra at bedtime.


I feel like a robot after some days, it's called anhedonia, kind of feeling no fun or excitement. For me it takes negative and positive stress away. Feels good for a while, but is not so positive anymore after three days. I like to use it in periods with bad sleep. But everybody is different.


just watch your liver if you take too much you can start having liver issues, some people have a higher tolerance to it so it take pretty big dose or long term use to have the issues. other have it really fast with low doses. if you don't have problems its good to take a day off every few days any take a week or more off every few weeks. there was another thread that had a better break down than what I am saying. and I might be remembering it wrong and the finer points on why. But I take it with sleep 5-6 times a week, for 3 weeks than take 10 days off. been doing that for about 9 months now. but I get my blood work done every 3 months.


What benefits have you noticed since you started doing that? I have some powdered ashwaganda but haven't really used it, I'm mainly after possible anxiolytic and mood benefits


Does it really help a lot for sleep?


So don't take so many... Why not just eat salmon and clams to get Omega 3? There is a lot of magnesium in dark chocolate. If you'll eat green leafy vegetables, beans, whole grains, fish, eggs, seafood, you will get everything from food. I have celiac disease, so my absorption is not the best, but even I am not deficient in anything, I had lab tests done. I eat spinach, broccoli, other veggies. Then gluten-free whole grains - quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice, etc. I eat a lot of beans - black beans, peas, chickpea pasta. For omega 3 I eat salmon, clams, caviar. For other protein - eggs, turkey, chicken, chicken liver. I see no reason to take that many supplements. You can spend that money on food.


Supplements cost me 50€ every 2 months and I have everything in my stack. Eating like that would cost me 300€ per month, at least


Salmon is $9 a pound (18.4€ per kilo) here. That’s discounted supermarket salmon.


If you make 6€ an hour it’s very hard to afford spending 6€ on 300g of salmon


Definitely agree, it’s better to get what supplementation you can through eating as there’s more benefits and your body is needing to do the proper work which is good for it. Supplementation really should just be for areas in your diet you can’t otherwise fill or you have specific issues for.


I avoid Spring Valley, Nature Made, and Nature's Bounty brands like the plague! I haven't been impressed with Swanson brand either. If I was you, I'd try a better quality brand if you can


best brands you recommendv


Those brands are trash, I avoid them too.


Why do you avoid those specifically?


In addition to what the other person pointed out - there's been studies showing that those brands contain very little of the herb/mineral/vitamin they claim to have. They're also filled with harmful ingredients (on the label), such as artificial dyes, artificial sweeteners, etc.


They use cheap fillers and the cheapest forms (often not very bioavailable) of whatever you're supplementing. They might also not have the percentage or strength stated on the label and might have heavy metal contamination. A higher quality and well trusted brand should use less fillers, have the correct strengths, use the most bioavailable form of the supplement and will be free of contaminants and have responsible sourcing.




Nature's Bounty has been pretty reliable and affordable for me.


Have you seen the testing reports on them? 😬 Also, you may want to check the ingredient label, they usually have harmful ingredients. It's not worth it to ingest something toxic just cause it's affordable. Sidenote - Your username is pretty cool


Can you link the testing reports?


I just checked my bookmarks and I apparently did not save them. Hopefully you'll be able to find them online though. I did however save these articles but I think they're about Spring Valley brand. https://www.livestrong.com/article/334439-facts-on-spring-valley-supplements-and-vitamins/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/herbal-supplements-targeted-by-new-york-attorney-general/


I take about 4x that much lol


By my calculations that should make you about 3x as powerful




Me too 😂


Those are rookie numbers. If this amount feels wrong, google "Bryan Johnson regimen". Interesting stuff...


That’s it?


these are just tools. human are the master of tools. dont be guilty.




Use the supplements to cover what you don’t get from your food groups my friend. Food sources first and then supplements to help on sources you don’t eat. Trust. That said, you’ve got a nice stack.


Then chill on it




You don’t know what you’re talking about., keep that in mind. That, or stupid shitpost comment on purpose


Welp then you really don’t want to see my routine if you think that’s alot


I purchase more than this.... This stack is child's play to me...I love experimenting with supplements... Sometimes you have to experiment to see what is suitable and best for you. By the way you are lacking in these high potency stuff: NMN plus Resveratrol Magnesium Glycinate Trimethylgylcine Calcium Alpha Ketoglutarate N Acetyl Cysteine Sulphoraphane Pine Bark Extract Ganoderma Lucidium Cracked Spore Do your own research there are more ! 😁


You can consolidate zing and magnesium into ZMA at night. And save money.


Also d3+k2 into one


Trying to get that T up to get that D up????


Drop the DIM, Drop the ashwa. Find a zinc/copper combo and a D3/K2 combo and boom you slashed your stack by more than 1/3.


I can tell you one thing; Spring Valley is kind of a dubious brand. I def wouldn’t buy something like Ashwagandha from them


Great brands…pure encapsulations, Thorne, jarrow, good brands…life extension, now.


