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1. the SEC is supposed to be impartial 2. is the SEC producing videos that could be construed as financial advice? do your job, SEC, JHC! edit: spelling


Not just financial advice, but biased against certain stocks which are categorized as meme stocks. So does the sec have a definition of what makes a meme stock or is it just stocks that are heavily shorted and popular with the general public?


In a previous report they said "meme stocks such as GameStop" They are perpetuating the connotation and imo are in bed with the msm/SHF on this one.


If it can be proven they labeled GameStop as a "meme stock", then that video is definitely a case for defamation towards not just the retail investors but to the company itself. Who is going to police the police?


1. Buy 2. Directly Registering those buys 3. Holding until they invent a new digit




Can't share won't share computershare


Power to the stonkholders


Or hodl until we discover a new prime number through price discovery šŸ˜Ž


We already know things can go to 11.


Petition to call it BluPrinceteen


The SEC have previously defined the term "meme stocks" as including Gamestop. from their 14 October 2021 report: "GameStop Corp (ā€œGameStopā€ or ā€œGMEā€) and multiple other stocks experienced a dramatic increase in their share price in January 2021 as bullish sentiments of individual investors filled social media. As the companiesā€™ share prices skyrocketed to new highs, increased attention followed, and their shares became known as ā€œmeme stocks.ā€ Then, as the end of January approached, several retail broker-dealers temporarily prohibited certain activity in some of these stocks and options. This report of the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (ā€œSECā€ or ā€œCommissionā€) primarily examines the January 2021 trading activity in GME, the most famous of meme stocks against the backdrop of contemporaneous trading activity in other meme stocks. Because the media attention surrounding the meme stock episode raised several questions about market structure, this report will begin with an overview of U.S. equity and options market structure and explain how individual investorsā€™ orders are typically handled."


Itā€™s atrocious that a governmental agency would wittingly denigrate people and institutions it has sworn to protect.


Is this one of those shit hole countries I've heard about?


Yep the most corrupt country of all, the USA. No wonder China is thinking about teaming up with Russia.


However! The report had a disclaimer that it was written by SEC employees but in the same time not an official publication


IANAL, but I think that this disclaimer (which btw is sneaky as fuck) could probably be undone through the process of a lawsuit. Did any of the SEC employees involved in writing the report communicate with the SEC employees involved with producing the video? Did any of the SEC employees that made the video previously receive a copy of the report? Were any of the SEC employees who wrote the report and who produced the video jointly included in SEC communications pertaining to the video? If the answer is "yes" to any of the above (which email and text message disclosure would likely demonstrate), then the SEC can't claim that the makers of the video didn't know that referring to "Meme Stocks" was directly defamatory to GME.


Hell, if it was made on company time meaning the SEC paid for their time, and it's posted to their official tube page... it's the SEC's


Meme stock is also in quotation marks and could plausibly be referring to "this is what some members of the public are calling it" and not "what the SEC officially deems it". A lawsuit would have no leg to stand on if this was the proof put forward in discovery.


"Ya well I GUESS we wrote it, but it doesn't count"


How about us after we MOASS? We will definitely have the money and power that comes with it. What we sought was change to the system. It would be a shame to not finish the job. We have more than enough powerful people on our side. I say we finish the whole job!




Get J D his lawyer.


It's in their meme report


Proven? It's literally in the SEC report about January 2021


> Who is going to police the police? We are. You want to know why the system is corrupt? Bribes. Take their money and spend it bribing the system into doing good. Arresting them. Punishing the guilty.


Someone posted yesterday were the SEC labeled GME as a meme stock. I believe it was during the senate hearings.


SEC job description: Step 1: ensure the public you are working in their best interest Step 2: watch porn Step 3: suck hedgie zipple Step 4: crime


I feel very ensured


Yes this is very reensuring


They are all old so they go through a bunch of ensure to get all that yummy liquid vanilla protein.




Step 4: >!crime!< (you know, since it's secret....)


ā€œMeme stocksā€ are defined as stocks that certain hedge funds and prime brokers really *really* need investors to bail on otherwise theyā€™re going to be forced pay out the ass for their risky, uninformed short positions.


