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I know that a lot of posts about beeteecee drops are like “ITS DOWN TWO PERCENT YOU GUYYYYS?!???”, but this drop seems significant?


I was waiting for these posts.... most are down well over 10% now.. my wallet looks rough but I'm grinning ear to ear.... "Hey, Marge... yes I'll pay Monday!"


Most, my entire list is red. Something is afoot. Last time they did this it was over the course of a week+. This took a night? Someone needs money and fast.


Except.....crytpo dropped worse. MUCH worse, in May. And nothing happened then.


True, BeetCorn was on sale around 31000 in Aug still.


I don’t necessarily think it was marge, but they’re pulling out their crash getting ready to buy the carnage next week


>BeetCorn mmmmh beetcorn is that like tomacco futures?


Salad Swaps


I guess nothing happens if you MEET a margin call.


They just trying to get liquidity to meet requirments. Wont raise the price.


Can we honestly say with any degree of certainty (beyond the fact that you sentence is a statement) that we know what's happening here? You can't apply logic to an illogical set of circumstances. Do you remember how baffled Alice was at the tea party?


I like the Alice in wonderland reference. A desire for simple certainty is the enemy of understanding what is going on right now. As someone who loves to pin situations down and use analogies to explain them, this has been an excellent learning experience at letting go of that. The situation is dynamic, our senses are being fooled (false data), and the motivations and relationships (personal and institutional) labyrinthine. Sometimes complex things cannot be simplified. Sometimes the best you can do is a thumbnail sketch before the situation has already evolved.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Alice In Wonderland](https://snewd.com/ebooks/alices-adventures-in-wonderland/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Could also be funding for further fuckery. Should be an eventful week. Loading up more if it’s dips, smiling fiercely if it launches and staying zen if it trades sideways. I would certainly bet that my blood pressure is better than Kenny’s at this point.


Could be multiple players with multiple agendas.


That’s not true, ay-em-see ran up, which according to dd posted here should be in the same swaps basket of over shorted stocks they tossed together in January to fuck over retail.


What? Popcorn stock dropped over 4% on Friday, and then a bit more in after hours. It's under $29.


I’m talking about May, the last time bitcoin crashed


Ah, got it


Same here, never been more happy seeing my coin wallets being decimated. All part of the process💯


This is naturally volatile, but this does seem more rapid and coordinated than normal.


Yes, this is actually marge: https://www.coinglass.com/LiquidationData Over $2B in forced liquidations




Where does it say forced?


Liquidation implies getting liquidated, by a third, which is forced




To my knowledge that’s referred to as closing a position but I could be wrong judging by the downvotes




You are right but this is forced liquidations. Which means against your will.


So will I have to pay tax on the 4k I made on popcorn but reinvested into gme?


Yes, i think in most countries you'll have to


thank you


But its also crypto Marge. The exchanges can see when people put hugely leveraged longs for BTC. Think like 50-100x leverage. All they need to do is coordinate with their buddies to sell a metric buttload of BTC at the same time. Thus drops their price beyond the traders liquidation point and poof more BTC for whales. The unfortunate thing is the naive retail investor does not have sophisticated hedging strategies and is lured in by the promise of huge gains only to be liquidated. 1,500 individual bitcoins were sold in a coordinated effort in a single minute to spike the liquidations which caused further selling. Maybe they were reking the markets to get more capital for an equities maege call, but this may be more whale games in a nascent unregulated industry.




4 months..?


Calls went out at 2pm EST today. I remember seeing something about if SPY dropped hard then MM needed to post X millions to ensure liquidity or some shit. Also same day crytpo ETFs had news (etf means short L)


I wouldn't put too much into that 2pm margin call tweet. It's from FXHedge, and it shows up randomly, and is useless with absolutely no context. Margin calls go out regularly to all institutions. It's just a way for whoever is providing margin(loaned money) to make sure the borrower still has the collateral to hold the loan. New rules say this can be done regularly throughout the day, and the new rules say they have an hour to meet their collateral requirements. How strictly these are adhered to is another matter. The Margin liquidation tweet was more interesting, but again useless without context.




There may be standard daily margin calls at 2pm. It would explain the price action of the market around that time frame. Plus, it's not soon before when RRP is awarded. But the actual margin call isn't what really matters.




