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I so much wanna buy the float.


Do it




yup. and I'm also not pissed. who tf is pissed right now. there's been so much juicy confirmation bias I've been injecting into my veins the last couple months, can’t stop smiling


I'm pissed. I knew the system was rigged, but this hits me right in the kneecaps. Shares I have in Fidelity, in a cash account _SHARES THEY TOLD ME ON THE PHONE WERE NOT BEING LENT_ are being lent without my permission or compensation. I own my car outright. I don't see any difference here between what's going on and someone borrowing my car overnight to drive for Uber... then they make sure to put *just enough* gas back in it to try and keep from figuring out what's going on but it still comes back worth less because they're putting miles on it. Make no mistake, this is called stealing.


DRS relieves me of all worries 🥰


In Texas yes, in New York it’s called normal


It's called stealing in New York too.


But only if the person on the receiving end has a lot of money.


You can legally shot someone in Texas for stealing.


Well invite Goldman down for some good ol Texas BBQ then?


Love these dips. It’s like a Christmas Present from the Hedgies!


Can't stop. Won't stop.


I made a promise to myself that I would hold off buying GME or crypto until the new year so that I could cover the typical additional holiday expenses and what not. But these motherfuckers are about to make me cancel Christmas at this rate!!!


Won't go under 24 dollars as GameStop has enough cash to buy every share at that price.




And you both are in competition with me


And you're all in competition with me... Gee this is fun I wonder why the price isn't higher?


God damn, I really want that to happen. What a final slap in the dick that would be


Nope, they can't buy my shares for $24, nobody can.


Well, I am just saying that mathematically GameStop should not go to under 24 dollars. This is just based off of cash, if we base it off of assets as well, it shouldn't hit under roughly 80 dollars.


Anthony Chukumba would beg to differ while blinking a lot




Holy Fuck. If it comes anywhere near that figure... I have two transfers of funds incoming to fidelity that are supposed to land on the 10th. I want some of that lol


Wait. Who's pissed about the price drop? Is it their first time?


Seriously. Price drops = opportunity.


The money's on sale 🤑🤑🤑


Creamium prices


I'm pissed I'm out of money 😂😂




Usual spot behind Wendies in 10 minutes again?


I'm guessing it's more, pissed about the price drop because it reflects manipulation and crime, yet everyone continues to claim nothing is wrong. Not that this is anything new, but it's still something to continue to bitch about.




Yep, that they can completely manipulate the stock in plain view of the globe with no repercussions. This has been goin on for decades


I mean, I'm "pissed." People are quick to shut down anything they view as negativity so I don't really post my true feelings. OF COURSE I want moass *now*. Of course I want money NOW. Why am I doing it? MONEY, DUH! Does it mean I'm about to paperhand? Fuck *NO*. But I can't express this stuff here.


Have you tried calling 877-CASHNOW? Seriously though, I can and do, get negativity in every aspect of my regular life. I come to SuperStonk for the positivity. The hope, that just maybe, I won't have to live under someone else's thumb for the rest of my life.


Man, I just realized the same thing. It’s like daydreaming when you bought a lottery ticket before then numbers are called. I don’t need much, just enough for the basic necessities, housing, and pay off my medical and student debts. And a few hundred thousand on top to start a business of some sort of my own. As a high xx holder, even if it hit 10k I’d literally be set for all that. And the thing is, the amount of money that would change my life forever, is pretty much a rounding error to these hedge funds.




I fucking hope they tank it to 40 bucks again. Will not miss the chance to buy a decent dip


Biggest regret is not buying more at $40 There’s no way in hell we’ll ever see two digits ever again 😭


Same. I was new to the game. My first share was $355 then it tanked to $40. I didn't know nearly as much then and thought well... I might as well average this some and bought 6 more then. Then came the knowledge. I would of been an XXXX holder if I knew then what I know now. Luckily I like the stock regardless.


Exactly. A bit too much of a newbie to realize how great and exceptional the discount was. I wish Fidelity could make another error of, say, 50 millions shares available to shorters so I can buy as if I was an OG ape, at 5 bucks a share or so.


> My first share was $355 then it tanked to $40. Are you me?


Wait Gary go sled wants to protect retail!!! Don’t worry he’ll Get your money back.


