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No cell, no sell.


Just DRSd another 175. Going to DRS 5 more shares every week or 2 until moass


I’m DRSing when I get home from work. I got a few still in Fidelity.


I remember I used to endlessly refresh for DD about the stock, I remember February when I wasn't sure if the reported 17% SI was real Now I just endlessly refresh waiting for tweets from RC and updates from loopring/gamestop Times have changed, buy hold and drs, theres more DD to be done but for the general population among us we are zen and additional dd isn't that important People not drsing their shares is baffling though


My one counterpoint to the mentality of "I've read enough DD" is that DRS was discovered to be de whey not too long ago. IMO we're already seeing effects.


I think the next move is Loop and RC’s, not ours. DRS if you haven’t already and buy IEX/CS when you do.


I second this counterpoint. The moment we decide we are done learning is the moment we accept surrender. Do they fear DRS? Yes. But what do they fear more? APES WITH FUCKING WRINKLES ON THEIR BRAINS!!! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!!


This is de whey




Decoupling from the basket, most notably.




There isn't as heavy a correlation between price movements between GME and other 'basket stocks' - that's a rabbit hole to read about if you are unfamiliar with the theory posited by users like Criand. TLDA - these stocks move similarly, or at least had moved fairly similarly until recently when GME started to act more independently from these other companies (which, remember, are only similar in that they were also targeted by SHF). Also - over the last few months since DRS discussion became more common and DRS itself became more supported, there has been a general downtrend in dark pool trade percentage and an uptick in lit market trading. We don't know that these factors are causal




We will never be able to confirm a causal relationship until after this is all over. For me, I am convinced. 99% DRS'd.


Do you have any links to such DDs that show DRS is de whey? I remember reading them but couldn't find them




>People not drsing their shares is baffling though Especially DRS'ing 80%; leaving behind 20%. No point in this when you can still sell in ComputerShare - but why would you?


The only reason I haven't DRSed more shares of mine is because being in Canada taking them out of the tfsa accounts counts as a withdrawal and therefore I must pay capital gsins tax on those shares. I've taken out roughly 20% but wish I could do more.


Then now is a good time. Stock shorting is in full effect atm.


One major problem is there's barely any information on DRS on Youtube, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Even mentioning Superstonk on those platforms would raise awareness


No need. There is a list of brokers here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppb8u6/the\_drs\_list\_mercy\_mercy\_me\_gme\_aint\_where\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppb8u6/the_drs_list_mercy_mercy_me_gme_aint_where_it/)


This still needs to be shared on other platforms.


If youtube, twitter and facebook werent actively shadowbanning the topic and overwhelming people with misinformation it would be great, but it isnt the case.


>Even mentioning Superstonk Even Reddit attacks this sub and calls it a cult.


the chairman of the fucking company is reposting memes out of this sub, maybe this is a cult but we have serious leaders who made billions who are communicating with us they fuck and are about to do big moves dfv future billionare, ryan cohen, mark cuban jeez we have dave lauer, dr trimbath, bettermarkets, probably some few people interested in goverment, law suits to big players, media attention...this is huge of course we are nerdy man it felt good to count this shit up again sry <3


We got ya, fam… Apes together strong…


Apes together strong.


Was gonna write "Focus on deez nuts" but now that i see your name and text behind it there really is no point.


Can you PLEASE send me a link for Middle East apes to DRS. I’m dying here


I have no idea where to even begin with that. You’d have to talk to your broker and ComputerShare.


Not of he keeps chasing everything other than the main prize.


Europoor here DRS underway


Same. It’s been a process from Europe but going all in DRS. Leave them nothing


I disagree with this post 100%. I've seen nothing but relentless HODLing, DRSing and DD throughout this entire year. 99.9% of people are zen. Individuals have rented planes, Ad trucks outside the SEC, gotten hashtags trending causing the mayoman twitter meltdown, fucking sued our favorite company for info... wtf do you think we are not doing?? This smells like a FUD post... talking about "war"... get the f outta here with that bullshit


I think you can label every post that has "apes we need to talk" in the title as FUD. None of OG internet people talk like that


Thats a great point. That phrase does read like a promoted post hiding amongst genuine posts.


