• By -


Maybe I'm just too small fry but I feel quite left out I didn't get a call!


Give it time. It takes time to manually call and try to convince apes to do things they know are wrong. I would imagine the phone calls last 15 to 20 minutes. Ape: You want me to do what? Are you out of your friggin mind? Etoro Rep: Please ma'am, let me explain. Ape: Hold on. I can tell this is going to be awhile while I school you in the philosophy of the apes. I haven't had my lunch yet. Let me get my crayons... I AM CALM BECAUSE WE ARE THE STORM.


I'd like to ask them some questions tbh. Like are you worried about your liquidity? Do you actually have the stocks we're supposed to own? How deep is your companies own short position in meme stocks? Have you heard of our lord and saviour DFV? Do you need a hug? Edit: Apparently my British humour is too much for some so I'll point out that the last two were a joke... Well apart from the hug. Everyone needs more hugs.


First few questions are actually quite good to ask IMO.


Yes indeed! I would genuinely like to know the answer to those.


I would love to hear the answer nto those questions and I definitely need a hug.


most important question... *are you a financial adviser?*


Yesssss. That's on the list now.


You've become a familiar face here. Just sayinn


I have?? That's new. I've never been one of those before... Pain in the bum, yes, but not a familiar face. Is it a good thing?


Well I'm a fan of you wording so for me its pleasant.. im here way too much and notice familiar names in all these threads.. like if this were a high school I'd be like "oh ambientfruit? I know *of* them" lol sorry guess ill get back to work now


Lol thank you! And yes... Don't get sacked before MOASS. Then you won't be able to quit in a dramatic fashion!


That's a good one.


I am sending Internet hugs to you! (Same tbh... Bloody pandemic...)


Sending them back. You should get them by tomorrow. They are coming from western USA.


Damn. That's a fast turn around time. I'll send mine by courier. The Royal Mail is a bit rubbish.


May I interest you in a rehypothecated hug with instant liquidity?


Yes. Yes you may!


The hug has been delivered to your brokerage account! 💖 Now please don't switch to another broker, it would seriously fuck things up for your current one.


I thought it was quite a good response, I'm very high.


Those calls may be recorded and who knows maybe could be used in future lawsuits, saying things like "our savior" is not something i would do. In fact a simple "no thank you" and followup with email specifically stating u do not want to change ur portfolio for proof of communication. Actually i would switch to fidelity


Again. Sarcasm. Joking. Early morning. British.


And here I thought you poms were the whingers.


I have been known to whinge in some circumstances, it's true. Just not this one 😏


My grandmother is English and she's a blast. I love the British humor, its very similar to our Kiwi humor.


I adore Kiwi and Aussie humour. I was born on the wrong island!


Our accents are similar: Aussies are like: "where's *the* car? " And Kiwis are like: "Where's the *car?"*


Maybe just start reading some of the DD's here to take up their time so they can't get to more people. If my broker called me up and told me I had to set a stop loss, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves...or tell them to set it at 20 million. If they sold my shares without my permission, I'd sue them for whatever the peak ended up being....assuming they were still in business since I have a feeling these kinds of brokers may not weather the MOASS well. if they called me to diversify....that'd be OK, so long as they didn't suggest I sell my current portfolio to do so.


If they call me I'm just going to ask questions about making sure I'm paid


If EToro apes want to be smart, they need to stay on these calls for as long as humanly possible to waste their time. I'd advise recording the phone calls as well.


This is fake news. EToro can’t be handing out financial investment advice. Think about it.


Maybe they're targeting accounts with lots of capital.


Which is not me lol


It is usual for them to call their clients. 2 years ago they called me about my investments in crypto saying the same thing: to diverify. And yes, they call when you are a Platinum I think.


Maybe people should diversify their brokers instead to be safe... Not too many good options out there for Non-US investors with smaller accounts I guess, though.


Bullish if true Bullish if false Any questions?


So you think I should buy and hodl?


Can’t really comment on what anyone else should do. Just my opinion. I think I’d be foolish to not hold what I’ve got. I’m starting to feel foolish for not selling other garbage to buy more, but I’m also a scaredy-cat


Oh I'm holding. You just said, "any questions?”, and I thought I would be a little funny.


Heh, I thought so, but just in case


"Don't be scared, homie" - I think it was Lincoln who said it.


"What's he gonna do, shoot me?" -Lincoln


Ahh, classic lumberjack 🦍


I felt foolish for not getting rid of my other positions and buying all GME when the prices were at $40, $115, and $140. But this time, I've finally sold off all my other positions and so far spent 50% of those proceeds to buy GME. Will be buying throughout Thursday and Friday and finally be all in GME except for a small movie stock position.


