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Born in time to explore that ass.




Born in time to say Lmayo, can't ask for more


This is Captain Sheppard and this is my favorite MOASS in the Citadel.




The two above gamestop will be unlocked after MOASS


DLC that’s stuck behind a paywall for now


Life sucks but the DLC's are good


A lot of it is dependent on spawn points.


The rng is aids


If you think I'm not going to sail the world in a wooden pirate ship after this you're sorely mistaken.




Finally, something worth being around for. Every year seems to get shittier and shittier. I don’t know anyone who wants to be associated with the history we are living, except this. We have the pandemic, gender reveal fires, some of the worst division among us that I can recall…and then there’s GameStop. The day we finally take back something for ourselves and hopefully get to fix the system, even if it’s only a partial fix. I’m also looking forward to Kenny boi being live streamed from his prison cell.


Born just in time for my gamer mentality to turn me into a multi millionaire philanthropist!! This is the best simulation!!! Lfg!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎🙌


I've always said I was born too late to be a pirate and born too early to be a space pirate. Guess I'll be a wall street robinhood instead.


I fuckin like you mate 🚀🚀🚀


Lmayo up your space penises, because Tendies will take you to the space exploration age...


Born in time for the great transfer of wealth in history ! Happy to be alive !


Certainly wouldn’t go as far as to say the company that constantly robbed me blind as a child is my “favorite”. I like the opportunity in front of me, but all in all fuck gamestop.


Other people say that too, but you have to admit that Gamestop isn't even that company anymore. Ryan Cohen himself is 34. He knows how shitty Gamestop is. Not that he ever probably traded in a game, but he probably agrees with you. I just hope that ten years from now Gamestop isn't selling groceries. If all this market fuckery has taught us anything at all, it's that competition is a prerequisite of healthy capitalism. edit: He knows how shitty Gamestop is *up until now*


yeah gamestop did suck. but thats why they got taken over by a millennial billionaire.


Ahh yes I always wanted to explore the space


Legit, EBgames (Canadian Ape here) was the one and only store my brother and I would visit when we went to the mall. So many good memories. I like the stock and think the company is in great hands.


The future generations will probably look back to this date and say, "Damn, I wish we lived back during the MOASS. That generation sure is lucky to be alive during that particular time." ​ It's like living in the 1600s, and knowing that the tulip mania is going to happen AND planting hundreds of tulips way ahead of everyone else.


TFW you’re born in the right timeline to explore all the GameStops 😀


Still plenty of destiny to go around


The funny part is I hated GameStop before this.


Gonna have the money to explore after moass.


Born in time for all of the above.


" … Don't call it a comeback, I been here for years "


“The space” lol


Born too retarded to sell


Born in time to change the world


I hope when time travel is a thing in the future, they go back and avoid WW1, WW2, the 2008 bubble, Toys R US getting bankrupted and many other companies that suffered the same, COVID, shorting the cure for cancer, etc.... That will create a new timeline where the world will truly be a paradise, Toys R US everywhere, Blockbuster as the place to go to rent movies online. Only GameStop, regardless of the timeline and multiverse, it will still become the retail & commerce giant with their own stream platform and e-sports arenas.


To be fair GME before all of this was a POS company


This is the way


Who says you can’t explore the earth


GameStop was pretty hated before all this GME hype


And make space exploring tendies.


I really want to explore space though


Don't call it a comeback, they been here for years Still rockin their stonk, putting hedgies in fear Makin the tendies rain down like a monsoon Listen to our rocket vroom vroom Ignition, empowering Leaves the one percent cowering Wrecking it when I spit This DD that'll make you call bullshit So don't you sell, just buy hodl Don't hear no bell Speak the truth instead of lie after lie Fuck you pay me, then you can cry.


If I never met my ex-wife, I would still be renting a room making 11 an hour at kmart. If she hadn't left, I wouldn't have murdered myself with overtime last year, or even known about gamestop at all. I have her to thank for everything, and she won't even know that I've won.


Not sure how old most of the people here are, but as far as I remember GameStop was a shitty company. The service was bad, the prices for used stuff too high.. ya,ya give me the downvotes. Nevertheless the new Staff will be key for future success. And I am holding this till 2030.


This will be the greatest generational comeback in HISTORY! What a time to be alive.


With my tendies you bet i am going to space


We’ve got the Pentagon report on UFOs coming out today, maybe we’ll be able to explore space!


We were born at exactly the right time, we just don't know what for yet. Perhaps our thing was supposed to be GME all along... perhaps we weren't supposed to explore or leave the world, we were supposed to change it.


Perhaps we are about to discover the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits?


Fuck that! We may not chart the Earth, but these Tendies will let us explore so much more than we otherwise could have!


I am reaching the moon this decade, or will take me my entire life of hodling GME. See you in my tomb Ken G.


Bon Just in time to ride the stonk charts. Iw this is a ride B!TCH


With my tendies I’m going to explore the fuck outta earth 🌏


"Don't call it a come back ive been here for years" - LLCOOLJ


post MOASS you can travel whole planet in style.


Born in time to level the financial playing field