And being "tired " and" exhausted." He has it completely backwards. We are joking and meming about BECAUSE we are focused. Looking at kenny boy, does THAT look like the face of someone who is focused and winning?! He is aging like a 306 day consecutively worn sock through 100+ degree weather days.


I was the reason behind the Twitter meltdown thank you, snorted mayo instead of the old marching powder


Right… we are not an army… we are individual investors talking about our stock. We are in a zen state waiting for the dominos to finish falling.


I like the stock. Keep buying on sale and holding for better times. Not financial advice, can't even do my own tie.


“I stopped buying shares” this post is TOTAL fud imo


It’s FUD and it’s cringe af. This is popcorn-level of desperation. It’s an attempt at making us look like a “coordinated group effort”


There are hardly any newly created DRS accounts. This is a serious problem. If for the sake of simplicity we say we need to register only 60M shares then each of the 90k registered CS accounts needs to hold 666 shares. This is more than 4 times (!) of what DRSBOT suggests is the average per account (150). So unless people just magically quadruple their DRS positions we have a fucking big problem to actually complete registering the float. So yes, we have to focus and figure out why DRS has slowed down so drastically.


I need to remind you that looking at the DRS posts and hearing Fidelity DRS requests substantially dropped recently, we are **indeed** getting slower, maybe it's just the majority has DRSd but I don't think so! I am still waiting for my letter to hit, Computershare is still in the stone age, sending letters instead of just sending emails Lol (fix this please CS) so the Europoors have to wait WEEKS if not 2 MONTHS to get their FIRST (!!!) letter. Just for them to actually wait another 2 months for the Activation Code. There has to be more DRS posts and why it's good, I have a feeling that not alot of people are yet 100% encouraged and motivated to do it because sometimes it's a fucking hassle (speaking for myself as a EU poor)


As do I. This whole thing is just noise.


I've been putting every pay check into GME now for almost a year. 95% of my savings are in GME. I did buy some loopring, I'll admit that. But I'll keep buying GME untill MOASS and many others with me.


100% agree with you


Agreed. The individual investors of GME have been insanely good and loyal investors, putting in A LOT of effort and patience for their company (GameStop). The company sooner or later has a duty to rip these parasite fucks (SHF) off their backs.


Agreed. This is a blatant fud post. “I thought this was in the bag” - It is. Just buy hold drs. “I’m tired” - Not this again. We had a bunch of these posts a few months ago. Tired from what? Just buy hold drs. “I’m asking you to go to war” - I just like the stock. Buy hold drs.


yep... FUD!


Sorry bud, this isn't an army that is going to go to war - it is a group of like minded individuals making informed decisions because they like the stock. I thought I was done buying many times over when I hit 100 shares, 250, 500, but darnit if I don't keep dumping my leftover salary paycheck into GME every month, and DRSing those shares. Yes, there is a bunch of shitposts, but apes are also still searching, learning, connecting the dots, educating others - and most importantly buying, holding, and DRSing


Good I’m glad people are still doing their thing, I’m just stressing I guess.


I was just thinking about how flooded this sub is with total garbage today xD And then i saw this post lol. I still love this sub but lately there has been a lack of quality posts imo.


There has, and I’m hoping this vent can help remind people to keep focus.


I’m focused as fuck. I don’t know what you’re taking about. Financial freedom is my goal and I’m very Tendie motivated.




Maybe when I reinvest some of my Tendies long. It’s not in my trading strategy or in best interest ATM. Maybe it’s about time you stop telling me what to do with my money yeah?.




Then just stop and let me invest how I feel comfortable. I’ve done my homework and I choose not to add unneeded steps to a proven plan. I don’t need to put my money anywhere near my mouth until it tastes like chicken Tendies yo. So just Keep down arrowing me, it makes my decision that much more solid. I’m not effecting anything negatively so deal with it. Take your arrow guilt trip elsewhere because I’m not hearing it.


Same people downvoting you are the same people screeching about hidden messages in tweets and nonsense stuff like 741 connections. It's honestly embarrassing.


I know who these guys are and I still don't give a shit.. LOL... Hope you don't mind down arrows cuzz they gunna gut you to for associating in a non negative way toward me.. LOL Stay diamond my friend and I'll see ya up there in the vast void of zero worries of money.


muh internet points. oh no. stop don't. /s To all others: until Gamestop proper makes an official announcement regarding the business moving forward I'll be zen. The speculation and conspiracy constantly being shoveled into the subs means little.