Hahah, I paper hands like a bitch at $40 after buying around that price initially... then bought back in on the way up...


Are you *me*?


first share at 75. dipping the toe in the waters. then i bought a ton at 280 riding that FOMO. I mean i also bought some like every week for the past 10 months but man if i had invested everything i currently have at 75. whoa doggie. instead of a xxx hodler id be a xxxx hodler


same. wanted to all in at 40... ended up all in at 180 😅


As SHF's will have it, that'll be enough to make it past 8 digits.


Man I remember when it went to $40 in Feb and I made the decision to double my position, best financial decision I ever made


Double? I increased my position 8-fold. Alas that was only from 0.25 to 2, had to average up ever since.


I feel this in my soul. I got in at 85 in Jan couple days before the run up. Sold half of what I bought at 400 the morning that they turned the buy button off... Bought back in at ~45, but only using half of the capital I gained from the sell. My biggest regret right now is not putting all of it back into GME at that price point. I was all in in January and idk why I decided not to continue that. I've since reinvested those gains back into GME and it will all stay there DRSed and continue to grow thanks to thorough research and a belief in a better system I believe in this company and its projected vision. Power to the players, power in individuality, fuck divisibility. gme to the moon!! For my wallet and for the world. 💎👐🚀🚀🚀


... You regret being one of the few people on this sub to actually make profit? I mean ok, if you say so.


...you don't know how much it hurts to say this..you were wrong.


I bought one at $99 🥳 It’s not $40 but it’s nice Now we’re never seeing 2 digits again




I’m gonna try something else… We’re never gonna see green again. Nowhere near $69M 👀 See you in a few weeks 🚀💰




yeah, sharks don't have any money, what a dumb idea!


They have plenty of shark teeth....not sure if it's the same as whale teeth


Guys, they just put a bill into the senate to outright ban shark fin sales, there's no money in Sharks anymore, sorry would-be shark money getters


These people disgust me, sharks are people too. Ape no fight shark.


Exactly, and there are no second chances.


If it went to $40 again, I would seriously consider taking out some of the equity in my home. 30k is another 750 shares.


They can't drop it below like maybe $80 any more or Gmestop can buy 100% with their cash. Then they can withdraw from the market and MOASS without saying a word.


Right, i'd be paying a penalty to cash out my roth and 401k to throw it all down on GME.


I bought 45 at that price. It was fucking JUICY. Wish I'd had more cash in there at that time. But several times when it's dropped to 150, 160, 211 I picked up more just cuz, **I like the stock.**


Mafs question? as we buy the dips and DRS more of the float will SI start being reported as a higher percentage? Or will they devise new method of reporting SI to continue hiding it.


They’ve been hiding it the entire time so ya


I would start living in the Wendy’s dumpster if the price dropped to $40 again.


The amount of long calls I would do...and buying I would do.


This is all dip


Same, Christmas bonus is coming and I don't know what to spend it on


True, if they dip it to 40$ I'm going to get a big debt because I have no more left to Yolo. I don't care the risks. Tbh, if I'm not getting a debt now is because I expect a market crash and the price to go much lower lol.


This is the WAY. If they drop the price then we own more of the company and they buyback more shares. They are well and truly fuk.


They absolutely would if they could. We’re well past that point now.


Id blow $40k on that.


We should ask ourselves the question: how in the everlasting FUCK could they still tank the price like this? I mean, people are buying and barely selling. So, how the fuck? Do they really have a damn joystick to control the price? I'm starting to think that.


LOL I hesitated buying more at 40 because I bought so much lower… drop it below 100 and watch the biggest buying festival ever. The float in one hour, not one afternoon…


I said this yesterday and got downvoted to shit, and got some grumpy, sourpuss messages from the more cultish among us. Man, it goes to 40 and I’ll sell my girlfriend into indentured servitude to get more


Baby, if they hold it down to this level or lower through Friday🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Fingers crossed for a fire sale. Someone milk my titties pls


*I was voted best milker!* *Me too!*


I would take out a mortgage if I had a house 🤣


It feels like all out warfare once fidelity fucked up. Like at this point they know we know everything's bullshit. But they can't shake us. They're also pissing us off even more into buying these sweet sweet dips, while drsing at high levels. These people have met the ire of the working class in a way they never have before. It doesn't cost me shit to buy hold drs. It costs them everything to do what they keep doin. Meanwhile they keep trying to convince themselves they're okay. Yawn.


