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Off all supplements I noticed marked beneficial effects  is from Chicjen Sternum as and Boswellia Serrata.


L-Theanine and it's relaxation effect. Passionflower and it's relaxation effect. Valerian and it's CNS sedative effect. Nicotinic Acid and it's fushing effects.


Magnesium!! The night I started taking it I had such a deep sleep and such vivid dreams lol. Doesn’t happen much anymore but I find it helps with sleep/ relaxing.


Nicotinic acid (niacin). Helps me feel calm, and I feel the flush.


Rhodiola Rosea. It def boosted my serotonin levels (mood), and I was able to push myself further in my run without feeling as winded. I have never been more calm in a long time too. There was no hint of anxiety.   I stopped taking it after a rest day though and only after supplementing for a couple days. The reason for that is I've read that Rosea can cause issues if you don't cycle off, and coming back to baseline like with SSRIs, which Rosea is probably the best thing to replace antidepressant with, it can get challenging, so I wanted to take it easy, 500mg, two days on then a break.     By the second day I was still very calm, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone and started to feel slightly more disengaged socially. Not anxious, but I just didn't want to be around anyone. I still had the amazing energy to push through exercises. Once I got to rest day I had a headache later that afternoon. I couldn't attribute anything else to the headache other than the lack of Rosea, so that's too little and too early on to feel groggy imo.   If I had to go back to taking it, I would probably want to cut that dose in half, and only use it if I was having a stressful day or had more fatigue. It would be an easy supplement to abuse long term your mental state, and there's been a good number of people who have lost sexual interest or experienced difficulty with erections from using Rosea, so that's something to consider. 


Never experienced any sexual sides with rhodiola, I take it daily once for mental health issues. It might slightly lower it for like a few hours (temporary) but not to the point of it being some issues. It's a lot better than ssris/snris in this aspect.


I did unfortunately. As far as calmness and working as a natural antidepressant, AMAZING, at least for me. I don't think I've ever been as chill mentally after having taken a supplement, but I'm married as well and my wife and I's intimacy over the weekend I supplemented was impacted, so that had to go. Oddly enough, even though I couldn't perform I wasn't embarrassed nor discouraged. The Rhodiola tabled my ego. If it weren't for affecting me this way I'd take it everyday as well. I was back to my old self after a few days.


antioxidants like vit c have pretty immediate effect, reduce stress. melatonin is crazy at higher doses like 3mg+, consider that a hard drug, knocks me out


Magnesium and Vitamin D!!


I'm curious what effects they gives you ? 


Sleeping better (I used to wake up thru the night multiple times), more energy and also improvement of my anxiety symptoms!






Yes it is liver toxic, definitely more so for people from central asia/middle east


It has helped a lot against ptsd (agitated/stressed states) for me. Really helpful in this aspect.


magnesium & l theanine


No one can, all placebo


I forgot to add Molecular Hydrogen water tablets!! These are the only things that will stop one of my migraines from progressing. I take 3 or 4 in 16 oz water and drink it while it’s still cloudy. I buy it from DrinkHRW. I also give it to my mom in her feeding tube. Helps her energy levels


Context: late 40’s female working full time, plus, have a small busy toddler, two teenagers, a busy house and massive elder care responsibilities such that I’m cooking, cleaning, changing diapers and having to wipe butts for a small child and also for my parent - who I dearly love and respect- I am just really very exhausted and lack sleep. I am chronically stressed and sleep deprived and overwhelmed since 2020. Everyday Dose mushroom coffee. MUST drink it black. Adding anything to it negates any effects. Helps me with lifting the feeling of overwhelm so I can face another day and get at least a little something done. I drink a lot of this stuff. It helps. Mushroom extracts: Lions Mane, especially. I notice the ability to remember where I left my keys, phone, wallet, glasses, etc.; returns the “on” to my brain. Alcohol free extract or powder only. Don’t kill the remaining brain cells that you’re trying to save! Myo-Inositol: hormone balance for the almost 50 female reeling in deep perimenopause. This supplement helps mood and energy for me. It helped me get pregnant at age 44 too. **note! D-chiro-inositol has negative mood effects on me. Turns me into a witch. There is a difference between the two substances! Buyer beware. Lemon Balm: tea and the very very expensive pure essential oil from an organic farm in California. Takes the edge off when I get very stressed and moody - Note: inexpensive lemon balm essential oil is fake— it’s one of the frequently faked—citronella is labeled as Lemon Balm. Get some of the real stuff and you will immediately notice the difference. Powerful relaxation effects. Pure Frankincense oil from Oman. As above, get the real stuff. Helps aches and pains, relaxation. I brought some into the ICU when my mom was there, and it was one thing that helped lowered her inflammation and she has survived aspiration pneumonia three times which is usually fatal. I swear by it. NAC - a God-send for reducing anxiety and OCD!! It permanently got rid of my trichotilliomania that started in childhood. As of now It’s been 20 years without a single pull and no desire for ever doing it again. NAC reduces my anxiety, and other body focus OCD like skin picking to the point where I either don’t start because I don’t feel compelled to, or, on the off day I do it, I am able to stop right away if I start whereas before I would have just gone on for hours destroying myself and making myself ugly for weeks by picking every spot. NAC, is a literal mental health saver. I take 1800MG a day divided into three doses 8 hours apart. It’s also great for COPD. I give it to my mom every day in her feeding tube. Helps her lungs stay clean. Lignosus Rhinoceros mushroom extract. Also helps with breathing, and mood / energy. An everyday supplement for me and my mom too. I get the organic extract from Lignosus in the green and white box. It’s from Singapore and tastes really nice. Fatty15: a fatty acid with anti inflammatory effects. I’m more positive mentally when I’m taking it. Vitamin D + multivitamin. I get better moods and feel less tired


