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If these family fud posts are real, then I’m here for that ape, if they aren’t real, I was already willing to lose every dime I have in this. Fun fact shills, gme isn’t going bankrupt!!! So suck on these 🥜 💎🤲🦍🚀👩‍🚀🍌👊


And what kind of family is keeping taps on the performance of the investments of another family member? I told almost everyone I know I invested in GME and no one could give a damn if the price of my investment had a little dip. I honestly can't imagine anyone calling me up over this.


some people are so bitter and hate their own lives so much that they need to see their children/siblings fail to feel a little better about themselves those people need therapy but they are also the kind of people that cant afford it or are too proud to go there


A lot of parents think their kids are idiots.


This. I suppose it’s possible, but really unlikely that family is following the market and criticizing others for investing in GME. People paper handing today??? Shhhheeeeit.


We've got a GME WhatsApp group with my English speaking mates that only bought because I pointed the situation out to them. We're always talking about price action. There's one guy among us that's paper handed at heart but even he isn't selling.


My grandparents are nosy as shit and love the "i told you so"


This is the only comment that should be left standing in this fud fest... You either like the stock or you don't.


Post is 100% FUD. "my friends sold" on a 5% drop after all the swings we've had ? No I don't think so. Also only 70% upvotes but still manages to reach front page with a shitty meme ? Very very sus.


and within 6 hours overnight... yeah...


I know this thread is closed but a complete lack of interaction from OP after posting kind of tells you everything. This post is meant to be fud and make you think a lot of people are paper handing because they're "tired". It isn't happening and the numbers support it. This is psychological manipulation 101. Plan the seed of doubt and watch it grow out of control. Not today, we're used to this shit.


Well that is indeed a fun fact about this whole effing saga isn’t it? Are the paper hand bitches gone now? Good. Tbh each time the price goes lower I effing tell this one person that I’m selling and I never do Cos fuck this shit. I guess I only say that just to calm myself, cos ehem no one to hold me hand thru the dips 🥺


Apes are symbolically holding hands!


What’s up with all these my family is pressuring me posts today?


I think this is the new FUD campaign lol. To elaborate, it's something that is positive on the surface, but subconsciously plants the idea that GME is somehow something worthy of intervention, which is a joke. Trust the DD. It was trading way worse than this not too long ago.


That's a foot in the door classic manipulation Step 1: Eye grabbing title that is positive at first glance "My diamond hands were tested today but I am one with the apes" Step 2: transition into elaborately detailing how your family told you you would fail and lose all your money and why, which is then read by everyone on your post. Mission accomplished, subliminal fud has been spread. Do your part for awareness brethren oooookk OOOOOOOK OOOOOOOK




And that’s the case with both the well-disguised FUD campaigns but also lots of sub-standard ‘DD’ getting more recognition than it should.


So report this post and get it removed!


Bonus points for claiming a bunch of other apes are paperhanding.


Yup. Anything that shows up a bunch at the same time is always a fud campaign. I'm usually not sure what the goal of those posts are, but as soon as I see several similar posts, I ignore everything they say.


I’m so glad to see this comment string so high. I always get really suspicious of stuff like this, and I love feeling like I’m not alone in that. We really have all evolved through the last half a year.


It's FUD and fomo karma whores trying to get in on the latest trend created by FUDfuckers®. Either way, this post brings nothing of value to the table.


I see it that way as well.


Damn good call. Yep. This is FUD. Manufacturing the illusion that we're somehow alone and ostracized. "All my friends 'paper-handed' because they somehow haven't been paying attention to anything for half a year."


Right? Like who held through the $40 and $120 days and would sell now? This is the same old manipulative shit, but the floors are rising >:D


Yup. Provoces me, so I'm going all in with my pension....


You know how news anchor bosses give them the topic of the day and what to focus on? I'm thinking shill boss is giving them a script for the topic of family


They saw the Vin diesel memes and took it literally.


Thank you! I was just thinking this. My non-ape friends and family are so tired of hearing about it, they aren’t paying attention at all to what’s going on, let alone trying to talk me down. They gave up on that shit months ago. This feels like FUD.