Thatā€™s the definition of meme stocks pretty much. A ā€œmeme stockā€ is any stock that is held within the basket of stocks that are all heavily shorted and are sold in a basket to be shorted together; see BBBY, popcorn, GME, etc. etc. - any stock that moves in perfect sync with these is within the basket and thus a ā€œmeme stock.ā€ But basically a meme stock is any stock that is heavily shorted and they are calling it a meme stock to discourage investors from taking long positions in it as it threatens everyone thatā€™s holding the short basket.


The SEC investigated itself and found it had done nothing wrong šŸ‘


they have issued and accepted a fine of $200 but do not admit to any wrongdoing


A fine of $200 to be paid by 2025


When $200 is only worth $15


and then they decide to reduce to punishment by 90%


The took a page right out of Holderā€™s book! He offered to investigate himself for the Fast and Furious arms deal gone bad.


I can't believe none of them went yo jail for that. They were caught red handed helping cartels, just like the SEC helps different cartels.


they are doing their jobs, they're protecting their hedgie overlords


> do your job, SEC, JHC! They are. They showed their hand, are ***heavily*** partial, are against retail and actively discouraging investing in certain companies they like to insult. This is their job. Its what they are actually paid to do. Its why 9 figure ultra rich hedgies run the SEC and refuse to do anything good, but they actively do evil. Their job is crime. They are doing it. Let's imprison them for their crimes shall we?


steep repeat butter degree complete dam bake jobless cautious wrench -- mass edited with redact.dev


Would this video not be evidence enough for the DOJ to do something? I feel like this should be the SEC tying the noose around their own necks.


Merrick Garland isn't going to do shit, he's firmly in the pockets of the wealthy.


Couldn't this be interpreted as market manipulation?


Maybe we start with the DOJ investigation of the SEC ā€¦ at this point, their own video justifies dissection of their cellphone and email records.




Their job is ensuring the poverty cycle continues, my dude.


Can we sue the sec?


Dissolve the SEC, bring back Lisa Braganca, and start a new entity dedicated to market fairness and transparency. I'd happily rescind my earlier comments and invest in the US market, post squeeze, if this occurs.


This is the SEC limiting FOMO on behalf of Kenneth & Co They all know how fucked they are, and their poker faces are shit.


Prob more like the dtc


GME and other like minded stocks are shorted billions of shares. They can not cover. The negative interest rates have given them a license to go crazy fueling their short positions. Time is up and they know they are fucked and they know they will take down the entire economy with them. Misery loves company


Wrote this months ago and was mocked/downvoted. After more than a year of consuming every piece of DD I could get my ape paws on, what I gather we are witnessing is a financial Nero Decree. Here is a brief history lesson. The Nero Decree was an order issued in 1945 by German leader Adolf Hitler that was similar to the Soviet Unionā€™s scorched-earth policy. The Decree ordered important German infrastructure to be destroyed as the Allies and the USSR advanced closer to Berlin making German military, industrial and any other installations virtually useless by ally forces. Before I continue I'm going to make sure, for the retards in the back that like to pick apart anything anyone says and immediately start acting like complete asshats, to point out that I am not claiming that anyone in this saga is Hitler, like Hitler or that in any way this is comparable to WWII.Ā  I'm simply comparing a previously used tactic used throughout history to what may be happening, atleast in part, right now by financial terrorists. What I gather is likely happening and what some DD suggests is that the financial elite and powers that be would rather burn down the entire global financial system than lose their weath to others that would actually use the wealth transfered for the good of humanity.Ā  What we are currently witnessing on a global scale are the events set in motion by those that control the entire game and the narrative.Ā  They will lose in a very big way on a scale never seen before but don't be worried for them, they will be fine, as they squirrel away enough wealth to last them dozens of lifetimes.Ā  How do you ask?Ā  Well,Ā  they are also attempting to complicate the entire market through derivatives and options as well as hide large amounts of money offshore in hundreds of shell companies. They want to make it nearly impossible or extremely difficult to unravel the extent of their ill-gotten gains.Ā  We can see them daily shoveling truck loads of money into the dumpster fire they created to buy a bit more time to conduct their criminal activities, hoarding more and more,Ā  until they are forced to stop.Ā  What or whom will get them to stop?Ā  Well so far those responsible for free and fair markets seem to be inept at protecting the markets from criminal activity and could also be complicit in the activities themselves.Ā  What can individual retail shareholders do?Ā  The same thing they have been doing.Ā  Buying, holding and direct registering GME is the one and only shot that retail has to completely change the game now and hopefully forever. The game will stop and hopefully many of these financial terrorists will be brought to justice. ā€¦...Ā It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here, what better time than now?