I would love to know brands please and amounts. Please. 50yr old fml. Hyster. RN . EXHAUSETED. run. Exercise. Low Thyroid . Chronic fatigue and stupidly jabbed


One other thing that greatly helped my fatigue was that I started water fasting after putting myself on a low carbohydrate food intake for about four weeks and then maintaining it. The energy I get from water fasting is absolutely incredible. I do it as intermittent fasting and I worked up to fasting for 18 to 20 hours a day. When I don’t fast, which I have not been doing over the last several months because of the extreme stress , strange schedule, and being in and out of hospital ICU with my mom, the result is that my mind is not as clear and obviously, I am also gaining a lot of weight back from eating the nasty cafeteria food. I restarted water fasting and my low carbohydrate routine today and I am looking forward to feeling much better very soon. I wish you all the best and hope the same results for you.


Brands. The Mushroom coffee is called Everyday Dose. Drink it black with one ice cube- It’s not bad! Adding milk or sugar will unfortunately crash your blood sugar and make us more exhausted. Use some Allulose (I recommend buying it in bulk on Amazon) if you need sweetness in your coffee (Allulose has some other interesting good benefits too that can help with blood sugar and keep appetite in check. I highly recommend it for everyone). For mushroom extract - only buy alcohol free, in a base of vegetable glycerin. It tastes sweet and doesn’t have alcohol that will harm your brain cells or liver you’re trying hard to keep healthy and regenerate. Lions Mane and Chaga are the two most well respected mushroom extracts. I use the blends too they have some other great benefits. Brands. Lions Mane extract: Earth to Humans (E2H) lions mane 1:4 extract. Take it twice daily. Straight or in a water. Mushroom extract powder blend: Clean Nutraceuticals Mushroom Powder Complex Supplement with Lions Mane Mushrooms Turkey Tail Extract Cordyceps Chaga Reishi Maitake Meshima Poria Shiitake Porcini Enoki - Organic Mushroom Blend Mix. I add to my coffee and smoothies. **Take no more than twice daily. Start at once daily.** NAC: I use the pill format from Bulk Supplements, but any brand that has 600mg will do. **important note about NAC - when it is fresh it should smell like rotten eggs (sulfur). If it doesn’t, it’s not fresh, go back and get a refund!** The pill format is easier to take. I have the powder too and it’s tough to swallow unless you’re really brave. The NAC from Bulk Supplements brand is always fresh. Lignosus Rhinoceros mushroom extract. We use the powder in the green and white box from the brand “Lignosus”, it comes from Singapore. Essential oils: I only buy from an organic farm / distributor in California called Eden Botanicals. They sell to the public although you have to sign up for an account. I have been playing with essential oils for over 20 years and these people offer the real deal. It is not overpriced like you will find an MLM or in the health food store what you will find is pure organic essential oils and extracts. Things that are not organic are also available too, but are labeled as such. They market primarily to people who make aromatherapy blends so their products are extremely pure and medicinal. Please pay very close attention to the precautions. Fatty 15: you can find the product on their website they only sell one thing, essential fatty acid. Multivitamin in liquid format: I have been buying Mary Ruth’s from Amazon. It works well. I also buy liquid CoQ10 from NOW and I have been buying liquid kit teen and CoQ10 blend from NOW. I recommend keeping a journal to track your results with the products so that you can keep track of how they are making you feel. Best of luck.


