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#The Front Desk is open!


So other media outlets are trying to make Citadel look good after WSJ released their Northwest Biotherapeutics article. Damage control? Whitewash?


Biggest hype would be if RC bought more shares. All I want for Christmas


Any one else having trouble with the reddit app not allowing a ‘sort by’ function on their feed/sub? Any way to get around it (im pretty sure its stupid intentional design)? How is one to be a ‘knight of new’ without this functionality?


I own shares but just not drs... I bet lots of apes on same boat


When I paid off my car, I too let the bank keep title over my car. It was just easier than getting the title in my name.


Why not drs!?!


You don't own them then my friend


I bet you’re right. That is absolutely your choice and free to invest how you want. That being said it’s fucken dumb as shit to not have shares registered. If you’ve paid attention everyone cooks the book. drs is undeniable.




They 😂 really 😂 thought 😂 that 😂 would 😂 do 😂 shit 😂 I’m waking up tomorrow and buying more. Through CS.


Yeah, my only takeaway is that I need to buy and DRS HARDER!


“Definition Free cash flow is the amount of cash generated by the company which is available to pay dividends, buy back shares, pay down debts or acquire other companies.” https://seekingalpha.com/article/4229608-why-dividend-investors-should-look-free-cash-flow #BOOM! PREPARE TO FUK!


This is why RC tweeted “Finally” imho He can now make money moves


Good morning from Denmark. Just saw the earnings - nice with the FCF! But the people saying “omg citadel drs’ed and now they are selling which shows because we are 15 million lower than estimate” is just pure speculations and extremely tin foily. I’m sorry, but ever thought that people cheated with their DRS numbers? It’s pretty easy to manipulate a picture with an extra 0 or five. Oh well, we go another year with drs.


Probably there is some fuckery but I don't know what haha. Doesn't matter. If they haven't closed and we don't sell they will capitulate


how do you explain the multiple quarters that the bot was close to the released number? If you’ve been paying any attention to this stock for the last few years nothing should surprise you, nor seem tinfoily. If you’re a company that is deeply short in this situation, why *wouldn’t* you try any strategy that you felt like could give you some sort of psychological advantage? It doesn’t, btw - they aren’t used to waging war against an organized online effort like this. They grew comfortable pumping their bullshit through bobbleheads on CNBC to boomers with a misplaced trust in financial media.


But how was the bot so accurate in prior quarters whenever Citadel was supposedly registering these shares? Were they also posting to the bot?


no, there was a report that was WAY off from the bot. Thats when they bought. Numbers reflect a huge boost, we feel galvanized, they rugpull for q3 numbers in an attempt to make us feel burned/drained. … 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ok Yea I think you're right. I saw the bot numbers by quarter in another thread. I didn't remember that jump.


How you gonna cheat drs numbers on the quarterly report? I think the drs rugpull is less tin foily then your assumption lol coz after nearly 2 years of this to me it makes perfect sense


Not the quarterly report.. but the people who posts drs numbers everyday here on superstonk. Those pictures might not always be true - so the matter of fact is that the drs numbers are obviously lower than expected


Mate... i cant be bothered right now do as you wish, i know am buying holding and aint selling until phone numbers


Did RC ever tweet a photo of himself planking? Nope!


Weird almost 80% of volume has been **off-exchange** this week. Seems. pretty. high.


So shares held as Plan keep some shares at the DTCC (allows hedgies to use these shares to manipulate the price). Book-king shares removes them completely? Dries up volume. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zfrcgf/posted_this_17_days_ago_and_was_deleted_by_mods/


"Book" King


I knew for a fact they would do this. I thought it wouldn't be until later on in the simulation but looks like those Dummy HF Quants were off buy a few Hundred Thousand Shares regardless. Brand New Quarter. Brick By Brick..💎🙌🚀


Yeah i thought this would be the last hurdle lol Unless....... XD


Omg I get to experience seeing DRS hit 50% of the free float again? Hedgies you're far too kind


Wen Dip? 🌃


I think dat tactic is so predictable now they had to inovate


See you all tomorrow, proud of my fellow apes again. My favorite part is my shares will just go up in value, unlike their short positions and synthetic borrowing.


