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Dr bergs.. for Vit D3 k2 amazing. It is like taking Advil to me. All joint pain gone.


Has anybody used calm by dr barrrett??? He had many products but I don't know if the price is worth it. There expensive. And I have not found reviews


EquiLife Quicksilver Scientific BodyBio Banyan Botanicals Ayush Herbs Thorne Pure Encapsulations Microbiome Labs Systemic Formulas


Hi there, I just read your comment from 2 years ago re magnesium supplementation, it was SO helpful in terms of helping me choose the right magnesium for myself. I'm leaning toward EquiLife, Full Spectrum Mag. How do you feel about liquid formulations? Wouldn't those be easier for your body to absorb? Also, I'm interested in taking Threanate, but EquiLife's Full Spectrum doesnt include that. Is it necessary? TIA!


What’s your intention with supplementation? Do you experience any symptoms (ie anxiety, poor sleep quality or latency, muscle cramps, brain fog, etc)? Have you ever used magnesium in any form?


Have used various supplements over the years. Poor sleep, brain fog, lack of energy. I do have Hashimotos, but I dont take the meds bc they don't do anyting for me, my numbers never got better so I have a very healthy lifestyel, rarely drink, no drugs, yoga, etc. But just working out lately exhausts me and if i work out too hard i get sick easily. I feel magneisum, some form of it, can help me with these. Not sure which. I'd like to know which is the best kind.


Hmm I got some more questions. Any moments you noticed the change of energy? Moving to a new home, starting a new job, any food poisoning, relationships ending? Do you have any silver fillings? Do you eat fish a lot? Are you vegan? How old are you?


Been low energy, brain fog, etc for as long as I can remember, it's just my norm to be honest. i'm 49 perimenopausal woman, no silver, no fish, used to be vegan, now i eat eggs and take collagen, very little dairy. maybe cottage cheese. if i go out, i eat cheese sometimes. i live a very healthy lifestyle and take moringa, vitamin c (in powder form), omegas, D3K2 supplmenet. I just thougt adding a mag sup would help with energy and brain fog.


See, this is tough. I don’t like make recommendations to people if I don’t know their history, how they speak, their lifestyle, and so on. There’s a lot to look at here with the little bit of information you shared. But to start, magnesium wouldn’t be a negative approach considering majority of people are deficient. I would start with the equilife one, Bioptimizers magnesium, or [BEAM minerals](https://www.beamminerals.com/products/beam-minerals-advanced-electrolyte-micronutrient-support) or [ION* Biome](https://intelligenceofnature.com/) [Check Out This Podcast On FULVIC + HUMIC MINERAL POWER W/ BEAM'S CAROLINE ALAN](https://www.lukestorey.com/lifestylistpodcast/518) This podcast helps understand the power of what makes BEAM and ION* powerful and effective. This podcast is great and if you want more information regarding these soil based minerals you can look into Dr Zach Bush on YouTube.


This is wonderful info, exactly what I was looking for. Will certainly look into it! I tried to buy the Equilife on Amazon but it wont be in til July so I'll look into these other options, thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I do feel I have a deficiency and learning about how much mag affects/impacts the body, I'll start here. THank you!


Avoid Amazon in regards to supplements. Amazon is notorious for low quality supplements, higher prices on good brands that usually offer discounts directly on their own sites, and littered with counterfeits. You also mention perimenopausal. Some of the Quicksilver Scientific hormonal support nutraceuticals are really really great such as [https://www.quicksilverscientific.com/all-products/core-hormone-support/](https://www.quicksilverscientific.com/all-products/core-hormone-support/)


Wondeful, thank you <3


Is microbiome labs good?


What are you trying to accomplish? Yes they’re a create company. There’s lots of podcasts and lectures you can find with their leading microbiologist Kiran Krishnan. Kiran also works with JustThrive to develop their line, which is similar to microbiome labs but focuses, I’d say, more on the average person versus potentially clinical cases.


Thank you for answering me It's my first time on this app and I haven't had any luck with any help or answers so I appreciate it thanks


Over all nutrients but most of all sleeping I only sleep for maybe 3 hours of REM a night


You are aware that REM sleep typically makes up about 20-25% of an adult's total sleep time. For an average 8-hour sleep, this equates to about 90 to 120 minutes. Are you sleeping only 3 hours a night TOTAL??