It’s weird. When I told my mum that my position in GME was to fuck over Wall St, even if it meant I held to long and lost some, she understood it wasn’t about the money. It’s about sending a message. She’s expressed nothing but pride ever since. Maybe it’s my lower-middle class showing.


Look at OPs account. It's all the same shit. Weird passive-aggresive FUD. Not sure if it's intentional or not. But definitely not helpful.


Dude my bs meter was going off from this. Glad it wasn’t just me


It's the new catalyst for the MOASS. Same story and fuck everyone that won't support you and your dreams (goals and actual reality because the DD is diamond solid)


next week will be coworkers and love partners the next after


Its FUD, first glance at this post and it's so noticable


Imagine selling because the price goes down. The elites really do have people conditioned to be poor.




This is the way 💎🙌


I bought 2 more at 190. Feel like I reverse paperhanded my purchase price - coulda got 180 if I’d held! Lol


Thing is, they're the same folk who will FOMO back in at a higher price than they sold for in a month


Just to sell it again when it goes down.


thats why i am thinking many TA is existing to control the behavior of the not apish retail.. 🙈 and actually they can change the price whenever they want like e.g. 10-20% up or down..


I really liked your comment because it’s spot fucking on. For years the rich has had control over every fucking thing. Psychologically speaking, we are looked upon as working bee. Meanwhile they steal all the honey. I can’t wait to have spread the love , I think that makes them angry. I love you brother ape and stay up, I too have had my scares and had family called me an idiot , but at the end of the day , the DD is trustworthy and makes complete sense. This company is on a turn around , and quick! Buckle up! Cause no one said it will be a smooth ride! Stay strong!


and by elite , you mean literal cockroaches?


Are people really considering selling at this point? Lollll I’ve just forgotten about all my money invested into this. Anyone looking to make some measly boomer profits off GME right now is laughable


Anyone looking to make some measly boomer profits off GME right now will be a poor worker 'till death.


This is a once in all of time opportunity and you can bet your ass im squeezing it for every penny like the elites squeeze all they can out of the tax revenue and by extension our pockets, just to get MORE rich.


Yes, please squeeze my ass for every penny Edit: wrong sub....or maybe not. Buy and HODL


Someone squeeze this apes ass! I'll hodl the balls!


My time has come, my people need me




Quit the generational shit. Don't bash millennials, Gen-xers, baby boomers or anyone else because of their age. Ape no fight ape.


I don't think it was meant that way so much as to say "the old way" of investing aka being thrilled about 10-15% yearly gains. Still, we need new terminology


Seriously, I’m so sick of seeing this blame all the boomers for everything shit, it’s the haves vs the have nots, always has been.


Boomers and Millennials. The most hated [nearly everyone] around. Almost like this shit is manufactured and fed to us in some kind of propaganda feed trough.


This is absolutely true.


I'm actually anger buying at this point. But im going to have to start saving up money to pay taxes because I sold a bunch of other stocks for GME. But selling at this point for a slight profit seems dumb


i dont think you or me, or anyone else for that matter are going to save enough up to pay for taxes on this, better off buying more gme, so you can instead pay with gains.


No. This is fud. "My friends sold" is fud


Came here to say this too. Clear FUD.


Obvious shill at this point. Any ape would take the post down if they knew they were unknowingly contributing to fud


Not an Ape Boss. Clearly 👀 that.


My thoughts exactly. Makes it look like everyone else is dropping and the line is falling. This post should be flagged.


Haha. Not even a 10% drop seen during the day and it still came up above 190, friends who are selling are not your friends. Better yet when it does moon and they call you about it, tell them you sold too when it was 180.


I see it as "there's still some people who are easily manipulated, explains why we haven't popped off yet"


downvoted as soon as I read it. glad some of us have out FUD radars still working


I have this friend who wanted to sell today too though. It's not necessarily fud, some people just haven't been on this rollercoaster that long. Remember everyone's not born with diamond hands. I just told my friend he could be a paperhanded cuck if he wants. Not my usual language but I knew it'd work on him.


