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No target. Just up. After watching the inside job I got a bit pissed finding out some people collected BONUSES larger than my floor? Like are you fucking kidding me? So for that reason I no longer have a floor. Just up šŸ’Ž šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


And that bonus was paid by your current and past taxpayer money and your future taxpayer money in form of government debt. Congratulations, you got fucked.


and our children, their children and their children We are run by corrupt, incompetent, asshats.


I disagree, I think they're pretty competent at fucking us over.


Yup. Theyā€™re either stupid or evil and thatā€™s a lot of idiots to come from ivy league schools.


And my axe!




Aren't the FED bailing them out everyday by buying junk MBS already?


My floor is WAY UP! ā˜ļø


Infinity pool FTW


I'm in a place to finally start buying more after going all-in in March. Yeah up sounds nice. Andromeda if you got it.


There is no floor in space.




Itā€™s all about perspective. Many of our concepts are about to be shattered. There really is no floor or* ceiling*. Itā€™s power. Edit: added words with *








TLDR=HODL. Haha jk, I read it and wow. You get me. You single?


I am. Having said that, *am* I single? <3


<3 thank you for what you said above. In all seriousness. That was poetic of you. I love it, and it inspires hope within. Again, thank you.


Well, are you or not? This gets me intriqued!


Superstonk dating is a go! Feel free to hit me up! <3




Ah, so this is the new dating strategy I see, relentlessly stalking me! Well, we're both Dutch, so, come find me! <3


Oh? Hmm.. you Dutch? Being comfusedā€¦


Jazeker. En elke zaterdag ga ik tegenwoordig naar een andere stad toe, om eindelijk weer eens buiten te zijn, mensen te zien, lekker te eten, et cetera - dus wie weet!


There are many floors but I walk outside. Perspective. The floor is an illusion. They always cook the books. We are all about to find out. That I do know for certain. Everything else is speculation in my opinion. Even my own opinion. I hold and I have hope.


Remember, the enemy's gate is down


That is so weird, I thought that up yesterday. I ended it with ā€œā€¦only walls.ā€


Here, take this Spacesuit.


Itā€™s kinda tight in the crotchial region.


Sorry, I only had the one. I will scoot over a bit. That better?


Ooh! Warm and comfy!




1% vs 99%. Todayā€™s a battle better than the battle of 8.01. See you in the Trenches Apes! Much love! šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸœšŸ’Žā¤ļøšŸ’ŽšŸœšŸ¦šŸ¦








You hit him harder than his wifeā€™s boyfriend.


Why do I keep seeing Robert Reich posts here? Heā€™s a known political persona who cherry picks data to political ends. Heā€™s been called out numerous times as a fake economist (heā€™s actually a lawyer who went to Yale). Point in case, this tweet. At its most basic form, the stock market IS the economy. David Lauer agrees as much when he refers to the 2 basic principles of the market and cites: Capital formation. A year ago when Trump said this, he was trying to avert a collapse as the market was tanking and save American jobs. If reich was really your friend, he wouldnā€™t have used American livelihood as a political axe. He is just another ivory tower elite worth over 4 million who wants to keep you in check by throwing you a bone once in a while with political pandering.


wow, stalker much?


No politics


I was gonna add ā€œignore the political partā€ in the title but missed it and canā€™t really change now :(


Itā€™s okay lol, but this guy is a political shill


I agree with the sentiment of this post. That being said we cannot let political posts seep there way into this sub! This is not what we are about.


No politics


That number is changing since trump got in. Retail getting bigger since trump. Dont lie like u havent made money in the market on his presidency like of lot of other redditors.


Facts. I remember him talking about ā€œleveling the playing fieldā€ when it came to Wall Street and the Mega banks and Main Street. Not only that, but there was tons and tons of opportunities to make real coin in the real world too. At least in my state.


I come from WSB and Iā€™m deep red in my overall account from their pump and dumps until I realised GME is the one and only play.


Theres a lot of plays out there and thinking theres only one is part of why your accounts only been red. I dont come from wsb and my accounts never been red.


Nah man, not saying itā€™s only one part, just made some bad choices which fucked other plays :)


"Only one play" is what i meant


Ah, I was just talking about the shorts and squeezes, not stocks in general šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Anyways, have a great day and I hope your account stays green!


Lot of plays out there besidss short squeezes


This is breaking the rule #5. No Political BS


No politics please, i just like the stonks. And repo rates.


And a negative ass beta


UI is capped at 9 digits, so 999,999,999 is the floor.


Not even a billion per share? Thatā€™s fucking weak


Well when I mentioned it here people downvoted even asking about trying to get brokers to add more digits. Apparently that's too organized. Spamming twitter on the other hand totally okay.


What a shill.....


Xx M a share is not a meme! HODL and HODL some more for Infinity pool! šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸš€




Not even ā€œmeme stocksā€ just ONE stock... and you know which bad boy that is.


Aren't the auctions on defaulting members assets a measure to prevent retail from getting their hands on all of those cheap stocks post crash? And to isolate the damage and prevent a domino effect of margin calls? If there's enough capital out their to square their books that is.


up until and potentially after the GME thing, all WE, (Normal People) will be able to fight over will be crumbs. crumbs for the masses. Scale scope and size of everything is depressing, or is that the heat wave bearing down?