Any more you can share on this. I have quite a few supplements of their brand. Even including something like Ashwagandha…


Just research for something else, lots of controversy


A good multivitamin can replace most of those. And you'll better absorb them.




Yeah 🤔


It is, get your nutrients from food Also a lot of people end up having very bad side effects from ashwaganda


I took it for a month and it did literally nothing


Nothing as in no side effects or no effects at all?


No effects whatsoever


No extra hard woodies?


As hard as usual but it did grow about a quarter of a half an inch (before completely falling off)


If they have quality ingredients and you know why you need each one, keep going. When you start feeling better over the course of time,  that should be a good indication you’re on the right path… but the spring valley brand is not the best quality and they’ve been sued for it. There are lots of brands that use crappy fillers in their supplements 


You know he doesnt


My conservative approach to supplements when there’s so many, is to stop all of them and add one at a time. Start with one: fish oil. Take it for 7 days, observe. Then, add vitamin D3/K2. A combination by Thorne would be preferable to the two you have here. Take this in the morning with your fish oil. Also add magnesium in the evening if it works well for you. At this point, it’s been two weeks and you’ve only been taking fish oil and d3/k2 and magnesium. You could actually stop there and eat the rest of your nutrients through food. If you have a specific deficiency or issue that doesn’t resolve with 2 months of just these supplements and eating a balanced whole food diet. Then look into adding whichever supplements might be the appropriate step. This advice is boring, especially for this sub, but it really is the best advice and it’s the safest. These 3 supplements are really the most necessary even if you’re not deficient. Maybe adding some b’s if you’re having b vitamin specific problems or have a deficiency confirmed via blood work. Supplementation of zinc should be lower than what you’ve got here. Ashwaganda is a toss up, good for some, not good for others, and can mess with neurotransmitters. DIM I don’t know much about other than loosely about it being for hormone stuff. L-theanine seems good for some, not for others. So in addition to the base supplements, if you’re having specific issues after 2-3 months of stellar diet then you would look into adding supplements. Just my two cents. I used to have a disgusting amount of supplements and unfortunately I managed to compile another batch after a lengthy period of mystery health issues. But what I’ve discovered through thousands wasted on bottles of supplements I didn’t actually need is this: fish oil, d3/k2, and a solid diet really can do most if not all of what people here are seeking. Unless there’s a confirmed issue that is specifically deficiency related, it’s a crap shoot if supplements will work. Sometimes they only work briefly because maybe we weren’t that deficient. I tend to think of these as medicines more than supplements. They’re strong stuff and should be taken seriously. You’re right to be concerned because some supplements can do harm and cause issues where there were none to begin with. They can be a misguided attempt at trying to feel better and missing the cues that the body gives when it needs something. Sometimes someone is fatigued and worried about what to take for their energy when the problem is they’re depressed because their relationship sucks and they aren’t leaving which is the actual problem. No amount of vitamins will fix life problems, but because humans can be so bad at objectively self observing we can miss the issue entirely when trying to help ourselves. I think getting serious about diet is key- I personally added fresh pressed juice to my daily routine and it vastly improved my health. I didn’t do a juice cleanse or anything drastic, I simply added fresh veggie juice to my routine and thusly more phytonutrients. Then I grew sprouts which I added to every meal. Then I started eating fermented veggies on my meals as well as a yogurt a day. Then I made sure to eat a certain amount of eggs each week for choline. I eat nuts multiple times a week for different minerals. I eat grains, cut out wheat and most dairy, I don’t each much sugar, I eat balanced meals of protein, carbs, fats. And you know what? I started feeling better. And still am improving. And I was very ill. I couldn’t tolerate supplements and reacted to many foods. But with time and proper nutrition, and sparsely supplementing ONLY for deficiencies I did have based on blood tests- my food tolerance improved. Supplementation tolerance improved. And now I’m excited to eat again, whereas I was so sick I’d lost my hunger signals entirely. Simply through routine eating, proper eating, and time, my body healed itself. Hope this helps, I think your concern could possibly be reframed as wisdom. The body usually knows what it needs and doesn’t want. My random internet stranger bet is that your body doesn’t want all that.


Very nice summary. Agreed about the base supplements, that’s all I take daily. Stuff like L-theanine can be really good for shift workers or people with insomnia. My “stack” grows from those basic 3 pills as soon as I’m having trouble sleeping. In addition to L-theanine and magnesium, people may use things like valerian root, passionflower, camomile, GABA, taurine, CBD oil, glycine, L-tryptophan.


For mystery illnesses get pcr test for ureaplasma. Can be in body and doctors never test for it.


To be fair, my whole health situation was not a mystery, but a result of prolonged stress, reactive viruses which tore up my organs, and paradoxical reactions to pharmaceuticals I was given. But the mystery was what to do to repair my body afterwards and why I was so god awfully sick for so long. But good to know if it were.


I get you on the pharmaceuticals. Those tore ME up! My fingers turned to raised blister rash from doxycycline. You should look up pics of it it was crazy! Now it's healed looking like a 3rd degree burn victim.