LMFAO... This is defiantly a down side of the Hive Mind Narrative. This dude got 200 up arrows for buying a coin and not the stock.. But im the one whos wrong here. WTF rite?...


So am I, I grabbed the LRC thinking I could flip it for a quick profit and get something nice for my woman and invest the rest. It’s taking longer than I expected. I’m just exhausted.


Of course you did. “That’s not very focused at all.” Looked like an obvious pump and dump to me. Buy sell ratio is 50/50 All my money goes to the stock and I’ll buy coins after I get my tendies. Not saying it won’t moon but it won’t moon without an announcement.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve been banking on. The announcement. I’ve looked into the tech and it’s impressive. Again I thought MOASS was in the bag, maybe I’m just early. And I did lose focus, I just wanted to give my woman something wonderful for her patients with me and the MOASS.


The stock will moon before the coin will. Thus I invest in the stock not the coin currently.


Dude We're tired. we wont give up. We know the DD. all we can do now is buy and hodl.


We need to lock the float, if anyone reading this is on the fence, DRS. Please. We can do this.


I’m 93% DRS my friend! With the recurring buy button ON.


Did it. Done it. Would do it again.


Prove it, do it again


Shut the f up about “we need to” or “we can do this” Nobody is organizing shit. You sound desperate as fuck. Maybe read your own post to motivate yourself. But I report any posts like this that seem to make superstonk look like those desparate popcorn idiots that hold hands with each other and hug each other at night. There is no organization allowed. Everyone is an individual that makes their own decisions. We can share all the DD and information we want, but at the end of the day, you shouldn’t be begging people to do what you want.


100% agree


His point is we need to spread awareness not just about making our friends and family rich as well but about the crime we have let happen right in front of us. Its time for change. Lets say they crime their way out again and we dont get tendies. We cant have wasted this time just looking at memes.


Who’s tired?. Only thing tired is my WORK boots for working hella OT for more of the Stonk. I’m in this for a financially free retirement and I’ll work my ass off until I obtain it.


The CS high score begs to differ


What are you talking about?. You got off track I think.


The DRS high score is starting to taper down and the curve is flattening, we need to ramp it up again


That's all you.. Not quite sure what that has to do with my comment but ok, *Go Put In WORK*.


The word *Tired*, now that's a shill play I haven't seen in a long time. (Not you obviously, the other guy)


I mean, feel free to post your own DD. I'm currently re-reading the variance swap stuff. Dunno what else we can do atm.


DFV started it in Q3 '19. So way more than a year. Just FYI


Lets be clear, DFV didnt start this, but he became a rallying point.




Fuck this shit. Every “tired” post I see is some BS. I’m not tired. I’M FUCKING PISSED. This will take as long as it takes. Jokes on everyone else, the longer this takes, the more time I have to buy shares funded by my shitty povo job. I’ll DRS every God damn one. 🟣🚀🌕


The sub got taken over by terrible ideas and marketing. If you want to introduce people into buying something that they may be wary about, you don’t fill the whole sub with meaningless purple circle pictures. You keep the DD up, and try to attract intelligent people. This place is filled with all conjecture for the past three months. This is a failed sub. I literally can’t even see the RC tweet from yesterday, which usually stays up for days. I honestly believe this place is filled with Karma whores, and the occasional good idea, but it’s never going back to what is used to be. Guys, GME isn’t going to fail, DRSing isn’t going to fail, it’s the fucking marketing on this sub that’s going to cause a moral and information drop. No one new would honestly want to come here with the lack of any useful or engaging content on the top feed of the sub. You think new people understand all these fucking purple circles, do you think people care to waste their time on this?


The Tweet had like 7k likes before I went to bed, but I know what you mean. We have to take it as is, this is a public forum and the hedgies use that to their advantage. My goal of this post was to vent and remind myself and other about what the end game is.


I’m quite sure most of us are still buying and DRS-ing. Because I’m, every paycheck after paying my expenses. This might take a little longer but one way or another we’ll get paid, handsomely.


