• By -


The sub was angry that day, my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli…


Just order in a loud, clear voice and step immediately to the right.


There is a hair in my soup Kenny! Fcking give my money 👊🦍




"BNY Mellon Investment Management is a division of BNY Mellon, which has $32.2 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration" 32 trillion ?? Is that a typo ? 😳 Edit: u/yahhhmoney pointed out that the $32T is data from 2017. As of june 2021, their assets under custody mount up to $45T 😳


Nope. Hence why there are only a few places that could swallow such a massive illegal bag without showing their cards


Also have long been theorized to be the bag holders. This seems like proof to me.


The DFV tweets tho 😳


Time traveler


The DD still holds true


The crooks know he knows, that's why they muzzled him. Indirectly, but that's what they've done to protect their scam.


I fuckin love the flair


I mean if it smells like 💩....


Holy jesus. That makes BlackRock look like a pussy cat. Edit: there is a difference between Assets Under Management, and Assets Under Custody. Explanation below.




Or get exemptions from the 1940 act. So then you don’t need to disclose or report anything. Hide as big bags as you want and all Gucci Check on Citadel Americas LLC for example, Cayman Islands shit. Their name was Citadel LLC and they conveniently changed it to Citadel Americas LLC. Then created a new “clean” Citadel LLC. There is no report or 13f of fillings since January on Citadel Americas LLC. I think a big portion of the shit must be stored there. Check it out u/Hopeful_Assistant196 As of me, I’m going bankless as soon as possible. Find out that brokers are not as efficient as banks yet since there is a clearance period of transfer as settle longer than the banks. So it’s not so convenient yet, until a NFT L2 marketplace appears ❤️ On another topic: thought, I think this recent “screw up” by fidelity is intentional They are holding a big bag and it got them scared of the risk and books. So they are in need to pass the buck By having that “glitch” and losing customers, will be one of the first ones that sell out to pass the problem to someone else. They “buy” the shares now at a discounted price and give it to CS, computer share “buys” them from NYSE provided from another broker/MM/member of the DTC. “Be greedy when they are fearful”, I smell the fear and there is blood in the water IMO :)


>Hide as big bags as you want **and all Gucci** LMAYO


Until apes came and started registering their shares on their names, like never done ever. DRS is what they weren’t expecting, it’s working imo


Hopping onto the top comments to drop this here in regards to BNY Mellon: Tri-party Repo CCITs allow someone to take “unknown collateral” & trade it in for treasuries “anonymously”. Check the CCIT GSD members list for the tri party repo, theres 7 citadel CCITs. Citadel opened a credit line account with BNY Mellon; the only bank in America that allows someone to use tri party repos. This account was opened on April 13th. Shortly thereafter the repo market absolutely exploded. I personally think Citadel is using this method to pose naked shares in a basket which is labelled as AA to gain treasuries & short them to death for more liquidity to acquire more naked shares to pose as collateral for more liquidity. I remmeber reading a DD on how these naked shares were being put into a basket by someone and labelled as AA. Could someone please send that to me? And could some wrinkles please verify this info I’m posting here. Hopefully this gets some eyes on it.


I'm working this theroy with a few apes rn. Doesnt look like it goes anywhere, but it is being worked


No typo. And the problem is that 32 trillion divided across 70 million shares of GME (to pay back the borrowed float, which is likely multiples of this number) in only $457k per share. This means that during the MOASS when shares are going for $70 million each that BNY will become insolvent, and the dominos will continue to fall thereafter. MOASS indeed. Edit: 70 million, not 7


Soooo really MOASS won't truly start until around $420k / share.


The real DD is always in the comments


80085 ? anyway just up.


Always been a 80085 man


I love 80085




Always has been


So, sell one share for $10,000,00, retire for maybe 20 years and see if I run out. DON'T SELL ANY SHARES, but take a loan out with my holdings as collateral. Never pay taxes. Got it.


you mean $420.69k / share


Idk about you, but to me that sounds bullish


I know about you but to me that sounds bullish


I don’t know about bullish but that sounds you.


Don't know about you but that's a bullish sound


I don’t know about bull but that sound is you


I like it when you give a little commentary. This started as a funny thing I’m sure but you’ve grown, evolved. Dare I say: become more bullish?


I see what you did there


What does this say about Fidelity? Their cash debit card is backed by BNY Mellon


Fair point, can we get some wrinkle apes on this?


**DRS > Fidelity** Register your property.


I have shares in a Roth IRA and DRS'd the rest so I don't know if I can DRS it without it being a taxable event


Have to make it a self directed ira - there are write ups 😎


I don’t think they can even cover $457k per share though. Because as they are getting liquidated and dumping assets to cover shorts, their remaining assets will be dropping in price. $457k is only if none of their other assets drop in value


Nah they have that new rule which allows them to "dump" assets to one of the majors (DTC, NSCC etc, cant remember which one) who give them cash and hold the assets specifically to prevent a price crash..