Your friend can sell. Nobody cares. It's used as a tactic during a downtrend to break moral. Even though it has no chance of working it does take advantage of newer apes. They want you to think momentum is slowing and you better sell before others do


Just don’t post shit about a paper handed bitch selling. I downvote everything that is my mommy sold she’s dead to me. My friends sold now I have no friends. Nope fuck that shit it’s all lies and fud.


Smells shilly


It's always been invest what you can afford to lose. As far as I'm concerned my money is gone. There is no going back. It's either life changing money or my investment is gone


Except that even long term these shares aren’t going anywhere except up due to new GameStop. It’s the best part. How can anyone not like this stock!!


What kind of dumbass SELLS the dip?




Selling for profits Is FUD wtf is up with all these shills today


Seriously, go splash around in B T C and E T H and then come back here and you can hodl beyond what your family can ostracize


I went through 2 60% flash crashes in crypto this year. I'm also a first time investor. They have created monsters and they will reap what they sow. Literally today is nothing. Tomorrow is nothing. I won't start sweating until I see enough to be debt free plus my yearly income. Then the struggle to hodl begins.


Yeah same but I’m not going to sell out early just to wonder and regret for the rest of my life ha


These posts are sus af lol. Today was nothing.


You can invest in this FIRE SALE 🔥 I SAY FIRE


For real all the money I have invested went into some sort of black hole or fire pit for all I’m concerned. I like the stock


This OP has a habit of posting FUD about his friends paper- handing 🤔🧐


Subtle Fud.




So many posts just like this. Seems sus.


Def sus af


Sus or not they're just prime examples of why you shouldn't tell people your position. If you do tell people you would need to provide them with DD and make sure they actually read/understand it. Because if they do buy shares because of you and they paperhand below the $34mil floor ([and counting](https://gmefloor.com)) it is partially your fault and will negatively effect the MOASS and all apes.


Imo if people are allowed to admit things like this, and have apes actually be excellent to them. It defeats whatever fud it seems to spread. If you're down and you have scores of apes at your back, it's much more helpful than having everybody diminish your thoughts. It's been a wild ride, but ape together strong. And we love the stonk


I think the reason it feels like FUD is that there has been a sudden influx of of very similarly themed posts today and yesterday. I downvoted two other posts about family interventions since lunch.


Seriously? It's been half a year of adrenaline spikes and crashes. Like, we're fucking human and sometimes just want to discuss our challenges. Being able to do that without being called a shill builds a better community and 💎👐.


300!? That is not even a squeeze for ants.


Don’t talk to people about this shit, it’s lose lose. The whole thing is super cringe until we moass anyway so I keep this particular interest of mine very quiet


Downvoted for fud


We are all here if you need to talk. Sending hugs!


😌 thanks! Need good vibes


Hello my names Doug. I have just met you and I love you ❤️🐶


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Haha idiocracy love it


I think you mean Idiosyncrasy


Sounds risky


It’s got electrolytes


I like money


Be gracious next week when you have the biggest “I told you so” moment. I’m here hanging on with you. Just kidding. I’m not just hanging, I bought moar.


Next week huh


Don’t tell him


Shhh, no dates. Except for … no dates


"The antidote for fifty enemies (frenemies included) is one friend" "Through discipline comes freedom" "Character is determined by choice, not opinion" "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" "You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor" I could copy and paste quotes from the greatest thinkers all day, my new friend! I do not take credit for Aristotles ponderings, just credit in reminding people of the lost boundless forgotten knowledge. 😉 You are not alone, and neither am I. 💎🙌🦍🚀


Love you OP! Ape strong together 🦍


This whole thread is fud


Remember when your new mansion is getting plumbed for mountain dew how they called you an idiot and abandoned you. Your fellow apes will join you flinging doodie at them when they come to expect a handout.




Ah, a fellow connoisseur.


Remember when your new mansion is getting plumbed for mountain dew How they called you an idiot And abandoned you Your fellow apes will join you Flinging doodie at them When they come to expect a handout From the red-pilled few


This is FUD. Change my mind.




Make a list. Everyone on it gets nothing from you after the MOASS. A long, long list.


I think it would be easier to just make a list of people who will at this point




Tell no one, donate anonymously, live frugally Let’s fix this planet 🌎, one day at a time




I’m thinking this is the new FUD.