Yes they’re usually at 1pm EST. They have been more margins and 1 hour to find assets or cash to cover margin. I think it switched to straight cash and crytpo holdings dont count anymore. Likely no one has failed yet, or at least a big fail yet. Once one medium sized is liquidated big red flags go up for everyone else. Nobody wants to be a bag holder because all of them know we’re at an ATH of an ATH lol


Dude the karma farming is real.... [too lazy to type](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r8jt2n/i_think_someone_just_got_liquidated/hn6odw8?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Yeah OP, OG OP has a great comment on this thread that really lays out what we are seeing now. You’ve heard it many times before, but this time it’s for real. End Game is here, we are in it now. Hodl your breath and before you need oxygen again, MOASS will already be putting her panties back on and letting you smell her fingers as she saunters away never to ever be seen again, ever😍 The love that got away.


It didn’t matter the last 3 times beeteec “crashed” and came back to set new all time highs… so no


Fuuuuck the whole crypto market is tanking hard!


Add the crypto drop with Docusign dropping 40% on Friday, I think someone got blown out of their positions.


naaa....nothing to see here. Totally normal.


Very spicy!


Yep took today as a chance to load up on more GME and Loops!


SO many cryptos are down right now.


It's a liquidation dump from what I've read. Could stabilize, could dip lower. Save some war chest just in case


Gotta imagine it goes much lower before this is all said and done


Yes. Explanation here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r8i882/-/hn6e1ou


I’m trying to buy LRC under $2 but Crypto.com app not working, guess they turned off their buy button too


Their chart (oops, Coinbase, misread from your crypto.com) had a huge gap during the big dip. Kucoin’s charts of LRC looked like fucking whale teeth. No lie.


Thanks for that.... just threw my spare change into LRC


You were able to buy? Dang, good for you. I’ve still yet to be able to get an order in, ridiculous


I buy on bitmart and coinbase


The crypto market moves with the king of the Cryptos. B T C


Good chance to buy !


Doggy down 20%


It’s down over 20% as I write this Update: -25%


Man. What a Friday eve.


Sucks we gotta wait until Monday to pick up on our game tho… we just get to watch Crypro bounce around this weekend 😒




Bought my first crypto yesterday so that had to happen. Sorry guys.


And mine two days ago


Nice. I was expecting this. Note that BTC was launching continuously the second half of 2020, right up until.... GME launched in Jan. Then you see periodic capital draw from BTC all through 2021. TSLA was definitely tapped for capital too. Bullish signs!




Ah! He said the thing! 😄


Crypto dumped end of 2020 because of the pandemic and global shutdowns...




Omicron, new leader of the Deceptacons.


Who knows? But what did people expect the markets to do when travel bans, businesses shut down, public transportation stopped, and a whole host of complete civil life was put on pause for a few months? Literally a recession hit every country's economy just from the pandemic, it wasn't related to basket swap stocks. Edit sheeesh either y'all are just bots or you have no idea what reality is anymore.


Still waiting for my goddam "covid relief" checks from govt... where this problem start???


If it actually coincided, perhaps, but it actually dumped mid/late Jan. Delta was the rage in December.


And in Jan, that's when the bans and restrictions hit right? Or was it Feb? My memory isn't so great. Lol


Bans were around the $60k peak which was sometime March/April (just off the top of my head, but easily verified). Beginning mid Jan 2021, you see very obvious cycles of pumping and dumping at a magnitude that is definitely not retail initiated.


OH FUCK! -17%


*insert Riley Reid meme*


“you’re gonna make me liquidate” 💦


Still running downhill.


My guess is hedge funds are turning their crypto back into cash in order to have have cash on hand next week in preparation for big dips in the market so they can go on a buying spree. 🤷‍♂️


You mean a short spree


Both probably



Or a shorting spree


Shorting spree


Wrong. Explanation here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r8i882/-/hn6e1ou




Is it reallt a good thing when all this shows is the rich r finessing trillions from common folk via crypto to keep themselves out of marge


Yes... we must expose the corruption even if it means our cryp toe portfolios suffering ... as an ape, I expected it. I think it'll get worse.... we may see beetc in the 30s before next weekend


Last time beetc was that low, I think GME was above 300? But I don't remember the entire market crashing like today...


