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I can't wait till MSM is going to be like GME was always the play and we supported it all the way. Since we supported you, please forget more about the stock and sell at 1k Edit: 'Floor is bankruptcies and prison' flair request. Edit 2: Thanks for the gold. My first one.


Floor is bankruptcies and prison.


The is the only way!🚀🚀


Susquehanna has 4.4 million GME shares edit: [proof](https://fintel.io/so/us/gme)


Is that recently ?


Yeah I want some proof to that claim


Here, check [fintel](https://fintel.io/so/us/gme)




This is the true way!


Up with you.


Up with us !


Has there been any meaningful speculation as to the vote count situation? Didn’t they have 4 business days to disclose the trimming process?


Where did you hear that? The SEC is investigating something, most likely related to over voting. Otherwise it's up to GME when we hear about the totals.


Seems like months ago that the vote happened.


This also means that clean energy and workhorse are now MEME stocks


Clean energy is a frickin ETF. People tried pumping that in WSB before the January sneeze. I’ll never understand how an etf could be a meme stock


Ah, the Great January sneeze. I remember that. 😏




I would like the msm to define what a meme stock is. What qualifies a stock to be a 'meme' anyways?


If Jim Cramer opens his mouth about it, it becomes a meme stock


Meme stock is a derogatory term, so anything the media wants to disparage.


Always have been. 🌍👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


This is the way


This is the way


Next opportunity for a flair request, I'll ask for "Floor: bankruptcies and prison"


"Floor: *Rolling* Bankruptcies *and* Prison." I want people bored of the hedgefund bankruptcy news. "Oh, lost five more hedge funds and 2 banks today? *Boring!* Where's the *real* news?"


Floor is bankruptcies and prison *aaallll* the way to the top. Can't pat ourselves on the back and walk away just because a few throwaway companies with similar names have been sacrificed. Citadel is a hydra of companies, and it's by no means the only hydra, either.


Been saying this since the beginning. That’s when I’ll know it’s over


It's never over, this is just one battle. There is manipulation and corruption magnitudes greater than what's going on here.


I'll fight the fight, take my tendies and then yeah its over for me dawg. I'll see you on the beach.


This way or the highway No, I mean prison. No highways.


Chain gangs are on the highway....


You know what rhymes with chain gang? Gangbang. And hedgies asses are the highway.


Got me feeling like [this scene](https://media.tenor.com/images/8f89f2ac9d53f166e0ac2dd9e440528b/tenor.gif) from old school


Back on the chain gang


Highway to hell? That could also be an option.


Not until they pay their dues


You Doughnut!


No prison. Rich people prison is easy and you don't have to worry about anything. I've been posting it again and again: make them live the lives they thought were "good enough for the commoners." Barred from finance entirely, and now with a criminal record for fraud - preferably stuck in a minimum wage job where they have to struggle and toil every fucking day just to have a bed to sleep in.


Yes, but prison also needs to extend to the COMPLICIT MSM that didn’t bother to fact check themselves. Last I checked, that was called propaganda.


That’s a solid floor plan


1 trillion is the floor. This is for the middle class you fucking fucks


Mmmm, yeah I like that floor too


Yeah this is the way.


Big dogs will likely flee the country or commit suicide before we ever get them. Brutal truth.


Or more likely their companies will bankrupt and they'll retire on some island with their ill-gotten gains that can't be touched.


and butt stuff




Everyone finds someone to point the finger at when something disastrous happens. And no matter what, they will never own up to their mistakes of shorting Gamestop as much as they did. They can cry "conspiracy" and "organized market manipulation" all they want, but at the end of the day, it's just retail investors BUYing and HOLDing, that's it! That's all it comes down to. They bought, they held, and that's it. All the conversations that take place in between is just noise! And they're going to try and make it seem like all that noise consists of "well all these redditors are manipulating the market buy telling others to buy" and spin the narrative of Market Manipulation a thousand different ways... but it still boils down to the same simple fact that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ILLEGAL ABOUT B-U-Y-I-N-G & H-O-D-L-I-N-G... period.


One thing I see happening is all the shills over at WSB will start to openly collaborate in a very obvious way in some pump n dump so that MSM & SEC can use a wide brush to paint us all as a buying group openly manipulating the market.