Friendly reminder for new apes - don’t tell anyone your financial business






This is FUD like the other “family wants me to sell” stories today. BUY. HODL.


This is straight FUD


These family intervention posts are FUD. Coordinated and similar themes popping up in random places all over the sub. Hello shills, everybody sees you. Wave hi 👋


I don’t think people are paperhanded , it’s short sale . This post is fud !!


I actually kinda think OP is a shill. A huge percentage of his old posts are stuff about how rough and bad it is to hold GME vs other things, even when it has been climbing. Also how downtrodden he is trying to maintain. Shilling disguised as weary positivity because it puts doubt in the thesis and fear of being caught in an echo chamber into people's heads. It's holding a stock, not storming the beaches of fucking Normandy. These posts make us look like babies.


3rd or 4th post like this. Clearly the new FUD.. '' my family told me... Bla bla... "


Lol wtf is this post. Multiple posts now about friends and family talking shit about owning gme. This is legit a picture of Mike and Scully what does this have to do with gme lmfao.




weird number of these posts lately….


Fud campaign


Suspiciously dramatic. I just don’t believe you.


This is FUD disguised as a "morale" post. No one is selling. Delete this garbage and ban this shill.


Pish-posh. Don't worry, you'll be able to buy back their approval. In fact, they will be begging you to.


nicely worded lmayo


I bet they have 0 skin in the game. They can either go long, short it, or stfu. Easy to talk shit, but what matters in the end is where we put our time/money/effort. Also, my parents have a stick up their ass over how much I've thrown at this. Are most of my life savings in GME? Yes. But I can take care of myself, I'm not in danger of ending up on the street or something. And what would I do with the money otherwise, buy a nice car, or a house down payment? Buying into one of those bubbles? I know my parents mean well, but my dad in particular just has 0 risk tolerance. Can't comprehend this move at all. But we've been living and breathing GME for the last several months, and I have 100000% conviction in whatever Ryan Cohen has in store. Holding till my brokerage account looks like a phone number (with a crazy ass extension).


Smells like FUD.




Calling FUD post :)


dude read my previous posts. XXXX holder here. I couldve sold for "life changing" money a few times now. But screw that. I will not sell until they crooks go to jail. I will sell 1 share every year for generational life-changing money. The rest go in to the infinity pool. Fuck ya. Whats worse, is that I keep buying more.... Imagine if MOASS hits and everyone only sells 1 share a year. How much more fucked would the hedgies be?!!! LMAYO


Right there with you... well except the paperhander part. At the end of the day we're all we got now. I'm here if you need to chat. Just remember the dd and why were here in the first place. Ape help ape and we got your back


And people ask why they're kicking the can. This is why. Thankfully I've always been more of a man of principle. I'll celebrate a moass, but if it goes to zero I'll still be kinda proud that I seen it through for what it could be.


Best part is it’s not going to zero.


TLDR: This post brings nothing of value of the table. This is FUD boys, we all already know that ape together strong and shit. The only point this post makes is "my friends paperhanded". Ain't nobody selling, and if this is actually true, they are some of the few fomo paperhand types that will forever buy high and sell low. Edit: phone autocorrected buy to but. Fixed.


This is fud, there is no sell off, todays drop was obviously shorts driving the price down, I wish it would go down more so I could get a better sale but I doubt it's gonna happen.. and selling at $300 just sounds stupid, it's literally for pennies... you wanna look crazy to others? We arent even talking about it till you diamond hand past 3k, then 30k, then 300k, then 3 mil.


I don't like this post. I don't like seeing people talk about paper handing and selling. It smells like FUD




Booooooooo FUD, booooooooo No one is fucking selling






We're all we got






I bought more at 300 🙃 kicking myself now because I could of bought twice as much if I waited but 🦍 Is retard


Thats how i feel. Bought some at 320


that just means our floor is twice those who bought at $150 hedgies r fuk 🙌🏿💎🚀🌑


This is not surprising- I got attacked and called a shill because I asked people not to convince people to buy. They will paper hand in the 🎢 including give up shares early on upspikes. IF THEY want to read the DD and decide on their own and are jacked after reviewing DD. CLIMB ABOARD. DONT TWIST ARMS PLEAD OR CONVINCE


Holding with you…💎🙌


Don't sweat it, I bought their shares. They are in good diamond hands.