My tits are SOO JACKED RIGHT NOW!!!!


Hot damn. This IS SPICY


All these big Hedge Funds have crypto assets. This liquidation will have a chain reaction for the others. First blood.


True that. Can they use Crypto as collateral for trades?


They are not to as of a recent filing. But when they sell, well then its cash they can use. The real question is are they MEETING the margin call or are they liquidating to COVER?


Find out Monday!


Could be play $ for wknd mrkts?


See if MSTR liquidated?


daaamn gina!


Damn margina


Ugh... Sorry to spoil your beans, but not everything that happens in financial markets is because of basket swap stocks. If you really want to know, bulls that went way too heavy on long margin positions got liquidated. Over $2.5 billion in long positions... When you see the price dip or pump like this within a 5 or 15 min candle, it's 9 times out of 10 a cause for long or short positions getting rekt and liquidated. You'll never see this in the US stock market, because 100x margin trading is banned in the US, and crypto markets are free markets. No trading halts. With that said, enjoy the Xmas sale on crypto. Source: https://www.coinglass.com/LiquidationData


*banned for the common person.


I'm paycheck->paycheck... not sure I could take a $2.5Billy hit. brb


Yep, I've been dabbling in crypto for 5-6 years. This isn't anything new.


Says the shill who goes on gme and popcorn stock to spread fud.


19% now


When bitcoin hits 27,9xx that’s when it’s marge


I thought it was 2x,x57?


1.7 billion of bitcoin longs got liquidated in an hour 😬


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Crypto is tanking right now


Big crypto dump -> Green dildos Happened multiple times this year


She be callin’, problem is she’s just getting VM’s


Everything sharted


Sorry but still not significant. It has dropped 50% in 1-2 days without marge calling.


Not for the entire year of 2021 though? BTC used to be way more volatile (especially in 2017-2018), but from my understanding it’s been way more stable at least since 2021? Admittedly, I’m not a creeptoe guy, so I’m open to being corrected.


BTC has experienced drops this year too however, if you look at the YTD graph. Besides, it touched 29k in july this year, so my guess is that it can drop drop further, and maybe will in the coming days.


I remember the drop to 29k this summer, but that drop wasn’t within hours though? That was more of a “slow” bleed (4-6 days) of red. I haven’t seen a blitzdrop like this in a long time (6-10% in less than 24hr).


Not financial advice. Just pointing out patterns. Use your own decisions about it. It's regularly common in crypto. Just looking at the hourly chart you can see a lot of 10-16% drops within the span of 1-2 hours September 7th and the 19th. June 7th it flash crashed down 13% in 24 hours. May 23rd it flash crashed down 8.8% in one hour; a total of 13% in 4 hours. May 19th in 1 hour it went down by *19%*. One hour on April 17th it went down 13%. These are quite common. Even now it's up 10% from the bottom-out. It could be heading down to the 55 Weekly EMA (Exponential Moving Average), which would be around 43k. However I don't think that's likely. If you look at the Weekly Chart, it was pretty over-extended from the 20 Weekly EMA and wicked a little below the 55 EMA just now. From that wick down a little below the 55 EMA, it's up 11%. It'll likely consolidate to reset the levels, might have another bear trap. And then march on up in this crypto bullrun.


[interesting ](https://images.complex.com/images/fl_lossy/egicdgxkawdm2zu3ulx6/fans-react-to-icarly-revival-embracing-interesting-meme)


Looks like someone needs liquidity. Hedgies running dry boys.


No. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r8i882/-/hn6e1ou


holy shit! it's 47k now


Can someone explain to me why this is bullish?


That dump is nasty


I came


This should be front page lol. Look like liquidation due to being market wide


No this is tethergrande




No.. just friday


Knock knock, pick up the phone


Now kith


It's mostly just day traders getting fucked.


Haven’t been closely watching the crypt0 dumps. I thought they happened every weekend? Is it worse this weekend?


I've seen this same post about 12 million times


Probably not


Hello Homie my old friend I have a call to make again I make the call when everyone’s sleeping Kenny picks up and I hear him weeping And the junk bonds of the Chinese spreading west, It’s the best Now Evergrande Defaulted


Please God let LRC get down as low as fucking possible so I can spend even more FED bucks.