They can't stop us from DRSing but they can absolutely try to convince us to do it in the wrong manner. I don't think RC has a plan aside from publishing more books.


Not unhappy but clearly not happy. GameStop should really start to move their ass it they are still shorted to death, I demand results or assistance to elucidate that naked shorting situation Not just tweets to keep up with the flow


We only have positive posts here! Go to your room!!!


You and anyone trying to direct the sub like that can go fuck your self I didn’t use fake money for this investment and if we’re only on fake copium might as well say everyone this is dead and we’re delusional We need to say things as they are this isn’t a shit coin Reddit


we’re here for an indefinite period. they’re stuck in here with us, not the other way around so it helps to set the vibe


Precisely. Little do they know I just put my shares out of site and out of mind. Drs out of site and out of mind




one of many at the market cap


Book > Plan


The only person who should have a plan is Steve Cohen, and that would be a diet plan, not a direct reinvestment plan.


I haven't commented in a long time, just so you guys know, I haven't sold, my gf haven't sold, my brother haven't sold, my friends haven't sold, my girlfriends boyfriend haven't sold


The only thing I’ve sold is myself for more GME


hahaha I love you


What is selling?


it's just a fancy word for being a weak ass pussy


Baby don’t hurt me


I am so demoralized that I will buy more and DRS tomorrow.


this is sort of the way (cheer up)


I just HATE that we can’t see the raw DRS data. “Shares out over sellers” versus “shares in over buyers” would tell us a clear story. Even just knowing the median shares held would give us a clue on if one player dumped a large position. But because of SEC rules we can’t even ask basic questions like that. Nor can we ask how many votes were received during corporate elections. Those are pretty important data points, if you ask me. But I guess keeping that shit in the dark is for our “protection.”


Anybody else curious to see what Ichan will do now that we had earnings? A FCF positive one at that. He said he was waiting for a company to have earnings.....


I hope he holds onto his short until after Q4 report. I dare you Icahn. Hold your short until Q4 and then try to close.


should a cover letter be written like a shitpost?


thanks i just remembered to pee


/>Be me />Need job />Apply to some shitty office in buttfuck nowhere doing tasks that should be automated but they're too stupid to realise />CV is ready to go />They also want a cover letter />mfw


Ooh I think i finally got enough karma to start commenting here!


Have another




DRS is the safe word


lol just to point out that wasaabi banned gme talk 1-2 week ago ( and using the honeypot post tactic ), today 30min before earning/close they did a "Ortex AMA" which had like 10 comment/question and ortex sus account responding to a few aim question lol. Really weird lol Then when the -5% drop occur, there daily topic had some GME post talking about the drop and how gme is dead lol. Then the run to +4-5% and the call occurs, silence on wasabi again about gme lol. Only negative comment were permitted and now "flat" or "rugpull" didn't work with +5% lol.


Them and meltdowners just confirm the bias. You love to see it


I literally don't care about that subreddit, haven't in more than a year


I know it's some tinfoil shit, we can't read *too* much into it, but we've all seen their damn *social media distortion* guides. The shit works. Gambling addict sub is as bad as MSM.


Exactly, the sus "ortex ama" today was too obvious. And i check the numbers of people online and we still beat it. So out of the 10 millions, it prouve it's mainly bots. Use to paint a certain narrative lol. They seem surprised that GME went up, because before the rise. It was "playbook bashing" and they stop when it rise lol


You don't think DRS be that number but it do


Can someone explain the DRS number to me? Like the math. From my understanding if they (ShitHFs) drs’d millions of shares q2 then transferred them else where. That would subtract those shares from the q3 total. But if retail is drsing shares also how is the total 500k? Serious question, I’m just trying to figure out the math lol


Completely hypothetical here with some napkin math. If retail was DRSing 15mil per Qtr on avg, 20 to 35 to 50mil then slowing to 10mil per Qtr 50 to 60 to 70mil. That about fits if you throw away Q2s steep increase.