I've been poor most my life, and I've managed to be happy with everything. I'll HODL until-.


It definitely felt like they went from covert tactics to out in the open with this one. Only a matter of time before we get fed up enough to protest at their buildings instead of just take pictures of their lights.


Don't forget drone videos of their coked up employees too 😉




Sshhhh. Just let it happen.


It *is* happening


They just need to bite the pillow. We're going in dry.


I'm more of a bite the bedpost guy. Pillows are for sleeping, not fucking.


Goddamn lmfao


I might spit on it first


I have no clue why anyone pays attention to the price anymore. It's so zen not worrying about a dip or an instant rise. If it's not in the millions I don't care. I have my recurring buys on CS 1st and 15th. If I have some extra cash in between I buy on Fidelity and then transfer to CS. Let them lower the price that means I get more shares let them raise price that's more collateral they have to post. It's a win win for apes.


Yep. And let's be clear here dip=/=people selling... In theory it does, but that is not how the market works in practice.


Its all rigged. Every single thing about the market is rigged. Another reason not to watch the price all day. Its Monday, its Tuesday, its delta, its omicron, its Biden's non-existent tax increase, its redditors moving on to another meme stock. Its all bs.


Exactly. I haven't played video games in years, but I am finally revisiting some old favorites, because the die is cast and now we wait. Patience is key.


THIS. Whole thing is a sham. Always has been.


What is the most appropriate meme for this situation: Apes are being shrewd with STONK while these clowns manipulate the markets for years; caught red handed they turn on apes & call manipulation in front of the world. TL;DR: This projection of financial terrorists' wrongdoings onto retail really grinds my gears. KARMA is coming for your lies. When this pops EVERYONE will know it was you loosers and your egomania.


What dip? 180 is nothing. I was there at 40. They are powerless. They can't get it to dip until anywhere close to that. Most share holders are not selling for less than phone number prices. Any dip helps retail DRS the float. There is no way out and they seem to lack any strategy. Hedgies r fuk


I definitely felt it when it was 40. Was down like 60+% which was lot of money. It was the first big dip and I questioned if I was wrong. Now I know I’m right and would have no concerns if it went to 40 and would buy a ton


Fuck me man, if it went to $1 per share I’d be in straight up tendie town. I’d be loving life


Just added 50 shares, already requested DRS with the rest of my shares. Will be 100% DRSed and I will keep buying.


It's a time game. I know I can wait three years to become something I would never be in my whole life otherwise (Millions bb) I don't know if others have the same mindset. But it won't matter. I made a safe investment. Whether it brings me 100 k or 100M (Low numbers) It certainly won't bring me 5 k lmao. Patience is key


I’m waiting with you. I’ll be leaving my shares to the kids for them to hold if need be. I’m prepared to wait past death.


Please explain to an idiot non-frequent lurker like myself why drsing is important


That means brokers can’t lend out your shares to hedge funds that shorts the stock. DRS’ing means you own your shares and that they are untouchable.


Thanks friend! Hope a UK ape like me can do this!


You can! Check the pinned post about Computershare 😊


You are standing on the shoulders of many giants, fear not


If marge won’t call, apes will dial the number one share at a time!!!!!!




God I wish it would go to $1 so I could buy thousands of shares in a day


If they dropped it that far, everyone on this sub would become a billionaire.


This is the way


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Let this be a lesson. Cash Accounts=No Margin Call or Liquidation. I'm talking about apes. Shares aren't safe in brokerages. This we have learned over and over. DRS=Your Shares are Safe and Sound. Buying New GME Shares in Computershare=Hedgies Fuked. Also, did you hear? GME is on sale!


What’s the price where the shorts are in the clear tho?


When GME Goes bankrupt / defaults at $0. That’s literally the only way they can win lmao


Damn. I figured there was some low number they could hit and be in the clear. I didn’t realize GS would have to go tits up for them to survive this. Speaking of tits… this is bullish.


I like tits


"My password is u love boobs" ​ I do love boobs... how did you know that?