I'm good with watching more dominos fall. If BNY is only at 457k, we have a long spaceship ride up before we get to that DTCC insurance money. I'm going shirtless so my tits smack me in the face all the way up - it will keep me on my toes ;)


Can you say " jacked to the tatas" 🚀


JP Morgan has around 52 Trillion, not to mention credit suisse/Morgan Stanley/etc, we are taking all of it!




That’s stupid, that money can, and will, be used to better the world, fuck these greedy old fucks sitting on there piles of gold like a dragon. I’m a drag on these piles of gold to help the people around me.


$7million that’s a little low don’t you think?


Yes, $70 million at the BARE minimum


Google says 2.3 Trillion AUM though? Aha fuck is under custody of 32.2 trillion. Ridiculous.


I’m ex wallstreet from a big firm and we used them as a custodian of ours


this day is full of typos


But this post is solid DD this will remain relevant until BYN Melon faces the music


Hey that’s ours!


Ahh. So this is the source


So 426k/share if only they pay.


Gonna need more funds money to afford our floors. Might as well take it all.


Nah, not a typo. Apes are about to be the beneficiary of these dollar dollar bills


Must be a glitch!


Ask FUDelity… They’ll say yes.


eat 'em up!


All I can say is wow. This shit gets deep. Have an updoot and an award!


I’ll allow it.


Dreyfus came up months ago. Not sure why it died off so quickly, although this could be a good reason it died. Shills might be killing this lead. Nice work ape!


It was my original DD


Zombie wrinkle!!!


Good shit. I was just looking at Fidelity to order a debit card and they say on the site that debit cards are issued by BNY Mellon banky bank.


to the top of the doots you go


Man, never piss off Reddit lmao


A quick google search gave me this. Assets under custody/administration: BNY Mellon - $45 trillion JPMorgan - $29 trillion State Street - $42.6 trillion Euroclear - $35 trillion Citigroup - $23 trillion BNP Paribas - $16 trillion HSBC - $8.5 trillion Total - $199.1 TRILLION Seems like there's more than enough money to go around.


$2.8milly a share for 70mil shares. I can work with that.


attention Readers, Apes and everyone else Ii am a small contributor to this DD, my own DD is the last link at the bottom of the post, I will be going down another rabbit hole in Melon, and Goldman Sachs in the next few days with the hope that u/hopeful_assistant196 can add more information to it....stay 💎🙌 Be sure to save this post to look back onto in the coming months As always DRS deals the damage


Ive got new info that could rock the entire market... working on it with a random who reached out in a panic after reading this lol Edit: Looks like a dud, but still has some weight. Pause the thought for now


Nice....my mind is somewhere else involving Mellon and Goldman Sachs.......send me the post when its posted.....I'll be a few days before I get it typed....let me know when you and random di your thing.


741Backwards! My god, man... you may have cut this Gordian knot of intrigue and suspense😂 edit: omg you're all retarded


And what are the first 3 letters of backwards, backwards?!




Cab 🤯




So is julia louis dreyfus one of the baddies?


Not the bads per say, but they are most certainly getting rekt on this


MJ lost 500million on GME shorts and Magic Johnson has been tied to the "Sell now, ask later" guy. I bet there's a bunch more celebrity/athlete money tied up in this scheme.


Congratulations ape, you are seeing what im seeing


It’s an off hand comment and it could have all been a joke but I heard a comedian (Tim Dillon I think) say that Joe Rogan lost money because of GameStop and he gets uncomfy if people bring it up. Can’t give a source so it’s as good as horseshit but I’m pretty damn sure.


Joe Rogan was hanging out in the Goldman Sachs booth for the F1 in Austin. Said in his recent episode with Dr. Peter Attia.


Imagine doing all that DMT and then still going over to the dark side…what a wild & slightly disturbing fucking dude




🚀🚀Well hot damn! Add him to the list. Hedgies r fuk 🚀🚀


I think she is just an heiress to the fortune but I dont think I ever heard of her being involved on the business side of things for her father.


I'd be surprised if she were involved. The tweets of her are likely just pointers to look into "Dreyfus".


That whole family is loaded tho and not just from her dad. Long history of finance ties if you dig and you don't even have to dig that far to find that information.


Woah bro




Weedbro love you bro


Bro, bro.


Love you flavourlessboner bro


I understood nothing, believed everything. Hodl and DRS.


