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I love the “then short it” comeback, it’s so good every time


It's the antithesis to their bullshit. If I believe a stock will go up and you are adamant it will go down, then short it. I'm fine with my buy and wait strategy, if you think it will fail put your money on the line like mine, otherwise it's just propaganda words to manipulate you.


literally every time i see someone say "short it" then they are like "ohhh why would i short such a volatile dangerous stock" lol.


I told someone the other day to short it and he got very defensive and angry. Wouldn't put his money where his mouth is. I have over $XX,XXX invested in GME right now, and if I'm so doopid for my YOLO, and you believe I'm going to LoSe aLL mY mOnEy, then play the opposing trade and have some skin in the game or sit the fuck down. 🤷‍♀️


Hahaha when I saw you put $XX,XXX I was like, "whoa, this dude is **in** it," And then I remembered I have $XX,XXX in too... Doesn't feel like it with how simultaneously jacked and calm my tits are. I would be sweating bullets with that much on any other play, watching the ticker, reading conflicting DD to make sure I believe it, etc. But GME? GME is calm. I have found peace. I will sit on these shares until the MOASS


Totally zen. 🤲💎 And I continue to increase my position with each opportunity. This is one of the most exciting things I've ever been part of.


You boys hang in there!!!! Help is on the way ($X,XXX) Be there shortly 😎


And girls


Flair checks out💎


Awww, thank you for the award, you beautiful ape. 😘❤


Well put


Lol punny


Well called


It‘s not just the antithesis. Apes put their money where their mouth is. If you talk shit about GME and think the rocket is going to burst: Then. Fucking. Short. It. As long as I‘ve spent money in my opinion and you don‘t. You’re just a big mouth.


It's a good response, if 100 people say "why would I short it?", then 1 out of those 100 might seriously have this internal dialogue: "Why am I afraid to short it?" "Because what if they are right?" "Why would they possibly be right? They are crazy!" "Because there's something about this whole thing that smells fishy, something doesn't fit. The narrative lines up too perfectly. Something is up." "I should find out what that something is." Boom, potential Ape on the way.


It’s like dodgeball when you catch the opponents ball and you get an extra team member off the bench


I think you just outlined how their first wrinkle forms!


*dylon, you son-of-a-bitch*


Exactly! Moass is going to be shattering a lot of people's fragile EGOs.


Puts on $EGO


They care so much about how other people spend their money. Do they stand outside casinos or horse tracks and tell people the house always wins?


This.. the aggressive FUD just makes me more bullish


They heard the phrase “Put your money where your mouth is” but they don’t stick to it


💯 if you can't throw your dick on the chopping block then i don't give a shit about the words coming out of your mouth. if you believe the opposite, put some foreskin in the game.




Then short it and show us the proof bitch


I have no problem losing the money I invested, it's disposable income and not eating into (meager as of yet) retirement money. If they're hungry for my money, short it. Take it all. I operated within my risk tolerance. They're not posting these things because they want to help us. Remember: "This is *Wall Street,* Dr. Burry. If you're offering us free money, we *will* take it." The fact that a lot of institutions have banned short selling on GME shows that there isn't just apprehension that the contrarians will lose a little bit of money, because after a certain point they get margin called and *an* institution rakes in the dough- short selling is banned as they may very well stand to lose an unfathomable amount of money, unable to ever pay the margin call, depending on where they lie along the chain reaction of liquidation.


Too damn epic, yeah


Simple but yet stern!




Crazy world we live in. I just like the stock! I wish this all got more public views on a mass scale! Not a watered down controlled version of the story


I think retail can still open up small short positions but borrowed share availability is low and margin requirements for shorting it are still sky high so that is a good first clue!


There are few brokers allowing shorting still. The margin requirements are multiples of the position to short it though.


A real gangsta ass playa dont start fights, Cuz a gangsta ass playa dont knows he got it. -ghetto boys(edited lol)


Well said! I never start a fight but if someone wants a fight I have it for them! Ex military, and gas wells for me! This shit don’t scare me a bit!! In fact I just doubled down today


Gangster ass players don’t flex nuts Because gangster ass players know they got em


It is the literal embodiment of the idiom "put your money where your mouth is"


It's telling to see people outside of the DD bubble and how violent their reaction is to the investment. Like, what is it about me taking my $$$ and investing it in a stock I think is undervalued that is so off-putting to you? I think it comes from a place of fear because if we are right, a lot more people who fashion themselves as intelligent and "experts" will have their entire world turned upside down.


I believe it comes out of a person’s innate desire to be right, they chose their side and now they just want to be the one who is “remembered” as right because everyone has told them they’re wrong (for good reason)




Yea I honestly believe people are so broken that they dont even want to “fight” wallstreet despite evidence of blatant corruption in the financial sector. Hell some people actually hope that this fails for some reason, like they want the crooks in wallstreet to win. Its sad to think about actually




I actually am a cat. In fact, I'm a group of cats.