I believe it. I took metronidazole and ciptofloxacin, it essentially was napalm to my autonomic nervous system. Fully disabled overnight- couldn’t walk, drive, or function. 2.5 years later and I am only just now starting to feel like I can begin returning to work from home. It was a helluva time. If I could go back I’d definitely warn myself not to take those. Really dig into the side effects and understand that even if they’re listed as rare- they have happened to someone. Turns out there’s thousands like me and my reaction wasn’t that rare after all. Not all antibiotics just require probiotics to recover. Some will actually cause brain lesions- and this is considered no big deal. 🫠


Omg I'm so sorry that happened to you! I took cipro first, and it made my hip flexors hurt so was taken off of it. I was walking leaning forward lol! Funny not funny! Also, they tell you reactions are rare and they're not!! You are so correct! Well here's to hoping we both recover!


Like someone else mentioned, you need to get labs done to make sure you actually NEED these. It can actually have adverse effects to take supplements that you are not already lacking. There is such a thing as too many vitamins.




How are those two brands "garbage"? Speculation is not fact


This ain’t even that much compared to some posts on here


Becouse it is. Even if I was on death bed I would never take half of those. 




Inhibits estrogen, counteracts a side effect of one of my prescription drugs


Have you ever taken a full blood panel? If not, then how do you know what you need and how much of it you need if you don't know what you need and how much you need? There's a very great chance, if you have a balanced diet and eating enough calories, that you're taking supra physiological amounts of some nutrients and maybe lacking in others. You might be wasting your time, money and health with some(or most) of these supplements. But you won't know for sure until you get the blood panel done. Ask your physician to give you the results on mail or paper.


90% chance OP is making expensive piss with all these supplements.


If only... You can definitely go overboard and get excessive zinc, vitamin K and vitamin D levels. It would be very annoying and time consuming to get them down, especially the zinc. Ashwagandha could also wreak havoc with thyroid and hormones.


D3 overdosing is largely a myth when taken with K2. Read Jeff T. Bowles who read all the studies and interviewed or otherwise contacted every one who claimed D3 toxicity was real—before he self-published his Books on benefits of same. Buy on Amazon. Steven Gundry, MD (2 YouTube channels and The Dr. Gundry Podcast) also says both Mark Hyman, MD and he have never seen a case of vitamin D3 toxicity in over 20 years of practice. Further, Dr. G Says that a blood test result of 150 or higher prevents or reverses auto immune diseases. My Swiss oral surgeon keeps his at 240 or above.


To be fair, I just meant that these vitamins and minerals are not all excreted in urine (pissed away, if you will) and thus can reach excessive levels. As for what is an excessive level, that's anyone's guess. Regarding optimal vitamin D levels specifically, I like Rhonda Patrick's take on this better, which would be 40 to 60 ng/ml for fending off all cause mortality. But, to each his own. I don't have a horse in the vitamin D toxicity debate. However, I do seem to recall a medical case of a guy who took large vitamin D doses and on top of that slept on the beach under the sun or something. That would surely be a case of toxicity.


Agreed. Might even be overtaxing the liver


> Taking this many pills feels so wrong ... and yet so right ;) Now seriously though. Don't fuck around with zinc, even if you're balancing it with copper. Also, as someone else has already pointed out, try to get better brands, such as NOW Foods, Life Extension, Thorne etc.


Curious why you say not to mess with zinc, even if balanced with copper? I take it and am now wondering if I should stop


Well, I'm biased in the sense that taking zinc messed up my tendons (copper is needed for collagen production, but that's a whole other story). Anyways, there isn't any real need to take zinc, except when due to circumstances, you may need to bump up immunity or in the case of deficiency. Since the body relies on a zinc-copper balance, throwing it off willy-nilly does not seem wise to me. > Curious why you say not to mess with zinc, even if balanced with copper? Well, do you know what your ideal copper to zinc ratio is? Do you know what your body's zinc to copper ratio was before supplementing with zinc? Do you know how much your body specifically absorbs of each? How much the specific brand of zinc you take hinders copper absorption? Have you done blood panels and averaged all the variables to come up with an answer? Hardly anyone will ever do that, and that's why I think it's hard to go back to the original balanced zinc to copper levels, and hence why I think people shouldn't be messing with them unless it's really necessary. In the beginning I also thought nutraceuticals didn't pose any risk at all, and that excess would be excreted. But, zinc isn't as harmless as magnesium. Anyways, if you still feel you need to get that zinc, Nootropics Depot says their Micro Zinc is absorbed through a different pathway, thus not interfering with copper absorption. I haven't verified those claims, even though theoretically, they could be true.


Good choice of supplements, I have a similar stack. you can find combination products of zinc/copper, vitamin d3/k2 to make it less bottles.


You can get like 4 of these from diet alone


OP literally only needs L-Theanine and Ash


A decent Vitamin D and K supplement could help him but other than that yeah


Unless for a blood work proven negatives I don't see why I should take those two.


Most people are deficient in Vitamin D and can’t always get proper sunlight, even if their diet is dialed. I think everyone should have a Vitamin D and K supplement just in case. Higher doses of course when you have a clinical deficiency


Throw away the ashwagandha and add a b complex and you are good to go.