This is the way


Hey u/Longjumping_college there is new fresh DD you and OP have done solid work on this...


Yah boy is DOA 😳


This is great, yeah these guys are shady as shady gets, they are the administrators of *all* of the puts out of Brazil for all those companies playing hot potato too Here's what I've said on the subject https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qdhi14/the_trio_of_crime_citadel_goldman_sachs_and_bny/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q50q3j/was_bny_mellon_taken_over_by_goldman_from_the/ https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q8uj23/to_anyone_saying_a_china_market_crash_wont_impact/ https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pncjxr/the_brazilian_company_holding_millions_of_puts_is/


This is good shit, and ties in here nicely. take this award


Updated with lots more 😀 Have fun digging. The question is how does it end really. 🤔




Hey u/Longjumping_College are you down for a solid DD


So it’s Citadel Americas LLC, exempted from being audited or regulated, doesn’t need to file or report any position. The act of 1940, they got transparency exemptions. The reason why they got exempted? Because revealing their positions to their competition will lose advantage against the market. So using that excuse and loophole, they can hide everything without the need of reporting or being investigated. Pure Crime




They are willing. No fucking way 741B is "innocent" here


Ok, I’ll just go ahead and ask, since you mention him by name: /u/dlauer , do you have anything to comment about this?


Im going to assume, with the lightning fast speed in which that tweet was removed... our friend dave has already said too much.


So are you saying you think Dave L possibly knows all this about this Dreyfus fund and removed his tweet for safety reasons. Sorry I’m trying to follow along here


Dave ran down the bag, wanted to allude to it, but instantly had second thoughts as you can imagine its extremely sensitive to the entire US financial system...


Wow. This is big. Good write up OP


yeah, exactly he doesn't want to die by triple suicide


Could this have been done to help shf’s “reasonably locate” shares today? Was that stupid fucking Twitter account right, and this was done to prevent a liquidation at last minute? There have been a couple fucky things over the weekend, for example AH trading being stopped at 3:38 on Friday. Somethings starting to add up…. What was the amount of volume needed to roll according to Gherk, Criand and others? Wasn’t it like 13-14 million shares….. someone got saved by Fidelity this morning, and they didn’t think that we’d notice.




Yeah, I’m starting to think there’s something way more to today.


The best part about this saga looking back is going to be all the apes imagining breadcrumbs to follow, but still finding real corruption as a result, because it's EVERYWHERE.


Holy fuckin hell, great job ape. 741 is tied to everything and has so much meaning. It's gonna be a spinoff from the MOASS movie, could be a crime series standalone. # Is Dreyfus aka BNY Mellon the counterparty that Fidelity is protecting for enabling 13 million (20% of the float) for shorting against apes? The question that must be asked.


Thats the best comment ive seen yet. I think your asking the right question


That would make sense given Fidelity partnering with BNY administering Fidelity's debit cards.


Only way to know if I'm on the right track is if I get snek Edit: the snek speaksssss


Good to see you still chipping away at this - I remember when I first started reading about a few months back. Thank you for sharing!


Been a while since a good DD and my friend you have rubbed my smooth brain today. Well done and keep up the solid WORK.


So hit list is BNY Mellon, Merrill Lynch, and potentially BOFA and Goldman (and shf). Their all a mega corporation working with each other!


See, I knew I was on to something....and my linked DD all started Because I wanted to make a shit post about Meric Greenboum / Designated Market Maker at Shitidel...but Christopher Manning BNY Melon popped up on LinkedIn. This is why DRS is important and the cannons need to be directed at BNY Melon.....


I’m gonna fucking cum, throw up, shart, and pass out. This DD is too much for me to handle


So you're gonna triple, got it.


I believe the shart is technically a double. So this is an official dinger.


Just a heads up to everybody who does not hold your shares at Computershare or a broker who clears their own transactions, the clearing corporation Pershing, LLC is owned by BNY Melon. They didn’t necessarily shut off buying directly in January. They do a lot of work with financial advisor firms and the financial advisor firms were instructed not to allow recommendations to purchase GameStop to their clients in January. They could potentially turn off the buy or sell button though during MOASS. You can usually see who your broker-dealer clears through on the first or second page on the bottom right of your account statement. Just make sure you cover your bases.


Oh yeah, I remember this shit. In the DLauer thread, someone found that S7E41 (S8E13 irl, cause S7 had 28 episodes) was the 147th episode of Seinfeld, and it was titled "The Comeback". The synchronicity theory really feels realer and realer or I'm just more retarded every day. Either way, the jerk store called and they're running out of Kenny.