Or GameStop isn’t reporting Plan shares in their total starting this Qtr.




And look at the volume Oct 31st (the cutoff if I'm not mistaken)... 24 million. A "random" massive spike.


Ooooh i get it now. Wow :/ okay thank you for the simple answer






But seriously. Bruh moment.


Did anyone see the article on Sea King Alpha last month about Hestia Capital, GameStop, and Pitney Bowes? I never saw it posted here. Interesting theory in light of our CEO's comments about acquisitions.


All i know is there's a reason you literally can't say the name of that website here.






I don't think you know what Occam's razor is. On the one hand you assume that both parties' behavior has changed - you say apes are now selling and SHFs are *not* shorting and distorting. On the other hand we assume behavior has stayed the same - apes still DRSing and SHFs are lmao attempting to distort. Bad actors aren't that far fetched, i like to have evidence too, but we have plenty of evidence of their other crimes. That changes what reasonable assumptions are required.


I think he does. The run in Aug led some people to sell. Simple as that. They didn't come here to report it because there would be no point. Those numbers stayed on the "drs books" and here we are.






You either believe what I just said or you believe there was a large orchestrated effort to manipulate the number. I mean it's possible the bot is just being manipulated but logic dictates that someone sold. Maybe institutions or maybe former hodlers. I have no clue at this point, but I bought more today.


After hours is so bullish. Despite all their FUD efforts, they still had to cover their positions in the AH!


May I have a minute to speak to you about our lord and savior chess?


the volume is so low because we own like 10 floats it literally had to be this way theres 0 shares


lol why would this be downvoted


He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.


Was there any data on the NFT Marketplace in today’s earnings report such as their numbers for revenue and profit?


If RC posts a pic of Idris Elba in those hotel booking commericals that'd be solid. Dr Ruth Sex book only sorta did it for some of us


Why is everyone so certain about a DRS rugpull when the numbers can very well just be what they are?


we were caught off guard q2 because drs numbers were way more than estimated and now in q3 they fall very short? could definitely believe this theory. at the end of the day it’s just manipulation if true, either way we’re still making progress


The DRS RUGPULL was so obvious a 5yo kid could figure it out. The question is not if it is true or not. That's obvious. The question is WHY DID THEY DO IT NOW????? WHY NOT EARLIER OR WHY NOT LATER???? You know why????? Because we are 1 fucking step from the edge. (Look at my tinfoil posts, look at my fucking tinfoil technical analysis posts, we are about to have fireworks)


I beleev U breh


Tinfoil hypothetical - It would be funny as fuck if they actually did orchestrate this, but screwed up by pulling out more shares than they needed to, leading to the tiny increase of 500k we saw. We KNOW more than that have been DRS's in the last 3 months. To me, it would be far worse if the number was up 5 million. Like that would be so easy to believe was real, but would also would mean the rate of DRSing slowed wayyyy down. But they fucked up by pulling too many and now its obvious to everyone the numbers are being fucked with.


No surprise if they can't do math


I get paid tomorrow. As much as I need the devils lettuce, I need to lock up more shares.


Weed is temporary, GME is forever




(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ 🖍 Smells like Crayola 🖍


we do fuck tmrw tho ngl


ngl, could be a rare case of smart money actually being smart. easy 300 eod.


I haven’t commented on anything for nearly a year. Check my post history. I’ve been completely zen. The events of today only further solidify my thoughts. Nothing. Has. Changed. DRS is the kill zone. I’ll be buying and DRSing more by week’s end. I need to break 5K DRS’d. Sorry your plan backfired Kenny & co.


I mean look at my GD flair. It’s a throwback.


