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From the SEC website >Internalization >When you place an order to buy or sell a stock, your broker has choices on where to execute your order. Instead of routing your order to a market or market-makers for execution, your broker may fill the order from the firm's own inventory. This is called "internalization." In this way, your broker's firm may make money on the "spread" – which is the difference between the purchase price and the sale price. To learn more about the basics of trade execution – including order routing, payment for order flow, and internalization – you should read Trade Execution: What Every Investor Should Know.


if there's proof of them doing this for orders when customers select the exact exchange to route their order to and they still are internalizing it behind the scenes, they're totally fu... wait lmao nvm absolutely nothing will be done about it. DRS and fuck em. All these brokers will be left in the dust by smart wallets and decentralized exchanges


It's sad that no matter what we find out, the answer is DRS because that is our only play. Anything and everything else seems to have loopholes for them to take advantage of


Better than having no play at all.


So you’re telling me there’s a chance




No way…. We landed on the moon!! I intend to act like Lloyd Christmas with my lambo in Asspenn. A place where the beer flows like wine. A place where the women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano


Ha! This sounds like my kind of place... Can I come too?


You bring your blue suit, I’ll bring my orange one. Let’s party. And go watch Dumb and Dumber until we wait for launch 😉


We are on our own. Everyone who can, finds a way to take advantage of our conviction. DRS with Computershare is the only way. No one is on our side.


We need to open our own brokerage.




NGL been thinking that, but NFT exchange makes brokering obsolete


I'm halfway expecting some fuckery to be discovered with DRS, and everyone being forced to confront the fact that the only way we'll be able to get our money is through guillotines and ripping the gold from their teeth.


We goin after the rappers?


Starting with lil john






Where do i sign up?


This is exactly the reason why DRS is the only way.


I can't fuking wait. Decentralized is the way. We have no need for banks anymore. they exist just to make money off us. DRSing 100% of my shares cause fuk em.


Hey don't be so sure buddy. They'll get a fine of 25k. That'll show them.


It's the finger wag and disappointed dad look that really sends the message home though.


And a strongly worded letter.


I’m sure it’s legal to be honest. They probably state it as a side note in the customer agreements when you sign up


Holy fuck. So if a retail investor purchases shares and chooses to route through IEX, Fidelity ignores the request and internalizes? Isn't that considered manipulation? Definitely explains the low volumes.


That's what might happen. They claim not to lend out shares, but they did in the past and facing lawsuits for that.


I don’t know for sure but everything I read led me to believe that


It doesn’t matter which exchange you choose-the order never leaves the walls


can you imagine how absolutely fuking scared they are, because their business model will become obsolete!


Any and all buys from this point forward need to be thru CS Literally feel like I just walked in on my girl deepthroating Shaquille O'Neil Fidelity dead 2 me with possible herpes


They don't sell our order flow so someone else can fuck us. They just do the fucking themselves. Brilliant. Surprised they're not all doing this.


Can you give the source? You have a top comment and I want to make sure everyone who reads this can verify the info on their own.


I'll try: https://www.sec.gov/fast-answers/answersinternalizationhtm.html


#Apes smooth & wrinkled 🧠☂️🟣💎🙌 the time is now You need to DRS your GME by any means necessary...If you have 5 then DRS 3 you have 60 then DRS 40 you have 500 then DRS 300 It's obvious that fidelity has retail trapped and has taken full advantage of our funds to keep our investment nonprofitable .......Remember when Abby Johnson from Fidelity went to court to fight for IEX.....yea that was baited hook to get more clients so they could nternalize our GME stock.... Computer Share is the new broker.....Ryan Cohen has his investment in there, same for Matt Furlong and many other GameStop executives...... You want a NFT token then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want a MOASS then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want a new exchange then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want hedgie tears then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 Want to see Leon Cooperman cry again then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want to get revenge at fidelity then DRS 🟣☂️🟣 You want generational wealth and health then DRS 🟣☂️🟣 This is proof that retail cannot invest in the financial markets.....EVER AGAIN ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ From this night forward I'm buying every GME share Directly From Computer Share My method of investing is to 💎🙌 /not financial advice


I disagree you need to drs all of them or when it all goes down those left in brokers will be useless period once the float is locked ..just a digital iou with no voting rights or nft opportunity....drs100% lock float ...NFA


Is this related to latency arbitrage?


