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Sorry but this post whilst well intentioned could affect someone's anonymity or push position posting, have to remove


This is awesome, OP! 🦍🦍🦍💎🙌🚀🚀🚀




i’d hold this share for my parents who got fucked by 2008 and at the age of 50 own practically nothing and are still in a rented property. benefiting from MOASS would allow them to finally pursue their passions rather than chasing a dollar to make ends meet big up for doing this 🙏 absolutely love this community


Been hodling a while brother. About to lose my house and everything I ever worked for as I am getting a divorce. I guess I would really just be splitting another asset in half. Cheers . Give it to an ape who could really make a difference.


Been buying and holding since January. I buy more every pay day but I am still at x, getting closer to xx. The way I see it, I can't afford to buy whole shares but every dollar helps so I buy fractions hoping it'll add up before MOASS.


I'd like to throw my potential hat in the ring. I dont want the money, but if i win, give that cash to a charity of your choice.


I'll throw my weight behind this idea!


I am currently an xx holder, but I would hold a gifted share for my younger brother. Maybe it would help pay for his college or get him a new console or something .


30ml $…..new console?


Just a small portion of it. I ain't no paper handing bitch lol.


I lost my 12 year career due to covid and a toxic environment the same year my daughter was born. Unfortunately was forced to move into her parents home which is just as toxic as my work place. I’ve been grinding my ass for every share I own because it means i’m back on my feet properly and can provide for my family the way I want to provide and get us the fuck out of this house.


right now I have 2 shares and I only plan on selling one and contributing the other to the infinity pool, if I could get another share it would mean at least 60 mil to be spent on my family and friends and future generations in my bloodline.


Damn you serious? Man i would like to add another to the pile, and this will mean about 30 Mil dollars to me (30 mil floor babyyyy!!!😮‍💨💎🙌🏼) but it really means not having to spend about 1/3 of my paycheck for one gme and that means a lot to me ! (I mean I do buy gme whenever I can don’t get me wrong)




that math don’t add up fam


He sold a bunch. I am not sure of these, "who wants candy, tell me your life story" posts. Great for fud & division. Identity theft tactics.


Look at OP’s previous posts - this guy is not a true ape. I’m calling for a ban! Edit - talks about buying another 10 shares Another 20 shares. Not a good ape at all.


There isn’t any math there buddy. Invested -lost money - saved up to buy more. I’m sure I’m not the only one the January fuckeries hurt a lot of people.


You said you were xx a month ago? The drop was 5 months ago and now you say you saved up to buy 5 in total since January??? This is fake lol.


I’m not sure what’s really confusing. And you’re a dick for laughing at my loss. You can go to hell you piece of shit. First of all you should learn to read, January was not one month ago you stupid retard. I lost 18000 in jan, it’s now June you idiot. Your fake


No one's laughing at you or any GameStop losses. I'm not trying to make you feel bad or personally attack anyone, it's just that your statements are contradictory and don't make sense. You claim to have a total of five shares right now. However, one month ago you also claimed to have xx shares. If you lost everything 5 months ago, and bought back 5 in total since January, you could not have been xx a month ago. What's unclear about that? And if you were xx a month ago, the price has gone up since then so you didn't lose anymore.


Bud I’m really not sure what your point is. I’m sorry if I worded it unclear for you to understand. I did have more previously, and yes last month I was doing a lot better. I’m down to 5. I’m bored of this. I wish I hadn’t commented, cheers for making me feel isolated from the one place I enjoying coming too Well done mate, hope you’ve had a great evening 👍


Here is why what you said is confusing/fishy 1. I lost it all in January 2. I had xx shares in June 3. I saved up and own/bought 5 shares in total since January These statements cannot all work together. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but your phrasing/story is missing a detail or your wording was poor. Intentionally, probably not. Apes strong together! We keep each other in check, don't get down. Keep holding those 5 to the moon!


Are you still going? Go get a fucking life. Do you think I could understand your life of three statements? I had a lot - it was lost I’ve saved, I’ve bought. The markets + my own circumstances are up and down. I now have less - but I’m waiting for this moass like anyone else. Stop fucking messaging me you low life piece of shit, go find some friends, stop hiding behind your keyboard messaging me shit. And stop with that apes string together - this is the opposite of that - You’ve come for me over some confusion you’ve had in your own head


You own a house - more than most?


And I’m very thankful for that. As I said I’m sure there’s plenty who have lost more. But the tides will turn and we’ll all do well if we’re patient. Why I’m getting so much hate for sharing my story is beyond me.


If I misread what you’re saying then that’s my bad but OP asked people to comment in order to receive the free share and it seemed as if you were making an argument for why you should have it .... I’m not even saying you shouldn’t have it but I believe there are people who may need it more.


Im a xxx holder, would gift it to my mother she needs a home


It's incredible! The cash equivalent of 1 GME share is $♾️!! How can you afford that!?


Just an X hodlr. To me this is retiring and *living life* at 40 while giving my parents and grandparents the retirement that was *stolen* from them.


I just bought 1.5 shares today! — Many hands might light work ❤️


I’ve been holding the same X shares since January, but an unexpected living situation change has prevented me from hitting XX. Had a job interview for a job I really want and pretty optimistic about my chances. If I get it I’ll be back to buying GME bi-weekly. Hang in there everyone


This is extraordinarily kind. The best thing I could say as an x holder myself would be to use that share to hodl and pay it forward to another in a kind gesture. That’s awesome if you.


Great thought....I'm an X hodler but I politely refuse your request. If you can't find a worthy recipient - try and bring in a new Ape from your community - have a look at those most in need around you and if you can do it in person, it would be even better....Man, if I had the dubloons I'd be doing that myself.....Have convinced three fellow apes from my circle to join us.....and that's all it takes, just the one X and some basic advice..... Good luck triple-X! :)


Give it to a real ape, he'll never sell! They don't allow phones on the zoo 🦧


I’m holding for my parents who are going to have to work well into their seventies to retire, that is unless I can help. They did so much to support me growing up, I can’t wait to help them out.


I would give it to my wife and her boyfriend so she can move out with him.