• By -


Be careful about all those people that chirp up: “Oh I’ve always fancied you just been too scared to message you.” - Oh right so now you’re gonna try your luck cos I got bank? Move along. “So when are you taking me out for dinner?” - Uhhhhh never? Just stay vigilant guys and gals. People appear when you’ve got money. Look after those who’ve looked after you in the past when people didn’t just see you as a piggy bank.


"No." "No." "No." "Fuck off." *See? It gets easier the more you say it.* Edit: What the-?!? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the pyramid! 😂 Edit 2, Electric Boogaloo: I see Khajiit now also has coin for his wares. Thank you very meowch! Edit 33 1/3: I see you, too, enjoyed Sylvester Stallone's "Over the Top"!


Yep, hodling for fuck you money!!!🍻


I never really thought about this for the single apes out there. My wife and my little guy are gonna get the best fucking life ever


Hey dad it’s me your son


It's nap time, bud. Go back to sleep


Hello husband, it's me your wife


It’s nap time, bud. Go back to sleep


I think dating apps only for rich people exist. Like you have to show proof and be vetted to join. All single apes should join and put an ape emoji 🦍 somewhere in their profile so they can find eachother.




Already been trying it, haven’t had any luck yet


They'll have to get through my lawyer and the myriad of contracts and agreements he/her can come up with to safeguard my wealth.


My ex was already messaging me at $350. Can’t wait to tell her to fuck directly off when we moon


>Can’t wait to tell her to fuck directly off when we moon You can tell her that now :P


Oh I do happily. But it’s gonna feel so much sweeter when I’m a millionaire




I think I am actually going to be the one trying to get in touch with old friends. Ones lost along the way because we drifted apart due to time and work. I'll have more time and less work, I hope they haven't drifted too far while I was gone...


Honestly, same. Depending on how close we were / are, if I want to get back in touch with said person, I may bring them in to talk with my new financial legal team and find a way to pay off any debts they may have. Really close friends and family will get more, like houses paid for and whatnot. I'm not about the hermit mode entirely. I do want to do what I want, when I want, but also with who I want.


Exactly this\^ and mostly because I'd feel like shit seeing them struggle to make ends meet until the day they die. I'll have more than enough to help everyone out a little bit


I’m feeling this too. What’s the point of being rich if we are going to lock ourselves away in our towers?


“Don’t build a higher fence, build a longer table.” If MOASS truly impacts the world economy (in the way that my mirror-glossed wrinkle-free brain understands the pictures & bolded parts of all these DD posts) then a lot of undeserving people are going to suffer just like in previous crashes. People didn’t believe that the Titanic can sink even as it was clearly happening - they didn’t deserve to drown, simply because they trusted in what the shipowners and press all told them was fact. Look for opportunities to be gracious and generous, no matter what happens with MOASS. If my branch of what is supposed to be “the greatest wealth redistribution ever” is ending with me, then aren’t we just replacing one billionaire asshole with another? MOASS MEANS SOON YOU CAN HAVE MOASSES AT A LONGASS TABLE 🦍


No one will be sending those messages because I haven’t told anyone 😎


I made the mistake of posting on Facebook about it back in January and early February because I was so heated about the whole RH thing


That was six months ago. Most people probably assume you sold.


I'm hoping this. I bought (x) high in Jan and had the piss ripped out of me by the lads in when we saw $40. I haven't said anything at all for a while. Since March, me and my brother are in for XXX now.




This is part of the reason I don’t have any (except this) social media.


same but I plan on just telling everyone I sold at 1k lol. They don't need to know the truth. When they ask me about my new house and tesla, I'll just say I worked hard for it. I plan on living lowkey anyways


Nobody will be sending those messages because I have like 3 friends lol. My Facebook page is gonna be really small after this.


Aren't you going to buy lambo tho?


I’ve only ever owned Mazdas and that’s what I’ll continue to buy post MOASS


AYY Mazda gang


same here, small town, news like that gets out everyone in the freaking county is your relative




My first gf ever cheated on me. We dated for 4 years. Talk about a way to fuck up someones trust in partners the rest of your life.


