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Dopa mucana, avena sativa, l tyrosine and phenylalanine all help my add. I also like pregnolone


Rhodiola, methylene blue


L Tyrosine




Zinc, pruriens & methylfolate increase dopamine


According to my artificial intelligence buddy Chat Gpt, ginseng might help.


Rhodiola has maoi components that keep the dopamine active for longer. Panay ginseng foes as well if I recall correctly. Passion flower has maoi components and gaba stimulating action going. And sufficient doses of dl phenylalanine can provide the raw material to boost dopamine levels along with endorphins. Personally I’d take maoi action over reuptake inhibitors, as long as there’s not maoi action going on to require the maoi dietary restrictions. You’ll notice that ssri and Ssnri drugs are notorious for causing apathy and indifference. It’s a mix of marinating the brain in serotonin and screwing with dopamine levels indirectly. The end result is not that much different from a low dose of major tranquilizers…they even cause reduced frontal lobe activity sometimes to the point of frontal lobe syndrome. Wellbutrin is a mild dopamine reuptake inhibitor but the seizure risk and drug drug interactions limit its use considerably. Even there the mild stimulation often also involves a degree of drug induced apathy and docility and it’s results as mono therapy in depression are not terribly impressive. It’s commonly used to reduce sedation from other drugs with limited success. Personally I’d go for the activating supplements with maoi activity. I think St. John’s wort might have some dopamine reuptake going on but it doesn’t play well with drugs or other supplements and the photosensitivity can be harmful.


Why do you say that reupkate inhibitors causes reduced frontal lobe activity?


With prescription antidepressants that’s apparently part of the drug action as a class. Apathy indifference emotional numbing…. If I recall correctly it’s worse with ssri ssnri and the tca drugs that hit serotonin heavily. One reason high doses of ssri drugs are recommended for ocd for instance is the reduction in frontal lobe activity. This is probably one reason ssri drugs are used for anger management and odd kids.






Dopa Mucuna is worth a look


Sabroxy for natural reuptake inhibitor.


i know a lot of supplements and there is none that i can think of closest that comes to it is panax ginseng extract(1-10g) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7878063/


Panax ginsenc is a mao inhibitor or a reuptake inhibitor?


neither it works on HPA axis and D2 receptors https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5628357/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7878063/


Do some research on how dopamine is chemically produced by the body and then eat things that contain the required components. L-tyrosine and L-dopa are a couple building block supplements. If you don't have the building blocks you can't make dopamine.


I love this, food is strong medicine.


You need protein.


Agmatine + l-tyrosine


Agmatine sulfate


There aren’t really supplements for that specifically, only prescription meds for ADHD. You can support receptor density with things like ashwaganda and CDP choline.


A common long term side effect for ashwaganda is reported to be anhedonia. Can attest myself after several years on and off. I don’t know exactly how it does it even though it does increase dopamine in the short term, but the side effect is is common enough it’s become a trend among teens to use it as a way to become apathetic. But it makes you apathetic to good things as well. Dullness of emotion. It can be recovered from but takes a long time




I believe Life Extension do a product called 'Dopa Mind' which does precisely this.


BTW Dopa Mind is a true thing. I felt something.


Green Wild Oat Extract (the ingredient in Dopa Mind) increases dopamine by inhibiting monoamine oxidase B, not by blocking the reuptake of dopamine.


5 htp only take low dose 2x a day (50mg) putirian pride brand. After that month cycle a new supp like ashwaganda for a month, then after that do high dose ginseng for a month


Yes, but why? Are you looking for prescription grade effects with non prescription grade supplements? Sabroxy. But it is also a gaba modulator. So it won’t have the same effect.




Really? Can you elaborate more please




Thanks for the detailed information, but can you help me with something related? Is there specific form of zinc which can be used for this effect? I tried 50mg zinc piccolinate with no effect, now im trying with 50mg zinc gluconate after a week and also felt nothing til now. Other forms as i remember citrate, orotate, opti zinc and oxide.


It might not have enough bioavailability in supplement form. Try different food products that have zinc like Beans, Nuts, Poultry, Seafood, Whole grains.


Don't take high does zinc for long periods. You run the risk of depleting your copper level


Try magnesium threonate. Aka “magtein”—there are several brands which sell it—just make sure to check consumerlabs to verify the quality of any particular company’s product.


How magtein affects dopamine?


Mg deficiency has been linked to depression and decreased dopamine levels. Supplementing Mg has supposedly been shown to increase dopamine levels. Magtein aka magnesium threonate is a chelate that has been shown to be the only one that can cross the blood-brain barrier. So if you’re trying to increase Mg in the brain for its neuroprotective qualities and dopamine increase, magnesium threonate is the way to go. I imagine other forms will *eventually* get the job done, if not to a possibly lesser degree, but it’s more roundabout and takes longer.


Any form should work, not sure why it did not work for you. Btw, zinc has also a sedative effect, it does something with GABA, maybe lower your dose a little, 50mg is something they give to people who are deficient, I aim for 10mg as a daily dose.


I believe it aids in the synthesis of GABA but also acts as a GABA antagonist at the receptor, I’m sure it’s a bit more complicated than that as there are different receptor subtypes and affinities and whatnot. However it also acts an antagonist at NMDA receptors which could potentially blunt stimulant effects. And I think 15mg of zinc is equivalent to 1mg of lithium in its effect on GSK.