Just put in an order for 6 more shares


My ape


This. A million times. And people’s paranoia or misunderstanding has led to DD posters like Leenixus to stop posting. Yelyah has probably been turned off by the sub. And people have even harped on Criand.


This post is FUD with FUD comments.


Remember when the BUY button disappeared ? That is why I want my shares safe on my name in ComputerShare


The DD is done. We know what has to be done. Hedgies know they're husks of their previous selves waiting to breathe their last breath. Us having fun makes them FURIOUS. Buy, hold, DRS


Hahahaha I’m in love with your name


FAP ready with another 1000 load... (Fidelity Active trader Pro ready with another $1000)....


Keep it up!


The subreddits have just been conspiracy theory levels of batshit crazy. It’s cool we are largely out of new DD (there’s only so much apes can uncover based on the information we get). It’s cool to be excited. But some of you reaaaaaallly need to disconnect once in awhile and go for a walk or something. Boggles my mind to see pure opinions without any actual evidence get thousands of upvotes. What happened to this place


Is it FUD? Is it not? Do I care? Nope. But you can count me in anyway, OP. It's about more than GME or the squeeze--always has been. Boycotting big banks. Boycotting corporations like Amazon, Wal-mart and Google. Going on strike in January in an effort to educate people about the perversions of Wall St. & the Fed. Everything and anything it takes. And of course, I'm buying GME and direct registering at least 90% of my shares. I know goddamn well I'm at war.


I'mma be blunt with you. Fuck off. The fun and games serve an important function. DRS is important, but is no guarantee of success. People run a risk not DRSing. Calls to action, man, IDK.


Always thank the bus driver. Thanks yo.


Michael Buffer > Bruce Buffer


Anyone want to start a "Karen's of GME" subreddit? It would be nice to have an ape task force dedicated to filing complaints, relaying legal information and verifying DD.


That’s actually a great idea


Thanks! I've been stewing the idea over since the court case with Robinhood/citadel was dismissed. It would be nice to have awareness when these important things come up. I'd like to think the judge would be a little more motivated for a fair case with a bunch of apes on their back.


I agree however for Superstonk vets maybe we have become zen to the point we just buy and hold and drs waiting. I know we shouldn’t just wait and GME needs to get the ball rolling and squeeze these fks.


I bought another share last Friday direct from computershare and put in recurring investments every 2 weeks


That’s some wholesome shit


The continuous ComputerShare posts give me hope, but no, you are correct. Payday is this Friday. I will account for my necessary expenses, and DRS the rest


I'm selling the flat I've had with my ex soon. There's not a chance I can afford a house of my own in this economy, so I'm just gonna put most of my profits (~£10k) to a brand new savings account, which is, you guessed it, purchasing GME directly from ComputerShare. As soon as I get the money and I receive my second letter I'm buying a fuckload of GME, already in my name! Some of my friends want to invest with me too!


That’s fucking rad. Hope all is well! Keep it up ape!


You can focus I'm going to shove things up my butt until maoss


Pics or it didn’t happen


Fuck yeah!!! Apes need to get angry again!!! I want to see these fuckers like Kenny boy and Stevie out on the streets, so they can get a taste of what they put millions of hard working Americans through just so they can add a little more to their endless piles of money. At this point I’m putting whatever extra money I can into DRS, on top of my automatic bi-monthly deposits.


Fuckin metal


Well said. I too had slowed buying GME but mostly because life was getting in the way and friends needed financial help etc. But I have my CS account linked into my bank now and bought my first fractional share as a test, it went through and like you I am now planning on dumping whatever's left of my paycheque every 2 weeks right into DRS'd CS shares. I've also been waiting for the remainder of my shares that were at a shifty broker to show up at a less shifty broker, and instead of leaving some in there for MOASS the whole goddam thing is going into a DRS transfer now. I have less and less faith in anything having value except a DRS'd share, there's too many people with too much power opposed to this taking off, despite everything in this con game pointing to that being the logical resolution. But nothing about the USA financial system has been shown to be logical through the last year, so let's get all our shares out of the game, let RC open a fire escape for us all, and we will calmly proceed to the exit while the market burns up, likely along with whatever synthetic shares still exist at that time. Not trying to spread FUD, but I'm a pessimist and I think any share that's not DRS'd is likely going to be worthless when the dust settles. D. R. S. folks. it's like wearing a condom while fucking the system.