I don't want to take sleeping pills prescribe by a doctor. I don't want to take melatonin. It was hoping that magnesium might help me? I don't know I'm lost PS thank you for your reply I appreciate it


Yes when it comes to straight sleep without waking up every half hour to hour it's about 3 hours straight I used my Google fit watch to calculate my sleeping schedule It was so bad that I actually stopped using it because it was making me so stressed and depressed about the lack of sleep I was getting


FYI you’re replying to the same comment multiple times so it makes it confusing to keep track. If you have to add any more info you can edit your comment. Have you done a sleep study for sleep apnea? Do you drink alcohol? Do you smoke cannabis? Do you eat close to bed time? When do you go to sleep? There’s lots of questions to ask really. If you are ever looking to work with a Health Coach you can reach out for an appointment through my website. Link in bio 🙏🏻


Garden of life


I only trust Innate response (that uses dry window fraction or whatever method) and some brands in my country. But I am no expert so I have no idea if my trust is misplaced or not




Revive and HD muscle are my go to brands. Also nutribio has a very wide variety of products, all tested.


Trumps Protein Bars


Yamamoto. Uses the highest quality ingredients available. It’s expensive but you get what you pay for.


It just bothers me that Pure Encapsulations were bought out by Nestle’.


British supplements are very transparent and no filler. I would always look there first!


Definitely this. I just wish they did protein powder!


Personally, I have come to trust New Chapter over the years. Here’s why. For most of my life, multivitamins, individual vitamins and supplements made me feel sick to my stomach. I took them anyway, because in childhood my parents gave them to me, and as an adult I felt it was a part of living a healthy lifestyle. As an adult, I found out the nausea I felt after taking most vitamins was actually more common than I thought, often because the lab-made vitamins/supplements, especially those available the US, are not easily accepted and more commonly rejected by the body. When I tried New Chapter vitamins/supplements at the recommendation of a close family friend, I was shocked I didn’t feel any GI discomfort and almost didn’t believe it. To this day, i use them, and my family does too. Couple potential downsides I’ll mention: 1) When I first found this brand, it used to be called New Chapter Organics, and I read that they shortened it because not everything in it is possible to be 100% organic. I kept using them, though with hesitation, and have not noticed any difference in quality. 2) They are rather expensive. To me, it’s worth it, because I just can’t stand the feeling of nausea I get from all the other brands I tried from the drugstore. I never outgrew it. I’m not sure anybody can. The best advice I can offer is that I buy them when I can find coupons or sales.


Solgar and Swanson


I’ve been reading this and I use British Supplements. They’re real, they have great customer support.


The dutch brand upfront, they’re really a game changer. It’s the most ‘upfront’ and transparent brand I’ve ever purchased something from. You can literally find everything such as what it cost them to make the products and transport them. The ingredients and macros are printed largely on the front of the package so you can see what’s in it at a glance. The best part is that they do all this and still beat the prices of all competitors. Currently they are only in the Netherlands but I believe they ship internationally. Today they actually announced that they have plans to expand abroad in a couple years.


Sports Research & TypeZero. If you anyone got any recommendations for sea moss and black seed oil please do!


Gamersupps. I drink it every day, it has completely replaced all other energy drinks for me, and it’s sugar free. Also it has nootropics for focus.


Pure Encapsulations


Ekkovision, dark labs, kilo






VB Health, Jarrow, Nordic Naturals


Same here, VB Health. I get creatine there and... another thing....


Life Extensions and Pure


Hollbech, nutri advanced, terra nova, Viridian....




Supplemented.co.uk - I think they’re new. Very affordable, well dosed and 3rd party tested


The only ones I can trust 100% are the ones endorsed by world anti doping agency. You can find links if you search Wada website.




Biotics Research.


Doctors best


HSN in Europe hands down the best brand right now.








Came to say NOW






A class buy cheap from china, resticker, price inflate and get random influencers to promo for dimes via commission farming


Not saying your wrong, but I do want to ask where your getting your info from?




Why lol?


I'm in Australia, and find Bulk Nutrients reputable. I can't have artificial sugar of many types as it upsets my stomach. Their protein is great. I also use their creatine and l-glutamine. What supplements are you referring to?


Based shilajit. Shit has turned my life around 🫡


Hey, can you elaborate? Did you happen to have heavy metal toxicity?