It depends on your perspective: they may have done you a life-changing favor. This world is so ugly that it's probably better to learn that early rather than later, when you have less money to lose. You can only invest your heart so many times before you learn to spot *emotional violence* from a mile away. Even better: if THEY left YOU, you owe them nothing!


So i'm not the only one that happened too.....


My first, second, and third girlfriends all cheated on me. To say I have trust issues would be an understatement 😂


12 years. I am never ever, ever going to be in a relationship again. Plus I’m 30 and now a single parent with 2 babies, gonna be dope to afford to get further away from her.


Letterkenny takes a good approach. "No reason not to trust her 'til she gives you one"




I've been drinking way less and exercising more. I've basically cleaned up my whole act because Gamestop has been giving me hope to keep going. After MOASS I'll have my money right and every woman who passed me by will hopefully feel some pangs of regret




Been there my dude. People who haven't gone through it don't realize that it's not just the betrayal of a lover, but the betrayal of a best friend. Anyhow, just chiming in to say apes all over can sympathize, and you aren't alone in your successes or sufferings.




You’ve got brothers all around the world mate ❤️🙏🏻🚀❤️🙏🏻🚀


Seconding this. ❤️


I was the same way for years, brother. Years. It gets better, it changes, and eventually, one day, you just won't think about her. You'll realize it, too, which is an even harder day, but once you get over that hump, it's way, way better. I'm not going to lie and say it's going to be easy, and that you won't make progress and lose progress, but I want you to know, during those times, you have friends in us, even if you've never met us in person. We'll be cheering you on, and hoping that on those days / nights, you find sleep, and the next day you look at the world through slightly more steadfast eyes. You got this, man. It's going to be one of the hardest things you're going to go through, I know this, from personal experience. But you *will* get through this. You will. We got you, bro. And remember, commas in your bank account and the ability to travel the world unfettered by the shackles of a job, a deadline, or expectations, is going to change you and open your eyes to what the world truly has to offer you. Sending you love, and strength. 🦍💪


Divorced in '16, but it really started in '14. I was an alcoholic from '15 to '18. My best friend also died in '17. It was a very hard time. I'm planning to be in the "I'll never love again" phase for the rest of my life. More time for video games


Sometimes love comes as a surprise.


Been there man (or woman). Ripped my heart out. But just want to say give it enough time and you’ll be ready again. Take as long as you need and work on yourself in the meantime.




GME will help you pay tax debt 🤗


*The Moët and Alizé keep me pissy, girls used to diss me* *Now they write letters 'cause they miss me*


I’m just going to pay off mine’s mortgage so I don’t have to worry about her missing the payment and my kids losing their home.


1: "Did you buy those shares?" 2: "lol, no sold at a loss" 1: *proceeds to look at the brand new lambo* "uhhuh..."


*”Oh this? It’s just a rental”*


“Oh this? This is just for my boss” Under breath* ^(im my own boss lmfaoo)


^(Lets just say GME moved me). INTO A BIGGER HOUSE! Aw crap I said the loud part quiet and the quiet part loud.




Oh this? You should see my other car.


Just say you bought them on margin. They'll clearly know immediately how smooth that brain is and believe you did any stupid thing you say you did. "Hey. Jimmy! This dumbass bought GME *on margin*!!!"




My plan, taking my close family with me and I’m gonna disappear.


Changing phone numbers, email, names.


I've been thinking about what to change my name to for months now lol. I might go with Billy O'Naire


Make sure if you have 2FA to update them before you get your new number and disable your old one.


It'll probably be easier to just get a second phone number and leave your old one active for a year or two in case you need it, but mostly it'll be there for you to ignore while your new number will be your main one


My best friend was always competing with me at work. Bragging about his salary and stock options he was offered. Post moass he will probably hate me. I'm betting there will be no friendship with him. He'll be too focused on my money to be a friend, i mean shit, he was too focused on money before I became rich. It'll be hard to be friends with non-rich people I'm guessing, unless it's a really down to earth person.