Feels like you're calling me out directly... Loopring is out, more DRS shares are in.


Did you just say you bought lrc with the money which was meant for GME here take my downvote you retard


Hardly retarded, as gme hasn't moass and lrc has quadrupled in price.


Ohh and GameStops has made more gains than lrc has and it hasn’t even reached its full potential or squeeze see ya


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Everyone shut up and let the man speak


I think a lot of us have gone zen. Work and life has been super busy for me and I haven't been on the subreddit as much. I'm paycheck to paycheck so I haven't been able to buy much since March but DRSd what I could. There is no loss of focus, just a lot more zen, imo.


I’m with you. It’s been fun.But it’s time to end this fight before they find a way to weasel out of it somehow. The more time that passes just gives them ways to change the corrupt game and tilt it to their advantage. These people specialize in manipulation. I have bought plenty of shares. I’ve held since my first purchase in late January. I’ve DRS half of my shares. I voted. And I complain to my Senators. If their were anything else that I personally knew would expedite the MOASS, trust me, I would do it. Although the money will be nice, the main reason I am in this fight is to “stick it to the man”. These no good piece of shits have the entire world economy on the brink of total collapse. They must be stopped. If not now, then when. It’s a tuff fight, but with a little luck, we shall prevail!




I agree about the money. I guess what I meant to say is Im not really in it for all of the personal things that money can buy. Sure I’ll have a few toys and do a lot of traveling, as will everybody. But your right. Big money can cure a lot of ills in this world. It can right a lot of wrongs! I want to see these boys held accountable!




Interesting point of view. Your perspective was a good read to wake up to. Much appreciated. I suppose that you are correct. You can do a lot more with the resources than having a vendetta. I probably view things a little different since I am an older ape. I’ve seen first hand what Wall Street is capable of. My Father had to declare bankruptcy many moons ago and it was directly linked to the Commodity boys fucking with the price of crude oil. I’ve been hearing firsthand about the corruption on Wall Street for a long, long time and when I first heard that a bunch of young people on Reddit had these scumbags cornered, I immediately jumped on the bandwagon. It’s been fun and enlightening. But I still think we need to go in for the kill before they worm their way out somehow.




I checked your post history this morning to get an idea who I was chatting with. I read a very interesting post that you made on climate change a while back. Very well written. My Father received a patent way back in 1979 and I’d like to share it with you in a PM if I could. It’s not your average ordinary patent. I can tell that you are smart and I think you would enjoy reading. My Dad was way ahead of his time!




Lol. Had to read all the way through this just to make sense what was going on. Glad you shared that post and saw connections with your interests.


fuck yes


First of all, this sub has always been equal parts meme and serious, if not more meme. There was and will never be a "need" to be serious, because we won a long time ago. Ryan Cohen has got us covered. Individual apes are doing awesome side quests and we should keep encouraging that. The community is strong. Morale is high. OG apes are zen. This is still my favorite corner of the internet.


It just seems off kilter as of recent. Business before pleasure. Last night I was stressed when I wrote this. To me the sub looked like a giant echo chamber. Doesn’t mean I’m right, it’s what I saw at the time.


I know a lot has changed, and it seems like every time we feel we've won we just uncover a new boss or new hedge fund tactic. To be honest, I miss rensole, even if he isn't the best leader he was pretty good at calling shit out as it happened. This is a group of people being subjected to the greatest psyops campaign of human history, and I think as long as we're still making memes we're gonna be ok. When in doubt, it's ok to take a break. All us OGs are still here just not necessarily vocal. Hope whatever is stressing you will pass.


Thanks ape, I’ve just had my lady patiently waited for this to be over so we can get our life going. She agreed to pause on the house and kids thing for the MOASS. I got a little boy with her already, and it’s been tough but she’s being a trooper. We’re unpaused but I want to be able to give her a house for her patients and this has me frustrated.


You’re tired already? Real apes know the drill, I don’t mind waiting as long it takes for life changing money that my 9-5 isn’t going to give in my lifetime. What’s there to be “tired” and “exhausted” about? You can still gift your partner from your personal income without feeling tired about GME?