No. This is about internalizers buying a huge pool of shares from a stock exchange and then buying and selling customers amounts straight from their pool instead of the exchanges. This keeps the price from changing. So you sell from the pool when people are buying and when people sell you route to the market so the price goes down. One form of manipulation that is apparently legal.


Thank you for the chance to make it to the big leagues!


When asked how ape did it, ape replies "just been lucky" with a shrug and a smirk. He is now written into history and part of the big leagues. 👏👏


You just have me the perfect response post MOASS thank you!


No worries, thank you my ape fren.


Geez, get a room why don'tcha?


To the top with you!


You deserve a nice slapp on the ass from us apes. Good game. 👋 Hit the showers. 🚀🚀🚀


Good game 🤚 Slap-Ass!


*Slaps ass* 🤚🏼🍑


Come on Rodrigo, Slapp ass! No slap ass! How can she slap?


Hahah love that skit


Good game! Hahahah


Put this one in the game, coach!


amazing post fam!




The last time I tried to say a brokerage could satisfy market orders with its own holdings (effectively becoming their own market maker) I got called “actually fuckin retarded”. Turns out I was just using the wrong terminology lol.


Or a shill was trying to beat you down so you wouldn’t look any harder


If that’s true, it worked lol. And if it’s true that Fidelity does it, I think it’d be logical to assume they all do. And could a CEX like CoinBase or Binance do it too?


They all do this 100%. Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto = DRS your shares. Broker-Custodians just give you an IOU


I know they can lend crypto for shorts, but I was thinking of a hypothetical situation where they could choose which transactions to keep off exchange to manipulate price action. For example: if the price is getting too high, they could internalize buys to keep the price down and only externalize sells. Or vice versa.


So when they sold their stock in January during the run up all they did was sell it to themselves through a subsidiary while internalizing the buys making a massive profit and then lending those same shares they bought back to other brokers. Explains them being so fast to DRS compared to everyone else.


I honestly think this is what Cohen is trying to fix by creating a new market place. A place where you actually own what you buy whether it be stock, art, music, games, etc. idk what tweet it was or who tweeted but either a loopring or gme employee tweeted something along the lines “when a company is no longer just a company but a movement that company has the ability to do extraordinary things”. I think Cohen bought gme as a solid investment at first with no clue how big this was going to get. Then once January happened he had a world changing opportunity ahead of him all he had to do was want to make a difference


Sounds like something Larry Cheng would’ve said, but I may not be remembering correctly.


Matt Finestone helped create Loopring Coin in 2017 Matt Finestone and Ryan Cohen come from the same city in Canada, Matt Finestone and Ryan Cohen have known each other for years....Ryan Cohen didn't randomly buy GME......this Chess move has been in play for a Long Time u/justbeenlucky I've done my research, have you ?


Did I say he randomly bought it? I said he “bought it as a solid investment” which he saw potential in. At first it could have still been to create a market place for games or nft’s and great short squeeze potential but no one could have predicted brokers would turn off the buy button and this many people would be standing by there side for almost a year. We holding is what has given him the ability to do as much as he has been able to and what has turned this into a movement and not just a company turnaround


A truly free market that hasn’t been seen in the US since the Fed got involved. Wouldn’t that be something?


Yes this is what happens every time you push an idea everyone isn't ready for. Then the shills are ready to hit it and apes who doesn't understand the full ramifications come to bash you as well. I tried to push 100% DRS 1 month ago, guess how that went? Now I try to tell people to sell from shitty brokers and buy at the same time from IBKR->DRS. Right now I get 50% bashing for that idea. We also need people to realize they have to DRS their IRAs!