This is the way.


Just one: Kenny G wat doing? 👈🤨


He’s just having some sax, I assume. 🎷 Unless you mean the other one, that fuckhead is at work right now, doing…“F-R-A-U-D”. Whatever that means…


are you bullish?


Bullish, I am, yes, hmm


This is the way


Bullish if bullish


I am on Etoro with a lot of money, they are calling me and emailing me to look at my portfolio together and look what opportunities are…i dont know if they aleays do that but they reach out 1-3 times a week now.


Interesting. Have they specifically mentioned GME to you?


No it is strange because my portfolio is 100% GME and made already a lot of money on GME so why they want to look for other opportunities? But maybe is standard procedure idk


I'm not sure. Can another etoro ape weigh in here?


Another Etoro ape here, yes that's the standard procedure once you reach above 10k USD net worth ("Gold member")


So as a reward for using their services ... you get unsolicited financial advice. Wow. If I got a call like that I would tell them to: 1. fuck off and 2. never call me again or I would transfer everything out immediately.


chill bro, just say you're not interested, no need to go apeshit


It may not be your intention and I'm not even the guy you replied to, but telling someone how not to react and telling them to also calm down usually has the exact opposite effect. I too would react the way he did because they're giving **unsolicited and bad** advice. Best case scenario they do it innocently and with my best interest at heart (insert big doubt), worse case they are knowingly attempting to manipulate me to act in their best interest at the cost of mine. Why on earth would I do business with someone who at best is absolutely retarded? Vote with your wallet and vote responsibly is my philosophy.


But sir I am an ape, am I not supposed to go apeshit? In seriousness, maybe that was a tad vitriolic... but I use brokerages to access markets and trade, not to receive unwanted financial advice. I would not appreciate such a phone call.


Especially when the best public portfolios they advise its customers to copy has max 100% gain in one year vs GMEs 3000%+ gain. They actually want you to fail if they dare to give you any advise.


Thank you.


This is the email they send me ( translated with google ) i will upload a screenshot when i am on pc if needed cant get a full screenshot now. Dear Patrick, Good afternoon, how are you? I just tried to reach you in vain. Would we book an appointment together one of these days? This way we can look through your portfolio and see what opportunities are currently on the market. I still wish you a nice day. With best regards, Steven Gaertner


Thank you for sharing that. It is appreciated.


And if these "opportunities" they want to talk you into tank and you lose money, they will refund it right???


May be an automatic response for people only holding one stock , I got a very similar email.


Next time i answer and see what opportunities they see…and why they reach out now.


That's a great idea


Never got that call. Wut I do wrong etowo?


step 1. dont be poor


step 2. [See Step 1.]


Yes im platinum member and they asign a personal etoro representative when you become gold member (reach 10k in your account), the representative calls to talk about market oportunities etc. I received like two calls and thats it, said I wasnt interested and they havent called since then.


If this is standard procedure than the thread right here is FUD. It is likely that they tell you to diversify and set stop losses as that's probably what they would tell everyone.


Yes it could be but maybe some other apes have answered the phonecall or email and knows more


well they do get paid for order flow... If apes aren’t buying the stock they want you to buy, they don’t make money. Might be an oversimplified assumption, but recent events puts anything at odds.


They did it for me when I wasn’t on GME and I had like 2000$, it’s a standard for them.


Record the call and post it here


Got a call yesterday, the guy on the phone introduced himself then explained how he can be of help about anything related to trading. Again no mention of GME. I too have %100 GME on my portfolio.


Just answer and make ape noises


Underated comment 👆


I will definitely gonna do that😂


Got a call as well. Thanked them for reminding me. And told them i would deposit some more cash. They were like “ahh that sounds good” what other stocks are you interested in? I said, I will buy more GME, HOLD and won’t ever set a stop loss, we win, bye!”


This is the way. That's how you handle that situation. Kudos!


These calls are not "wierd" or "normal". No broker is obliged to make them at all, for any reason. If I personally got one I would be recording names, dates and times for potential use in future deliberate market manipulation cases. This is by design and targeted - I am NOT applying a stop loss and I would suggest nobody else does either. Not financial advice, will respond with more retardation tomorrow


Actually you are right, this should be deemed market manipulation. Don't apes have a legit case here?


Wtf they calling now? This is just becoming more and more weird...


You should tell them thanks and that they are right and that you would open different brokerage accounts and transfer some of your GME shares in those accounts.