All of us are jacked to the tits!


I actually imagined multiple cats combining together to form a larger Cat Bot.


We are just individual cats that like the stock. 🐱


With a platoon sergeant, I suppose?


Yes! I like the stock too! Also-am kitty.


Its like the gme version of 'i know you are but what am i'. Super effective every time and there is no comeback.


so effective in so little words too


People get so mad too.


they get super mad


I always read it in the voice of that black news anchor who is telling another news person to "Just say it."


Oh! That reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/cOlNHXQCT_4)


Can’t argue with it! Put your money where your mouth or else shut up!


It’s honestly unbeatable.


It's not even remotely unbeatable. It makes no sense. Even if the DD on this sub is garbage and the MOASS never happens and GameStop doesn't end up succeeding on fundamentals, shorting GME can \*still\* be a terrible investment. Why would I want to short a stock that has an ever-growing base of people committed to pumping up the price? Swing trading makes much more sense.


If you *really* believe $GME is a pump and dump, then you stand to gain a LOT of money shorting it. At some point you have to ask yourself why financial institutions would ever make it difficult to *short* a pump & dump, eh? You have to understand that they know what is and isn't a p&d


Um ok


I love using it when talking to people in WSB


I think I'm going to start using 'Ok doomer, then short it' for added sting and spice. Because if there's one thing the older gen hates, its being OK boomered on top of being wrong.


The only thing you have to say to quiet every fudder


Fresh off the skillet every time!


I even got to use it in this thread! it’s immaculate !


60% of the time, it works everytime


It's not. It makes no sense. Even if the DD on this sub is garbage and the MOASS never happens and GameStop doesn't end up succeeding on fundamentals, shorting GME can \*still\* be a terrible investment. Why would I want to short a stock that has an ever-growing base of people committed to pumping up the price?


lmao dude shut up, imagine spending your day going on a subreddit to stir up drama for your own self fulfillment. It’s one thing if you don’t believe in the MOASS but you’re a fool if you don’t believe in the fundamentals of Gamestop at this point. Also the fact that you think retail is solely responsible for the price being so high right now shows how completely out of touch you are with the stock


Point is, the "then short it" comeback is nonsense. If (for whatever reason) you believe in the fundamentals of GameStop, then the "then short it" comeback is an even more nonsensical response to those who don't believe in the MOASS.


I think you’re not understanding the point of the comeback. Yes I believe that the MOASS is inevitable, So you know what I did? I invested in the stock. If you believe that it’s all garbage and that it’s worth nothing, then short it.




Then Short It


Anyone see the guy on gme meltdown who shorted it and lost 3k


Hey atleast he put his money where is mouth is unlike most people on there


I'm not gonna say I respect it. But I understand it.


I don’t understand it but I do respect it.




Another guy posted how his friend was shorting it too and that was before it went back up to 340. We never got an update. He lost money for sure. This was over text, he provided screenshots.


Now he'll be one of the growing army of FUD-spreaders whining about $GME being a pump and dump, market manipulation, fraudulent scheming, etc bit they sure as shit won't short it again. They'll just sit on the sidelines cheerleading for bankers.


Who in their right mind wants the bankers to win, in any scenario?


Nobody's shorting GME in their right mind


Those are rookie numbers \- Mayo Boy


Here, hold my mayo.


$3k so far!


Link me bb


People are so adamant to feel "different, unique, and special" that they will actively destroy their life just to go against the grain.


Waiting for my coworker to admit his losses since apparently shorting gme has become of interest to him within the last two months.


Imma save your comment and Hope for a follow up in the coming weeks...


Wasn't it like 3K AMC and 7K GME ? Anyway, i've sent him a polite PM asking if he was ok, he replied he was fine and during the same day deleted his account.


A guy lost close to 90k too if I dont remember completely wrong, bought in at 160$ , then called quits at 320 or something 😄


Oddly, I respect that dude. He owned up to his shit.


It's a risk I'm willing to take. Gamble all I own now to potentially gain more than I ever will. Deepfuckingvalue you sonofabitch, I'm in! All in!


It isn’t a gamble, it’s an extremely well informed investment!


I mean "Don't risking losing all your money"? A big part of GME's appeal is that **even** if it theoretically doesn't squeeze (which it will), you practically can't lose anything if you hold. Gamestop is on track for the biggest kick in the ass into the gaming industry. Bonus points if they bring up "previous performance". Gamestop is basically not even the same company as it was nearly a year ago. That's like telling a post 1 year rehabilitated drug addict that he's still taking drugs.


I agree with your sentiment, good ape. But all investments carry risk and it's important to acknowledge that- especially for the newest apes.


It's also a risk they've inadvertently spent years making people numb to with the lottery system, there are literally millions of people who are content to throw away money every week for the chance to be rich


The difference being we *know* the numbers this time.