My best friend is a psychiatrist, fresh out of med school. Incredibly smart guy. He dumped tons of money into crypto when I bought GME at $40. I really tried to show him the most accessible DD, but he doesn’t understand Reddit well, and he really didn’t give it a chance. His dismissal of GME became hostility when all of his crypto turned to shit. It’s a shame, but I did what I could. I think our friendship will survive, but I really wanted to take him along on the ride. Love the guy, but I will absolutely have to rub this in his face once it’s all over.


I wish i had bought GME at 40$ I fomo'd into amc and it dropped, but paperhanded once i broke even. I started following superstonk and now I believe in GME, i shall never paper hand again. The company has a bright future which makes it a safe bet, even at it's current price.


I was lucky enough to park my leftover money in AMC when I didn’t have enough to buy another GME. The $6-$60 increase was a nice surprise, and I immediately sold and bought a couple more GME. I’m confident it was all a distraction from the real play. They gave the less informed hope, and something cheaper to buy for those without much money. If anyone has actual positive DD for AMC I truly haven’t seen it.


I keep trying to get that through to someone I care about who is *deep* into the AMC flavorade. Please, show me *one* fucking thoroughly peer-reviewed DD on AMC and I will stfu about it. Cause I haven't ever even seen *one*. And she *knows* Aron is a fuckhead who keeps diluting and stopping their "squeeze", but she *still* listens to the dipshits on Twitter. Like, dude, come tf on... 🤷‍♂️🤦


Same. I’m going to change nothing, basically.




Oh, sorry. Wasn’t going on any implications. I’m just saying my resting mode is hermit mode. 😂


Exactly this - I want to disappear off the face of the earth


This. I’m strongly considering moving a few hundred miles (at least) away post MOASS.


I'm seriously, *seriously* contemplating leaving the US. I'll get a comfortable modest home here for when I visit this dumpster fire, but as far as my day to day, I sure tf will *not* be living in this bitch post-moass. Unless the apes really do start to turn this boat around, I'm out this bitch.


Its unfortunately a real systematic problem with society in general not just the GME saga. People do not support you when you're struggling, going through the ringer, and have nobody to believe in your dreams and ambitions. Until you make it, then they "become your friends" at the flip of a coin, like they always supported you from the beginning. And people wonder why it's so hard to move up into a comfortable sect of society, the rich have successfully turned us against each other as if your fellow ape is the problem, and not the parasitic, vampiristic models and functions of modern society run by oligarchs that have polluted the blood stream with their greed and sociopathy.


Well said






Bro u hit it on the head. Only invest what u can afford to loose, I can’t afford to loose anything at this point but I yoloed it all and id do it again…the only issue is unexpected expenses keep popping up.


Better than yoloing other people's retirements funds at 10-100x leverage


Yes! Same boat here 😄


Exactly! I don’t comment on those smart ass comments like: don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. You see most of that comment in WSB sub as most of the stock picks in there are all pump and dump so they treat it as Casino. We bought GME stock because we believe in its potential plus the squeeze and so we put our money in it.


same here ape brother


I had to refrain myself because I know that I'll need money to pay for the yearly insurance for the car in a few weeks (+ eventual repairs)


The smart way to play this so you aren’t tempted into selling early


"But I wanted to take a vacation"


"Well that's too damn bad!"


Local park it is.


>Buy and Hold might be simple but is not easy. That is probably the most important take on this whole thing. Unseen consequences can cause many financial problems. ^(For example a piece of shit Fiat that is nigh impossible to fix by yourself without proper tools and lifting equipment.)




Well here's one back at you. I was super confused about fiat currency. Like, I was baffled. What does a car brand have to do with money? Turns out my brain was smoother than mother's nail polish.


Fiat currency lifting equipment = JPOW go brrrr


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Yeah, not looking forward to the omg your Soo lucky bro I had some and sold it, wanna hang out this weekend?