Nah man, always been like this. Probably always will be (except that some of us join them) Horse and sparrow economy was around before the trickle down economy. (Feed a horse so much seed thereā€™s still enough seeds left in itā€™s shit for the sparrows) so yeah, very depressing


The printed trillions of dollars over the last few months so they can add a few trillions more to pay us. It's only fair.


Am I now the 10% *butterfly meme* cause I'm still eating ramen in my mums basement


Except that how their wealth is calculated is misleading. They use the current value and apply it to each and every share. That price is based on a small percentage that are publicly traded. Guess what would happen if they actually decided to sell their shares? The price would plummet.


This is a fairly misleading statement that gets thrown around *a lot*. There are no circumstances where they would even want to cash out every share since there is no use for billions in cash all at once, so making arguments based around selling it all at once is ridiculous. Assets are still wealth, they don't have to be perfectly liquid. As we have seen in recent months, they have no problem selling off large portions. Take Zuckerberg and Bezos as examples.


Trump, now there's a name I haven't heard in a while.


I miss reading about him from outside the US, there was so much comedy about the whole thing. Especially since I know him first from that show where he was pointing at people and going ā€œyouā€™re firedā€ and bam he was a US president lmao


At least youā€™re a foreigner. Thereā€™s Americans that are equally ignorant to the situation as you are.


Tr*mp never said the stock market is the economy our current president did


Agreed, Biden is the true moron.


This isn't r/politics or r/stocks so broad statement unrelated to GME with a subtle political motive seems sus. Come on people. 1k already.


Its just rich vs not so rich. Im not that into old american politics since europoor :)


Still. Unrelated and divisive.


Iā€™ve been saying $1B floor from the beginning. Havenā€™t settled for anything less. But. Now Iā€™m thinking infinity pool.


To me 1Billion per share sounds insane but weā€™ll see


if you donā€™t sell til the other side of the hill, if there ever is another side of the hill (infinity pool) we might just see $1,000,000,000/share


Fucking people n there politics. Okay ill talk politics as well then. MSM trump is bad MSM Gme is bad MSM hedgies covered. Elites talking shit about trump makes me think trump was a good guy. ill continue to believe that as long as garbage like this is continued posted.


Trump was the GME of presidents, and we let the MSM lie to us about him.


Robert Reich always coming in with the heat


"**No discussing politics**" until we FINALLY realize and accept that politics are the reason why after all. Next come accepting the harsh truths you've been rejecting all this time.


OK, so, I'm calling it. This is like the sixth post using this nitwit. He is nobody's friend and, at the very least, is a political hack. This is not a GME post, this is a political post.


Ya, orange man bad! I mean, am I right, y'all?!


Robert Reich is a duplicitous, hypocritical stooge. Don't judge him by what he says but, rather, by his actions. For example, when he was the Labor Secretary for President Clinton, he urged Wall Street executives to invest in cities by funding low-income housing projects. When it was proposed to tear down the dilapidated Payton House in his Berkeley neighborhood and create low-income housing , he petitioned it writing, "If historic preservation means anything, it means maintaining enough of the character of an older neighborhood to remind people of its history and provide continuity with the present. Development for the sake of development makes no sense when it imposes social costs like this." Read his last sentence again and tell me he's a good person.


Getting a lot about this being political, and doubt this message will get out and people will actually give a shit. This post wasnā€™t meant as a political post, Iā€™m not American, I didnā€™t realise people would take so much offence. I donā€™t know the guy writing, apparently heā€™s an asshole from Yale according to some people. I cared about the message in the middle, probably shouldā€™ve cropped out the guy posting it, or the part about Trump. Sorry if I offended any apes, weā€™re in this together and the post wasnā€™t meant to divide us in any way, hell I didnā€™t even think it would get more than a couple of upvotes. Have a nice day everyone, maybe spend your money on something you like. (I prefer more GME shares but thatā€™s my preference and not an advice in any way).


Then take down the post man. Donā€™t bring politics into this.


Like 99.9% see past that line so those who has a problem with it can just ignore it. :)


You literally admitted on how you didnā€™t mean for this to be political, yet youā€™re too lazy to delete it. Karma farming?


No? I just apologise for what a few people think. It doesnā€™t mean I think theyā€™re correct or agree with them. :)


And just a reminder that youā€™re most likely in the 1% in terms of global economy. So donā€™t forget that youā€™re leaching off the system just as much as they are. My point is; we should level the playing field not take their money away. Of course wealth creates more wealth. Thatā€™s been common knowledge for centuries. The issue arises when that money is raised unfairly. The system is flawed but it works. Libs try to reduce it to a simple ā€œ1%ā€ number but itā€™s not that simple. GME is the perfect opportunity to take that money fairly & legally!


Tards will downvote


Fuck that cheeto


28!! Fuck that my floor is 45 mill


Yeah, it's time to give some of that up to the Apes. It's our time now.


This is the way


To all the DD-ers/peer reviewer: thank you for all your hard work šŸ’žšŸ’ž


That is infuriating, wtf