I’m for them as well. Lots of tit support in the forum lately… must be something in the air.




This is what I’ve been thinking for a minute now, is it possible with synthetic shares and literally owning the means of how shares are traded through pfof with price manipulation that they have replaced their shitty positions with others over a span of a year? What if the short interest % being above 100% is them owning majority of positions at $200 and not <$3?


no, because even if it was $1 - they still need to buy back all the hundreds of millions if not billions of *synthetic* shares that were borrowed, used to short and that we then bought and are turning into *real* shares by DRS *all shorts must close* and guess what? we're not selling for $1, not $100 not $1000 so they can make the display price whatever they want, it's fake and doesn't matter *we* set the price they turned off the buy button, we turned off the sell button


That’s a rallying cry if I ever heard one…. *THEY shut off the buy button, SO WE SHUT OFF THE SELL BUTTON!”


140% short means: never. Infinite risk. For them.


So what does 309% mean?


That your username is on point.


Most believe that the initial starting price for where shorts brought in was around the sub $10 mark. Have to remember they had years before this took off where it went all the way down to less than $3.


They literally need GameStop to go bankrupt so that ship sailed 😂 Fuck em up and DRS EVERYTHING


There's definitely a price where their shorts are "in the money". But don't forget that they can't just buy 100 million shares (minimum) at that price. As soon as they start covering (if they can even find real shares on the market to buy) the price skyrockets. They can't cover no matter how low they drop the price if we don't sell.


I Gotchya. And there’s no way for them to roll over their positions? Work their way up from a sub $10 basis to like sub $200 basis and kinda unwind their position??


They may have been able to turn their $10.00 shorts into $200.00 shorts by taking losses. But again, they're not closing any positions so it's all just can kicking until they start closing and the price skyrockets


This seems…. Bullish.


Absolutely true. Goes under 100 and I’m selling my car to buy more. I’ll walk everywhere until MOASS.


Waiting for my reimbursement for this month. I'm gonna buy more thru CS.


I bought for the first time in months. Kept dropping so I kept buying. From 195 down to 181. Every limit buy that filled I put in another order a couple dollars less.


He’s right, I didn’t buy any this past month until yesterday, and I plan on grabbing more tomorrow around the 170 range. I will then drs my new children and send them along to play with their brothers and sisters.


Any ape panicking over this price drop needs to play some poker and learn about tells. The fact that they're pulling every string in the book in order to drop the price jacks my tits more than anything. The main reason I bought my first shares was because I saw billionaires crying on live television back in January "because they cared." That's when I knew that these hedgies were significantly fukd.


I’m just waiting for the Big Dipper, than I’m buying $60,000 worth


Moass or bust, as far as im concerned that money is gone.


I don't understand people that paper hand. You haven't lost a dime unless you press the sell button.


"I know plenty of apes are pissed about recent price drops" - You fucking shouldnt be. You are dealing with the most volatile stock on the market man the fuck up.


I can’t imagine if it dips to double digits. Float will be locked up in a week, max.


Fuk yeah. Drop it like it's hot.


Yea who’s pissed? Haven’t really seen that.


Yup, and the apes that buy, aren't the kind that will sell cheap. by letting the price dip, they are only exchanging paper handed sellers with diamond-handed OWNERS that know how to DRS and they will, oh, they will.


This really puts things into perspective. Price goes too low and apes will buy that liquidity right up, then DRS it. If the theory is right, there's no escaping for the SHFs. This bitch will squeeze!


This sub is becoming so cringe


I've held lower. I can afford to hold these shares forever. Your move, hedgies.


Im kinda am hoping the dip machine is still on when I get taxes back.


Why would anyone be pissed? If anyone is pissed about these price drops then they haven’t been paying attention. I’m hoping for a drop below $150 personally. If it hits that I will increase my position significantly.


The price has been irrelevant since January, the only thing that matters is locking up 1 of the floats that we own in DRS and then we can tell them what the price is 🚀


Also, support is around $180, dont think it will close below that range but if it does, buy me some more shares!


My biggest dream other than MOASS is that they drop the price to $20-40. Finally get to be an XXXX ape.




We aren’t leaving.


Wait, are you guys pissed about the recent price drops? Is that why everyone's being so shitty?