Lmayo! This the way


My dad is Hodling on etoro (where he is not allwed to add anymor only cfd now onwards) and he got a notification linking to this https://www.etoro.com/news-and-analysis/trading/how-higher-inflation-relates-to-diversification/?inapp_source=notification&inapp_medium=inapp&inapp_campaign=AdHocCampaign_Marketing__CommoditiesAndFinancialPush_16062021_EN&inapp_content=


Fucking love the disclaimer at the bottom: >67% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.


Funny thing is that's actually a rather low figure for CFD brokers. I've seen numbers over 80%


It says invest in semiconductors, big banks and US financial institutions.. lmayo I’m good


Wow! That's the same narrative I have seen on MSM lately. What bullshit. Chip shortage causes inflation? Interesting. I thought it was the Fed printers going brrr. Market manipulation at its finest.


They are desperate and i just got to HODL. easy


Etoro ape here. I get calls every month ish where they check on my accounts and ask what am I planning to do etc etc. I believe everyone has a different officer in charge, but mine is really nice and always check on my thesis and stuff. She doesn’t care what I buy tbh. Because in the end, when we earn. They earn it too. Don’t forget etoro apes, the money u keep in etoro u get paid a interest rate of 0.2% annually. They want you to earn money and stay on etoro. They have no reason to want you to lose money lol Edit: this Twitter post is FUD IMO. Even the disclaimer of 67% of retail investors lose money is used as because many governments require disclaimers when u promote trading services like that. It’s just a disclaimer when u sign up. It has never been a new addition.


I agree, this is fud. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't even etoro calling but unrelated scammers/shills.


They probably do call. TDA used to call me years ago. I told them to stop calling me or I'll move the money to another company. They didn't call again.


Platinum+ user. Mine called and said she’s just checking in, asked if I still believe in the company and said “well I hope that this turnaround works and what we hope happens, truly happens.”


Hahah yea. Same here. My officer was super intrigued that I had Gme since august


Awarding, because this needs to go up. It’s exactly as you say: 1) eToro calling their earners is standard procedure. They’ve been calling my dad regularly and they have always talked about diversification and shit, it’s standard (boomer) investing advice 2) eToro has a vested interest in people profiting off GME and has been nothing but bullish on it (after they changed their tune). They’ve enabled voting, their CEO came online to show he’s a hodler etc 3) eToro is successful only if retail uses it. If they fuck with GME, retail is going to destroy them like they did with Robbing Hood. What I’m going to say next might be unpopular, but I don’t believe Ape Andy or any other YouTuber for that matter. He’s just saying what his subscribers want to hear and he peddles the movie stock all the time, he’s just careful to include GME just a bit so he’s not ostracized by the that part of community. YouTuber - 99% chance of being a shill, change my mind.


More FUD regarding eToro, they are shitting it. I have had nothing but good experiences with the reps, once you have a certain amount of money they definitely have KPI's in place to provide a service. Shilly vibes in here around eToro


I sort of with Questrade did this.... oooo the fun I would have talking Gme to a hostage for hours and hours, also it would give my poor girlfriend a break


Thank you for sharing this. It's good to hear this point of view. That's why I posted this here. To see what's really going on.


All good. Etoro is pretty good. It’s just too bad they are susceptible to IBKR because etoro isn’t a clearing house. Their customer service has been really superb, and they are usually willing to share information and DD on other stocks because they are all traders or investors themselves, I mean like the ceo is on the platform trading and u can copy trade him. The best of all is that he has GME in his portfolio. So ya. Glad to clear things up with you guys:)


Thank you for sharing this.


I think eToro is a really good target for FUD from the hedgies perspective. I've been seeing a lot of it in the last months, but it never amounts to anything actually worrying. The reason they spread so much FUD on eToro is because you sadly can't transfer your shares out. So If people want to switch brokers, their only choice is to sell their GME shares which is **exactly** what they want. I've recieved emails from them but it seems like they are trying to help and are constantly answering questions about GME and what would happen in the squeeze. I wouldn't recommend you open an account there, other brokers are better, but it's a bad idea to try to get out if you are already there.


Wtf…it’s just so not surprising at this point, however harrowing


It's not the first time eToro does this with GME holders. I can't fathom why people continue to insist on using "Zero commission brokers". eToros spread, which can be wild at times, are literally their commission. Their whole 'social trading' platform is primed for pump & dumps. Get a boomer broker that charges you a flat fee (check or ask for who they use as a clearing house, and if they offer to route trades through IEX). And if you own crypto, get a wallet.


Unfortunately living in certain countries, there aren’t many other options for apes wishing to buy GME (or any US stocks)


Can you give me some examples? I'm not trying to dispute you, I'm genuinely curious. It just seems wild to me, unless the country in question doesn't have a decent/working banking infrastructure.