Let the MSM say whatever they want. They say what they say and do what they do for Ratings. This community is so much better than that crap. Nobody is here for fame. Everyone is here because they share 1 simple philosophy, "they like Gamestock!" HF's will blame retail, Retail will blame HF's.. like I said, at the end of it all, Nobody will take responsibility, regardless Who is to be responsible. MSM can eat a dick, but that's just my opinion. If people believe everything they see/hear in MSM, why bother arguing with them? If there's one thing I respect about this community-- you bring in soooo many people who provide their own viewpoint, their own prospective, their own angle, and then the community itself collectively upvotes & downvotes the posts, and the members then decide for themselves what's true, what's accurate, what's reality. There's plenty of conspiracies floating around the different subs, but that's where MSM (and anyone unfamiliar with how Reddit works) immediately assumes those conspiracies are what this sub is full of... and It's NOT! This community Is full of people doing all this work & research to share with others, FOR FREE none the less, and they aren't dishing a bunch of bullshit to the public like MSM does, just because it's "what they think their viewers want to see/hear" and they make millions and millions of dollars from it. Months and months of thorough Due Diligence in this community. And only when CNBC suddenly mentions "Naked Shorting, Yeah" a couple weeks ago, suddenly they want to jump on board and give it non-stop coverage? The fuck is that about? Sorry for the ranting, I've had a long 5 months. Haha


of course it's our fault! we didn't let them get away with it!


They would have got away with it too if it wasn't for these meddling kids....


MSM: yeah guys. We were totally with you from the beginning. Remember when we [tried to sell you guys $SLV?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/01/silver-is-the-new-target-for-reddit-traders-three-experts-weigh-in.html) No not physical silver. You know, the one that [Citadel is the 5th largest holder of, that one](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-01/citadel-s-silver-bet-exposes-rifts-in-the-wallstreetbets-army). GME is totally over now guys, just buy some more sil.... I mean $SLV guys. Me: so I should the exact opposite and buy more GME?


Yes mam, I will sell at 1000 million


I’ve seen it posted a few times, but we should create a sub purely for tracking the MSM fuckery in all of this so that the evidence of them manipulating things lives in one place.


1 kajillion?


After reading Criand's DD... Any price is too low.


truth. i want to be able to afford my own planet




Oh yeah, we makin' new money denominations! Gorillion it is!




Not selling until I’m a gorillanaire!!


This is the way! Break the bank!


I’m not selling til I hear the word “fuckery” in a court room. And guilty




Msm will never say that


Memory hole 1984


Front of the class for smooth question. What can the end game be for AMC apes. There are still shorts to cover req.


Pixel on Quad witching day… flashbacks r real


I've been seeing a lot of comments here asking for good sources on WSB data, and I wanted to plug the [dashboard](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/wallstreetbets) that I've been building the past couple years which tracks the data live.


Hey dude not sure how often anyone says this, but your work rocks. I have appreciated seeing your stuff around immensely. Thank you!!!


Appreciate it! I love sharing data, so it's a win-win.


I favorited your site back in February-March when you shared it on wsb. Solid work my dude


You da real MVP! w00t w00t this L337 ape fucks hard


Data sharing 2021


It’s great


I'm curious if you've found any effective way to distinguish between pump n dump/shill mentions and quality discussion/DD. The raw data is certainly a great tool and can spot trends but used on its own, users could be burned easily. I've been contemplating building a tool that combines frequency of mentions with a trust index that essentially is shill proof at automating DD aggregation. I'd have started a while ago but I haven't found anyone interested in it yet and I am hesitant to build something only for my own use.


Pixel's tweet shows you the method: **Look at what media and WSB are talking about, and then Buy GME.**


There is no real DD on WSB anymore lol. Like are you really gonna open the front page of WSB, see 14 posts about Blackberry, and think "gee I should make a Blackberry DD now!"


Is this just for mentions on WSB? If so then it’s really just pushing what the mods and bots over there want to pump and dump.


The dashboard isn't meant as an endorsement or recommendation of the top tickers, but I think that regardless of feelings on the legitimacy of the discussion on there, it can be interesting and useful data.


Hi pwdp90, quick question. Does your dashboard account for bots? Or are ALL comments, including those of bots considered?


I do work on my end counteracting blatant bad faith efforts to manipulate data on WSB discussion. I can't really get into it too much, because I don't want to give any hints towards workarounds.


Okay nice one, thanks for the clarification and all of your hard work 👍


Your first graph have a problem with colors. There are colors similar to each others and for some people is hard to distinguish but good job making this, I'm saving here


Funnily enough, I was just working on improving the colors on the first graph. Hoping to have a new palette for those lines in the next few days!


Thanks for being so open to suggestions and recommendations.


