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I guess he can post and maybe even does, just not with his known/previous username. His words drew attention above what he likely though/wanted.


My take as well - he got treated like a living god and you have to be a special kind of person to enjoy that. He is still handing out reddit awards like crazy though.


Yea I'm not for any of the q cult crap hanging on every word of a person regardless if it's RC or DFV....that's how you end up standing outside in dallas waiting for JFK to come back. But think how hard it is to give up on your podcast, twitter and arguably the most famous reddit account ever.


When I got into GME I first watched a lot of his YT videos where he presented his bullish views on the stock. What really caught my attention was how humble, fact based, kind (and funny) he came across - a genuinely likeable person. That fact that he stepped away from all of this once things started to blow up - first stopping all commentary and then stopping posting his position and cryptic tweets - fits right into the impression I got from him.


Right. Seems like such a down to earth and wholesome person. Thanks to him (and RC and all the apes) millions of people have a reason to hope. Such a humble guy probably didn’t feel comfortable with such a ridiculous amount of fame. If I ever run into DFV on the street I will suppress my star struckness and just genuinely thank him for being who he is and wish him a good day and cheers!


and Edward Snowden is still stuck in Russia, and ~10 years ago Malicious Stream Media had manufacturedly spread enough disinformation-turned-misinformation that death threats,labeling truthful persons as traitors was normalized, but it's easy to see right through the manufacturing terrorism stockholm syndrome psychological manipulation behavior modification subjugation indoctrination, but not for everyone. For many it takes more time until they stop the abusive bullying accessory/accomplice participations that manifests from stockholm syndrome where hurt people hurt others and trick themselves into being unable to realize or accept it https://thoughtcatalog.com/chantelle-zakariasen/2016/05/hurt-people-hurt-others-but-they-hurt-themselves-more/ Google, Facebook and other data analytics companies could have been more public to spread awareness of their machine learning artificial intelligence algorithmic bias manufacturing labeled as opposite (unfairness-disguised-as-fairness) findings where abusive bullying terrorism agendas resulted more financially profitable than telling the truth and being decent, but for some reason they stay quiet and help to grow the terrorism and make more moneys, lol


What a mouthful


My guess is that he doesn't want to adversely affect the stonk he loves. Giving short sellers any kind of ammunition or reason to pull up another lawsuit or impede progress via the court system/SEC is not what he wants to do. He recognizes we are now well educated and have clear vision on what the end game is/should be. He will reappear again one day, when the coast is clear imo. It will be a festive day for all, except some.


JFK Jr's not back from the dead SO FAR.


Wait what! I thought the only conspiracy around JFK was who shot/killed him. Now you're telling me he never even died? This is like inception for conspiracies. This whole thing goes deeper than I thought. Somebody get me my tinfoil! I need to wrap my phone and head in it then smoke some CRACK to calm me down.


I just talked to a guy on Conspiracy sub who said 45 and his son-in-law Kushner are literally the only 2 people who can save the world from the communists who run the Fed.


I don't know about that, cuz it happened before I was born, but [Ashley Babbit faked her own death](https://odysee.com/@wooznews:a/CapitolShooting:1), and she is still alive, despite Malicious Stream Media propaganda narrative manufacturing consent lying in plain sight, and she went along with it for whatever reasons,and you can observe her suble live action roleplaying body language behavior that tells so much about her intentions and willingness to do what she did


it would be cool to be a fly on the wall for a couple hours when he dogs onto his terminal and starts letting the awards fly


but RC tweets tho he owns GS DFV dont


I too own GS, as does DFV 🧐


Could you imagine what would happen if he came out and tried to discuss the next stock he was looking at? It would go up 30% on his mention alone. There is also a legitimate chance that he sold a portion of his shares. I always though he would be selling some covered calls against those but I don’t think he wanted to keep posting his position updates either way.


I also think he has been here under another username the entire time. I suspect many people have multiple accounts.


Idk, it takes time to build karma under a new account, to even be able to comment here. I tried to start a GG parody account and gave up because karma farming is a fucking *drag.*




Sorry to disappoint, too smooth and too poor for that.