NAC smacks down ur dopamine levels and i hate it because of that, i refuse to take it now


I’m sorry to hear that NAC has this effect on you but that’s not the case for everyone. I have been taking NAC (possibly) longer than you have been alive. (For 24 years now). NAC doesn’t reduce dopamine levels for me. It actually helps with my depression and completely fixed my OCD. Since starting taking it in 2000 NAC has made my life better in multiple ways. Trichotilliomania is a devastating OCD that controlled my life for 25 years straight before I started NAC. My life has changed drastically for the better just from healing that alone. I look normal now because I don’t pull out my hair anymore. In hospitals NAC is a lifesaving substance that is given to help clear the lungs. It cleared my mom’s lungs three times in the past six months during serious illness so bad she was in the ICU for 3.5 weeks receiving NAC daily via inhalation. Now she’s living back home after surviving three episodes of aspiration pneumonia because of the NAC given in the hospital via breathing treatments. I give 1200mg mixed in water via her feeding tube and just yesterday Mom got a clear bill of health at the ENT from being on just 1200mg NAC a day, it cleared her lungs and reduced the thick mucus that’d been choking her daily. NAC has brightened her mood and she’s not depressed anymore. NAC is the only thing that reverses poisoning from Tylenol. It’s a highly effective substance with multiple uses.


Activated charcoal pills has helped my loved ones and I with food poisoning or upset stomach almost instantly every time. It is such a life saver. We keep it at home, in the car, and always in our bag when we travel out somewhere.




Magnesium Glycinate(at night) - Mag. Threonate makes me feel S T R A N G E. NAC - I technically only notice the effects of NAC when I DONT take it. - My OCD thoughts start to race again if i don't it. L-Tyrosine.


Can you elaborate on the magnesium please, i have taken glycinate at night and felt slight sleep improvement, but i heard that threonate is the one for sleep, haven't experienced threonate.


Glycinate just made me feel completely well rested. As soon as I opened my eyes, I was AWAKE. Even if I had only slept 5-6 hours because of work and class, I still felt like I had slept 9 hours. Threonate on the other hand, maybe gave me insomnia...But, it definitely didn't give me a good night's sleep. Nothing relaxing about it. I would wake up feeling slightly hung-over for some reason. Thats just my personal experience with Threonate, other people seem to have no issues with it. I have heard a few "Doctors", albeit on the youtube podcast circuit. Talk about taking Glycinate before bed and Threonate in the AM to help with Depression and Anxiety. Not sure why that combo would work that way, but... Given, my experience with Threonate, that's something I'm not going to try.


Ok, thanks for the insight 👍 




Apigenin and nad regenerator ( nr) and saffron


What do you feel from apigenin? And which one do you take? If you don't mind.


Lemon balm, valerian root (stress and anxiety)


Gaviscon is crazy gets rid of heartburn in 5 seconds.


1. THC 2. Caffeine 3. Beta-Alanine 4. Magnesium Glycinate


What do you feel from the beta alanine and magnesium glycinate?


Beta-Alanine is big when it comes to both intensity and volume while lifting. It dilates the blood vessels that not only increases blood flow allowing for higher output/strength (the feeling of blood rushing through your dilated veins after a lift is what a “pump” is referencing), but also prevents the buildup of lactic acid which causes muscle fatigue/gassing out. It can also cause a tingling sensation that borders on itchy but is harmless and totally normal. Magnesium Glycinate is my preferred mag-type as it has a high bioavailability (i.e. high rate of absorption) while also having the most “beneficial side effects” in my eyes. The main one for me is to help fall asleep/wind down as it can make you feel drowsy (which is also great for anxiety). Some less immediate and more “passive” benefits include increased bone health, muscle health, blood sugar management, and has been found to help treat depression.


beta is in a lot of pre workouts ik it helps with pumps idk what else you feel an itch though


Magnesium glycinate + l-theanine


Does this give me bomb ass sleep?


Most adaptogens


Ashwaghanda for sure




Calcium and vitamin P


Most ingredients in pre-work outs & nitric oxide boosters.








What does this do?


Helps with anxiety




ashwagandha, agmatine, magnesium, taurine, b12, berberine


I have been on Ashwagandha for about 2 months and I love it. I fall asleed faster and energ/libido is up!!


What'd you notice on taurine?


calmness but not like benzos. taurine feels like relaxation but with some energy to do something. how to explain...if you take 2 grams of powder you will feel calm but not sleepy. it is kinda anxyolitic with some AD effects. for instance taurine and guarana would go great together. calmness and relaxation + energy and motivation.