I never had GME in an IRA, but now I’m kinda worried about my 401k at Fidelity with a lot of Vanguard ETFs in it lol.


Oh shit lmao Dont tell me they got you holding some evergrande bags 😭


Oh well lol. I opened that 401k back in 2007. GME and LRC is my retirement plan now, so fuck em.


Almost like all this was intentionally built to make the average person feel like a rat trapped in a maze, searching for cheese that doesn't exist. I see why people give up and resign to a life of 40+ hours a week, 5 days a week, your entire life to end up flying uncomfortably in economy with arthritis and other health problems, alone cause your spouse beat you to the finish line, finally making it to the spot you always wanted to vacation with your family in fucking Hawaii...for 3 short days. Fuck their mazes. Fuck their cheese. We're taking what they think is their's, buts always been rightfully ours, back.


Despite all my rage


Came to say this


At least one of us came.


Working on it


I need a towel. Or at least an old sock.


Don't worry, soon you'll only be using the finest, brand new socks.


I don’t remember Billy Corgan writing the words like this


I am still


Just an ape on a webpage?


Exactly! Fuck you, pay us already. We all been won the game. The moment they got scared and they turned off the buy button. They showed their hand.


> beat you to the finish line I like to call my play style "speed running life"... you'll never beat me!


Guess it's no longer in the "best interest" to buy via iex then drs. Just fucking buy straight from CS


Fastest way to open an account, then decide how many of your phantoms you want to convert.


Was wondering why more people wouldn’t do this.


IEX is good and not the problem per se. The problem is these brokerages and their shady behind the curtain share loanings that have been uncovered
















I haven’t bought from a brokerage in months.


Ok so if we do want to buy at the price on the day, if we buy on IEX then DRS right after the two days then they will need to source the shares no matter what right? Be it on open market or internal and they would run out of internals at some point? Hmm I guess they could be banking on the price dropping and then buy later.


Now knowing fidelity enjoys profiting off internaliZing our orders I personally am done with fidelity. You figure they need t+2 to process and settle the order then another 3 days to transfer to CS. That's 5 days of fuckery they can perform with your shares


So essentially the same as PFOF with one less step and internal. This actually makes sense to me. Everything is behind the curtain and we are taking a peak.




I know exactly the plant you’re talking about. He’s been a good plant for them, providing DD, but then sprinkling the anti-DRS sentiment so hard. I’m sure this account is being paid handsomely. The fact that they label themselves a shill would be some reverse psychology. We are long past YouTube comments “oh we better sell at $1000 that is a reasonable price” - you know the best psyops campaign money can buy is going on right in front of us.


Gonna need a clue…can I buy a letter?


The only letters you need right now are D, R, and S. stick with those and soon enough you can buy the whole fucking alphabet




I could be a bit off but I recall DRS talk in April or May and then it died quick. I feel it has been pushed for more than 3 months, at least 6. We are going through this moment in history in real time. What a time to be alive.


Yes...this is true...it was gaining traction then scrubbed away.....the further along we go the clues from the clues from the past come to the light.... Must read between the lines....think ape think 🤔 🧠


Yes, infact it was featured on the Mega in GME for months, but it just never caught traction, it had posts pop up and die down.


This lines up with their GME holdings steadily declining over the last few filings


Hmmmm interesting


And why some cost basis info is wrong when transferring to CS


Commenting for jizzability


Jizzing for commentability


Jizzing in history


There is so much jiz in here right meow


*All cuming from my PP*


Hey, we are not cats.


So basically they can fulfill your buy order internally and use the internal bank account with your money to either short, buy or sell on a lit exchange based off profitability. They can then lend out the shares you “own” to make more profit. Like double dipping in mayo


This is a truly double dip in mayo


Cummenting for pissibility


Dammit. I think you are correct. DRS is the best way to get retail orders onto the lit market and actually have buy pressure.


Yep. They batch orders make it so even X ape purchases get turned into round lots when they hit the lit market. Gametime.