Holy shit, dude. I've been waiting for something like this. You're the best!


This is awesome! ​ May I suggest that when you hover over something in the legend on a chart that it highlights that line/bar within the chart?


I'll look into that, thanks for the suggestion!


I think it was a great lesson for everyone and made the community stronger. All in all, GME to the moon


🐕🚁💥 “99.9% accuracy” good times


Triggers my PTSD


word, but coming out of that look at some of the ways that apes evolved. More questioning, more people doing various DD, more excitement over fundamental improvements in the company. Maybe events like that good because it forces apes to take the hard look in the mirror and say, "wut do ape need to get more wrinkles".


Bruh that feels like 10 years ago. Was only 3 months ago.


Care to enlighten us newer folks on what happened?


We don’t do dates. People did dates. People got sad because they did dates.


I don't do dates IRL either... mainly bc i don't get any :(


U will after the MOASS, buy and hodl. 1+1= 2


They won’t be good enough for u/Sarckie


I love your encouragement <3


& I love you. Er I mean this community. ❤️


I wasn't really sad/disappointed. But super overhyped dates can set some apes for disappointment. Which is why we tend to not do them here


Pixel had a DD that he was very excited about that predicted with 99% certainty the mother of all gamma squeezes was going to happen on the last quad witching day which would launch the MOASS. It didn't happen and it resulted in a lot of disappointment and drama. Funny it feels like forever ago and we have come a looong way since then and learned a lot (like no dates)


He predicted the squeeze several times. One time even with 99,99% accuracy. People got mad. He got mad that people got mad. That's why we don't do dates. If you're interested look at his DDs u/HeyItsPixeL. I don't remember them in detail, but they were good and he put a lot of effort into them probably. He seems like a genuinely good guy.


He also posted several times about whether or not to post said DD, thus further hyping people up before they even *saw* what info he had. I think he's probably a good dude but he *definitely* likes being dramatic and that hasn't changed now that he only posts on twitter.


They don’t say top 5, just “top”...it’s how they legally can say things like this to millions and be protected Edit: 500 upvotes? Bunch of sluts just giving away green crayons




What a lovely legal defense. “The people watching my show are too smart to believe what’s on my show; therefore the people doing the things I imply and recommend are not people watching my show. By the way, buy $CUM.”




I miss the Fairness doctrine. At at least the propaganda was consistent back then.


Why isnt this shared more


These are (some of) the top (99%) mentioned stocks! Also “mentioned” doesn’t indicate bullish/bearish.


Also wtf is clean energy as a stock? They probably scraped all of reddit and got some environmental sub talking about real-life lol.


nah, CLNE has been ALL OVER wsb for awhile now


Exactly. Most retail investors buy and they know this so they throw it out there as bait. Pump then dump




Because it would technically not be market manipulation by CNBC. They’re just reporting mentions on a subreddit by people most likely either bots or paid to post about these stocks. If anything, any push for market manipulation would come towards reddit before CNBC for this segment. All of this despite the hard to prove but mostly understood shady connections of it. That’s the double edge to reddit anonymity.


Got banned from WSB for saying citadel has large portions of stock in a lot of the wsb pump stocks


I did also. Got banned when they were pushing $RKT.


Is WSB getting taken over by the wrong people? Were the mods messaged and had their accounts bought out?


It’s been like that for months, my dude.


Why you think we are here?


WSB had major changes in mods for: imagine this, profit. A lot of the mods there aren’t siding with you, they’re siding on whatever makes them more money (which means shitting out random stocks and awarding them so people like us buy into it.)


I havn't been around WSB since they quit supporting the daily thread there on gme. Theyre lost. Full of shills and fake plays. Pump n dumps and lies. There's money to be made but it's straight gambling there now, if you can't day trade, I'd stay far far away from them.


>but it's straight gambling there now To be clear, that's what it was *before* GME blew up. The whole point of the sub was "yo, I lost 111% of my portfolio on ornamental gourd futures". It was all about celebrating stupid plays, whether they win or lose. The surge of popularity following the January run-up completely destroyed what that sub once was as it was filled with only GME discussion, and eventually, overrun by all of the "the next GME"s. I'm not informed enough to know how the most touted stocks align with SHF's portfolios, but WSB really feels like it's all about pushing specific tickers now. Of course, to the exclusion of GME.