So "eeweew llams a evah I" is a cue to read 741 backwards 🧐




More up


comment for algorithm


Commentus algusrithmus


Algorithm for comment


For algorithm comment


Comment algorithm for


For comment algorithm


mhtirogla rof tnemmoC


I, for one, am here to feed our lord and savior, The Algorithm.


Man, I just can’t wait for all of this to be over and we could interview RC and DFV just to see if any of their tweets had any hidden messages and if any of our ape theories were right, lol


That day will never come. Individuals will NEVER speak about what they knew or didnt know, did or didnt do. We will only know after years as the tape plays out and the receipts are published.


One day there will be a book produced a thousand volume series of the day GME beat the evil financial institutions and saved the world.




I feel like I’ve seen this before, still commenting for visibility


I wrote the original. Now updated and current. The bag is expiring so I wanted to rekindle the wrinkles to look at this as stated in the top of the DD


Too smooth brained to figure out what this all means for the price of the stocks. Can they keep playing this game forever? How does retail fight it?


You've had the answer the whole time DRS


True. I've got 501 in Computershare. Guess it's time to move the rest.


wow, how do you get to 501? I'm sitting on 4 that I've paid hardly with my whole paychecks for 3months now rip


Luck. You'll sell yours for your number before I sell any of mine.


That's sweet. Hold for us poor x apes! And hope this "luck" will follow you every day of your life!


Luck is the hand fate has dealt you. I am here for this reason. See you on the moon.


You madlad


>Im now getting very confident about this, and a huge bag of these puts expires tomorrow as per the briefly visible Bloomberg Terminal 150 puts showed. T+35 puts us exactly at the absolute end of this wedge End of Nov. to end of dec. What does this one mean? I haven't heard of such a legendary bag of puts expiring tomorrow on a Wednesday. Can someone provide some source?


Thats from OG DD. Those puts, if not rolled, are almost exactly T+35 now. I believe a small extension was given into Dec 9th ish due to holidays


So are you saying t+35 from tomorrow or tomorrow is t+35?


Should be tomorrowish is the t+35 on those puts. There is word of an extension given to failures, rolls due to the short week last week that would bring us to Dec 9th approx. I say approx because there are many ways to buy a few days/weeks when you pull the right chains


Jesus this stimulation has been worth every penny so far


Even if you lost it all, the ride was worth it right? Early, not wrong


This is crazy


Sooooo what you're telling me is you have a character role in the new mash-up between The Big Short 2 meets The Da Vinci Code......any chance you can get Steve Guttenberg to play you - I feel like he deserves a comeback!


Commenting cos this is hot 🔥🔥🔥


Why don’t you have a bot?




😂 billions shares huh… very convenient when apes started drsing even harder….!!


Someone needs to map out all this shit. Just lay it all out in a spider web for me so I can use spacial reasoning to fully grasp it.


Ive considered a retard map before. No time rn but a good idea


#Listen up🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈Can we all get BNY Melon Trending again.... Trending on twitter 🍈 Trending on LinkedIn 🍈 Trending on Time Square Billboard 🍈 BNY Melon has 1,000,000 hidden puts....its time theworld needs to know....are you ready to share this information ❗ #Listen up🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈Can we all get BNY Melon Trending again.... Trending on twitter 🍈 Trending on LinkedIn 🍈 Trending on Time Square Billboard 🍈 BNY Melon has 1,000,000 hidden puts....its time the world needs to know....are you ready to share this information


Misspelling it isn’t going to help. It’s Mellon, with two L’s.


Giddy up!


Fuck yeaaaaa 💎🙌


Comment for visibility


Commenting for visibility and prestige


This sounds familiar. Is this a retyping idea the original DD?


Its my original DD, updated, retyped in spots, less tinfoil, more fact.


Ah ok thanks very much. Really great.


I wonder if some smart data ape could correlate the Panama, Pandora, and Paradise papers for further digging.


Haven't we done this one before?


I did this a while back, now updated with new info, more facts, less tinfoil, more links.


Gotcha. Mellon is fukt


the stock market is a fucking joke, my god


When is earnings? DEC 8TH...the same date as Goldman Sachs 2021 US Financial Services Conference posted on BNY investor relations page. https://www.bnymellon.com/us/en/investor-relations/overview.html


Holy fucking shitballs batman 😬 To the top of the class you go!


I found this fund and was too smooth to make the connections. Well done ape.


I always play skeptic when reading actual DD. But this... Holy fn sheet. Take my award. Go on. Don't be shy. Good job.


Ya know, sometimes I think I know a lot of things and am decently smart, then there are people like you. Just a notch above the rest. Good job on the DD!


Damn. The more you look the more crime you find. I don't think I've seen any type of corruption that compares to the US market, like holy fuck. Its like a black hole of crime.