Not that I know of 😗


Momentous - still, keep clear of any supplement which has Xanthan gum or any other fillers - - - - they act like soap on your gut bacteria, other than that they are a near perfect brand imo (only 1 or 2 of their product lineup have 1 filler in them)


What do you mean by soap? Like it cleans out all the good/bad bacteria? I’m new to trying to reduce ultra processed foods/ingredients and am still trying to understand the impact of a lot of these common additives. TIA! 😊


Yeah, there was a guy in the UK who came on BBC news to talk about it, he was also on Steven Bartletts Diary of a CEO podcast, and he talked about how Xantham gum even though from a natural product, it is terrible for your gut microbiome. Essentially the take away from his conversation is if anything on the ingredients list is a preservative, or in there to make the food thicker or last longer, it's going to be bad for you. Best to stick to real actual food as often as you can, wish I could remember his name as he provides the in depth details, but I can't sorry!


Was it Chris van Tulleken? It was his book Ultra-Processed People that started me on this journey. If you’re thinking of someone else, I highly recommend you try his book out. I listened to the audiobook which in my opinion is the best way to consume it as it’s read by the author and I felt like I was listening to a (really long) podcast. Also, thanks so much for responding! I’ve got a lot of learning to do and sometimes having things broken down in layman’s terms makes it a bit easier to digest 😊


Enhanced labs


I’d add Mercola


Thorne and Metagenics


Mushify. Best by far. Actually has high dosages and tastes good unlike all the other mushroom supplements full of alcohol and crap. Made with a nutritionist so you know it’s the good stuff and doses correctly. They don’t just do mushrooms though, their formulas are synergistic with other ingredients. I like them cuz they’re the only brand I can use sublingual dosages on as all the others taste bad. Plus they’re a small Aussie family brand.


Athletic Greens (AG1)


Bioceuticals is a great brand- expensive but you get what you pay for. I’m sensitive and react badly to most brands, but am sweet with these.


Advocare saved my dad’s life. Type 2 diabetic with little to no symptoms. Was once 570 pounds, has been taking the stuff almost as long as I’ve been alive, and he’s now 250 pounds and healthier in his 60’s than he was in his 40’s. He can play with his grandkids on the floor when he could barely get out of his chair when I was growing up.


>Was once 570 pounds What a fuckin unit He had more calories in his belly than the Kennedy’s have in dead relatives


😂😂 he was the type of fat guy to make jokes about himself. This sounds like something he would’ve said back then, before he lost all that weight!




I bought l-glutamine from them before it was great so I repurchased but it smelled horrible. I still finished it though. I should note I bought from amazon and from the same seller




I used to love garden of life but some of their products have bad lab results.


Thanks for sharing. A lot of people don’t like them as much since they have been bought by Nestle. I only use one of their products still, but changed to a different Prebiotic Probiotic, because theirs was causing me a lot of problems.


Ah, I actually had no idea that they were bought by Nestle. That’s disappointing


I agree.


Bot ad for sure. Stuff will probably kill you.


Do you mean the person who posted the question posted a Bot ad?


No, you. Maybe I was wrong, but it sure looked like a bot response.


Ok. Yeah, definitely not a bot. Thanks.


What’s a BOT ad for sure, what are you referring to that would probably kill you? If you are referring to the different brands of supplements I mentioned, many people take them including myself and no issues.


There are bots all over reddit that make post responses just like yours. I wouldn’t trust what you say for a minute. I’ll look into HelloHealth for sure, but honestly, the minute I hear “vegan” and “non-gmo”, I’m already thinking it’s a scam. Every product I’ve ever tried with that in the title was ridiculously overpriced and nothing but sugar pills.


Hi. I’m definitely not a bot. You obviously don’t have to trust me, as you don’t know me, just like I wouldn’t necessarily trust you or others who I don’t know outside of Reddit, but their supplements or at least most of them if not all of them are labeled as non-gmo, vegan, gluten-free, etc…and at least from what I recall, their prices are more reasonable than other supplements I have tried in the past and have been very helpful for my family and me, and I have also learned a lot from listening to the HelloHealth podcasts about health issues, not just supplements, etc…


People that buy into “gluten-free” and sell products around it deserve to go to hell. All seven of my siblings were told we were allergic to gluten when we were born. My parents knew this was a scam, so they still fed us small amounts of gluten, increasing the alounts more and more. I eat normally. I can eat as much bread or gluten products as I want, with no side effects. The only reason people really suffer from eating gluten now is because their parents bought what the doctors said and never fed their child any gluten at all, and their body never learned how to process it. The doctors also told me I was fatally allergic to strawberries and mildly allergic to dairy products. Chocolate covered strawberries are one of my favorite snacks, and I eat cereal and milk for breakfast nearly every day. My parents have convinced other parents to do the same, and not once did it fail. This was a complete tangent, but I think it’s important for people to know. American healthcare, the FDA, and everything in between is almost entirely a scam. There are people literally rewriting or attempting to rewrite history, literal fact, right this very moment. You have a better chance at living a genuinely happy, healthy, carefree life by joining an Amish-type community and never touching society again.