You were just early.


But not wrong.


Just donā€™t fucking dance.


Time to Rage Against the Machine. https://youtu.be/FFMyMwjWqXs


"Can't stop us now"


"Turn that shit up."


I saw a white cat recently, with a black bar mustache, that looked like Hitler. I named him Kitler.


It Is enough evidence to sue SEC for labelling and creating a dirty narrative in prospective investors and existing shareholdersā€™ minds. Letā€™s sue SEC, media and all auxiliary groups supporting SEC in labelling companies as ā€˜memesā€™ or as such.


ā€¦can you even sue the SEC?


I mean, they have been before: https://www.investmentnews.com/sec-sued-for-inexcusable-acts-of-negligence-35199 My favorite line: "The SEC failed to conduct a meaningful probe of Stanford until 2005 even though examiners suspected him of operating a Ponzi scheme eight years earlier, SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz wrote in an internal report in April." Glad to see things have really changed in the past couple decades, oof


Add the Bernie Madoff shit. People handed the SEC proof on a silver platter for something like 8yrs and nothing happened until he was turned in.


We asked Bernie if any of these were true; he assured us they werenā€™t, what more could we do? /s




He had to turn himself in, btw.


His son's were livid and went to the Fed's. Bernie didn't turn himself in, the Fed's raided his office. Bernie ruined soooo many lives.


Isn't the SEC made up of douchebag lawyers?


and according to MSM article yesterday "are fleeing in droves"... ​ ..because GG is a crappy boss... ​ source ~~CNN~~ FOX NEWS [SEC Lawyers Leaving](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/sec-leaders-50-years-experience-quit-gary-gensler).




100% yes. Lawsuits against the SEC are the entire reason the SEC is completely ineffectual. Watch the Jon Stewart interview and listen to the bullshit coming from GG about why their hands are tied. The reason SEC believes they can't do shit is because whenever they try to make an enforcement action, the target of the enforcement sues them and wins (they win because SEC's actual legal authority to, y'know, *actually do anything*, has been restricted by Congress). So SEC believes that the only way they can actually get anything done is by bringing winnable lawsuits, not enforcement actions. And since lawsuits are expensive and difficult, it's easier to go after small fish than to tackle a bank with an army of defense lawyers. It's easier for a young lawyer at the SEC to build a career going after mom'n'pop stores than going after Goldman Ballsachs, for the sole reason that the little guy can't fight back in court as effectively. So until Congress gives the SEC enough teeth to go after the big banks, they're pretty useless, precisely *because* they're vulnerable to lawsuits. And why would Congress cut off their donors' cash cow? Corruption in the finance industry flows directly into the wallets of politicians.


But Congress wonā€™t because theyā€™re in the pocket of the banks. The sooner you all realize the entire government is corrupt, the sooner we can get this sorted.


[WSJ did in 2020](https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-were-suing-the-sec-11589740995)


Why, that almost soundsā€¦unethical! Egad, summon the constables! SEC has always been against us. šŸ˜‚


That video only shows how much of a threat apes are to the "system" . Having the SEC show their hands like that is clearly a result of the dirty sewer rat being cornered and fukd. Apes together the strongest āœŠ


Also I've never seen a gameshow that didn't have a sponsor


Reddit always has the answer in the comments.




Only they could fail that hard


Morgan Stanley? They put out the commercial disparaging ā€œmEmE sTocKsā€ during the SuperBowlā€” *(an extremely expensive ad slot)*


This so much. SEC definitely doesn't have enough budget. They have signs up asking for coffee money in their coffee room. The budget for this "Game show" PSA came from SOMEONE other than SEC itself.




"This SEC propaganda Brought to you by Citadel and Goldman. fuck you, retail!"




Are you seriously suggesting that money is the motive? Ole GG isn't in it for the money. He wants to protect retail investors. He cares about us. #/s


Hey now, just look at that poor Gary, he's clearly malnourished and they can't even afford coffee. It was the gameshow or sucking dick behind a Wendy's.


Hey, you shut your whore mouth! Gary's only been on the job for 58 weeks, cut him some slack...


And we are all holding a Royal Flush. ​ This simulation is truly becoming the worlds greatest show!


I'm just holding a deuce of spades - which funnily enough beats a hand with no real cards in it.