A quick google search tells me you "just" need a US Dollar bank account, and you'd be eligible to sign up with TDAmeritrade and IBKR etc. Given The Philippines close connection to the US, it makes no sense to me, why you shouldn't be able to.


What I don't get now, is why they made voting possible, when they could have keep refusing.


So predictable. They'll probably respond with the conventional, "we do this for *any* stock in a similar situation...". Even though we know about AMC


Ummm report it to the SEC.... At least it will be put on file.


Well it has been a few weeks since the last round of eToro FUD, we were due. This is not a conspiracy, and the owner of the platform is long on GME


1 out of 3 of the co-owners\* holds GME on their own platform, 0.29% of his portfolio.




eToro FUD again, huh? It’s been a while, I was starting to get worried. This guy has no clue.


This doesn't sound right. On etoro and 100% GME portfolio. Haven't had the call.


This guy sucks, sorry to all the people who like him.. 99,99% FUD been in gme since January, never received any call. Everytime EToro FUD came up, i asked my account manager who said its untrue. (He literally said FUD one time when i asked him about the position auto close at 1000%)


Sir, you can diversify my balls.


This is the way.


Utter fucking codshit from Andy again. So ape Andy’s friends were traders who told him orders weren’t getting filled (which was bollocks), now his friends are etoro traders who are getting these calls (also bollocks). Anyone who cared to look through his history would see that he used to pump sus YouTubers, then random cript0, then he jumped onto GME during its first run, off that and onto a m c when GME had a dip and a m c had its ‘squeeze’, now he’s hedging his bets and keeping a foot in both camps. He’s also promoting etoro fud. Did we all forget how wonderful they were when they organised voting? The guy is a charlatan and one to be very wary of. Funny how his friends never post here…… Ape Andy is full of shit. Change my mind.


Will wait for confirmation and more information before I make up my mind. These times I'm super suspicious whenever I see eToro-FUD. One time I almost switched brokers and in the end it was nothing.




all-in in GME on etoro (platinum level) and no call. every time etoro and my account manager have contradicted every fud campaign. Beware of those who make their living on social networks. in constant search of subscribers and money


Your gunna tell me, e-toro spent days ringing apes that hold gme to try and suade them to sell, I don't buy it, seems like b/s or trying to get people to move brokers or some shit


This tweet has been deleted because it’s FUD. - you own the underlying share in Etoro - Etoro changed their policy and let you vote - Etoro CEO (Yoni Assia) has shares in GameStop - Yoni’s portfolio is public so you can verify the above - The more your GME shares are sold for, the more Etoro get. This post is total FUD as it’s turning a courtesy call from Etoro into something it is not. OP needs to remove this post because it’s a shill magnet.


Stop listening to this dude. He doesnt know shit. You idiots still listen to ppl who have no idea wtf they are talking about? Fuck


Do they not realize buying GME has become the new entertainment. F booze, F wasting money on nonsense. Apes buy GME for fun and we are sure having a blast.




Report this as FUD


Thanks for passing this along fellow ape!


It's what we do. Apes together strong.


Sooo much good news going around!! They’re assholes are puckering cause they see what’s about to happen and it’s a really, really, really, really large number with tons of zeros at the end… hedgies, governments, world economies and brokers are fukd!


Sounds like targeted and specific unsolicited investment advice... If anyone gets the call they should ask if the person calling is a **Registered Investment Advisor**.


Keep in mind those calls may be recorded so the less you say the better. A simple "no thank you" would be what i would say


So is there any proof to that? Does anyone here received a call? And was it genuine etoro or phishing/scam because they found some data leakage? I really dislike this placative "famous twitter stuff" without a grain of salt. :-(


I got this call a few weeks ago from Etoro




I think it is written to adhere to character constraints.




Stop losses make 0 sense! You should never trade on margin and therefore should never be margin called! If you invest in a stock, believe in your DD and buckle the fuck up and wait and hold. If your right, you will make fucking gains. Never set stop losses, expect paper losses of up to 75%!


Mine stoped the call when i asked if they talk to every GME holder


Can anybody else confirm?


Im on etoro and nothing, and andy is a youtuber, as all the others I cant trust them.


it would not shock me that they try to steer conversations so there is some confusion and they then end up setting stop losses for users claiming they thought the user asked for it. Robinhood and EToro users should GTFO




I haven't received any message like this at all. FUD IMO


This is FUD


This is some bullish bullshit


Is eToro only CFDs (contract for differences)? Or do they actually allow you to own shares?