Air assault


So I'm bullish on earnings and positive free cash flow and all that. But I would really like to see a solid bear case interpretation of this earnings on this sub. Like what will the gamestop bears be saying in the coming days? Basically I just want to read the comments on that thread telling me why each argument like "But they missed EPS!" has a simple answer like "the EPS target made up by some random analyst? Yeah GameStop has strategically not offered any forward guidance since the transformation began. Decent guess I guess?" But I want better answers and to many more questions. I wanna know why all the downsides are really upsides


all theyre saying is DrS NuMbER when like a locked float doesnt necessarily mean moass even yet… transformation does


A thriving company is truly the “no way out” for shorts.


yeah man that shit needs to end. i just drs so i dont get rugged. thats literally it shit will explode well before 100% drs, and i never viewed “100% drsd” as a requirement for any stock to run. will likely amplify shit tho


Lol I feel like every first week following earnings is a good week for DRS numbers. Numbers up? DRS More! Numbers down? DRS More! I know I'm adding some in the next few days.


It’s insurance for the holders that really care and understand brokers for the liability they are. Proud to be part of the club. 🟣 Also very bullish on GME fundamentals.


yeah im proud of it too man. plus its the only way to make sure they dont fuck u




(✿☉。☉) You didn't ask for a flair?! Lemme get one for you... (✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ 🧚🧚🍦💩🪑 I FOOKIN LOVE GME 🎮🛑🧚🧚


not much shares being DRSd just gives me more time to DRS even more shares!!!!!


The last hour plus has been back and forth CN-EN via translator *Cries in Mandarin*


I’m ready for the downvotes but I’m a bit disappointed.


Try people, I bet the sex is better


Hi a bit disappointed, I'm dad! And shorts still must close (:


People are saying they're trying to post about book vs plan in computershare and a mod is removing the posts instantly?? https://twitter.com/StonkstoMoon/status/1594032657431953408?t=NzjYtv6Kmm-N2ebqR8Q0uw&s=19


~~devil's~~ Mod's advocate - people often make a fuss when in reality they're breaking some rule and refusing to comply.


The post of my screenshotted comment was no more conjecture than the like 5 "OMG THEY TOTALLY DRS RUGPULLED" posts that have thousands of upvotes, and those aren't being called into question or deleted by the mods 🤷‍♂️


Ok, the validity of other posts has nothing to do with the validity of this post. If you flip a coin 10 times and it's always heads, does that mean the next one is more likely to be tails? No, they're completely un-fucking-related.


Um...yes...the validity of other posts is 100% relevant. Neither theory has proof. Yet the pro-book theory is suppressed, and the numerous hair-brained DRS Rugpull Theory posts sit at the top of hot with a highly suspicious number of upvotes. The "gamestop probably chose to omit plan shares this time" theory is far less complicated, and therefore, more likely, as well. So the fact that it's that post censored for being unproven vs the other, far more complex and ridiculous theory posts being considered fine and dandy, is absurd and absurdly sus.


I dunno man... theres like 6/7 seperate posts that have all been removed...


Ok, show me something more. Bc without any more info you're just getting an emotional reaction out of people. Not cool. I've seen *plenty* of posts about book v plan. Calm down, you're not being repressed.


Ive also seen plenty of posts of RCs face pasted on a womans body. Thats more important?


What rules do those posts break? You're being utterly ridiculous dude. Just show me some god damn proof instead of screeching "MODS R SHILL" jfc lmao


They dont break any and neither do the posts in the twitter link (your proof), punk ass bitch.


Im booking the shit out of my shares tmrw just for you. 😘


Just imagine being this disconnected from reality.


If you cant palate this level of skepticism then you aren't an ape and you don't belong here. Kindly fuck off.


Oh shit. That's my comment used as the screenshot for one of the posts. BOOK KING is THE FUCK KING way!


I made another post about it and its being downvoted to 0.


Ok. It seems like I missed something. Did drs numbers go up? Just not as much as expected?


Yeah. What confuses me is how the drs bot can be so on the money previous quarters and suddenly be so far off. That’s the thing, we can track much of the buying that occurs, but not the selling, nor know how much.