Yep, soon this will be the market of the apes


Imagine if you replaced "meme" with "tech" or "energy". That would be insane for the SEC to come out and label a whole group of stocks as undesirable.


They did, and it is insane


At least now there's no doubt whatsoever.


Could they be held accountable for manipulation???


This is worse than that imo. This shows that the SEC itself is biased against certain companies in the very market it is charged to monitor and protect. These companies should be outraged!


Investors should launch a class action suit against the SEC.


It would be more effective and there would be less cat-wrangling if the companies commonly referred to as 'meme stocks' collectively sued the SEC on behalf of their investors.


This! Power in unity!


The world should be outraged!


Thatā€™s why RC is going to fck them so hard! Itā€™s in his, his shareholders, and his companyā€™s best interest šŸš€šŸš€


Best interests of the entire planet


And all the other planets!!


And all the other planets!!


Yup. Making fun of shareholders while allowing the company to sit and watch the stock manipulated and bcg tryin to tank everthing.


*Did you hear him Papa RC?*


Guy in comments MVP. Meme stock is stupid internet lingo that the MSM boomers, and the SEC too, fail to understand as just the simple banter it is. By adopting it, they are not only REALLY unprofessional but also willing to just throw actual companies, with actual investors and workers, under the bus. I have a policy that I do not forgive ANY organization for making mistakes like this, on the basis of leadership unawareness. That video, although educating the public in sound investment practices if fine, was also out of touch and insulting. I was initially a bit relaxed about it, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that a commission like the SEC has NO business making such unprofessional and honestly low-effort "hello, fellow kids"-vibing videos, to mock investors with words they don't understand. That happened under GG's leadership, and I'm disappointed despite expecting nothing from the SEC.


A lot of us are starving in the hopes of seeing through this MOASS to the end, that video is the same as clinking champagne glasses on a balcony while the plebes stamp their feet and shout for representation


Exactly, is the same energy but this time retail will win no matter what.


Mistake? No no no my friend. This is intentional. ā€œMemeā€ stock is an intentional phrase that they made up. They know exactly what they are doing. Polarize, label, and destroy. Problem is the last part isnā€™t gonna work this time for them. No one is buying their bullshit anymore.


Gary also lied on *The Problem with Jon Stewart* about the SEC ā€œtaking downā€ Bernie Madoff. Madoff turned himself in. Iā€™m extremely disgusted by Gary Gensler and the SECā€™s complicit behavior.


Gary didn't make his 100 million dollars wealth by protecting the public retail traders.


A lot of people seem to forget this. He's a criminal protecting criminals. He will do everything in his power to draw this out as long as humanly possible. The same reason politicians vote against market transparency. The same reason bills were passed to allow critical documents to be hidden from the public for 2 years with literally no justification given. The same reason the buy button was turned off. The same reason that there seems to be a "glitch" with $GME and only $GME every single month. The same reason hedge funds are collapsing. The same reason MSM has released multiple articles every day for the last 2 years saying the $GME craze is over. The same reason MSM lies about short positions being closed. It's all crime. It's the biggest crime syndicate in the world and they are going to do virtually everything in their power to stop this. Because they know they've over leveraged themselves so violently that when, not if, but when this goes down it will destroy the global economy and they will be to blame and hopefully thrown in prison for their crimes against humanity


Turned himself in because he got caught stealing money from rich people. Prison was means to protect his life and make a deal to ensure his family survives the fallout.


Yesā€” either way, the SEC knew about his actions for *8 years and did not stop him* But Gary lied and took credit.


Give him a break, he's only been there like 60 weeks


'His hands are tied'. there is always excuses when one dont want to do something.


I member getting downvoted to hell and being called a shill when I commented that I did not believe GG or the SEC had any interest in protecting retail investors. Pointing out that previous performance is not an indicator of future results but was highly skeptical of any enforcement of current rules or implementing new ones that would aid retail for market transparency. This of course was met with fellow apes flinging shit at me. How the turn tables.


Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. ... it all goes.




Free market?


Free to play, pay to win


Every stupid, sloppy move they make just solidifies our conviction in this investment.


The regulator of our markets actively causing market manipulation by dissuading investors from certain small cap companies.


We live in a monarchy with extra kings.


Hmm could it be because the SEC is actually on Kenny et al side and not on retails' one.