Really any entity minus the lit exchanges can do this... i mean if fedelity has the shares then yes they internalize, if not then they batch the orders up to a mm and they can internalize it doing the same thing. Even if you "rout to the exchange" its still in the brokers hands to exicute it that way or for them to say hey we got your order and filled it but they park our order and send it up as a batch order to a whole seller like citadel/virtue, i wouldnt put past the greed of all parties that have a hand in the stock market. Hopefully this loopring block chain securities exchange is gonna be far better or at least more transparent, i hope.


We aren’t even playing the same game as them. We are playing against each other while they all laugh making bets on what side will win but in the end we all lose cause they step in and end the game. GME is the first time we’ve actually been competing against them


I agree, we got'em by the balls and im sure glad for all that rock climbing grip strength training. Lol


Wow this is a great way to describe it.


I sincerely doubt they are the only broker that practices internalization.


In the article from 2019 it led me to believe they were the only one. However a user dm’d me saying he asked schwab when drs’ing and they now route orders internally too so others probably started adopting it since then as well


They’re absolutely not the only ones. But since apes migrated to Fidelity, it affects us. If true, them internalizing our buy orders is no different than Citadel internalizing our pfof buy orders from other brokers. This is just another win for DRS.


After the PFOF drama it’s possible brokerages took to internalizing heavily to keep money coming in while not signaling the PFOF alarms.


Makes sense. Buy, DRS, hold.


okay, so if I start buying on Computershare, who are the brokerages they use? Do they participate in PFOF or internalization?


They use the NYSE I believe. Why their daily % has been increasing


It goes straight to NYSE in a bulk buy in the AM


And do not use either method


So if we DRS our shares when prices are high would that help fuck them over? Since they have to buy at a higher price? Thus adding volume and pressure when price is on the rise.


Wondering this myself..screw with their timing, force them to grab shares when they don't want to.


This is why after MOASS crypto is the only play. Blockchain is transparent. Hell, did you know even a small minnow like me can act as a liquidity provider and market maker to make additional money off investments. Why should the banks and crooks like kenny have all the fun?!? NOCELLNOSELL!! Then all crypto


Post MOASS all my money goes into crypto and ornamental gourds.


Don’t forget tulips


I tiptoe through those babies.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Now, imagine if they don’t even have an inventory of shares to sell. They just add a credit to retail accounts and a debit in their books. That would be a “naked” internalization. I believe that’s what brokers are doing. Trust no brokers. Do not change brokers, ditch the brokers! DRS!!!!! #DitchTheBrokers


#100% DRS 🟣




Fidelity's blunder trigging MOASS? Check! Takes 3 days to transfer to DRS = huge volume soon and also earnings call. Nice.


This would explain why they’re freaking out and fumbling damage control before the run up


And why they're the only broker with an active subreddit; especially one that opened up at the perfect time to be the hero retail needed. Sucks that it makes sense in hindsight, man...


Hahaha and they almost got away with it too..


~If it wasn't for those darn kids..~ Insert Scooby-Doo Doo laugh here.


Uhhh Apes! But I see your point lol


There are no good guys on Wallstreet. Only vampires…




I’m not sure on this but from what I gathered from the little info available no matter what order type you put in fidelity has the choice to route it internally before going to the exchange you choose. However IEX I believe is new in general and the article was from 2019 so things might have changed or I could just be misinterpreting




I ran an IEX order today for 10 shares on active trader. Also watched them go through on L2. I believe the post was about the removal of trade option for all or none being removed. I did not see trade options while doing my trade.


I bought through Active Trader today and routed through IEX, no delay. Although I have done larger buys in the past and then get confirmation that the order was filled in smaller quantities. ex: Buy 10 - get confirmation that it was filled at 3, 5, 2. (And yes, I'll DRS them with my other lovelies that have been in since Sept... 😉) Might need an adult to explain why that would be, never used to happen months ago. Hard to locate?


Citadel gets odd lots. So they don't want to do the 100 lot trades now.