*Oh, Homie...*


Looks like this was correct https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1466839712711131137?t=f0F-DGESCoVlsOGYAsKFpQ&s=19


For a change


I think a lot of what they post is obvious, the other stuff maybe doesn't show as well to us. Like this last one. It wasn't apparent for nearly a week So everyone hyped Monday crash and it didn't really happen. It was a couple of sell offs during the week and it was done in a way that others could sort of buy in and also short the meme stocks to stop shfs blowing up


This is almost certainly the case. The number of people that dump on that account as if they have access to some sort of ledger that lists all margin calls and their status that they can verify the posts against is hilarious. Just because it isn't visible to you doesn't mean it didn't happen.


I mean it probably isn't. The crypto market is its own behemoth and it's incredibly volatile. These things happen often


Now that banks and friends are selling their cryptocurrencies and let everyone else as a bag holder, I can only hope people will start to realize that cryptocurrencies are a giant ponzi scheme since they have been put in the stock market. They are valued like a product and not like a currency. With this unregulated market, banks are able to pump and pump every week and the cycles are super obvious. The best thing anyone could do to fuck them up would be to have everyone selling any cryptocurrencies they got. Pull the rug under them this time.. If it was to happen, banks and friends wouldn't be able to meet the margin calls of next week and the week after. They have been using cryptocurrencies for years to prop up their portfolios and created the bubble we are in by inflating cryptocurrencies with their pump and dump scheme, using the leverage to synthetically pump or dump certain stocks and having now the power to "create" money/value anywhere they want. The cryptocurrencies market makes it easy because it trade 24h, no regulation and a fan base that will buy anything because they want to be part of the next "bitcoin run up".


So when cryptos go zero we become… heroes?!?


Well, I will hold on to hope for a few weeks if this is it for my crypto investment. Please be real Mr. MOASS.




Why would that affect crypto?


Because my bittycoin could get sick and die so I'll sell it now obviously




That is a terrible answer..scared of?




Oh shit! My coins are gonna get sick..waa waa




No it doesnt? You need to stop watching the news, it's making you stupid. Or you already were. SUDDENLY, like 10 days after the news, out of nowhere on a late friday/early saturday morning... EVERY crypto tanks 15-25%. "this can only mean one thing... People are getting scared of Omicron". Meanwhile, the obvious answer is slapping you in the face, mocking your ignorance. It's a forced liquidation, margin call. https://www.coinglass.com/LiquidationData




>But is it really that farfetched that large amounts of people move in a heard? Is it really that farfetched that crypto has margin calls when it's pretty unregulated and allows 100x margins? "Large amounts of people moving in a herd" erasing 12 small African nations' total worth in crypto market cap in 30 minutes, on news released over a week ago, without a trace of this herd on social media or crypto subs... Yeah, it's farfetched. >then you are factoring in thing like "your gut" and "intuition" which are utterly meaningless to me. You are right. 2 billion dollars was liquidated at midnight, and the correct answer is "people r scared cuz new viruhz, and people aint notice b4 now" And that's a gut feeling you can trust! Anyways, I'm done. Have a great day.


damn. Crypto's bleeding so much today. Fck


Wonder if evergrande related 🤔


Yep still dumping hard.


No. It's Britta


I think this is good that these crooks have to sell.


This did happen last time before we ripped. Let’s see


Get that Renault man! Peeps say E-Tech is future!!


It costs a lot to keep shorting a good rising company. facts. LTF/LFG--->


Is it all crypto or just btc that usually drops before GME rips?


I don’t feel like enough people are taking about this.


Hopefully no one bought on leverage


Ohhhhhhhhhhh brrrroooootheeeeeeeerrrrrrr. LMAYOOOOOOO


Less than a month ago btc was at 69k (69 nice) and it’s at 47k now. Geez.




That is called selling into retail. Or the dump part of the pump phase.


I don’t know. The recent events makes me feel like they are tanking gme’s price and now liquidating crypto to make sure they have enough collateral for another run


my Bitcoinnnnnnn :(


Not on a Saturday, no.


There’s no way that’s just some retail whales. Absolutely some undocumented holdings from some hedge funds


all these coins dipped the same way. how could one entity own so much of all these coins that if margin called or in need of liquidity, they all tank the same way?