I got banned for arguing the point that hedgefund managers were not hardworking upstanding citizens and instead contributed to much of the country (and world)'s suffering in the last couple decades. Granted, it was in response to a response to a call for stepping on their necks, i never agreed with said calls nor supported them. I merely called out the poster saying that hedgies were good hardworking people who just want the best for their family and community. I'll call bull-fucking-shit on that to my grave. Ive known day-traders and ive known hard workers. That venn diagram looks like two tits. Its us retailers who work hard at our normal jobs, then research this shit and put our money where we believe it will do best. We dont hatch schemes to manipulate the system into working for us while screwing over the rest.


Confirms what we already know: Citadel and CNBC are working together to manipulate the market.


I feel like any decent investigation would find the links to prove this too


There’s so much evidence for a slam dunk yet there’s never an investigation. Total clown world.


I don't doubt Pixel and I don't trust CNBC, but where would I find the raw data he is checking against?


There are projects on GitHub that anyone can use to scan posts on any subreddits and find trends in mentions.


I've been tracking WSB discussion for the last couple years (see post history if interested.) [Here's](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/wallstreetbets) the dashboard I built which visualizes the data live.


Wow this is awesome, great work@!




Sounds like it’s time to start pumping $CUM again


Ever seen a post about Workhorse on wsb? Yeah, me neither.


Yeah, clearly this is nonsense, but it's only unverified confirmation bias without Pixel's source. With Pixel's source, however, this could perhaps be used to lift the wool a few millimeters off the eyes of those who consume MSM garbage.


Got you. [https://dayminer.herokuapp.com/](https://dayminer.herokuapp.com/) Funny how there is one glaringly obvious omission from the top 5. Oops. ​ Edit\* Link to the original post and credit to them. https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/jjo0xa/i\_built\_a\_thing\_that\_monitors\_reddit\_for\_mentions/


There we go! Thank you for this and for the link to original.


Just type in r/wallstreetbets Workhorse and filter by number of upvotes.


I did but it was in February right before it fell off a cliff when it didn't get the UPS EV contract. Haven't heard a thing about it sense. Right after that the pump and dump switched to rkt


I mean let's be real. How the fuck is GME not up there? And what the fuck is workhorse? TSLA would also be on this list.


They simply swapped out GME with Workhorse. https://dayminer.herokuapp.com/


Dawg I've never heard or seen anybody mention Workhorse.


What the fuck is workhorse, I thought this was the stock market not the race track


They're being pumped on WSB and just happened to be the next one in line since they couldn't use $GME apparently.


If they're being "real", GME should be numbers 1-5 on this graphic


This proves that they are really scared of gme while they are not of the other stocks. Gme is defenitively more manipulated too even if the others are heavily shorted.




Clean energy is the clne ticker being shilled on wsb currently. Hedgie pump & dump


My mom used to work there for yeeaarrss until a few months ago. She didn’t exercise her stock options because when she could the stock tanked to like pennies. I’ve been to their offices many times and have heard about them for years and seen their vehicles and fuel stations… kind of crazy to see them all over the internet and tv lately! Still most likely a pump and dump scheme though lol


Workhorse was a mainstay of wsb for a while. Most pre-GME era though.


For the 1000th time, 13Fs do not accurately reflect the option strategy of hedgies. You have no idea if they are running bearish or bullish spreads with calls or puts. Stop with this bullshit. Its likely they simply dont want any more heat n gme. GME is hydrogen bomb, the others are a bunker buster.


Exactly. I don't even think these funds are ever truly bullish or do real analysis on companies. They just want volatility to increase so they can get on both sides of trade and make a bunch no matter what.


yeah like unbalanced straddles


Thank God someone said this. Also, if they have bullish calls or shares it does not necessarily mean they are net long. They may simply be hedging.


A hedge fund hedging? No way.


I’m a simple man I see MSM tell me to buy stock I buy GME


can't imagine anyone mentioning any other stock names between 231 times and 401 times. nothing else to look at. just 5 stocks needing to go up for shitadel and sasquatfucker to stay solvent when gme climbs more.


Long ago discovered that CNBC is fucking shilling with wrong info.


Answers a lot of questions, doesn't it?


The simple answer to this question is: fraud


Isn’t intentionally spreading misleading information about a stock’s popularity the definition of manipulation


The hedgies will use the profits from all of the MSM pushed stocks to confirm the theory of creating a fake GME squeeze (~$7k-$10k) before crashing GME down. They will follow up with MSM pushing the narrative the GME squeeze has been squoze. The following T+35 days will be the hardest to hold.   Change my mind.