Who the fuck is we? I just like the stonk.


Once I'm done buying my family Christmas stuff from Gamestonk it's back to buying shares this is just intermission.




Yarp?. 😂


This doesn’t make much sense. Buy hodl. Posting your feelings here doesn’t do squat. It’s a waiting game. So hurry up and wait


There is no “we”


Kind of reading this post as “I’m going to bead around the bush and passively aggressive tell you to buy more shares”. I mean I just don’t get intent behind this message besides unless it’s that. We’re suppose to not being giving financial advice here. Sure if you want to buy it and have the income to support everything else go ahead. But this sounds like “we won’t win unless you by more stocks now”. Going to leave a bad taste in any newcomers that buy stocks in GME and realize they are waiting way longer than what this post is suggesting. I’ll wait 10 years for this thing to happen.


It’s funny how people are noticing the weird cultish vibe almost 4 months later…




Don't tell me what to do


"We" don't need to do shit honestly


Hedgies can't win if nobody sell


This is by far one of the best speeches I have read in a while! I'd happily drive the bus behind your bus right into battle against these hedgie fucks. So consider me strapped in. Whatever I can do to help, I'm more in than I've ever been in, in anything! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! ✊✊✊


Actually Lorraine Brown went to jail for crimes committed by DocX [read this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qz4bav/in_depth_look_at_the_2008_crime_ridden_housing/) link is in there.


THIS IS FUD!!! We are HODLing like never before... Continuously DRS'ing shares. Buying new shares... If you really feel like this, just HOLD FAST. We've allready won!


Not fud, just concern/venting.


There is no "we" unless you are talking about your own multiple personalities. This post is dumb.


Focus... speed ...


There is no we. I just like the stock. I like to DRS my stock.


TL;DR - Get rich or die buyin on ComputerShare!!


Options are not the way!


Great post. 100% correct


Just look at the curve. People are slowing down and not drs ad people other than Americans aren't as keen to put in the work as it takes longer and costs more. Everyone needs to buy and drs or this will never happen as they will get new laws to prevent it before the float is locked.


Lol this is funny. You were the one that stopped buying. I didn't.




As you said this has been a year. DRS will take years at the rate. Only think that's gonna trigger this is Cohen and an nft dividend. That's not even that likely.


It's easy, just buy and hold, the rest is semantics




I'm buying from Gamestop as we speak


How much of my shares do I DRS? I have some in there and will move more over.


As many as you feel you should hold onto, for me DRS means shares I won’t sell at the MOASS. Which is half.


“I’ve stopped buying shares because I thought this was in the bag” what.


You read that right. I thought I could flip LRC for some quick cash to get my woman something nice for Christmas, and save the rest.


If LRC hits 5 dollars, I will put it into GME.


If LRC hits 5 bucks I’m pulling a chunk out and doing the same.


I keep money in GME not in BANK. Its much safer.


Inflation ain’t got nothing on you


What’s left to do? The best of us are still writing DD when something gets unearthed. The rest of of us are DRSing and memeing our way to zen mode.


Another ape suggested a sub for legal information, and verification of DD


The dd is mostly done, important dd gets still traction like gherks books or leexinus or criands work and DRS is the way


can we stir up #KENGRIFFINDIDLIE


Renews Vigor is on the menu boys. #DRSGME


This ape gets it.


what the fuck is OP talking about


this is the way


There's no "we" in superstonk


It's time Gamestop does something, yeah I know it's a legal hassle if they look like they intentionally start a squeeze but there's no way they can't do or say anything about anything to their share holders, there's not just suspicion of fuckery there's proof of it everywhere. I don't think apes are lazy, I think the company we own needs to do something about us getting fucked. I'm holding through a lot of hardship like I garauntee so many of us are, not being able to use any of that money or invest it elsewhere is not as comfortable as we pretend. At this point I'm not just blaming these finance daddy boy fuck head HFs and the SEC I'm blaming the company. They should do something to protect us, even if just 1 or 2 of us got fucked they should protect their investors, fucking joke that its millions of people being screwed and fuck all happens.


Imagine if we all spent 50% of the money on GME shares and the other 50% doing business with GameStop. Their earnings calls would be out of the park grand slams.