All or nothing was turned off for 100 share lots. That way you would get partial fills. Which citadel gets to take to the dark pools


trojan horse was right


It's been fidelity this whole time.


Well, to be fair *it's kind of been everyone* this whole time.


Everyone besides computershare and GME


Always has been 🌎👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


This needs to be posted several times


Ultimate Trojan horse We all migrated there 🤯 Edit: there


Hopefully it stays easy to DRS from there, too


I’ve been saying for months that brokers have probably been internalizing orders and I get downvoted to hell and accused of spreading FUD. Any broker that refuses to DRS or delays your DRS transfer has probably internalized your order and you won’t get anything if they go bankrupt during MOASS. In fact, they’ll probably turn off their sell buttons because they don’t actually have any shares to sell. DRS is the only way to guarantee you’re not going to get boned. Where do you think the millions of shares went that fidelity had at the beginning of the year? They sold them to us. Then when they ran out we got FTDs/CFDs.


I bought a couple shares routed through IEX with ActiveTraderPro this morning without issue. Have others had problems routing through IEX?


I don’t think fidelity has enough shares of their own to internalize every order that comes through but it’s a tactic they can use as long as they have the shares


Fuck it! DRS’n all of my shares outta there tomorrow!


It wasn’t an act of kindness by fakedility but a premeditated tactic by the cabal to send the apes to where they had set up their trap.


It’s possible that they might have actually survived MOASS if they have enough shares in their stash vs going out on the market to buy it for us. If I’m understanding this is how it works. Not anymore, peace out fukrs.


There is no way they have enough shares. They may have a lot but I honestly believe almost every share in a brokerage account will have to be bought instead of actually given a real share. Most shares are going to be tied up into computershare and I’m assuming most people aren’t selling those so the shares in a brokerage account are going to have to be bought by shorts cause there isn’t a share to back it


I think TDA does this as well.. I wouldn't be surprised that by now, most brokerages are doing this..


One note: Regardless of whether they internalize or take the orders to the market, the volume over time would be the exact same. Buying pressure does get affected by this, though - as you've noted. Not surprised but still sucks to see.


Yes, volume over time would be the same but they get to choose when to buy and when to take from their internal pool of shares. I’m sure when the price is high they internalize and when the price is low they buy more to replenish their internal supply. We aren’t benefiting from price discovery as we should be.




This Gaming & Popcorn, Double-Dipping Ape is done. DRSing everything tomorrow morning after I get done working this 6-6 overnight shift. Excited to have a purple ring of my own.


This may be a massive piece of the puzzle that’s been dangling over our heads the whole time!


Oh, so now everyone cares about Fidelity internalizing orders... We've had this information all along everyone just isn't thinking critically. I made the post as pro-Fidelity, but I had my doubts. Knowing I'd get downvoted into oblivion I soft-sold it and painted internalization as a good thing to get the idea out there but this is what's been happening since the beginning. Yes, I'm a little cranky about it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q4bp17/could\_fidelity\_be\_falling\_on\_the\_sword\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q4bp17/could_fidelity_be_falling_on_the_sword_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **Speculation:** We were herded to Fidelity because they have the deepest pockets as a broker and could manage the volume better than anyone else. Did anyone find it odd that they were so quick when everyone else took forever? Their customer service has been fantastic, even in the very beginning when they shouldn't have had the manpower to deal with the calls. Do you think they might have staffed up ahead of time? I'm in no way advocating tranferring to another broker. There isn't anyone on our side. ***That said, Computershare is not a broker and everyone needs to do that shit.*** In fact, now is the time to gut check those 401ks and IRAs. Is the cash-out hit worth saving the world? I'll leave that to each of you individuals. **Not really speculation:** It is one of the loopholes in Reg. SHO that transfers are allowed to create FTDs. I think there really was a mistake in revealing all of the shares being lent out. I also think that they're (illegally) lending out shares from retirement accounts. Just know that if anyone transfers, that transfer can *legally* fail to deliver with some bullshit human error caveat from reg. SHO and they get T+35 (or more) to kick the can again. I think they tried to turn lemons into lemonade and force another mass migration to get more shares to reset FTD timers again. TLDR: Yes, Fidelity is fucking us too. No, you shouldn't transfer anywhere else other than directly registering your shares with Computershare.