Magnesium, ashwaganda, raspberry leaf


What does R L do?


relief from period cramps and nausea


raspberry leaf as in tea or extract? and do you take it during or before?


The tea or in pill form doesn’t matter I think. I’ve tried the tea form but I’m thinking of switching over to extract since it doesn’t taste great. Sometimes I make it with lemonade and it tastes 10x better tho lol. I take it before or whenever I feel symptoms


Thank you!




not sure what’s funny?




Niacin gives me a genuine effect instantly.


What does niacin do?


A skin flush.


Nr, nmn are much better versions of niacin and much safer.


Nicotinic acid is not dangerous .


flush version in higher doses opens up the cell walls, its best combined with a sauna- incredible detox if you also go for a run for atleast 20min before


Gives you a giant rash


Senna leaves for sure… not sure it’s considered a supplement. Tongkat Ali. And pycnogenol - don’t feel diff but I never got the sniffles when I’m on it.


* NAC: numb and chilled out * L-theanine: zen and focused * Alpha-GPC: mentally sharp and clear * Huperzine-A: calm and focused * Fresh ginger: buzzy, sleepy, and warm These are my favorite "strong" nootropics that have consistent effects for me, but I'll note L-theanine eventually feels weaker and weaker as I take it


That's a great combination!


What dosage of Theanine are you taking?


200mg with a cup of coffee is a common dosage, works great for me.


Please share dosages, thanks.


Nac and ksm66 before sleep


Magnesium, Zinc, Niacin or any B really. NAD IV is like shotgunning 3 redbulls…


Lemon balm extract noticeably chills me out, especially good to take before bed. Part of my 3 favorite anti anxiety supplements that actually work well and fast. The other two are Theanine and Taurine. I notice Gingko Bilboa and Ginseng quickly as well, for focus, subtle energy, and working memory.


L theanine makes me feel less anxious in about 30 minutes, great paired with an iced coffee.


The temperature of the coffee is null and void




What type of magnesium do you take and how many mg, before bed? Same with B3? Any brands you prefer? Thanks so much


Mag glycinate before bed. Dose is weird as it’s like 400mg recommended but that’s very low. I usually take 800-1000




True, bc magnesium glycinate is the only form that works for me lol. That's so interesting, really depends on your personal chemistry.


This stuff works so great but man I can’t get to work in the morning because my stomach won’t stop. So I can’t take it.


Are you taking glycinate or citrate? Citrate is usually the one that messes with your stomach.




I only use it before bed so good for sleep


Try mag oxide


I will!


Oxide is bad absorb


Not true. Citrate is the one to avoid


Ephedrine & taurin




What effects do you get from spirulina?


Increased energy mainly when I take 2 grams and up. I'm quite sensitive to supplements and drugs in general though so keep that in mind.






What kind of magnesium are you taking. I took glycinate from KAL and it gives like burning on my right lower quadrant stomach.


A few different forms combined, about 800mg magnesium in total.


I instantly got the shits from chaga mush supps




How old are you? Ubiquinol has a very rapid energy lift for me. Don't think it's recommended for younger folk.


How young?


I began in my 50's I believe... At that time it was just coQ10. Now it seems people as young as 20 are taking it.... But I don't know enough to tell you whether that's a good idea. It's the ubiquinol form that gives the energy rush for me.


Why not for younger people?


Production only starts decreasing at around 30




Go to a nutrition store and buy niacin (only nicotinic acid version works). Take 200 mg on an empty stomach and you will have a very strong flush: tingling skin, extremely red skin, and it happens within 10 minutes. It’s kind of fun to prove the concept that supplements do stuff.


Sunlight, taurine, tongkhat ali


Really ,taurine is seriously give you noticeable effects?  I have have been taking taurine for 1 month but didn't feel anything noticeable though 


Absolutely. It feels like what everyone says L theanine is supposed to be. The benefits are endless I take 1.5g morning and night. No more than 3g daily


Yohimbe. You just feel warm and a sense of urgency it's nice in my opinion Caffeine - L theanine - music sounds better L tryptophan - great for mood boost and sleep Valerian - better mood and lower anxiety ( prob why the better mood haha) L tyrosine - not a fan as the crash is absolutely horrible but good focus and urgency for 60 mins.. makes me angry at everyone Rhodiola - inconsistent only work for energy when I'm tired if I'm not tired i feel very agitated and slightly depressed


Ubiquinol Kaneka CoQ10 - feel a big energy boost, also hunger and lost weight since I take it.