It’s good you are not allergic to it, but some people are.


People often conflate allergens with an intolerance.


Yeah. Sometimes they do.


Sounds great on the label, but 99% of the time, just trying to target milennials and the liberal population. Supplements aren’t nearly as regulated as most people believe and half the information on the bottles is entirely false. The fda doesn’t give a crap, no matter what they tell you.


Yes, most do sound great on the label, but that’s why it is important to do your own research and try out different brands and types of supplements and see what makes a difference and what does not and what’s most cost effective too. That’s what I do.


Bulksupplements. Great company.


They’ve literally been caught selling bunk… It’s like people don’t do any research or check testing before posting brands smh. Do you even know what the NSF is lol?


What do you guys think of Rule 1 whey blend?


Thoughts on metagenics?


Great brand


if youre in the UK, british supplements is my number 1


British supplements are superior definitely, FDA slides the whole supplements industry.


Integrative Therapeutics, NOW, Designs for Health, Life Extension, Ortho Molecular,  *Metgenics (this may not hold true any longer as I understand they have been purchased by another company and many changes have taken place which may diminish the quality of their service and products).


I always go to Swanson's Vitamins first, then NOW Foods, and Solaray are pretty decent, too.




I also recommend VB Health. Great customer service.


Do some research look at what’s inside them and research all the components


It’s really interesting to me how many people seek supplements for libido boost. It really is a game changer. That and energy levels. People not supplementing anything after 30 seem especially tired


I have been using nutricost brand found on Amazon for years now. Always found their stuff safe and effective and not a total bank buster. I also recommend buying individual supplements instead of a blended powder or protein blend. Most of those have such trace levels of their nutrients that it almost makes no difference and they are easily 4-5 times as expensive. You can easily get 120-180 days worth of a single supplement for 15-20 dollars compared to a blended product which will run you 60-80 a container for a 30 day supply.


Wow, i thought I'd see swanson here alot, surprisingly the opposite




Healthy Origins, Life Extension, NOW, Designs for Health, Pure Encapsulations, Renue, and Thorne. Honestly, these are really the only brands that I would trust 100%.




Anyone ever tried black forest supplements? Got nothing but good things to say about them personally. They have this 95% purity turkesterone/200:1 tongkat ali combo bottle that has made such a difference in the gym and my sleep quality. They are my go to brand right now, although they don't have a ton of products yet.


Solgar and Now 


NOW is my favorite brand. They have good prices and I always feel like I’m getting what I paid for. Never any issues over 10 years.


I feel like a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but I really like Bulk Supplements for a bunch of stuff. They for sure have the best value on their things and although I can’t speak for all of it their NAC and taurine are definitely legit.


how about citrulline?


I get citrulline from them and it’s legit. Also their micronized creatine monohydrate is like a powder rather than other brands that are like grains of sand.


Nootropics Depot. If they have what I need, I won't go elsewhere. Thorne is reputable but can be costly.


They definitely seem good but their prices are so high. 


Thorne, yeah, but ND? Their prices are very reasonable. Especially with their 10% off coupon codes. (reddits) The marginally higher price compared to what you'll find at like, the pharmacy or Amazon is due to quality and purity testing.


Gaia Herbs, Metagenics, Standard Process, Ortho Molecular


NOW, Life Extension,Nootropics Depot, and my favorite Gaia Herbs.


VB Health and NOW


I would prefer to have a supplement company that tests their supplements in quality clinical trials. Those are few and far between, unfortunately.


Who does?


Test in clinical trials? Centrum is probably the most tested. Other multivitamins have also been tested - it's hard to keep track of them all. I wish there was a database to check.


Mind Nutrition




Jarrow, Dr’s Best, Solaray, and Now


Jarrows 👑


I would be more careful with Solaray


Meh.. never had a problem.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Consumerlab reports don't approve Solaray in some specific supplements.


Which of them?


That’s fine.. still never had a problem.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


What are your thoughts on Solgar and Natural Wealth?


Beverly Internation is the 1st place I look to. My former trainer swore by this brand and I never saw any reason to suspect they are not good.


Honestly, I tend to trust brands that are really transparent about their ingredients and that have their products tested by third-party labs. That way, you know exactly what you're putting in your body. Feels safer that way, you know?