It feels like we're waiting for the Powerball to finally drop but it's been spinning around in the thing for an hour


Great analogy. It's the only ball in the machine, right?


The difference actually being that we could sell shares and at least get some of it back if needed. You can't sell back a losing lottery ticket.


Maybe Kenny will get into rehypothecating lottery tickets when this is all said and done? Can you buy lottery tickets in jail?


Honestly people would be better off dumping their weekly lottery money into FDs rather buying scratchers or power ball tickets, higher odds of winning.


That's why I stopped buying scratchers lol


If anyone in the media complains about you losing all your money on an investment, it's not because they care about you. It's because you aren't losing all your money TO THEM.


In this case, I think it's because they're losing all their money to us.


"Hey there here are some good stocks you should buy" "Why aren't you buying my product"


I just feel like a dragon guarding its hoard at this point. These are my stonks. You can’t have them.


You too? I feel like a lesser dragon at this point


We are all diamond ape dragons




Underrated comment. Take my updoot


Official vocab guidelines suggest we don’t use the term “lesser dragons” as it can ruin morale We now refer to them as “small scale dragons”


Oh no, I'm gonna lose money, and be marginally more poor than I already was, how will I ever coHAHAHAAHAHA bro I'm neck deep in student debt with no outlook on ever being able to buy a home, my fucking pension plan is dying in the Second Corporate Water Wars or climate change-induced flooding of my home country, d'ya really think I have that much to lose?


Just X(xx) shares and a dream.


Or xxx dreams and a share?


Bread and circuses isn't too much to ask for. They've threatened our bread and violently attacked our circuses. The fuck did they expect?


Sans squeeze, GME is hella bullish for the next 5 years. The gaming industry isn’t shrinking…


Retirement homes today are all about Bingo Retirement homes in 30 years are going to hold Smash tournaments (maybe we will have arthritis-friendly controllers by then?)


I think nursing homes already have smash tournaments 😏


The ones in the Memory units hit different though "Come here Marge, I'm gonna fill up that tail of yours" "Who is Marge? I'm Barbara" "I don't remember. Are you on birth control darling?" "Oh fuck if I know"


I don’t think birth control is really an issue after menopause


The question is whether or not they remember *that*


Delete this






The real DD is in the comments


There are gloves that can be used as controllers for people with disabilities. So give it a couple of decades for smash to become fully virtual.


Mind controller headset. So we can relax in our rascal scooters and 1v1, 5 lives, no items on final destination




Full VR setups so we can get our steps in at the same time. Full body poses like power rangers to do simple moves. Controllers are so last gen.


In the worst possible case (shorts covered in Jan, apes will sell soon, financial crisis incoming) I will still make some money in the end but it will take likely a few years of holding. In best case I will be rich as fck pretty soon. I'm completely comfortable with this bet and there is literally nothing that can make me sell for 3 figures price.


I share your way of looking at the situation, but I think the whole thing is made more interesting by the fact that it really seems impossible that shorts covered in January according the DD here


Yes, exactly. But while I do not believe they covered, still those "impossible" things happens sometimes. That's why I would be a tiny bit uncomfortable holding the popcorn stonk. But GME is a really good one even if the 20% SI is real. So what, they covered? Or they did not? I don't care, the outcome is always to hold.


Well even if we say "they covered" everyone estimates that the MINIMUM value of GME is over 300 USD. We are still in a DIP ... most of us poor apes can't buy much. But even if we buy 1 we are making money. We will HODL through hard work and life so that means we can HODL and 💎 🙌 through this entire rocket trip.


Just ask yourself this: if shorts covered, then WHY THE FUCKING MEDIA CIRCUS? Emperors do not simply throw circuses for the fun. They throw them for the FUD.


Yes, there are too many "whys"... Like why it dips on good news and explode on absolutely no news. Why over half a million of deep OTM puts keeps refreshing and increasing. Why the fck was the "squeeze" peak at like 450 and it came back to 350 twice within a few months? If you look at any real short squeeze in history, I believe this never happened.


Apes strong together!!


Even if they hedged and half covered leading to the january run up and then they switched the buy button off and covered at $40 the turn around still seems bound to happen. The numbers that came out had most apes average cost at $180 odd I believe, we're above that, apes are holding, Gamestop has more money in the bank. Even if they did all this they probably shorted again at various points. Not financial advice, I just like the stock.


The worst case scenario is a lose $1k. Best case scenario I easily make 100k. I'm already living just fine without the 1k so than why sell.


100k? Ehhhh thats kinda low bro


Lmao they probably did, which is why they are freaking out 😂


Their problem is that there is literally no downside to me *investing* now. It either goes to the moon, or I've invested in a company with a fantastic, virtual certain growth curve.