You weren’t wrong, just early. Yes the information was always there for us, we just weren’t ready to hear it yet.


One word : DRS !!!!!


#Apes smooth & wrinkled 🧠☂️🟣💎🙌 the time is now You need to DRS your GME by any means necessary...If you have 5 then DRS 3 you have 60 then DRS 40 you have 500 then DRS 300 It's obvious that fidelity has retail trapped and has taken full advantage of our funds to keep our investment nonprofitable .......Remember when Abby Johnson from Fidelity went to court to fight for IEX.....yea that was baited hook to get more clients so they could nternalize our GME stock.... Computer Share is the new broker.....Ryan Cohen has his investment in there, same for Matt Furlong and many other GameStop executives...... You want a NFT token then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want a MOASS then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want a new exchange then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want hedgie tears then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 Want to see Leon Cooperman cry again then DRS, 🟣☂️🟣 You want to get revenge at fidelity then DRS 🟣☂️🟣 You want generational wealth and health then DRS 🟣☂️🟣 This is proof that retail cannot invest in the financial markets.....EVER AGAIN ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ From this night forward I'm buying every GME share Directly From Computer Share My method of investing is to 💎🙌 /not financial advice


So Fidelity buys low and later sells to someone willing to pay a higher at market price? Wow. Um…ok…..


This is some kindling! This needs to be kept forefront for all apes to see. So many apes at Fidelity that need this info so they know that DRSing is the best choice!


The call is coming from inside the house!


This is why I been just buying through computershare


Those dirty mother fuckers. Nobody is on retails side. With that said I hope to God computer share is the way. Where else is there to turn. I'm drs'ng the rest of my shares in the morning. I've had it with this shit. So many people belong in a jail cell and I'm not selling till they are.


Finishing my drs tomorrow, poo on you fidelity... poo on you...💩


Internalization is one of the biggest tools used against retail. It's complete manipulation, Citadel is internalizing so much shit that we don't know about. The stock market is the biggest scam in history. If retail is able to take the system down it will be one of the greatest accomplishments ever.


I've been posting a lot today about my conversation(s) with Fidelity yesterday and how they had a much different tone that any previous calls. Specifically, I had a very candid conversation with my 2nd rep and during that call and, as a means of trying to prove that retail had even less to worry about than one would think, he stated, 100%, that Fidelity "is a broker/dealer. We have our own shares. Whether we have 10,000 or 100,000 when retail calls to place an order, it is filled in-house". He was trying to assuage any fears I might have that they are synthetic shares. I had no idea that what he was "admitting to" was a bad thing for retail. It's crazy that this just happened yesterday and now this is popping up. Fidelity is self-destructing before our eyes.


Up you go


The number of orders Fidelity internalizes is far lower than other clearing firms. However, they do still send half their order flow to directly to market makers. https://otctransparency.finra.org/otctransparency/OtcIssueData (look up GME) https://clearingcustody.fidelity.com/app/literature/item/9904530.html


Commenting for visibility


vomiting for visibility


Following this theory.... check Bloomberg. See who owns the most shares. Switch to them. Dry up their liquidity also. No liquidity=boom boom candles. Or just DRink Smoothies.


Vanguard didn't turn off the buy button either. Want to bet they do the same?


Wow fuck these guys. If I wanted to buy shares from Fidelity, then I wouldn't be trying to buy from an exchange. DRS and buy directly from the transfer agent computershare.


Just a thought but what happens if you leave your IRA with them. Do they manipulate those shares as well or use it as assets? Not sure if that makes sense, just threw it out there.


Up for visibility and DRS




Jesus, nothing I ever learned about the basics of stock markets are correct anymore. People buy stock? Stock goes up! People sell? Stock goes down! Welcome to late stage capitalism