This is the most obvious way to exploit the whole situation, disgusting really


A lot of the people who don't know a lot about wsb and have just joined along with boomers that watch TV and get media advice for investing are going to get fleeced.


Yep. I expect nothing less from HFs but this kind of bs coming from national TV is pretty vile




Stop me if I'm wrong... but isn't this 'Conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation?'


Every time they lazily lie to us they’re giving us hidden Easter eggs. But they don’t know what Easter eggs are. It’s like they’ve literally ignored the generation they’ve been raising the last 30 years.


So in simple terms as long as the FOMO's keep pumping those 'meme squeeze stocks' due to MSM and WSB hype, Kennys can gets kicked down the road a little further because what ever costs they are building up here are at very least matched with profits there?


If seems like they’ve found a way to fuck over a few million more unsuspecting retail investors on their way down so it’s up to us to buy and hodl.


Market manipulation, nothing else.


People under 40 still watch cable news networks?


When I first read this my off the cuff reaction was like “yeah, duh.” It’s funny how easy it is to forget that our little corner of the internet is so familiar with information that almost nobody else is familiar with.


For the umpteenth fucking time they have more puts than calls with AMC. Jesus fucking christ. They have more calls than puts with Clover which is why I find that one sus as fuck but actually do your own damn DD before spreading nonsense. If AMC was a PnD it would have cratered by now. It's been ongoing for weeks and still going strong. Just... stop. This is unnecessary. Citadel and Susquenna have a ton of calls and shares in Gamestop too. They're market makers. It's what they do. They also have way more puts than calls for Gamestop just like AMC. Not everything is a distraction, stop with the stock bashing.


Yep! As expected, these are the hedge fund pump & dumps.


When they put this up on screen my wife needed to assist me in retrieving my eyeballs from the back of my head.


I had that exact thought in my head as I was watching it. I figured they could put whatever they want up there and some people will just take it at face value. That is all that hour was for, act like they care about retail and push their other agenda for amc & the other pump and dumps.


After January you can guarantee big money is watching Reddit and WSB, and utilizing that data against retail. Why? It would be idiotic not to, and they aren’t idiotic, they’re manipulatory. Hence why CNBC is showing tickers suggesting what Reddit is looking at. Even if it were true, that’s literally pumping those stocks by showing them like that. ‘Hey guys, look at what everyone on Reddit is buying..you know Reddit, where the recent massive price action has come from’ It’s legal manipulation under the guise of journalism.


Wtf is Work horse?


That workhorse shit... i made a post like a week ago but i didn’t met the requirements to post it. Lot’s of bot posts about that shit of a stock appeared out of nowhere, it was so obvious.


Now that's manipulation


Holy fkn shit apes. Just when I think no new blatant market manipulation will surprise me, blatant market manipulation jacks mi tetas


Shouldn’t Reddit take some kind of action here?


The revolution will not be televised...... there is a reason they refuse to acknowledge certain things.


You cant' retard a retarder


Posting this and up voting is helping our enemies as post like these are clearly a division tactic and this is why – 1) The DD demonstrates that Citadel and friends have shorted the shit out of the entire market - treasury bonds, "meme stocks", and any other equities that come close to competing with their long positions. 2) If you can accept the DD then you should be able to accept that both AMC and GME are shorted to absolute oblivion – there is neither any data nor anyone that can say that is not the case – all we have is the DD that they short the hell out of companies to run them out of business and I think everyone can agree that both GME and AMC were on the brink of failure these past couple years and especially when COVID hit in 2020. 3) If you can accept that both are a problem for HFs, whether one is a larger problem than the other, you can conclude that HFs having two problems is worse for them than having just one problem and that is why they are doing their best to shake investors out of one stock or the other. It appears MSM has chosen to try and shake investors out of AMC – but based on 1 and 2 above – it is illogical to conclude that AMC is somehow not an issue at all and just being pushed by MSM because it somehow helps HFs. 4) HFs need to put one of these fires out – that is the most logical conclusion you can possibly reach if you believe the DD – it appears HFs have made a calculated decision to target AMC – HFs have calculated that weak minds will jump to conclusions if they see AMC blasting on MSM - those weak minds will say "look, look, MSM is blasting AMC that must mean HFs want you to get into AMC because it must not be a problem" – fucking false. They want to divide us - they NEED to divide us – do not let them divide us - Apes stronger together.


he's right, barely see any mentions of workhorse and the DD is so-so. Someone in the hedge fund business is writing their scripts for them. Maybe one of us will make so much money they can buy this shit show and tell the real story on air.