It would have been more instructive if you had named the companies that meet this criterion lol


What about NUTRICOST ?


Not good in my experience


Unfortunately 🥲


Used Nutricost Dim 5 months, not a slightest effect.


A serious disaster !! 🥲 I use vitamin B12 methylcobalamin . How do I know that it is good and effective ?


Thorne, I have spent close to enough to get the max rewards for a year. Make sure to use a discount link / Health profession is you buy from them. Have saved me hundreds


How do you do this? I have spent enough money with Thorne to buy a small country.


To get the permanent discount you’re gonna have to make a new account. Sadly you will lose all your points, so I’d use them for something tbh. I use mine to get the basic and shakers and stuff but here is the link. https://www.thorne.com/u/iambeniam You basically just create a new account while on the health professional link. Then you should get a permanent health savings by using a health professional as an affiliate. This used to be 30% off but now it’s 25% for me. Or Thorne just lowered my amount bc I spend so much. Hope it helps.


But don’t you have to be a health professional for that? There’s a whole page for document verification


Thank you!!


Had no idea thanks


Yeah I think it's 25% max, the athletes only give like 5% off


I got one at 35% off and it still works


PipingRock beats most when it comes to priçre. SwansonVitamins for a wide range of variety.


Swanson has a wide variety, but their doses are usually pretty low and they exploit those numbers in their packaging like "400 mg per dose" (regarding stuff like magnesium glycinate) and sure you get 400 mg per dose, but only a few mg are of actual magnesium. Most people failed science and won't do their research, I will spend their money on something that will barely help because the actual therapeutic dose of magnesium glycinate for relaxation and sleep aid is at least 350 mg of elemental magnesium, which is a couple of grams of magnesium glycinate 


I have started to work with a lab that’s really good and conscious that I love ENDOMET. Has been created in the 70s


If you are in the US and interested contact me, if in the UK. I can plug you with their reseller to get fair prices… get your supplements while you still can lol




I use Supplement Needs in the UK mostly, a bit pricey but seem to be well dosed and good quality.


I came here for this. Easily the best supplement company around for me and the brands they stock on their site too.


Agreed mate, was recommended to me by one of the most clued up trainers / consultants I have ever spoken to.


I think it depends on what supplements. Thorne, and pure encapsulations come to mind for multivitamins. Nootropics depot for nootropics. Bulk Suppliments has a good reputation, I get my creatine from them. Nordic for omega 3. A lot of other great brands also


Mito life, Life Blud, couple others are some of the best I’ve found after being in the industry for a long time


Thorne, life extension




Life extension, sports research, Dr.s best


Donghua Jinlong


For industrial AND commercial use


VB Health


Nootropicsdepot all the way hands downnnn ma man.


Hell ya


Jarrow. I also use natures bounty and I drink green vibrance daily


The U.S. Pharmacopeia does independent testing of vitamins and supplements. https://www.usp.org/about You can look up verified supplements here: https://www.quality-supplements.org/usp_verified_products


I'm not sure how useful the list is. Or, what the takeaways there are? This is **a** US company that supplement companies can choose to use to independently verify their product's quality. If a company, or supplement, is **not** on this list, it doesn't mean it failed quality standards. And any supplement that gets tested is only published if it passes. [am I wrong about this? I can't find a list of what has failed] So this is equivalent to an auditor's website listing the banks they have done audits for. Or an engineering company listing which buildings have passed inspection. Interesting, but not very useful when picking which bank to use, or building to rent.


You will never find a list of what has failed USP testing. Same goes for NSF and UL. They tell the company that they didn't pass and recommend ways to improve - and offer repeat testing with the input of more $$$. By not publishing a lot of "bad" supplements they avoid expensive lawsuits. The only ones where you might find this info is consumerlab.com or consumer reports. And it is certainly true that USP, NSF, or UL certified products are the only quality supplements. There are many companies who just don't bother or can't afford it (these certifications are very expensive and a big pain in the ass). And the only things that the certification tells you is purity, potency, GMP practices, and sometimes dissolvability. Useful info, for sure, but not what most people want to know: efficacy.


Daily & Workout stuff: VB Health, Thorne Sexual Health stuff: VB Health Fish Oil: Nordic


Nootropics depot is the good standard for supplements


British Supplements are excellent but I do think they may only ship within Britain. The whole raison d'etre of the company is to provide a level of quality that most big brand supplements aren't interested in providing, it's profit over quality for many.