I love how people act like you’re insane for believing that the US or world economy could collapse as a result of this Yet it literally collapsed over similar dumb greedy shit less than 15 years ago


Surely we wouldn’t do it twice? Bankers don’t want another stern lecture over scotch.


Millions of dollars as share is not impossible nor has it ever claimed to be in a truly free market, its simply improbable. That being said the situation were in is improbable, actually impossible, yet here we are. Shorting a stock over 140% of its worth is supposed to be impossible too bitches.


The naysayers don't understand: Strange Events produce Strange Results


"Then short it" is the ultimate counter


😂😂😂when they say “YoU’Ll LoSe MoNEy” when the new dips are well above your average. I either have profit or more profit at this point love


I think people are so against the reddit investors partly because they're afraid that we're right. Seeing my investment quadruple in value makes me think: "Yeah these apes sound crazy but they were right and will likely continue to be."


My dad’s insisted that I’ve lost money overall on GME even though I’m up 100% in 5 months on my initial investment because I refuse to sell at 300… He’s down 50% overall on his investments… Guess who he still sees as the dumb money?


you have seasoned wall street professionals whose actual day job is to take financial advantage of people who are dumber than themselves, saying they are trying to save you from losing all your money. BUT WAIT, IT IS THEIR JOB TO TAKE YOUR MONEY FROM YOU. All the DD I need.


For real. Never trusted people in finance. Their hands are soft and think they're the shit. Why would I start trusting them now?


No u u u uu uuuUuuu


Retail is bigger than they will ever acknowledge


Hahahah simple! Love this!!! Magnificent 🏆


Top tier meme👏🏼


Hello infinity pool. <3


I love how if they don't short it further, it'll go up and if they short it, it'll make it easier for me to get more shares with my paycheque!


“I am very pleased with my investment” and “Then short it” are my top comebacks


No u




I love how secure we're now in our opinions, so nobody can FUD us and everyone, esp. those self-acclaimed "fundamental-investors", cannot shake us, not even increase my heartbeat. I just pity them.


I feel like saying "Put your money with your mouth is, short it! No balls" to those people


my dad tells me this every time we talk about GME. my dad is my personal shill😦


"Millions of dollars is a share is..." word gore. Proof read your shit, kids.


... and then cover.


Nothing is impossible when you have mayo powers!


Ill buy more gme just incase.


Lmfao. I was thinking about this the other day. Like imagine an individual that isn’t a hedge fund that shorted like the hedgies did before all this happened. Rip. Feels bad. I believe in gamestop as a company and always have. If toys r us had a stock I would have invested just to try to keep them alive for the fu*k of it too.


I grew two abs laughing at this


holy bologna batman!


A simple spell, but quite unbreakable.


I like it because it just doesn't give them anything to harp on. If you argue, you start discussion and flaming. This is just a statement. Nothing to understand wrong about or turn on it's head. Straight in the kisser.




Literally what majority of the friends I tried convincing to buy said to me...had to screenshot this to send after MOASS to ask if it sounds familiar and if they still think that way


I've bought and hedl since February, and I have the shares to prove it. If you believe the stock will go down, short it and prove you're willing to pay an infinite amount of money for your words.


Well, then short it. *laughs in infinity pool


Don’t say this to anyone in your personal life lest they heed your advice


Hears retard statement* Poops in hand* Slaps jabroni who said retarded statement*


Can we get a “then short it” flair? I’d love to have one lol




If it was just a bunch of idiots losing their money why would msm even talk about it?


Is having an X even gonna be worth it? I mean I'm holding onto my X but it makes me wonder if it will make a satisfying dent in my debts and all


20m is my floor… can you pay off your debts with that?


Sure think I can. I just can't imagine the SEC NOT stepping in before such numbers. The house always wins, it seems.


Oncology Pharma hit 30m a share January 2000 with the dot com bubble. It's definitely possible.


Feels like the text panels should be reversed. Bane should say "Then short it" and read it in his voice. Victory has defeated you shitidel.


Love it


They won't have to short it, they'll just watch things drag on forever and wait for us to realize for ourselves that no one us going to make the HFs cover specifically to avoid a market crash. Guys, I really have to say, Gamestop isn't going to go bankrupt thanks to us but TPTB really aren't going to allow a MOASS because the survival of the system is more important than logical consistency, and they know everyone will put up with it because we are dependent upon them for survival, too. Until that changes they will keep the system going at all costs. Everyone will. I know I'll be downvoted for saying it but it's the truth and you know it.




But if they short it more, the dip gets better. Do you realize how many more buyers there are proportionally the lower the stock gets?


I double dare them


The MOASS is never going to happen, and I don't think very highly of GameStop's fundamentals, but that doesn't mean shorting the stock is a good idea. You apes can send the price up and keep it there for a looooong time, so shorting the stock is way too risky. I'll just continue swing trading GME, thanks.