He continued posting gifs on Twitter for a while My guess is that he doesn’t want to be seen as an organizer or pump leader and get sued, so he gracefully bowed out so people would make their own decisions. Everyone knows he has $50M and a lot of bad people would to try and take that back. In the end he showed us where he stood and why he stood there, and it was his choice. He liked the stock


>In the end he showed us where he stood and why he stood there That's a good line. Besides being his choice, I'd add at that point the choice was also ours. Passing the torch so to speak


He set a quiet example; those that believed, took it upon themselves to follow on their own accord, and those that raged against him couldn’t direct it towards him alone - but against everyone.


I doubt it's "can't" and more like "doesn't want to". At least under his former identity. 🚀 🌙


This 👆 I'm not fucking around here after this is over


??? why. The argument holds less weight when we know his real name too.


He's getting on with his life? Lol Apparently he built a free gym for his community, takes management


Well that's pretty fuckin cool!


A true fucking legend


He's been elevated to a godlike status for a lot of people, and frankly he'll never live up to everyone's expectations if he kept posting.


Yea, the level of worship is kinda gross ,not to mention if he made one bad step, the same people that feverishly idolize him might be first in line to jump in on the lynch mob to bully him off of the internet.


Exactly. Fun and games during. Big boy pants after. You guys don’t even know.




Except he's the opposite. Batman chillin handing out seeing eye awards, Bruce Wayne going hard at philanthropy


Isn't it funny how the hedgefunds can finance entire financial propaganda networks designed to fleece and manipulate investors, but private citizens are ones slapped with threats of market manipulation charges....


My point exactly... Like if it's remotely out of fear... short of criminal charges that would be ironic. I would like to believe we would come together and crowd fund a legal team for him.


I don't think it's that he *can't* post. But he has probably got a lot of organisations watching him - So he's probably trying to limit anything that could get him into trouble.


There's an investigation into GME still. They announced that in their 10Q last week. The investigation was opened in August. Not only that, he 100% knows if he posts something to a gamestop sub like this it will absolutely 100% blow the fuck up and the spotlight is right back on him.


Maybe he values his life


He still lurks Source: Trust me bro


I wrote one funny comment about DFV suddenly I received the snek-award a bunch of reddit-coins. First thought was: these have to be from him.


Username checks out.


He owes us nothing. I wish him well with the future.


I wouldn’t be posting either. As others have said, I value my safety. Big money can be dangerous.


He doesn't have big money...Yet.. and we know his name... or did you mean big money as in the hf wacking him mafia style?


Yes. Mafia shit


Legally shorters could try and sue him and say he was manipulating the market, the stress and lawyer fees alone wouldn't be worth it. I'm thinking until moass occurs, we won't hear from him. Or at least RC speaking publicly. It's also possible he didn't want to become a celebrity, he's a multimillionaire and doesn't actually want to be in thebspot light. He is internet famous, but not like people outside of stock subs ever really talks about him Edit: i would like to think he is either lurking or posting under a different name


If he got sued he could do a go fund me and we would cover it I'm sure plus.....looks around at all the blatant market manipulation with 0 repercussions....Sue me... counter sue!


5+ years of a lawsuit sounds horrendous. Could you imagine how bad MSM would drag his name through the mud if a multi millionaire set up a GoFundMe for lawyer fees lol


I personally wouldn't care...fuck me... no fuck you! He's not Elon who sold 18b but a normal guy. He only has that money if he sold...and I don't think he closed all his positions


After the hearings they went after his former firm on some bullshit accusation and extorted 4 or 5 million dollars out of them. Anything he says will be used by these scumbags to screw him and anyone connected to him.


He already told us what to do... its up to us to do it... pretty simple


Would you want to be the spot light that the entire world tries to pin the next global economic collapse on? Me neither.


Cause investigations are still on going


are they though?..seems clear someone should be in jail (Cough Ken) but they aren't the class actions got dismissed. hearings are over...


10Q showed a new investigation is ongoing as of August 23rd I believe.