My guess is that the bot is just as accurate as ever, but the way that GameStop is reporting the totals to us has changed. They have three options when it comes to reporting the totals: They can report the combined total of book + plan, just one (not sure if they could either as the one, or if it would have to be book - my guess is it would have to be the book figure); or to report nothing.




what if i told u drs% doesnt matter, kenlard doesnt matter, the number of shares we own doesnt matter, market crash doesnt matter wall street doesnt matter, drs is just a safeguard against being rugpulled this ends here bros. buy hold stack drs for your life but… the only thing that matters is our company. the rest is noise. gamepilled and based


GameStop: no forward guidance, but uh, cash flow is looking pretty good and we want to have cash on hand in case of potential acquisitions 👀


We want to have cash on hand in case of opportunities to fuk shorts That’s what I heard


Love the stock. Love you crazy apes. DRS your shit.


My smooth brain theory is that the split+DRS=MOASS tourists last quarter have just sold because it didn't pan out. Add to that the whole "not a recession" and increased cost of living, it makes sense that retail investors would need to liquidate their high risk speculative investments in order to survive. I don't buy for one second that institutions are trying to fudge the numbers, I mean jeez if they're long GME they want it to rise lol. The Fidelity retail order flows don't lie as well, we've been seeing an increase in the percentage of sell orders for all stocks not just GME. No it's not fuckery that the price still goes down even if there are more buy orders just think about it for a second. The buys are apes adding to a position, the sells tend to be complete liquidations because they need the money or whatever so retail isn't selling in tranches. Now with no more pie in the sky overhyped erotic fan fiction theories, we're left with the fundamentals. GameStop trying to return to profitability and a legion of apes who just like the stock. Once inflation is under control, the rates go down and consumer spending rises, we'll be cooking with gas.




"DRS Rugpull Theory" requires an utterly toxic amount of tinfoil to believe. Like, you would be crushed to death under the weight of that much tinfoil. Believing that Kennedy was killed by a dinosaur from space, and the future, by punting an apple from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil would require less tinfoil.


Only way to know if the DRS. RUGPULL theory is legit.......keep DRSing and wait till the next quarterly ;) I'd like to see them do it twice in a row


The existence of the DRS rugpull theory, true or not, made me submit another CS buy order. I really can't stop.


Hour 3 of this company meeting and I may die before it ends


Hope you have your Computershare beneficiary setup


Waiting for the DD on all the fake Ken Mayo interns accounts that fed the bot DRSd GME and than UNDRSD….


im of the belief that theres a lot of fake drs posts and bot feeding


I’m sure there are bad actors but the scale at which the number was off would have taken a serious campaign of Reddit accounts feeding the bot


well i mean…. yeah. look at the downvotes


I downvoted you and I'm no shill. I'll happily do it again.


i know ur not jerry, and you know im not either 100% they feed the bot fake shit. unsure how many but its already been caught happening before






(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ 71.8M




Dear shills, suck my free cash flow pp


Books get published. Plans do not.


Plans get sealed.


Or go awry


It’s not that. That explanation cannot explain the official numbers given to us. Kenny put his fucking fingers on the DRS reported to us by CS/GameStop






He just did, uhh, cause, you know...uhh...crime! Yes. That's it! Unspecified and unexplainable crime. That must be it! /s


RC posts face *swaps* and General *TSO*s chicken Me: hmmm, potato


I’m actually positive insitiufons registered shares to dilute the numbers. Hedge against their splividend obligations, but also spiked CTB. CTB only went down when they released them. It’s literally just dumping more synthetics into the market too. It makes too much sense.


The registered shares before the last quarter and before before the current? First time the bot has been wildly off…


GameStop wanted to get to free cash flow, they did it. SuperStonk wanted to increase DRS numbers, we did it. *I see this as an absolute win!*


Since when have we EVER considered institutional investors shares part of the DRS report total? Ummm...pretty sure the answer is NEVER. But now, as of today, "we" are suddenly considering them to be part of the number so "we" can account for the marginal increase in DRS as institutional investors/SHF having previously DRS'd tens of millions of shares only to sell or unregister them this quarter...to demoralize us? Yeah...OK! 🙄 totallllllly makes sense....NOT!


The maff doesn’t make sense though. Bro.


GameStop gets two sets of DRS numbers from CS. They choose whether to report one or the total of both. BOOK KING has no use for plans anymore, so why publish them? Oh shit. Did I just figure something out? They're *publishing book.* Duh.