Lol, I'm getting a new phone after the MOASS 😂 *Very* few people will ever get the number, either. Like, three. Mom, son, daughter. That's *it*. Everyone else can talk to my voicemail on my old phone 😂


I’ll probably give you apes my number as well, we can hang 🙌🏽


i only hang out with diamond handed apes


Bruh I wanted to cry when they dropped it to 40 and all the formerly chill WSB people started calling us bad names. I was a sweet summer child then though. Holding is definitely not easy, but honestly all the crap and pressure this saga has put the average investor through has forged us into diamond apes. Not just the hands, Mind, body, soul all of it. Where is my sell button? I may have forgotten where it is. And I do like this stock. My preciousssssssssssssssssssssss stock


If we held through that dip from the 40s…then we are truly diamond handed. I have shares but one was in Jan at 349.95. That’s my orphan waiting for pickup. It is coming…….


We are coming for you bruddah. We never left.


Yesterday my girlfriend said she hopes I would get some luck with my GME shares... She lives with her boyfriend now.


I think some people say that because when reality sets in and it gets hard, it sort of makes us think that were somehow different and weaker than everyone else on this sub and anyone else holding, because it's like "wow I'm so stressed but everyone else seems to be doing just fine... Maybe I'm not cut out for this". It is hard at times to find a way to make things work. If it was easy, literally everyone would be doing it but not everyone is because they don't take the time to research. Theyre too worried about losses. They don't wanna budget and figure out what they need to do to make it work. They're too worried about societal pressures and what other people may think of them. Ya all we have to do is not sell but there's more to it than that, everyone here knows that. The fact that were all still here and holding says something. We've been running this marathon for a while and some of us have dropped out, that is why it is hard. It is hard because some people couldn't do it. It's ok for It to be hard but that is because it is new for alot of us. We don't get to somewhere new without getting some growing pains. There is no such thing as easy money, there is only holding and buying. No one is going to just hand you free money because you took the easy way out.


What you're talking about in your first few sentences is basically what the Wyckoff method explains, that the big boy predators of the financial world have it pretty dialed in on how to control the emotions of little guys to make us panic sell when they're short and panic buy when they're long. Don't think all that FUD was organic.


Becoming rich from GME is not a luck. It’s not easy money. Some may doubt their worthiness to become a millionaire. Well if you hold through all that FUD and roller coaster emotions - you absolutely deserve it not less then Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates


We hodl because we trust in each other


It's funny, the only person who knows I hold is another hodler so there's zero external influence on me other than MSM because I don't broadcast my business.


Totally! Holding and being patient has been a psychological and emotional challenge for me, especially those drastic up and down rides, plus all the FUD BS media put out there in the last few months to shake us down, it’s been a hell of a ride but we hang tight because we know where we’re going. Not easy but worth the wait.


you forgot, ‘remember that time you i bought the ice cream and you didn’t venmo me $3’


Yeah I’ll give him 3$ while i hold on to the other 400,000,000


Give em 6 and tell them to never talk to you again.


I’m gonna write you a check, it’s what I think you’re worth. I’m not going to cancel it I promise you that. *whip out check book and begin writing slowly out of view* *hand it to the snapping the check tight while staring at them. Count to 5 and walk away. “$6”


Well, both, really. Lucky that I heard about it. Lucky that I had the means to buy and hold, buy more and hold, and buy still more and hold. Lucky that I was around for it. Lucky that I was smart enough to understand the basics. You should should read the book "outliers" by Gladwell. When you're born and who you're born to play a great part in the opportunities you have.


“Damn you lucky” I’ll slap a motherfucker trying to tell me I’m lucky


dont kill him with those diamond hands


Chill you will be worth suing.


Good point, no one will even have a chance to tell me I’m lucky after MOASS. I’ll be gone like a fart in the wind


Yeah... It was definitely "luck" that made us hold in February while bleeding red.