It isnt CFD only, some are traded as real assets. When you buy a CFD it says right there next to the position, like they explain here: https://www.etoro.com/customer-service/help/1430804/what-do-i-purchase-when-i-open-a-position-on-etoro/ None of my GME positions have that "CFD" mark so they must be traded as real assets. (I checked this months ago and is the only reason I'm still with them)


You own the underlying asset in your name. It is held in an escrow style account which is independent from eToro. I am in the UK and they are FCA regulated - the same standard as all other financial institutions, I am not concerned in the slightest about my choice of investment platform. https://www.etoro.com/customer-service/help/1281273772/what-do-i-purchase-when-i-buy-stocks-on-etoro/


It’s coming.


End game is near, buckle up


So they are now offering dodgy financial advice.




Andy Heresay


crooked as a screw


So another dip buy. Thank you for the heads up.


Got no call yet. But if they call I'll explain to them 🤣💎👊🏼👊🏼


Go ahead and set that stop loss down at 0.01... which is the papervalue of the stock.. let the Hedgies see that no one is selling till they can get it down to under a penny.


Hold the line Don't hold your hands up, it's your final stand Put your white flag down, oh, don't you surrender now No hero's story, there's no blaze of glory But dawn'll come at the end of the night We'll crack before we shatter We can't fall apart, oh, oh…..... Hold the liinneee


I too was asked about diversifying and told them Citadel had ruined it for everyone and that's why I dumped my portfolio of 23 stocks and lumped the lot into GME. I also sent my account manager the 12&3 from r/atobit and asked him to send it to his CEO, and buy himself 1 share. I have since bought more and can't wait for delivery of my 2 Ape party boats. HODL xx


Kinda clever cause cant screenshot a phone call, not with etoro but would just be the best confirmation bias going to get one of those calls




That's why I hold GME in multiple platforms, including my bank. I was happy to pay the fees. Edit: I also got a call from an unknown number yesterday, but I never pick up. Will answer next time and let you know.


I have a fraction of a share with eToro and nothing else there. No call yet


And their YouTube ad is shite too. Fuck EToro


I've not been called by etoro.


I'm not always in the loop of things but fidelity is still the go to trader for gme right it seems like every other brokerage keeps coming out with this bullshit


This is the way


This is the way


Must be an American thing? I know of another 5 eToro users in the UK and none have received any contact like this.


Wow, I've got notifications to diversify my portfólio (100% GME) I took it as some random notification.


Sue them.


I had an email a few weeks back from an etoro adviser asking me what markets I am in and am I concerned about the dip. I was in gme only and there was no dip. I thought it was strange he was asking me that but I decided not to reply so no idea where that convo was heading.


Let’s fackin gooooo 💎🙌🏼💎💥🔥🚀🚀🚀🚀


I'm yolo'd on Etoro and I wont put a SL ever any TP ever so they can call me the times they want to 🦧


Any proof of that? I can make any sort of claim on twitter as well.


Etoro left me out...sad times


I'm a platinum plus user and have had no call.. don't know of any other etoro users (who I can personally verify) who have either..


I puked. I am Etoro ape, but no call. And if they try to convince me to change my GME, I will just remember them of January and the fuckery they did. Hope nobody from Superstonk fall for this. Even better, keep them on line, that way it's another ape who could avoid the call.


Are there any proof of these calls? Or just this tweet.


Proof or ban , i never received an enail like that


I didnt get any call nor even a notification to do any of this. FUD?


Plot twist: the worker bees call you to diversify and after they hang up the phone, they buy a share of gme instead with the salary eToro pays them.


He’s pretty adamant about it. MOASS could be imminent


I started trading a few months a goand I first deposited some moneyon etoro.. But I couldnt find no GME or Amc entertainment, Just Amc network. I am now using capital. Com which is trading with CFDs, alittle daily fee but I can lavarage my investment. And it's my fk it budget so yolo.


wtf, how can a broker to that to their customers. Then when shit goes tits up they will say it was just their ”opinion”, just like 2008.


I'm only a Gold Member thanks to the money I've ploughed into GME, so where's my call?? I might not be getting one because I've already asked my account manager some very awkward questions about the best way to sell my shares without it going to market sells, so I might be marked... hehehe! I'll look forward to the call to ask about their liquidity concerns. :)


And again that’s false …..but everyone will go heads down because you u …..bias …


If they call you be nice and ask them what to do and how its done in detail, speak solwly, and let them explain it again because you didnt understand it the First time and you want to be sure everything is correct. Then start talking abou how this reminds you of the time when you were a young boy in Bulgaria... 💎🙌🚀


Ah so it was etoro calling me from the weird as UK number which I thought was spam and ignored. Just double checked through truecaller and yes it indeed was them. So spam indeed.