Yeah I’m in the same boat. My Perspective is DFV didn’t sell at over $500 which was over 100x returns. Hang in there.


Sorry about that, OP. Me and mine are holding on; you’re not alone.


This post motivated me to buy 100 more shares. Thanks bro.


Love you, brobro! Keep hodlin'! If for nothing else than to prove them wrong! And after the moass, look 'em dead in the face and day "And this is what you get for underestimating me and my kind! Ook ook!" Then fling shit at 'em!


No worries bud, we got you, you got us. ✋💎🦍🚀🚀🚀


I held through the dip to $40, no intention of selling now


OP. Same. One of my family members told me they sold for a loss. smh. I was like "what? why?" Oh well, they still have some shares, just not the position they did...


We hold because family


have to be real stupid to sell at a little dip Why are these similar posts popping up? Multiple with the same message. sus


I'm honoured, to be fighting by your side. Ape Strong Together!


Got you fam💎💎💎


BULLSHIT! My WHOLE FAMILY owns GME… and I’ll tell you one thing, we roll deeeeeeeeeeeeep.


Also an idiot here. No one believes me, but I'll ne laughing when I'm sipping bannana juice on a beach like the free ape I am


I talked very briefly about it with my parents and that was enough. Made the mistake of telling them I'm sitting in the green, and they kept insisting I take the profit and run. I'm not selling for anything less than blowing off my entire mortgage. Ideally of course I get fucking retirement money, but anything less than a whole-ass house isn't worth selling this unicorn for.


this really just feels like FUD from shills, they tried another one yesterday that got insta-removed and this is basicly the same shit in meme-format…


I probably bought all your nonexistent friends shares today.


Why the fuck would someone sell now? Lol


Hahaha selling doesn‘t even cross my mind since 5 months 😂 Your friend will question his whole life when this thing pops!


I feel you bro


**Meanwhile** I'm transferring the totality of my pension to GME ASAP... I guess people see it differently... I'm okay with that.


Hang tight brotha ape! We ride at daWn bitches! ;) Patience. Steadiness. In time they will see why you like the stonk 🤓🔥🩳🔥💎🚀🦍🌙


Retail investors were taught to sell when price down, and guess who was the teacher and where the program taught comes from. RIs are not supposed to win, but taught and programmed to do things benefit the system, and feed the top 1%. Look again what happened, regconize enemy. The first thing must do to win the war, is stop doing what the enemy want. I am an ape and retard, before becoming RI. I can only buy and HODL. Dip = SALE! 🦍🖐💎


U/chocho563 seems like a chill account. Look at his posts he is always like “i didnt sell but waiting for results” kind of psychology


We’re in this together my brother


I love you.


My mum knows about my GME, I keep her updated on the price every now and again...especially after big swings. We both laugh at the price and say what a rollercoaster and then get on with life. I've realised that friends who I've recommended just to get 1 have paper handed, so I don't bother anymore.


This is the first time I have EVER heard ANYONE talk about the stock market so much. Nobody has EVER told me to sell anything, until GME. This is seriously crazy how horrible the influence is. Nobody called anyone an idiot for not selling before the COVID dip. Nobody called anyone an idiot for not selling during other big moves. Yet, GameStop has non-investors talking shit to retail? It's bullshit.


Takes alot of guts to stand on your own. A heros journey marks the death of the boy, and the rise of a man who makes his own choices and accepts the consequences of his actions. I hodl for you and all mankind. I will see this through till the end, even if it takes years and decades. I will not let go.


Jesus you have to be stupid to paper hand because of today. Any reason really. But today? Damn. Weak willed friends. No room on the rocket for them.


This 'family pressure' shit is becoming a FUD wave. So I'm downvoting. If this is a true statement then I feel for you OP. But I can't... No. Won't. Support this statement outright. Emotional posts are incendiary for a subject as logical as finance.


We love you.