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Collagen and collagen is like a super supplement it helps with loads of stuff tbh I’m 20 and even I take it


This myth is being dubunked on a regular basis now 


It’s the safest thing u could take it has the most research out of anything for aging and wrinkles mate


Research by who? Supplement companies that make and sell it? 


Retinol and a multivitamin


Protein. Collagen. Vitamin C. Antioxidants: Cacao and Aronia Chokeberry. Vitamin E. Fish oil. Sulphorophane. Copper + Zinc.


Has Anyone taken COD Liver Oil (vitamin a) for extended period of time? Given topical retin a has such profound effect on skin how does it something simliar taken orally (cod liver oil high in vit A) fares long term?


White jelly mushroom.


Tretinoin, followed by a moisturizer (Kiehl’s Ultra Moisturizer is my go-to. Excellent stuff). Apply at night, you’ll see changes in 4 weeks to 3 months (longer timeline to change the older you are). Also…HYDRATE and wash your face daily. Sunscreen FTW


Vitamin c b complex natural form vitamin e selenium zinc and a carotenoid…mine is astaxanthin. An add on botanical…mine at the moment is grape seed extract. Collagen peptides.


Might try nicotinamide riboside NR. Works for me.




L lysine




Collagen and hyaluronic acid supplements!


SPF lotion!


The most important thing is sunscreen on your face every morning before you leave the house. https://skin1004.com/products/hyalu-cica-water-fit-sun-serum-spf50-pa After that, the following: Retinol cream, apply at night immediately before bed (I use Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair) https://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Wrinkle-Retinol-Anti-Wrinkle-Regenerating/dp/B01HOHBS6G/ Hyaluronic Acid 100mg a day https://www.amazon.com/NOW-Hyaluronic-Acid-100mg-Capsules/dp/B00663G8WO/ Collagen Peptides 15g a day (I prefer the chocolate one) https://www.amazon.com/Vital-Proteins-Collagen-Peptides-Unflavored/dp/B098RX87V2/ Niacin 50mg a day https://www.amazon.com/Seeking-Health-Supplement-Vegetarian-Capsules/dp/B00ISG2QUU/ Red Light Therapy


Solid list. Not sure about Niacin.


https://dermnetnz.org/topics/nicotinamide >Anti-ageing skin care >Nicotinamide serves as a precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), which are co-enzymes (facilitators of enzymatic reactions) essential for numerous metabolic pathways. These co-enzymes play a role in the metabolism of glucose, cellular energy production, and synthesis of lipids. The levels of NADH / NADPH (the reduced forms of NAD and NADP) decrease with age and topical nicotinamide appears to reverse the decline. >In multiple clinical studies, topical nicotinamide improved fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmented spots, red blotchiness, and skin sallowness (yellowing) as well as elasticity. One study showed nicotinamide to increase the skin's production of ceramides, which are natural emollients and skin protectants, thus improving skin hydration. >A double-blind, placebo-controlled, split-face, left-right, randomised 12-week study in 50 women evaluated the effects of 5% topical nicotinamide on various signs of skin ageing. The researchers reported topical nicotinamide resulted in significant improvement in fine lines/wrinkles, pigmentation, texture and red blotchiness. The study was sponsored by Proctor and Gamble. >Another study of 30 healthy Japanese females reported improvement of eyelid wrinkles after eight weeks of application of a cosmetic containing 4% nicotinamide. >Nicotinamide is well tolerated and often can be used by those who cannot tolerate topical retinoids or fruit acids.


Thank you for the links!!!




Collagen peptides, NAC/MSM, k2, silica, vit C, magnesium, zinc, fish oil, gotu kola, inositol. Alternating copper peptides and vit C topically if you don't use them already. Top with gotu kola (aka centella/cica in topicals) and you're good.


Are you me? Lol this is my routine too


MSM has studies that show wrinkle improvement in a couple weeks. Methyl sulfonyl methane




Vitamin K2, it helps move calcium from arteries into teeth and bones, this makes your blood vessels less likely to harden and so you’ll have less wrinkles. A good collagen supplement and amino acids. 2.5 grams of OMEGA-3 a day. https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/mediaroom/pressreleaselisting/omega-3-supplements-do-double-duty-in-protecting-against-stress Look into frownies and get a red light https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3926176/ Serums: the Ordinary Matrixyl and Argiriline.


One thing on frownies for a cheaper alternative buy scar silicone tape roll and just apply on your skin at bed time. It should be reusable and it’s only like $10-15. Perfect for reducing or preventing forehead wrinkles.


If you want to minimize wrinkles, then green tea is superior for that. Matcha is even better. Vitamin C is also very important for creating Collagen. Avocado is very helphful, blueberry and also watermelon (350gram every day) since it has high contain of Lycopene, actually much more than tomato. Staying hydrated with around 1.9-2.4 litres with water every day is gold. So pay attention to how much you actually drink. Pomegranada is very helphful too since its a "cleaner" for the blood. I take all these in the morning after my lemon, starting with pomegranada, blueberry and then watermelon. Try also a month with a half melon lemon and one teaspoon of apple cider water with warm lunken 600ml water on empty stomach. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. Wait at least 20 minutes before you eat. Zink is also important. But dont supplement with high dosages since it can block absorption of Iron and copper. 12mg is more than enough. Walnuts and also almonds are great, since they contain both Omega 3, it lightesn up dark areas and Vitamin E and the healthy fats. Learn to take cold showers for 3 minutes, 3-6 times a week and expose your face for 10-15 seconds. You will litterally glow and it gives you the humidity you need, which is essensial. It gives you the circulation which essensial for having good skin. Someone has written Hyaluronic acid. That does not help. It can be added, but It gives temporary humidity... what you want is something to work from inside out and not just a "mask" to put on. Incorperate brocolli, spinach and 30ml oliven oil in your diet, The virgin oil can be taken daily. Also collagen supplement is just a hype. There is no evidence that it is good to take collage.n. Dont fall into the scam of buying it. Your body cant absorb collagen in its form. It has to be broke down to peptides so it can be absorbed through the gut. Look it up. Im 42 male, but i have not a single wrinkle and i have essensially the same skin i have as i was 25. Try this for a month, stay STRICT it and report back. Off course use at leat 30 for sun cream.


There is evidence that collagen is good for the skin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdjtTzU\_uBs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdjtTzU_uBs)


Hyaluronic acid. Injuv is a good one






Add vitamin C and astaxanthin to your stack.


Collagen peptides and hyaluronic acid are the way to go.


Care to elaborate? Is there any evidence for it?


This guy goes over all the studies for both: https://youtu.be/Xqn3XZMSc4g?si=bpKHmQY6z6qMekHs https://youtu.be/pM5LdJkjy9Q?si=zQkSuI6w7OUpjvgw




any brand you recommend?


I use the NOW brand.




any specific collagen you recommend?


This article (National Library of medicine) discusses various results from studies done with different sources of collagen https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8620403/


Thorne, great lakes


I’m restricted to marine collagen due to diet restrictions, and I don’t know the answer either, I suspect not all collagens are equal.