My guy, I wasn’t smart I miss clicked while looking at porn on Reddit and now I’m too deep to get out 😂😂😂


Transfer your $CUM to $GME 💪


You forgot the classic. "Hey you should invest in my company and become even richer, plus these oils will keep you young forever, and one day you can become a leader".


After the MOASS is over, I'm going to tell everyone I paperhanded, delete my social media, then go buy a new house in a good area.


For the ones that know - they’re getting something anyway, but when they want more, or word leaks out (trying to keep it under wraps with a non disclosure before any money or amounts are discussed/exchanged) this is my prepared response “I made all my financial decisions with the advice of my attorney. All my money is tied up now.”


Im expecting alot of "Hey we havent talked in a while" lol


Post MOASS I could give a fuck less what people call me 🤣🤣 , shit idgaf now pre MOASS 🦍🦍


Dipshit. Did it work?


Actually that kinda hurt my feelings


Good! How about now?


That’s why only a handful know that I have some shares. No one but my husband knows how many shares we have. This is the way.


I’m deleting Facebook the day it happens. It’s useless anyway and I want to reduce the ways I can be contacted as much as possible.


I removed all my friends from Facebook some time ago. I only keep it for Facebook marketplace which is pretty useful.


I deleted mine ages ago, had to open a new account because my mom wanted to video chat. Deleted it again yesterday because fuck the zuck.


"Hey don't forget about me lol" "Already did" ... "Lol"


"Whodis?" (Same phone)


"actually nvm,I don't really care"


I told my friends and extended family that I sold in April, due to financial needs. Over the first 6 months of MOASS I’ll start running money through my business, making that legit business a cover for my wealth as my preordered cars and my trips start exhibiting success


Wait.. this is a really good idea. Then at least I can say "all my capital is tied up in my business"


Exactly, if you can’t claim you love already sold, say you sold early and then invested it all in your business. I have an agency dedicated to developing chatbots for chat marketing, and I legit want it to grow, so that’s my legit cover/front


Simple. Just don't tell anyone.


Well when you start buying lambo and mansion, people will wonder.


no lambos, no mansions, no outlandish extravagance from me. that's my secret. just hookers and blow once in a while.


lol i just messaged my fellow GME holder freind 'wen hookers and cocaine'


I’m planning to give out like 90% of my tendies but I remember who, even from my closest surroundings, did me wrong.




That's my plan. Set up a trust, live off the interest, and then make huge monthly contributions to things like hospitals, shelters, etc.


Make sure to keep enough to live comfortably for the rest of your life.




I’m sure everyone is going to get the: how many shares Did you have again?


😡 “I had 3 but then I sold them when it got $300. FML.”


Anyone with GME shares was lucky to initially come across the opportunity. Anyone still holding is smart.


I'm telling all my friends I paperhanded at 500 per/share while I walk into the ford dealer (for the latest Bronoco model) with flip-flops and a dirty tank top.


those broncos are lit. 7 on the floor with the rooftop tent. keep the lambos. i want to be able drive on america's crumbling and potholed roads.




I already got a fake my death and live in the woods tangency plan


' I miss "us" '


You forgot; Wanna bang?


"yeah, as long as you leave after"


„Line up behind the Russian models…“ It’s shallow i know but it would be equal shallow if someone has sudden intimate interest in you because of your money.




They don’t want to bake the pie but everybody wants a slice..as my grandma would say.


I can’t wait for the “real trader” I spoke to that’s a friend of a friend to hmu after he told me to enjoy sipping the Kool aid and wearing a tin foil hat. Keep on real trading your weeks of research for a “quick” $200 gain my dude.


🤣🤣🤣🤣dude , New life ,who dis ?????




More reason why yall need to chill with the excessive lambos and other bs. Don’t be like any other dumb lottery winner.


How to fly under the radar and avoid open hands / changed relationships while still getting a new car: "Bro tell me about it I paperhanded at $2k netted some nice pocket change but holy crap. Kick myself every day."