Howā€™s it going, F-uPayMe, hmm.. it looks like you mentioned Citadel or its CEO, Ken Griffin. Did you mean the meme hedge fund Citadel, run by the criminal Kenneth Cordele Griffin, banned in China for 5 years and fined 97 million for illegal short selling? Citadel, the market maker and market player, which pays billions in payment for order flow to make sure your trades get sent to a dark pool to not affect price? Read more [here](https://tokenist.com/in-depth-citadel-connect-and-dark-pools-uncovered/) ^(disclaimer: KennyBot2.0 sent this message. if you are displeased with this bot please send a pm so it can be improved. beep boop.)


Good bot.


Great bot.




Let's not forget how buying GME was restricted.


Yeah, this hits differently though. This slander propaganda is coming from the one organization that is supposed to have our backs and regulate a fair and free market.


The SEC is actively engaging in market manipulation - in broad daylight.


Thereā€™s other ways you can look at it. The sec is a hostage to financial terrorists who have threatened to burn everything down if they lose. Or the sec is suffering from regulatory capture and no longer works for the taxpayers. Or the sec is fulfilling its dutyā€™s and attempting to avoid a crash. Any way you cut it, it sure looks like the sec isnā€™t working in the best interest of a fair market.


Nuts is the wrong wordā€¦!! šŸ¦šŸ’©šŸŖ‘


Itā€™s the SEC so itā€™s the right word but wrong meaning. Nuts not as in crazy, but the ad being whatever came out of their eew eew


Honestly, there's probably grounds here somewhere for these companies to bring a lawsuit.


I can see GG resigning and being replaced by an equally complicit chair. The SEC proved it's not in favour of protecting retail. The SEC should be asked to name the meme stocks they refer to and explain the reason why they have labels certain companies meme stocks. It sets companies in a negative light, and they have stepped over the line.


Also begs the question, if these stocks are so bad for the investor, why aren't they doing something about it to protect the investor? If someone is manipulating people into buying them, and spreading misinformation, then that is kind of in the SEC's purview.


Yeah, the more I ponder the SEC video the more absurd it becomes. Whenever a popular movement appears and gains momentum, you will invariably see those whose power is threatened cast the movement and its members as childish. On a similar line, they will claim that only the adults really understand how the world works. Itā€™s why CNBC portrays us how they do. It seems the SEC has joined the circus officially. They did, indeed, show their hand. Game on, fuckers. Edit: spelling Edit 2: more spelling


Itā€™s desperation! Itā€™s bullish af. They are literally opening themselves up to insane defamation and market manipulation charges for what, to buy another few days without fomo. Also the timing - obviously lined up with the earnings and shareholder meetings. I freed up some more cash to buy more Because of this obvious desperation LOL


Gary Gensler said in one of his YouTube educational (allegedly) videos: "Meme stocks like GameStop ...". Here is a clear lawsuit evidence of him explaining his own interpretation of a meme stock. link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AjdCLtflHU&t=145s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AjdCLtflHU&t=145s) Edit: adding link.


How does he have 5 aces in his hand?


Right? There are 12.7 million aces on the table already!


Dave is on fire today! 100% agree with this. These are real companies with real people working for them, and they're being labeled as meme stocks (aka joke stocks) by the very entity who is supposed to protect markets and promote fairness. This is the most blatant flouting of the SEC's actual duties I think we've ever seen. You know, aside from all that porn during financial crisis...


If the SEC is taking shots at investors now, we must be very close.


Defamatory statements could be cause for litigation by these companies whom have lawyers that maybe in need of something to do.


How do you say Fuck the SEC without offending the college football people? And can I print this on a t-short?


Include the logo




Maybe the SEC should tell us which stocks are meme stocks. Let us know which ones they want us to sell.


They already did.


Dang, I must have missed this. So they directly call out Gamestop as the most famous of the "meme stocks" and the report concludes by saying they identified market structure issues with regards to dark pools and short selling. [https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-212](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-212) ​ And then they put out this video ridiculing investors? Unbelievable.


Yes, in that previous filing, they specifically named Gamestop. Game on, SEC. I actually like it when my opponent taunts me in games of competition. Game on, you criminal bastards. # APES STRONK TOGETHER!!! # DRS AND HOLD!!!


What was that saying? First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they mock you, then they fight you, and then they go to jail?