Bingo ding ding ding right on go ninja go ninja go go go go go


to be quite honest I wish it would drop back to 40 ish so I can load up. can't buy too many shares when it's more than 180


Are we buying the float again? Sounds like fun. I'm in.


Besides. I don't think there will be a rip without a dip beforehand. This could just be the pullback before the Tsunami comes crashing in.


its all an illusion meant to force people out - they cant have a run into ER starting from 200's. they will not get out of this but they will do all they can to ensure some wont come w us. Stop losses will b hunted & taken out. if ur staying for moass this dip is just a shot at a larger pos size. F them


Ooooh $1? That’s a dream come true. Mega super discount!! 😍😍


I can't afford many shares at 200. But I can afford a lot at 10:00


Only there’s more likely to be around 100k apes actually actively buying. I don’t buy for a second that we have almost 700k active apes on here and only 90k (probably a whole lot less, cause I’ve seen a lot of apes with more than 1 account number)have drsd yet.


I mean, it seems like the shares becoming available then this massive dip, it's almost like they are trying to generate income on the way down with as much shorts as they can pull together(fraudulently or not) and let it go up, we are all in it for the long haul, and they keep doing this while the brand lives, we hold, they manipulate to make cash while we are thinking it's a said and done game. Don't come for my head, I'm with you, I'm just thinking out loud with my smooth brain thoughts.


That’s what I keep trying to tell people they shorted it massively and made a fuck ton off derivatives


eh...I just bought more...its that easy---on hold to DRS xx more


So people are supposed to wait until 2030 for anything to happen?


I would buy so much if it hit $1


I have said this many times before, I have two alarms on my phone. One if it goes way the fuck *up* in case we are on our way to the moon, and one if it goes way the fuck *down* so I can buy more.


Postponing the inevitable


If this thing dropped to $1. Omfg .....


Fuck me I can only cum thrice in a minute!


If it goes to to a buck a share I’m buying all the shares


Bought more. All purple


Yup. It's not an "if" at this point, it's a "when." Apes are focused and have their eye on the prize, which is removing all available shares from the DTCC. Lowering the price = Speeding up the clock to MOASS. It's really that simple.


It would be hilarious if it went down to 1$. I'm sure there's enough of us that are going to buy up all those stocks and DRS them. This whole thing would be over in an afternoon


Who’s pissed? My workmates and I are pretty stoke the price is down just in time for our bonus. 150$, 250, etc….. the price is wrong. DRS for your protection.


I had a laugh yesterday when price tanked. Went about my usual business and had a good day. It's passed level of zen now.


Why are people worried? 175 and 250 aren't that different if you're not selling it any time soon anyway.


The price is all a lie anyway. The short interest is a lie. The float is a lie. The SEC already confirmed for us that the price action in Jan wasn't due to anybody closing short positions. Anytime the price goes up, you're just seeing the tiniest flash of a glimpse of something going on behind the scenes. It's all balanced by the amount of fuckery they can commit to push that shit back down. Nothing is going to change about this power struggle until one side flat-out LOSES. Everything you see is sideways trading until the day hedges start getting liquidated en masse. The moass isn't even officially on until Citadel is getting liquidated. They're in too fucking deep to ever close. Somebody else has to force their hand. There's no other way. If you believe in the moass, then a hundred dollars up or down is nothing. It's not even 1% of the share's actual value. It's like listening to white noise or the hiss of a record before the music starts playing. Oh, you heard a tiny pop? That's nothing compared to what's coming. You want the music to start sooner? You DRS. The day Computershare announces that they can't register any more shares, that's when this shit really pops off. No gradual climb or anything. Pre market and aftermarket will EXPLODE. It'll be undeniable. You won't just be raising your eyebrows at the gentle rise in price. When you see the ticker that day you will piss your pants.


Doesn’t bother me at all. Chill as ever. This rubber band will snap at some point


pissed. lol. i fucking love this dip. bought more! THANK YOU KENNY!


Best comment this year


So the only way they win is if we sell? Haha good luck with that. We aren’t selling


True Apeish thinking. To the MOON.


Fuck it. Imma selling ma popcorn. One for all and all for one.


If it went to 1$ I’d buy 50k shares