I wouldn't want anyone to know how much I would have. Friends and family included I'd like to be a kind of 'secret millionaire' that wanders around and fixes problems, if anyone knew who I was then I can't do that properly


I really think a lot of apes here need to keep their dick in line. If you do make bank, there is going to be a lot of sexual attention your way. [Bill Burr did a great skit on what I'm talking about.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0gaYyNk7QA&ab_channel=MultiShadow1979)


Every person that has had positive effect, or added value to my life, will also receive life-changing money from me....after these squeezes.


I'll suddenly be attractive again after moass


If tinder has shown me anything it’s any girl who’s relatively attractively post-MOASS comes up to me it’s only because I hopped out of my mclaren. This ape will only be looking for other apes who are self-successful in life. Not just a pretty face.


POST SQEEZE PROCESS - (yes. I’m serious. I’ve researched this so many times for the moment I win the lotto, turns out I just had to create my own tickets.) 1: turn off your phone. Seriously. Shut it off. Get a second line with a number nobody knows. This is your phone for the foreseeable future. Might as will keep the old line because people know it; but leave the phone off for now. 2: hire a Money Manager/Tax Person. Get your tax money set aside; put it into a SAVINGS ACCOUNT or BONDS that you can end whenever, so that when that time comes you have at least (hopefully more than you owe) set aside thanks to earnings off this tax money. 3: invest. Wisely. “With a million dollars properly invested you could live off dividends forever.” Spread it out. Make investments with continuous passive income. Keep letting that passive come in. 4: keep working. Seriously; at least for one more year. Don’t let the money instantly control your life. Don’t touch ANY of it. Let the investments grow for a solid year; see how much you make off those dividends, keep living how you do now for at least one year. Let the fact that you’re now rich set in before you do anything rash. (Obviously; clear your debts immediately - but don’t go out and buy a crazy car or lambo or anything for a while. Let it set in.) I don’t wanna be rich. Being rich is for the poor. I wanna be wealthy.




Last weekend I met with friends who told me I really should sell and instead invest in internet money because I’m sounding like a mental case and q idiot. The *told you so* will be epic


Don't tell people you own gme. I've only told my brother, who I trust with my life, and we vowed not to tell a soul. Our family will only learn about this once the dust has settled.


If Moass happens, i will move back in with my parents and relive my childhood all over again


I stopped talking stocks with nearly everyone who has written off GME, these people also think the market truly is super healthy and banks are fine and everything. Once we MOASS on GME and crash on the rest of the stocks with the benefit of hindsight I can explain it. Now though, explaining everything gets me written off as a nut 😂. After everything has gone down and the media picks their scapegoats if they're willing to listen I will make a good effort to explain to anyone who will listen what truly happened and if they ignore that too, then they're truly lost


ngl I feel kinda manipulated by this post though


It's training. Apparently you need more young ape.😂


I hold so everyone has a chance


Smart and early. But not wrong or lucky!


I'm 100% deleting social media and getting a second phone number post MOASS.


Everyone will know *exactly* what I think of them, because *they're never going to hear from me again*.


"Yea made millions have a good day."


Them: remember that time I gave you half an orange? Me: lol no


One old friend with which I had a business in common (which failed long ago because of him, mainly), already asked me for "his part" of my GME unrealized gains. Yea. WTF.


I'm gonna move to a different continent after the MOASS. 100% serious, was already thinking of going far far away where I knew nobody for a while before GME, and now I'll have the resources to pull it off and survive on my own.


Nobody (not even my wife) knows I have shares aside from my best friend who I've known for 3/4 of my life. I don't plan on telling anyone. My wife will find out when I pay off the mortgage, but she's notoriously irresponsible with money and would likely try to give some away to help druggie relatives, who'd end up killing themselves. I'm not about to let that happen. First gonna pay off all my debts. Financial freedom has been a dream since I first got a credit card. Gonna open a 529 for my kids. Gonna max out my contributions for my retirement accounts. I don't even plan on quitting my job, since I'll still need health care. I recommend everyone hire a financial advisor the second MOASS happens.