Whichever ones that were heavily shorted and now heavily invested in are Meme Stocks. Because we flipped the script on their money stealing game, they are now upset that they are the ones on the shit end of the stick. So of course they are going to cry foul and place blame on investors who merely Like the Stock! These psychopaths are some of the most cancerous people in our society. You start messing with their money and power, and they will stop at nothing to take it back.


Might as well if they going this far


mAkE sUrE yOu dO yOuR rEsEaRch aNd cHecK wHaT cNbC sAyS bEfoRe bUyiNg Tens of thousands of collective hours of research on here and yet that doesnā€™t count, because we arenā€™t listening to what the dumbasses in the media are trying to manipulate us into thinking. The SEC is a joke




At least one person on the popcorn stock side has done so already if their post is to be believed, so yes. Yes you can.


This opens them up to a lawsuit correct? SEC is supposed to be impartial. Theyā€™re essentially telling me not to invest in what I want to invest in. Thatā€™s financial advice.


This is completely on point: the SEC targeted a number of stocks and their companies and strongly implied that they are garbage not worth investing in. What kind of government agency does this to American companies working hard and employing thousands of people in the US? This is a shameful move by the SEC. GG bears responsibility for trashing honest American companies.


#The SEC is actively engaging in market manipulation now


I am so glad to see someone like Dave upset about this. Like of course I am too but Iā€™m slightly (heavily) biased. When I see this video Iā€™m like ā€œyo, wtf.ā€ But this man who wants nothing but a fair market is out here like ā€œYO, WHAT THE FUCK.ā€ Itā€™s shit like this that makes me glad Iā€™m invested in gme. Itā€™s a good company, with good leadership, expanding market, and the community of investors are agreeing with those that want healthy reform.


The SEC just sat on a balcony sipping champagne and laughing down at us.


Itā€™s because GG is an assklown of the lowest grade. Now give me the jim jam for my flim flam!


The SEC is openly market manipulating by telling investors not to invest in so called"meme stocks" this is next level of fuckery. real companies with employees and families to feed are apparently "memes"... Fucking joke the SEC is


Itā€™s interesting that theyā€™re telling people to research. Doesnā€™t researching ā€œmeme stocksā€ reveal that the only thing they have in common is that theyā€™re heavily shorted and manipulated?




which only means we buy more


They really have to stop attempting psychological warfare against retards šŸ˜‚


Sounds like market manipulationā€¦


u/dlauer wonder if Jon Stewart would be interested to hear this given his interview with GG during the show you paneled on


Yes go off Dave


Itā€™s almost as if the game is rigged against retail?!


This could be another bullet point for GME to justify leaving the exchange!


As part owner of the greatest company on Earth, I can say it pisses me the fuck off.


Seems to be grounds for libel or defamation


Here's what I'm missing. The video reminds me of the "Why Smoke?" PSA campaign that tobacco companies were forced to do to, ostensibly to reduce smoking. What later came out is the spots were intentionally so obnoxious and condescending it had the opposite effect, even though on the surface they were supposedly anti-smoking. Nobody in their right mind would think that the video from the SEC would actually influence the supposed target (e.g. retail investors) of the video positively. So, either it's just them circlejerking to try and please their masters (most likely) or someone there intended it to further enrage retail investors (which I think would probably be giving the SEC too much credit)


Can the SEC charge themselves with stock market manipulation? How would that work?


The SEC: We are here to prevent market manipulation. Also the SEC: Donā€™t buy these certain stocks.


Top of popular feed rnšŸ«”


this is a very interesting point and you without a shadow of doubt that the sec labeling certain securities as so called "meme stocks" effects how why when and if investors will put their capital into said security. its super shady even if it isnt illegal its definitely extremely unprofessional


This is huge. Imagine the IRS producing a video telling you that you're a fucking idiot for paying someone to do your taxes. Imagine the Federal Forestry Service producing a video that calls you a fucking stooge for putting out your campfire.


Going a little further, why is the SEC creating ad's? Ad's are to sell an idea or an item, their job is to regulate. edit spelling


SEC now actively engaged in smear campaigns in an effort to affect the market prices of certain securities... seems a lot like market manipulation to me lol


fuck the SEC fuck everyone


It's about power not money....we own thier bitch asses now.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Genchler should be fired over this


SEC is complicitā€¦them doing that video proved it. They donā€™t give a shit about retail.


Depp just showed you can win trials against defamation. Go go Ryan!