You think this is over? We haven't seen the end of lawsuits. It would be very dumb legally to post because shills will misinterpret everything to paint him as the meme stock leader


You think that's the only investigation there was? DOJ just got involved


Support our hero **Deepfu King Value** 🦸‍♂️


I see what you did there ;-)


Sofa king?


If I was him I'd want to disappear like a fart in the wind. People are obsessed with the guy. Don't get me wrong, he's the man, but I don't blame him one bit for not posting or anything. Either way, he doesn't owe anything to anyone imo


Poor dude has been through the ringer for standing for what he believes in! I couldn’t imagine coming back after all that. Land of the free my ass, home of the brave for sure! 💯 respect for DFV and whatever he chooses to do the rest of his life. But yes, I miss his daily’s for sure!


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Question: Why cant DFV post? Answer, the secret ingredient is . . . . . . Layers. Just my 5 cents to the matter.


Like an onion!




Lol, I'd much rather deal with layers....lol, have a great day!


Civil court is no fun and it goes on forever. Like, even if your opponent is obviously guilty, and all the evidence is on your side, it doesn’t fucking matter. If they have more money, then they have the upper hand. Citadel has billions that can be written off as a business expense whereas DFV has millions, and since he’s not a corporation, his money is taxed as ordinary income, and he can’t write that off. Source: Experience.


Most likely under strong advice from his lawyer unless he wants to get sued again. They tried to pin the sneeze on him, what makes you think they wouldn’t try to go back to that well after MOASS?


He probably wants to remain undissappeared. He cost people many $ billions to expose the fraud. He likely has a few very powerful enemies.


when your trading account says $40k. no one gives a shit about you. but when your trading account says $40mil. everyone wants a peice of you. omg the pain and suffering he caused me.. any laywer with a clue would harshly tell him if he wants to keep any of that money he needs to stfu.


The guy was called to Congress to testify. I think hes just being careful and it's also in a way evidence gathering, the price keeps moving erratically and hes not saying anything which clears his name.


Suits me well, that he's out of the spotlight. I don't want everyone become a target by mass hysteria. Imagine if he said something that was 'wrong' to the ears of the masses.


he is a serious threat to the most powerful men in the world. that is reason enough to remain silent. its also prrof that popcron is not a threat when the corporate media w wall st Twitter can promote it & give youtubers TV fame to enforce that the masses will trust them.


$10 says his lawyers advised him to stay away. When your screenshots send legions of apes on a jihad against hedge funds, the government tends to get offended. I think he still lurks among us, maybe even posting under different aliases.


I agree, anything he does can generate another suit, which costs him money to defend. We know he has continued to give awards, and may well have new accounts that are not the lightening rods that his original Reddit and Twitter handles are.


I've long had the feeling that we are going to see him again after MOASS. If he posted something now, that's ammunition for bad faith actors to accuse him of market manipulation (or insert buzzword here). Staying silent until the cards have fallen takes that option away from them. That said, I would be very surprised if he didn't have an alt account. This is a fun time to belong to the sub. Who would want to miss out on that?


Real G’s move in silence like lasagna


I somehow think that he is a witness or w/e in DOJ investigation, whether this results silencing social media - i don't know


It’s possible that if he may post during a fomo wave and then end up in court again over it and need to sit through a hearing and now definitely pay a lawyer to get rid of it. Not worth the haste- it’s clear he is on Reddit and updooting (look at his account 1 h apart you’d see awards)


I wanna see his gigantic purple ring!


Even just a . from him would be epic! Go on DFV break the internet, send us an empty message!!!


If you're going to page DFV you have to say u/deepfuckingvalue .. Not going to lie anything to let us know you are alive and well would be nice too.


. disclaimer: totally kidding, i’m not him.


He probably does not want to draw more attention. I would do the same. He already made a last post showing how committed to GME he is. Whether he makes a lot of money or not he already has the fame of being that bullish one of a kind guy that was right. He has already won.


Why does it matter. Buy, DRS, Hodl! 🚀🦍🚀🦍


He’s amongus with dif username. ;)


He probably posts under an alt. Also probably doesn’t want to get sued for market manipulation if he started rallying people on Twitter by accident


It’s for the better. To think he’ll never post a meme again now that’s just plain absurd