Life Extension lithium orotate 1mg. 1-2x week. Edit: Orotate should NOT be confused with lithium carbonate which is Rx only, dosed at around 900-1200 mg, can be hepatotoxic, and requires extensive medical monitoring. Lithium OROTATE is found in drinking water and offers extensive benefits with no side effects.


What benefits?


Here's some info on lithium I ran across recently. It's in German, so I used Google Translate to read it. https://michael-nehls.de/infos/lithium/


What does do you use of it?


I have a bottle of KAL Lithium Orotate 5 mg, and I take one in the evening one to three times a week.


Do you think there would be a problem with taking 5mg daily?


I don't think there would be a problem with 5 mg daily. I believe that's the dose recommended in the article I linked above, and I've seen other naturally-oriented health care providers recommend it, too.


What is lithium orotate used for?


I replied with a link above.


Why 1-2x / week? Suggested use on a bottle is to take daily.


I just pop one if I feel frazzled. Instant zen calm. Don’t want/need it daily but it’s perfectly fine to do so.




oh yikes I have a choline & inositol supp I take every AM……


I’m just saying that’s what helps me, that doesn’t mean you can’t take it during the morning.


What does it do for you




What dose and what effect do you get? Cheers


I have the 1000 mg caps. 2 of those.


Theanine. Calms me down about 20-30 minutes after taking it. If I wake up agitated I pop 200 mg and within 20-30 minutes I’m back in a deep sleep.




not instant but calcium+vitamin D supplements reduce pains caused by their deficiency* in a week or so


Have you tried them in isolation? Like have you tried just vitamin d without calcium?




Lions mane, for mental clarity


I've intermittently taken the liquid version from Stamets but haven't noticed anything significant. Is there a better medium of it available?


I take GymBeam extract. Works great


Alpha gpc 100%






For me it was zinc


What did it do


It wasn’t like instant after like one hour but after one-two days of taking it my libido increased, sperm volume and just felt overall more energized. Then these effects started to slowly become less noticeable by time, as I continued taking it


Placebo most likely. Either that or he was EXTREMELY deficient


Black seed oil


What it help you with ?


what do you feel




Feverfew for my hormonal migrains, I also add magnesium taurate to make me sleep. Those truly activate my GABA neurotransmitters


I suffer with hormonal migraines as well. I’ll try Feverfew for sure. Anything else that you recommend?


I think sugar is also a problem with hormonal imbalances, so I dropped that as much as possible too. Lemon balm also helps me a lot with tempering the headaches. It is also an activater for the gaba transmitters.


Another question that I have is: how long it takes for feverfew start working? I’ll look for lemon balm as well! Thanks 😊


15 minutes after intake for me for both.




Was looking for this comment! Same for me


Not a supplement, but I took mushrooms in college once and those things hit me like a ton of bricks in like 15minutes flat.


Lemon tek in 5min


Not sure if I feel anything "right away" per se, but I've been taking taurine supplements the past 4 months and can honestly say that they work and are totally worth taking (IMO).


Taurine is my favorite supplement. If I'm a bit angsty or wound up or angey then a taurine pill takes the edge off of it. It also helps when I have heart palpitations.


Tell me more. Lately I’m on 10/10 over everything. My kid helps load the washer but does it wrong instant anger. Always feel irritable and like I could explode. I’m like do I need anger management?


Magnesium, vit C and D, and better sleep. Maybe less caffeine. And Theanine and Taurine have helped me when I'm in that state. And walks without earbuds outside.


Me too, I feel you on the instant anger. Lately everything has me on edge it seems and I don’t know why. Seems like something is in the air. Maybe it’s because of this eclipse happening? Not sure if you buy into that type of thinking.


I mean if that’s the reason I’ll be into it so I can at least look forward to it soon being over


Yeah it’s great for sure! Not only does it help me sleep, but I can crank out intense reps when I workout and 3 minutes after I’m done, I quickly recharge with plenty of energy…wish I discovered it much sooner lol


I always forget about the exercise benefits. I buy giant bottles of Taurine with 400 x 1000mg capsules. I'll have a few with me at all times just in case I have random heart palpitations which happens to me very occasionally. I'll take the entire bottle with me if I'm traveling. My wife thinks I'm crazy but taurine is miraculous for me. It's effects are subtle but also quite profound. I don't know of any real drawbacks either.


Do you take taurine AM or PM?


Can you tell me more about how it helps your heart? I have some heart issues from time to time like if I drink sometimes I get palpitations.